+ Activated x264 support.
+ Re-enabled libmodplug support.
+ Build PIC plugins even on x86.
+ Disabled DVB and SLP because their code is broken.
* debian/control:
+ Force the vlc-plugin-arts and qvlc dependencies.
+ Build-depend on jam and nasm because of x264.
* debian/copyright:
+ Converted to UTF-8.
+ Build-depend on libdvbpsi3-dev, so that we can get rid of the previous
versions of this library.
+ Recommend the videolan-doc package.
+ Build-conflict on libavcodec-dev, just in case it enters Sid at an
unappropriate moment.
* debian/README.Debian:
+ Removed mention of the libmpeg2 tree, which we no longer provide.
+ Activated Theora support (Closes: #259061).
+ Re-enabled the KDE plugin (Closes: #258295).
* debian/control:
+ Set policy to
+ Build-depend on libid3tag0-dev for ID3 tag support.
+ Made vlc depend on wxvlc for the moment.
+ Activated freetype support.
* debian/control:
+ Added a build-dependency on freetype6-dev.
+ Added a build-dependency on libdvbpsi2-dev.
+ We now recommend gnome-vlc | wxvlc.
+ We now suggest fortune-mod.