interface should be done pretty soon (i'll try to finish it tomorrow)
vlm.html : vlm web interface. What works: sending broadcast and vod creation
js/vlm.js : add code to handle sending vlm commands.
requests/vlm_cmd.xml : used to send a vlm command and get the resulting
error message
requests/vlm.xml : export the full vlm media/schedules "tree". I still need
to parse that in js/vlm.js in order to display it in
dialogs/vlm .
dialogs/* : dialogs' code which is used as building blocks for the
main pages. (in order to avoid code duplication)
mosaic.html, js/mosaic.js, dialogs/mosaic : start of a mosaic help
page. nothing works and it's almost empty but i didn't feel like
sorting through the commited files.