* luaplaylist.c: Look for Lua scripts in the user's CONFIG_DIR"/luaplaylist" directory too. (+ fix probable compilation errors on WIN32, APPLE and BEOS)

This commit is contained in:
Antoine Cellerier 2007-05-18 22:20:19 +00:00
parent 79f9e3f4c7
commit 0b139d492d
2 changed files with 128 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -244,48 +244,23 @@ int E_(Import_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_this;
lua_State *p_state;
int i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
char **ppsz_filelist = NULL;
char **ppsz_fileend = NULL;
char **ppsz_file;
DIR *dir;
char *psz_filename = NULL;
int i_files;
char *psz_dir;
# if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(SYS_BEOS) || defined(WIN32)
char *psz_vlcpath = p_intf->p_libvlc_global->psz_vlcpath;
psz_dir = malloc( strlen( psz_vlcpath ) + strlen( "/share/luaplaylist" ) + 1 );
if( !psz_src ) return VLC_ENOMEM;
# if defined( WIN32 )
sprintf( psz_src, "%s/luaplaylist", psz_vlcpath );
# else
sprintf( psz_src, "%s/share/luaplaylist", psz_vlcpath );
# endif
# else
struct stat stat_info;
if( ( utf8_stat( "share/luaplaylist", &stat_info ) == -1 )
|| !S_ISDIR( stat_info.st_mode ) )
psz_dir = strdup( DATA_PATH "/luaplaylist" );
# endif
psz_dir = strdup( "share/luaplaylist" );
# endif
char *psz_filename = NULL;
DIR *dir = NULL;
char **ppsz_filelist = NULL;
char **ppsz_fileend = NULL;
char **ppsz_file;
char *ppsz_dir_list[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
char **ppsz_dir;
p_demux->p_sys = (demux_sys_t*)malloc( sizeof( demux_sys_t ) );
if( !p_demux->p_sys )
free( psz_dir );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename = NULL;
p_demux->pf_control = Control;
@ -296,7 +271,6 @@ int E_(Import_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
if( !p_state )
msg_Err( p_demux, "Could not create new Lua State" );
free( psz_dir );
free( p_demux->p_sys );
@ -315,82 +289,137 @@ int E_(Import_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
dir = utf8_opendir( psz_dir );
if( !dir ) goto error;
i_files = utf8_loaddir( dir, &ppsz_filelist, file_select, file_compare );
if( i_files < 1 ) goto error;
ppsz_fileend = ppsz_filelist + i_files;
ppsz_dir_list[0] = malloc( strlen( p_demux->p_libvlc->psz_homedir )
+ strlen( "/"CONFIG_DIR"/luaplaylist" ) + 1 );
sprintf( ppsz_dir_list[0], "%s/"CONFIG_DIR"/luaplaylist",
p_demux->p_libvlc->psz_homedir );
for( ppsz_file = ppsz_filelist; ppsz_file < ppsz_fileend; ppsz_file++ )
# if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(SYS_BEOS) || defined(WIN32)
free( psz_filename ); psz_filename = NULL;
asprintf( &psz_filename, "%s/%s", psz_dir, *ppsz_file );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Trying Lua playlist script %s", psz_filename );
p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename = psz_filename;
/* Ugly hack to delete previous versions of the probe() and parse()
* functions. */
lua_pushnil( p_state );
lua_pushnil( p_state );
lua_setglobal( p_state, "probe" );
lua_setglobal( p_state, "parse" );
/* Load and run the script(s) */
if( luaL_dofile( p_state, psz_filename ) )
char *psz_vlcpath = p_demux->p_libvlc_global->psz_vlcpath;
ppsz_dir_list[1] = malloc( strlen( psz_vlcpath ) + strlen( "/share/luaplaylist" ) + 1 );
if( !ppsz_dir_list[1] ) return VLC_ENOMEM;
# if defined( WIN32 )
sprintf( ppsz_dir_list[1], "%s/luaplaylist", psz_vlcpath );
# else
sprintf( ppsz_dir_list[1], "%s/share/luaplaylist", psz_vlcpath );
# endif
# else
struct stat stat_info;
if( ( utf8_stat( "share/luaplaylist", &stat_info ) == -1 )
|| !S_ISDIR( stat_info.st_mode ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Error loading script %s: %s", psz_filename,
lua_tostring( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
ppsz_dir_list[1] = strdup( DATA_PATH "/luaplaylist" );
lua_getglobal( p_state, "probe" );
if( !lua_isfunction( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) )
# endif
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Error while runing script %s, "
"function probe() not found", psz_filename );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
if( lua_pcall( p_state, 0, 1, 0 ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Error while runing script %s, "
"function probe(): %s", psz_filename,
lua_tostring( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
if( lua_gettop( p_state ) )
if( lua_toboolean( p_state, 1 ) )
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Lua playlist script %s's "
"probe() function was successful", psz_filename );
i_ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) break;
ppsz_dir_list[1] = strdup( "share/luaplaylist" );
# endif
for( ppsz_dir = ppsz_dir_list; *ppsz_dir; ppsz_dir++ )
int i_files;
if( ppsz_filelist )
for( ppsz_file = ppsz_filelist; ppsz_file < ppsz_fileend;
ppsz_file++ )
free( *ppsz_file );
free( ppsz_filelist );
ppsz_filelist = NULL;
if( dir ) closedir( dir );
free( psz_dir );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
E_(Close_LuaPlaylist)( p_this );
return i_ret;
if( dir )
closedir( dir );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Trying Lua scripts in %s", *ppsz_dir );
dir = utf8_opendir( *ppsz_dir );
if( !dir ) continue;
i_files = utf8_loaddir( dir, &ppsz_filelist, file_select, file_compare );
if( i_files < 1 ) continue;
ppsz_fileend = ppsz_filelist + i_files;
for( ppsz_file = ppsz_filelist; ppsz_file < ppsz_fileend; ppsz_file++ )
free( psz_filename ); psz_filename = NULL;
asprintf( &psz_filename, "%s/%s", *ppsz_dir, *ppsz_file );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Trying Lua playlist script %s", psz_filename );
p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename = psz_filename;
/* Ugly hack to delete previous versions of the probe() and parse()
* functions. */
lua_pushnil( p_state );
lua_pushnil( p_state );
lua_setglobal( p_state, "probe" );
lua_setglobal( p_state, "parse" );
/* Load and run the script(s) */
if( luaL_dofile( p_state, psz_filename ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Error loading script %s: %s", psz_filename,
lua_tostring( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
lua_getglobal( p_state, "probe" );
if( !lua_isfunction( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Error while runing script %s, "
"function probe() not found", psz_filename );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
if( lua_pcall( p_state, 0, 1, 0 ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Error while runing script %s, "
"function probe(): %s", psz_filename,
lua_tostring( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
if( lua_gettop( p_state ) )
if( lua_toboolean( p_state, 1 ) )
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Lua playlist script %s's "
"probe() function was successful", psz_filename );
i_ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
lua_pop( p_state, 1 );
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) break;
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) break;
if( ppsz_filelist )
for( ppsz_file = ppsz_filelist; ppsz_file < ppsz_fileend;
ppsz_file++ )
free( *ppsz_file );
free( ppsz_filelist );
for( ppsz_dir = ppsz_dir_list; *ppsz_dir; ppsz_dir++ )
free( *ppsz_dir );
if( dir ) closedir( dir );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
E_(Close_LuaPlaylist)( p_this );
return i_ret;

View File

@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ VLC defines a global vlc object with the following members:
* vlc.msg_err( <string> ): print an error message.
* vlc.msg_info( <string> ): print an info message.
Lua scripts are tried in alphabetical order in the luaplaylist/ directory.
Lua scripts are tried in alphabetical order in the user's VLC config
director luaplaylist/ subdirectory, then in the global VLC luaplaylist/
Lua documentation is available on http://www.lua.org .
VLC uses Lua 5.1