Frantisek Sumsal fa8ff98ea4 test: cover a couple of error scenarios
To make sure we behave correctly even in error paths.
2024-01-15 18:04:31 +01:00

179 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
set -eux
# pipefail is disabled intentionally, as `curl | grep -q` is very SIGPIPE happy
if [[ ! -x /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd ]]; then
echo "Built without systemd-journal-gatewayd support, skipping the test"
exit 0
TEST_MESSAGE="-= This is a test message $RANDOM =-"
TEST_TAG="$(systemd-id128 new)"
BEFORE_TIMESTAMP="$(date +%s)"
echo "$TEST_MESSAGE" | systemd-cat -t "$TEST_TAG"
sleep 1
journalctl --sync
TEST_CURSOR="$(journalctl -q -t "$TEST_TAG" -n 0 --show-cursor | awk '{ print $3; }')"
BOOT_CURSOR="$(journalctl -q -b -n 0 --show-cursor | awk '{ print $3; }')"
AFTER_TIMESTAMP="$(date +%s)"
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd --version
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd --help
# Default configuration (HTTP, socket activated)
systemctl start systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket
# /browse
# We should get redirected to /browse by default
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531 | grep -qF "<title>Journal</title>"
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/browse | grep -qF "<title>Journal</title>"
(! curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/foo/bar/baz)
(! curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/foo/../../../bar/../baz)
# /entries
# Accept: text/plain should be the default
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/entries | \
grep -qE " $TEST_TAG\[[0-9]+\]: $TEST_MESSAGE"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: text/plain" http://localhost:19531/entries | \
grep -qE " $TEST_TAG\[[0-9]+\]: $TEST_MESSAGE"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:19531/entries | \
jq -se ".[] | select(.MESSAGE == \"$TEST_MESSAGE\")"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:19531/entries?boot | \
jq -se ".[] | select(.MESSAGE == \"$TEST_MESSAGE\")"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
jq -se "length == 1 and select(.[].MESSAGE == \"$TEST_MESSAGE\")"
# Show 10 entries starting from $BOOT_CURSOR, skip the first 5
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Range: entries=$BOOT_CURSOR:5:10" http://localhost:19531/entries | \
jq -se "length == 10"
# Check if the specified cursor refers to an existing entry and return just that entry
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Range: entries=$TEST_CURSOR" http://localhost:19531/entries?discrete | \
jq -se "length == 1 and select(.[].MESSAGE == \"$TEST_MESSAGE\")"
# Check entry is present (resp. absent) when filtering by timestamp
curl -Lfs --header "Range: realtime=$BEFORE_TIMESTAMP:" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
grep -qE " $TEST_TAG\[[0-9]+\]: $TEST_MESSAGE"
curl -Lfs --header "Range: realtime=:$AFTER_TIMESTAMP" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
grep -qE " $TEST_TAG\[[0-9]+\]: $TEST_MESSAGE"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Range: realtime=:$BEFORE_TIMESTAMP" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
jq -se "length == 0"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Range: realtime=$AFTER_TIMESTAMP:" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
jq -se "length == 0"
# Check positive and negative skip when filtering by timestamp
echo "-= This is a second test message =-" | systemd-cat -t "$TEST_TAG"
journalctl --sync
TEST2_CURSOR="$(journalctl -q -t "$TEST_TAG" -n 0 --show-cursor | awk '{ print $3; }')"
echo "-= This is a third test message =-" | systemd-cat -t "$TEST_TAG"
journalctl --sync
sleep 1
END_TIMESTAMP="$(date +%s)"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Range: realtime=$BEFORE_TIMESTAMP::1:1" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
jq -se "length == 1 and select(.[].__CURSOR == \"$TEST2_CURSOR\")"
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Range: realtime=$END_TIMESTAMP::-1:1" http://localhost:19531/entries?SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="$TEST_TAG" | \
jq -se "length == 1 and select(.[].__CURSOR == \"$TEST2_CURSOR\")"
# No idea how to properly parse this (jq won't cut it), so let's at least do some sanity checks that every
# line is either empty or begins with data:
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: text/event-stream" http://localhost:19531/entries | \
awk '!/^(data: \{.+\}|)$/ { exit 1; }'
# Same thing as journalctl --output=export
mkdir /tmp/remote-journal
curl -Lfs --header "Accept: application/vnd.fdo.journal" http://localhost:19531/entries | \
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-remote --output=/tmp/remote-journal/system.journal --split-mode=none -
journalctl --directory=/tmp/remote-journal -t "$TEST_TAG" --grep "$TEST_MESSAGE"
rm -rf /tmp/remote-journal/*
# Let's do the same thing again, but let systemd-journal-remote spawn curl itself
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-remote --url=http://localhost:19531/entries \
--output=/tmp/remote-journal/system.journal \
journalctl --directory=/tmp/remote-journal -t "$TEST_TAG" --grep "$TEST_MESSAGE"
rm -rf /tmp/remote-journal
# /machine
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/machine | jq
# /fields
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/fields/MESSAGE | grep -qE -- "$TEST_MESSAGE"
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/fields/_TRANSPORT
(! curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/fields)
(! curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/fields/foo-bar-baz)
systemctl stop systemd-journal-gatewayd.{socket,service}
if ! command -v openssl >/dev/null; then
echo "openssl command not available, skipping the HTTPS tests"
exit 0
# Generate a self-signed certificate for systemd-journal-gatewayd
# Note: older OpenSSL requires a config file with some extra options, unfortunately
cat >/tmp/openssl.conf <<EOF
[ req ]
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = CZ
L = Brno
O = Foo
OU = Bar
CN = localhost
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 7 \
-config /tmp/openssl.conf \
-keyout /tmp/key.pem -out /tmp/cert.pem
# Start HTTPS version of gatewayd via the systemd-socket-activate tool to give it some coverage as well
systemd-socket-activate --listen=19531 -- \
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd \
--cert=/tmp/cert.pem \
--key=/tmp/key.pem \
--file="/var/log/journal/*/*.journal" &
sleep 1
# Do a limited set of tests, since the underlying code should be the same past the HTTPS transport
curl -Lfsk https://localhost:19531 | grep -qF "<title>Journal</title>"
curl -Lfsk https://localhost:19531/entries | \
grep -qE " $TEST_TAG\[[0-9]+\]: $TEST_MESSAGE"
curl -Lfsk --header "Accept: application/json" https://localhost:19531/entries | \
jq -se ".[] | select(.MESSAGE == \"$TEST_MESSAGE\")"
curl -Lfsk https://localhost:19531/machine | jq
curl -Lfsk https://localhost:19531/fields/_TRANSPORT
# Test a couple of error scenarios
GATEWAYD_FILE="$(mktemp /tmp/test-gatewayd-XXX.journal)"
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-remote --output="$GATEWAYD_FILE" --getter="journalctl -n5 -o export"
systemd-run --unit="test-gatewayd.service" --socket-property="ListenStream=19531" \
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journal-gatewayd --file="$GATEWAYD_FILE"
# Call an unsupported endpoint together with some garbage data - gatewayd should not send garbage in return
# See:
for _ in {0..4}; do
curl --fail-with-body -d "plese process this🐱 $RANDOM" -L http://localhost:19531/upload | tee "$OUT"
(! grep '[^[:print:]]' "$OUT")
curl --fail-with-body --upload-file "$GATEWAYD_FILE" -L http://localhost:19531/upload | tee "$OUT"
(! grep '[^[:print:]]' "$OUT")
rm -rf "$OUT"
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/browse | grep -qF "<title>Journal</title>"
# Nuke the file behind the /browse endpoint
mv /usr/share/systemd/gatewayd/browse.html /usr/share/systemd/gatewayd/browse.html.bak
(! curl --fail-with-body -L http://localhost:19531/browse)
mv /usr/share/systemd/gatewayd/browse.html.bak /usr/share/systemd/gatewayd/browse.html
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/browse | grep -qF "<title>Journal</title>"
# Nuke the journal file
(! curl --fail-with-body -L http://localhost:19531/fields/_PID)
curl -Lfs http://localhost:19531/fields/_PID
systemctl stop test-gatewayd.{socket,service}