Eric Blake 6b5abc7df7 qapi: Drop support for inline nested types
A future patch will be using a 'name':{dictionary} entry in the
QAPI schema to specify a default value for an optional argument
(see previous commit messages for more details why); but existing
use of inline nested structs conflicts with that goal. Now that
all commands have been changed to avoid inline nested structs,
nuke support for them, and turn it into a hard error. Update the
testsuite to reflect tighter parsing rules.

Signed-off-by: Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
2015-05-05 18:39:02 +02:00

912 lines
32 KiB

# QAPI helper library
# Copyright IBM, Corp. 2011
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors:
# Anthony Liguori <aliguori@us.ibm.com>
# Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import re
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
import os
import sys
builtin_types = {
'int': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'number': 'QTYPE_QFLOAT',
'bool': 'QTYPE_QBOOL',
'int8': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'int16': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'int32': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'int64': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint8': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint16': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint32': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'uint64': 'QTYPE_QINT',
'size': 'QTYPE_QINT',
# Whitelist of commands allowed to return a non-dictionary
returns_whitelist = [
# From QMP:
# From QGA:
# From qapi-schema-test:
enum_types = []
struct_types = []
union_types = []
events = []
all_names = {}
def error_path(parent):
res = ""
while parent:
res = ("In file included from %s:%d:\n" % (parent['file'],
parent['line'])) + res
parent = parent['parent']
return res
class QAPISchemaError(Exception):
def __init__(self, schema, msg):
self.input_file = schema.input_file
self.msg = msg
self.col = 1
self.line = schema.line
for ch in schema.src[schema.line_pos:schema.pos]:
if ch == '\t':
self.col = (self.col + 7) % 8 + 1
self.col += 1
self.info = schema.parent_info
def __str__(self):
return error_path(self.info) + \
"%s:%d:%d: %s" % (self.input_file, self.line, self.col, self.msg)
class QAPIExprError(Exception):
def __init__(self, expr_info, msg):
self.info = expr_info
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return error_path(self.info['parent']) + \
"%s:%d: %s" % (self.info['file'], self.info['line'], self.msg)
class QAPISchema:
def __init__(self, fp, input_relname=None, include_hist=[],
previously_included=[], parent_info=None):
""" include_hist is a stack used to detect inclusion cycles
previously_included is a global state used to avoid multiple
inclusions of the same file"""
input_fname = os.path.abspath(fp.name)
if input_relname is None:
input_relname = fp.name
self.input_dir = os.path.dirname(input_fname)
self.input_file = input_relname
self.include_hist = include_hist + [(input_relname, input_fname)]
self.parent_info = parent_info
self.src = fp.read()
if self.src == '' or self.src[-1] != '\n':
self.src += '\n'
self.cursor = 0
self.line = 1
self.line_pos = 0
self.exprs = []
while self.tok != None:
expr_info = {'file': input_relname, 'line': self.line, 'parent': self.parent_info}
expr = self.get_expr(False)
if isinstance(expr, dict) and "include" in expr:
if len(expr) != 1:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info, "Invalid 'include' directive")
include = expr["include"]
if not isinstance(include, str):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
'Expected a file name (string), got: %s'
% include)
include_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, include)
for elem in self.include_hist:
if include_path == elem[1]:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info, "Inclusion loop for %s"
% include)
# skip multiple include of the same file
if include_path in previously_included:
fobj = open(include_path, 'r')
except IOError, e:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
'%s: %s' % (e.strerror, include))
exprs_include = QAPISchema(fobj, include, self.include_hist,
previously_included, expr_info)
expr_elem = {'expr': expr,
'info': expr_info}
def accept(self):
while True:
self.tok = self.src[self.cursor]
self.pos = self.cursor
self.cursor += 1
self.val = None
if self.tok == '#':
self.cursor = self.src.find('\n', self.cursor)
elif self.tok in ['{', '}', ':', ',', '[', ']']:
elif self.tok == "'":
string = ''
esc = False
while True:
ch = self.src[self.cursor]
self.cursor += 1
if ch == '\n':
raise QAPISchemaError(self,
'Missing terminating "\'"')
if esc:
string += ch
esc = False
elif ch == "\\":
esc = True
elif ch == "'":
self.val = string
string += ch
elif self.tok in "tfn":
val = self.src[self.cursor - 1:]
if val.startswith("true"):
self.val = True
self.cursor += 3
elif val.startswith("false"):
self.val = False
self.cursor += 4
elif val.startswith("null"):
self.val = None
self.cursor += 3
elif self.tok == '\n':
if self.cursor == len(self.src):
self.tok = None
self.line += 1
self.line_pos = self.cursor
elif not self.tok.isspace():
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Stray "%s"' % self.tok)
def get_members(self):
expr = OrderedDict()
if self.tok == '}':
return expr
if self.tok != "'":
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected string or "}"')
while True:
key = self.val
if self.tok != ':':
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected ":"')
if key in expr:
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Duplicate key "%s"' % key)
expr[key] = self.get_expr(True)
if self.tok == '}':
return expr
if self.tok != ',':
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "," or "}"')
if self.tok != "'":
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected string')
def get_values(self):
expr = []
if self.tok == ']':
return expr
if not self.tok in "{['tfn":
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "{", "[", "]", string, '
'boolean or "null"')
while True:
if self.tok == ']':
return expr
if self.tok != ',':
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "," or "]"')
def get_expr(self, nested):
if self.tok != '{' and not nested:
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "{"')
if self.tok == '{':
expr = self.get_members()
elif self.tok == '[':
expr = self.get_values()
elif self.tok in "'tfn":
expr = self.val
raise QAPISchemaError(self, 'Expected "{", "[" or string')
return expr
def find_base_fields(base):
base_struct_define = find_struct(base)
if not base_struct_define:
return None
return base_struct_define['data']
# Return the qtype of an alternate branch, or None on error.
def find_alternate_member_qtype(qapi_type):
if builtin_types.has_key(qapi_type):
return builtin_types[qapi_type]
elif find_struct(qapi_type):
return "QTYPE_QDICT"
elif find_enum(qapi_type):
elif find_union(qapi_type):
return "QTYPE_QDICT"
return None
# Return the discriminator enum define if discriminator is specified as an
# enum type, otherwise return None.
def discriminator_find_enum_define(expr):
base = expr.get('base')
discriminator = expr.get('discriminator')
if not (discriminator and base):
return None
base_fields = find_base_fields(base)
if not base_fields:
return None
discriminator_type = base_fields.get(discriminator)
if not discriminator_type:
return None
return find_enum(discriminator_type)
valid_name = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$')
def check_name(expr_info, source, name, allow_optional = False,
enum_member = False):
global valid_name
membername = name
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s requires a string name" % source)
if name.startswith('*'):
membername = name[1:]
if not allow_optional:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s does not allow optional name '%s'"
% (source, name))
# Enum members can start with a digit, because the generated C
# code always prefixes it with the enum name
if enum_member:
membername = '_' + membername
if not valid_name.match(membername):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s uses invalid name '%s'" % (source, name))
def check_type(expr_info, source, value, allow_array = False,
allow_dict = False, allow_optional = False,
allow_star = False, allow_metas = []):
global all_names
orig_value = value
if value is None:
if allow_star and value == '**':
# Check if array type for value is okay
if isinstance(value, list):
if not allow_array:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s cannot be an array" % source)
if len(value) != 1 or not isinstance(value[0], str):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s: array type must contain single type name"
% source)
value = value[0]
orig_value = "array of %s" %value
# Check if type name for value is okay
if isinstance(value, str):
if value == '**':
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s uses '**' but did not request 'gen':false"
% source)
if not value in all_names:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s uses unknown type '%s'"
% (source, orig_value))
if not all_names[value] in allow_metas:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s cannot use %s type '%s'"
% (source, all_names[value], orig_value))
# value is a dictionary, check that each member is okay
if not isinstance(value, OrderedDict):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s should be a dictionary" % source)
if not allow_dict:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"%s should be a type name" % source)
for (key, arg) in value.items():
check_name(expr_info, "Member of %s" % source, key,
# Todo: allow dictionaries to represent default values of
# an optional argument.
check_type(expr_info, "Member '%s' of %s" % (key, source), arg,
allow_array=True, allow_star=allow_star,
allow_metas=['built-in', 'union', 'alternate', 'struct',
def check_command(expr, expr_info):
name = expr['command']
allow_star = expr.has_key('gen')
check_type(expr_info, "'data' for command '%s'" % name,
expr.get('data'), allow_dict=True, allow_optional=True,
allow_metas=['union', 'struct'], allow_star=allow_star)
returns_meta = ['union', 'struct']
if name in returns_whitelist:
returns_meta += ['built-in', 'alternate', 'enum']
check_type(expr_info, "'returns' for command '%s'" % name,
expr.get('returns'), allow_array=True, allow_dict=True,
allow_optional=True, allow_metas=returns_meta,
def check_event(expr, expr_info):
global events
name = expr['event']
params = expr.get('data')
if name.upper() == 'MAX':
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info, "Event name 'MAX' cannot be created")
check_type(expr_info, "'data' for event '%s'" % name,
expr.get('data'), allow_dict=True, allow_optional=True,
allow_metas=['union', 'struct'])
def check_union(expr, expr_info):
name = expr['union']
base = expr.get('base')
discriminator = expr.get('discriminator')
members = expr['data']
values = { 'MAX': '(automatic)' }
# If the object has a member 'base', its value must name a struct,
# and there must be a discriminator.
if base is not None:
if discriminator is None:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Union '%s' requires a discriminator to go "
"along with base" %name)
# Two types of unions, determined by discriminator.
# With no discriminator it is a simple union.
if discriminator is None:
enum_define = None
allow_metas=['built-in', 'union', 'alternate', 'struct', 'enum']
if base is not None:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Simple union '%s' must not have a base"
% name)
# Else, it's a flat union.
# The object must have a string member 'base'.
if not isinstance(base, str):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Flat union '%s' must have a string base field"
% name)
base_fields = find_base_fields(base)
if not base_fields:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Base '%s' is not a valid struct"
% base)
# The value of member 'discriminator' must name a non-optional
# member of the base struct.
check_name(expr_info, "Discriminator of flat union '%s'" % name,
discriminator_type = base_fields.get(discriminator)
if not discriminator_type:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Discriminator '%s' is not a member of base "
"struct '%s'"
% (discriminator, base))
enum_define = find_enum(discriminator_type)
# Do not allow string discriminator
if not enum_define:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Discriminator '%s' must be of enumeration "
"type" % discriminator)
# Check every branch
for (key, value) in members.items():
check_name(expr_info, "Member of union '%s'" % name, key)
# Each value must name a known type; furthermore, in flat unions,
# branches must be a struct
check_type(expr_info, "Member '%s' of union '%s'" % (key, name),
value, allow_array=True, allow_metas=allow_metas)
# If the discriminator names an enum type, then all members
# of 'data' must also be members of the enum type.
if enum_define:
if not key in enum_define['enum_values']:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Discriminator value '%s' is not found in "
"enum '%s'" %
(key, enum_define["enum_name"]))
# Otherwise, check for conflicts in the generated enum
c_key = _generate_enum_string(key)
if c_key in values:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Union '%s' member '%s' clashes with '%s'"
% (name, key, values[c_key]))
values[c_key] = key
def check_alternate(expr, expr_info):
name = expr['alternate']
members = expr['data']
values = { 'MAX': '(automatic)' }
types_seen = {}
# Check every branch
for (key, value) in members.items():
check_name(expr_info, "Member of alternate '%s'" % name, key)
# Check for conflicts in the generated enum
c_key = _generate_enum_string(key)
if c_key in values:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Alternate '%s' member '%s' clashes with '%s'"
% (name, key, values[c_key]))
values[c_key] = key
# Ensure alternates have no type conflicts.
check_type(expr_info, "Member '%s' of alternate '%s'" % (key, name),
allow_metas=['built-in', 'union', 'struct', 'enum'])
qtype = find_alternate_member_qtype(value)
assert qtype
if qtype in types_seen:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Alternate '%s' member '%s' can't "
"be distinguished from member '%s'"
% (name, key, types_seen[qtype]))
types_seen[qtype] = key
def check_enum(expr, expr_info):
name = expr['enum']
members = expr.get('data')
values = { 'MAX': '(automatic)' }
if not isinstance(members, list):
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Enum '%s' requires an array for 'data'" % name)
for member in members:
check_name(expr_info, "Member of enum '%s'" %name, member,
key = _generate_enum_string(member)
if key in values:
raise QAPIExprError(expr_info,
"Enum '%s' member '%s' clashes with '%s'"
% (name, member, values[key]))
values[key] = member
def check_struct(expr, expr_info):
name = expr['struct']
members = expr['data']
check_type(expr_info, "'data' for struct '%s'" % name, members,
allow_dict=True, allow_optional=True)
check_type(expr_info, "'base' for struct '%s'" % name, expr.get('base'),
def check_exprs(schema):
for expr_elem in schema.exprs:
expr = expr_elem['expr']
info = expr_elem['info']
if expr.has_key('enum'):
check_enum(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('union'):
check_union(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('alternate'):
check_alternate(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('struct'):
check_struct(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('command'):
check_command(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('event'):
check_event(expr, info)
assert False, 'unexpected meta type'
def check_keys(expr_elem, meta, required, optional=[]):
expr = expr_elem['expr']
info = expr_elem['info']
name = expr[meta]
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise QAPIExprError(info,
"'%s' key must have a string value" % meta)
required = required + [ meta ]
for (key, value) in expr.items():
if not key in required and not key in optional:
raise QAPIExprError(info,
"Unknown key '%s' in %s '%s'"
% (key, meta, name))
if (key == 'gen' or key == 'success-response') and value != False:
raise QAPIExprError(info,
"'%s' of %s '%s' should only use false value"
% (key, meta, name))
for key in required:
if not expr.has_key(key):
raise QAPIExprError(info,
"Key '%s' is missing from %s '%s'"
% (key, meta, name))
def parse_schema(input_file):
global all_names
exprs = []
# First pass: read entire file into memory
schema = QAPISchema(open(input_file, "r"))
except (QAPISchemaError, QAPIExprError), e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
# Next pass: learn the types and check for valid expression keys. At
# this point, top-level 'include' has already been flattened.
for builtin in builtin_types.keys():
all_names[builtin] = 'built-in'
for expr_elem in schema.exprs:
expr = expr_elem['expr']
info = expr_elem['info']
if expr.has_key('enum'):
check_keys(expr_elem, 'enum', ['data'])
add_enum(expr['enum'], info, expr['data'])
elif expr.has_key('union'):
check_keys(expr_elem, 'union', ['data'],
['base', 'discriminator'])
add_union(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('alternate'):
check_keys(expr_elem, 'alternate', ['data'])
add_name(expr['alternate'], info, 'alternate')
elif expr.has_key('struct'):
check_keys(expr_elem, 'struct', ['data'], ['base'])
add_struct(expr, info)
elif expr.has_key('command'):
check_keys(expr_elem, 'command', [],
['data', 'returns', 'gen', 'success-response'])
add_name(expr['command'], info, 'command')
elif expr.has_key('event'):
check_keys(expr_elem, 'event', [], ['data'])
add_name(expr['event'], info, 'event')
raise QAPIExprError(expr_elem['info'],
"Expression is missing metatype")
# Try again for hidden UnionKind enum
for expr_elem in schema.exprs:
expr = expr_elem['expr']
if expr.has_key('union'):
if not discriminator_find_enum_define(expr):
add_enum('%sKind' % expr['union'], expr_elem['info'],
elif expr.has_key('alternate'):
add_enum('%sKind' % expr['alternate'], expr_elem['info'],
# Final pass - validate that exprs make sense
except QAPIExprError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
return exprs
def parse_args(typeinfo):
if isinstance(typeinfo, str):
struct = find_struct(typeinfo)
assert struct != None
typeinfo = struct['data']
for member in typeinfo:
argname = member
argentry = typeinfo[member]
optional = False
if member.startswith('*'):
argname = member[1:]
optional = True
# Todo: allow argentry to be OrderedDict, for providing the
# value of an optional argument.
yield (argname, argentry, optional)
def de_camel_case(name):
new_name = ''
for ch in name:
if ch.isupper() and new_name:
new_name += '_'
if ch == '-':
new_name += '_'
new_name += ch.lower()
return new_name
def camel_case(name):
new_name = ''
first = True
for ch in name:
if ch in ['_', '-']:
first = True
elif first:
new_name += ch.upper()
first = False
new_name += ch.lower()
return new_name
def c_var(name, protect=True):
# ANSI X3J11/88-090, 3.1.1
c89_words = set(['auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue',
'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'float',
'for', 'goto', 'if', 'int', 'long', 'register', 'return',
'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'struct', 'switch',
'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned', 'void', 'volatile', 'while'])
# ISO/IEC 9899:1999, 6.4.1
c99_words = set(['inline', 'restrict', '_Bool', '_Complex', '_Imaginary'])
# ISO/IEC 9899:2011, 6.4.1
c11_words = set(['_Alignas', '_Alignof', '_Atomic', '_Generic', '_Noreturn',
'_Static_assert', '_Thread_local'])
# GCC http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.7.1/gcc/C-Extensions.html
# excluding _.*
gcc_words = set(['asm', 'typeof'])
# C++ ISO/IEC 14882:2003 2.11
cpp_words = set(['bool', 'catch', 'class', 'const_cast', 'delete',
'dynamic_cast', 'explicit', 'false', 'friend', 'mutable',
'namespace', 'new', 'operator', 'private', 'protected',
'public', 'reinterpret_cast', 'static_cast', 'template',
'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeid', 'typename',
'using', 'virtual', 'wchar_t',
# alternative representations
'and', 'and_eq', 'bitand', 'bitor', 'compl', 'not',
'not_eq', 'or', 'or_eq', 'xor', 'xor_eq'])
# namespace pollution:
polluted_words = set(['unix', 'errno'])
if protect and (name in c89_words | c99_words | c11_words | gcc_words | cpp_words | polluted_words):
return "q_" + name
return name.replace('-', '_').lstrip("*")
def c_fun(name, protect=True):
return c_var(name, protect).replace('.', '_')
def c_list_type(name):
return '%sList' % name
def type_name(name):
if type(name) == list:
return c_list_type(name[0])
return name
def add_name(name, info, meta, implicit = False):
global all_names
check_name(info, "'%s'" % meta, name)
if name in all_names:
raise QAPIExprError(info,
"%s '%s' is already defined"
% (all_names[name], name))
if not implicit and name[-4:] == 'Kind':
raise QAPIExprError(info,
"%s '%s' should not end in 'Kind'"
% (meta, name))
all_names[name] = meta
def add_struct(definition, info):
global struct_types
name = definition['struct']
add_name(name, info, 'struct')
def find_struct(name):
global struct_types
for struct in struct_types:
if struct['struct'] == name:
return struct
return None
def add_union(definition, info):
global union_types
name = definition['union']
add_name(name, info, 'union')
def find_union(name):
global union_types
for union in union_types:
if union['union'] == name:
return union
return None
def add_enum(name, info, enum_values = None, implicit = False):
global enum_types
add_name(name, info, 'enum', implicit)
enum_types.append({"enum_name": name, "enum_values": enum_values})
def find_enum(name):
global enum_types
for enum in enum_types:
if enum['enum_name'] == name:
return enum
return None
def is_enum(name):
return find_enum(name) != None
eatspace = '\033EATSPACE.'
# A special suffix is added in c_type() for pointer types, and it's
# stripped in mcgen(). So please notice this when you check the return
# value of c_type() outside mcgen().
def c_type(name, is_param=False):
if name == 'str':
if is_param:
return 'const char *' + eatspace
return 'char *' + eatspace
elif name == 'int':
return 'int64_t'
elif (name == 'int8' or name == 'int16' or name == 'int32' or
name == 'int64' or name == 'uint8' or name == 'uint16' or
name == 'uint32' or name == 'uint64'):
return name + '_t'
elif name == 'size':
return 'uint64_t'
elif name == 'bool':
return 'bool'
elif name == 'number':
return 'double'
elif type(name) == list:
return '%s *%s' % (c_list_type(name[0]), eatspace)
elif is_enum(name):
return name
elif name == None or len(name) == 0:
return 'void'
elif name in events:
return '%sEvent *%s' % (camel_case(name), eatspace)
return '%s *%s' % (name, eatspace)
def is_c_ptr(name):
suffix = "*" + eatspace
return c_type(name).endswith(suffix)
def genindent(count):
ret = ""
for i in range(count):
ret += " "
return ret
indent_level = 0
def push_indent(indent_amount=4):
global indent_level
indent_level += indent_amount
def pop_indent(indent_amount=4):
global indent_level
indent_level -= indent_amount
def cgen(code, **kwds):
indent = genindent(indent_level)
lines = code.split('\n')
lines = map(lambda x: indent + x, lines)
return '\n'.join(lines) % kwds + '\n'
def mcgen(code, **kwds):
raw = cgen('\n'.join(code.split('\n')[1:-1]), **kwds)
return re.sub(re.escape(eatspace) + ' *', '', raw)
def basename(filename):
return filename.split("/")[-1]
def guardname(filename):
guard = basename(filename).rsplit(".", 1)[0]
for substr in [".", " ", "-"]:
guard = guard.replace(substr, "_")
return guard.upper() + '_H'
def guardstart(name):
return mcgen('''
#ifndef %(name)s
#define %(name)s
def guardend(name):
return mcgen('''
#endif /* %(name)s */
# ENUMName -> ENUM_NAME, EnumName1 -> ENUM_NAME1
# ENUM24_Name -> ENUM24_NAME
def _generate_enum_string(value):
c_fun_str = c_fun(value, False)
if value.isupper():
return c_fun_str
new_name = ''
l = len(c_fun_str)
for i in range(l):
c = c_fun_str[i]
# When c is upper and no "_" appears before, do more checks
if c.isupper() and (i > 0) and c_fun_str[i - 1] != "_":
# Case 1: next string is lower
# Case 2: previous string is digit
if (i < (l - 1) and c_fun_str[i + 1].islower()) or \
c_fun_str[i - 1].isdigit():
new_name += '_'
new_name += c
return new_name.lstrip('_').upper()
def generate_enum_full_value(enum_name, enum_value):
abbrev_string = _generate_enum_string(enum_name)
value_string = _generate_enum_string(enum_value)
return "%s_%s" % (abbrev_string, value_string)