build-sys: First pass at a meson-ified build system
This is a working implementation of a build with meson. The server,
utils, and most modules build with this, and it is possible to run from
a build tree and play/capture audio on ALSA devices.
There are a number of FIXMEs, of course, and a number of features that
need to be enabled (modules, dependencies, installation, etc.), but this
should provide everything we need to get there relatively quickly.
To use this, install meson (distro package, or and run:
$ cd <pulseaudio src dir>
$ meson <builddir>
$ ninja -C <builddir>
2017-07-31 19:37:36 +08:00
project('pulseaudio', 'c', 'cpp',
version : '10.99.1',
meson_version : '>= 0.31.0',
default_options : [ 'c_std=gnu11', 'cpp_std=c++11' ]
pa_version = meson.project_version()
version_split = pa_version.split('.')
pa_version_major = version_split[0]
pa_version_minor = version_split[1]
pa_version_micro = version_split[2]
pa_version_major_minor = pa_version_major + '.' + pa_version_minor
pa_api_version = 12
2018-05-20 10:38:42 +08:00
pa_protocol_version = 33
build-sys: First pass at a meson-ified build system
This is a working implementation of a build with meson. The server,
utils, and most modules build with this, and it is possible to run from
a build tree and play/capture audio on ALSA devices.
There are a number of FIXMEs, of course, and a number of features that
need to be enabled (modules, dependencies, installation, etc.), but this
should provide everything we need to get there relatively quickly.
To use this, install meson (distro package, or and run:
$ cd <pulseaudio src dir>
$ meson <builddir>
$ ninja -C <builddir>
2017-07-31 19:37:36 +08:00
apiversion = '1.0'
soversion = 0
# FIXME: this doesn't actually do what we want it to
# maintaining compatibility with the previous libtool versioning
# current = minor * 100 + micro
libversion = '@0@.@1@.0'.format(soversion, pa_version_minor.to_int() * 100 + pa_version_micro.to_int())
prefix = get_option('prefix')
datadir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('datadir'))
localstatedir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('localstatedir'))
sysconfdir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('sysconfdir'))
cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
cdata = configuration_data()
cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE', 'pulseaudio')
cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', 'pulseaudio')
cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', pa_version)
cdata.set_quoted('CANONICAL_HOST', host_machine.cpu())
cdata.set_quoted('PA_MACHINE_ID', join_paths(sysconfdir, 'machine-id'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_MACHINE_ID_FALLBACK', join_paths(localstatedir, 'lib', 'dbus', 'machine-id'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SRCDIR', join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'src'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir())
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SOEXT', '.so')
cdata.set_quoted('PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR', join_paths(sysconfdir, 'pulse'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_BINARY', join_paths(prefix, get_option('bindir'), 'pulseaudio'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_PATH', join_paths(localstatedir, 'run', 'pulse'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH', join_paths(localstatedir, 'lib', 'pulse'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_STATE_PATH', join_paths(localstatedir, 'lib', 'pulse'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_DLSEARCHPATH', join_paths(prefix, get_option('libdir'), 'pulse-' + pa_version_major_minor, 'modules'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_USER', get_option('system_user'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_GROUP', get_option('system_group'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_ACCESS_GROUP', get_option('access_group'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_CFLAGS', 'Not yet supported on meson')
cdata.set_quoted('PA_ALSA_PATHS_DIR', join_paths(datadir, 'pulseaudio', 'alsa-mixer', 'paths'))
cdata.set_quoted('PA_ALSA_PROFILE_SETS_DIR', join_paths(datadir, 'pulseaudio', 'alsa-mixer', 'profile-sets'))
cdata.set_quoted('DESKTOPFILEDIR', join_paths(datadir, 'applications'))
# Headers
check_headers = [
foreach h : check_headers
if cc.has_header(h)
define = 'HAVE_' + h.underscorify().to_upper()
cdata.set(define, 1)
# FIXME: move this to the above set
if cc.has_header('pthread.h')
cdata.set('HAVE_PTHREAD', 1)
# Functions
check_functions = [
foreach f : check_functions
if cc.has_function(f)
define = 'HAVE_' + f.underscorify().to_upper()
cdata.set(define, 1)
shm_dep = cc.find_library('rt', required : false)
if shm_dep.found()
cdata.set('HAVE_SHM_OPEN', 1)
if cc.has_function('SYS_memfd_create', prefix : '#include <sys/syscall.h>')
cdata.set('HAVE_MEMFD', 1)
# Types
# FIXME: do we ever care about gid_t not being defined / smaller than an int?
cdata.set('GETGROUPS_T', 'gid_t')
# Include paths
configinc = include_directories('.')
topinc = include_directories('src')
pa_c_args = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-D_GNU_SOURCE']
server_c_args = ['-D__INCLUDED_FROM_PULSE_AUDIO']
cdata.set('MESON_BUILD', 1)
# Core Dependencies
libm_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : true)
thread_dep = dependency('threads')
cap_dep = cc.find_library('cap', required : false)
if get_option('database') == 'tdb'
database_dep = dependency('tdb')
elif get_option('database') == 'gdbm'
database_dep = cc.find_library('gdbm', required : true)
atomictest = '''void func() {
volatile int atomic = 2;
__sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&atomic, 2, 3);
if cc.compiles(atomictest)
cdata.set('HAVE_ATOMIC_BUILTINS', true)
# FIXME: check if we need libatomic_ops
# FIXME: make sure it's >= 2.2
ltdl_dep = cc.find_library('ltdl', required : true)
# FIXME: can meson support libtool -dlopen/-dlpreopen things?
# and do we still want to support this at all?
sndfile_dep = dependency('sndfile', version : '>= 1.0.20')
dbus_dep = dependency('dbus-1', version : '>= 1.4.12', required : false)
if dbus_dep.found()
cdata.set('HAVE_DBUS', 1)
x11_dep = dependency('x11-xcb', required : false)
if x11_dep.found()
cdata.set('HAVE_X11', 1)
alsa_dep = dependency('alsa', version : '>= 1.0.24', required : false)
if alsa_dep.found()
cdata.set('HAVE_ALSA_UCM', 1)
# FIXME: support ORC
cdata.set('DISABLE_ORC', 1)
# Module dependencies
udev_dep = dependency('libudev', version : '>= 143', required : false)
# Now generate config.h from everything above
configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : cdata)