Peter Kokot 8d3f8ca12a Remove unused Git attributes ident
The $Id$ keywords were used in Subversion where they can be substituted
with filename, last revision number change, last changed date, and last
user who changed it.

In Git this functionality is different and can be done with Git attribute
ident. These need to be defined manually for each file in the
.gitattributes file and are afterwards replaced with 40-character
hexadecimal blob object name which is based only on the particular file

This patch simplifies handling of $Id$ keywords by removing them since
they are not used anymore.
2018-07-25 00:53:25 +02:00

587 lines
15 KiB

/* piece together a windows binary distro */
$php_version = $argv[1];
$build_dir = $argv[2];
$php_build_dir = $argv[3];
$phpdll = $argv[4];
$sapi_targets = explode(" ", $argv[5]);
$ext_targets = explode(" ", $argv[6]);
$pecl_targets = explode(" ", $argv[7]);
$snapshot_template = $argv[8];
$is_debug = preg_match("/^debug/i", $build_dir);
echo "Making dist for $build_dir\n";
$dist_dir = $build_dir . "/php-" . $php_version;
$test_dir = $build_dir . "/php-test-pack-" . $php_version;
$pecl_dir = $build_dir . "/pecl-" . $php_version;
/* figure out additional DLL's that are required */
$extra_dll_deps = array();
$per_module_deps = array();
$pecl_dll_deps = array();
function get_depends($module)
static $no_dist = array(
/* windows system dlls that should not be bundled */
'advapi32.dll', 'comdlg32.dll', 'crypt32.dll', 'gdi32.dll', 'kernel32.dll', 'ntdll.dll',
'odbc32.dll', 'ole32.dll', 'oleaut32.dll', 'rpcrt4.dll',
'shell32.dll', 'shlwapi.dll', 'user32.dll', 'ws2_32.dll', 'ws2help.dll',
'comctl32.dll', 'winmm.dll', 'wsock32.dll', 'winspool.drv', 'msasn1.dll',
'secur32.dll', 'netapi32.dll', 'dnsapi.dll', 'psapi.dll', 'normaliz.dll',
'iphlpapi.dll', 'bcrypt.dll',
/* apache */
/* apache 2 */
'libhttpd.dll', 'libapr.dll', 'libaprutil.dll','libapr-1.dll', 'libaprutil-1.dll',
/* oracle */
'oci.dll', 'ociw32.dll',
/* sybase */
'libcs.dll', 'libct.dll',
/* firebird */
/* visual C++; mscvrt.dll is present on everyones system,
* but the debug version (msvcrtd.dll) and those from visual
* (msvcrt7x.dll) are not */
static $no_dist_re = array(
global $build_dir, $extra_dll_deps, $ext_targets, $sapi_targets, $pecl_targets, $phpdll, $per_module_deps, $pecl_dll_deps;
$bd = strtolower(realpath($build_dir));
$is_pecl = in_array($module, $pecl_targets);
$cmd = "$GLOBALS[build_dir]\\deplister.exe \"$module\" \"$GLOBALS[build_dir]\"";
$proc = proc_open($cmd,
array(1 => array("pipe", "w")),
$n = 0;
while (($line = fgetcsv($pipes[1]))) {
$dep = strtolower($line[0]);
$depbase = basename($dep);
/* ignore stuff in our build dir, but only if it is
* one of our targets */
if (((in_array($depbase, $sapi_targets) ||
in_array($depbase, $ext_targets) || in_array($depbase, $pecl_targets)) ||
$depbase == $phpdll) && file_exists($GLOBALS['build_dir'] . "/$depbase")) {
/* ignore some well-known system dlls */
if (in_array(basename($dep), $no_dist)) {
} else {
$skip = false;
foreach ($no_dist_re as $re) {
if (preg_match(",$re,", basename($dep)) > 0) {
$skip = true;
if ($skip) {
if ($is_pecl) {
if (!in_array($dep, $pecl_dll_deps)) {
$pecl_dll_deps[] = $dep;
} else {
if (!in_array($dep, $extra_dll_deps)) {
$extra_dll_deps[] = $dep;
$per_module_deps[basename($module)][] = $dep;
//echo "Module $module [$n lines]\n";
function copy_file_list($source_dir, $dest_dir, $list)
global $is_debug, $dist_dir;
foreach ($list as $item) {
if (empty($item)) {
} elseif (!is_file($source_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item)) {
echo "WARNING: $item not found\n";
echo "Copying $item from $source_dir to $dest_dir\n";
copy($source_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item, $dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item);
if ($is_debug) {
$itemdb = preg_replace("/\.(exe|dll|lib)$/i", ".pdb", $item);
if (file_exists("$source_dir/$itemdb")) {
copy("$source_dir/$itemdb", "$dist_dir/dev/$itemdb");
if (preg_match("/\.(exe|dll)$/i", $item)) {
get_depends($source_dir . '/' . $item);
function copy_text_file($source, $dest)
$text = file_get_contents($source);
$text = preg_replace("/(\r\n?)|\n/", "\r\n", $text);
$fp = fopen($dest, "w");
fwrite($fp, $text);
/* very light-weight function to extract a single named file from
* a gzipped tarball. This makes assumptions about the files
* based on the PEAR info set in $packages. */
function extract_file_from_tarball($pkg, $filename, $dest_dir) /* {{{ */
global $packages;
$name = $pkg . '-' . $packages[$pkg];
$tarball = $dest_dir . "/" . $name . '.tgz';
$filename = $name . '/' . $filename;
$destfilename = $dest_dir . "/" . basename($filename);
$fp = gzopen($tarball, 'rb');
$done = false;
do {
/* read the header */
$hdr_data = gzread($fp, 512);
if (strlen($hdr_data) == 0)
$checksum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 148; $i++)
$checksum += ord($hdr_data{$i});
for ($i = 148; $i < 156; $i++)
$checksum += 32;
for ($i = 156; $i < 512; $i++)
$checksum += ord($hdr_data{$i});
$hdr = unpack("a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1typeflag/a100link/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor", $hdr_data);
$hdr['checksum'] = octdec(trim($hdr['checksum']));
if ($hdr['checksum'] != $checksum) {
echo "Checksum for $tarball $hdr[filename] is invalid\n";
$hdr['size'] = octdec(trim($hdr['size']));
echo "File: $hdr[filename] $hdr[size]\n";
if ($filename == $hdr['filename']) {
echo "Found the file we want\n";
$dest = fopen($destfilename, 'wb');
$x = stream_copy_to_stream($fp, $dest, $hdr['size']);
echo "Wrote $x bytes into $destfilename\n";
/* skip body of the file */
$size = 512 * ceil((int)$hdr['size'] / 512);
echo "Skipping $size bytes\n";
gzseek($fp, gztell($fp) + $size);
} while (!$done);
} /* }}} */
/* the core dll */
copy("$build_dir/php.exe", "$dist_dir/php.exe");
/* copy dll and its dependencies */
copy_file_list($build_dir, "$dist_dir", [$phpdll]);
/* and the .lib goes into dev */
$phplib = str_replace(".dll", ".lib", $phpdll);
copy("$build_dir/$phplib", "$dist_dir/dev/$phplib");
/* debug builds; copy the symbols too */
if ($is_debug) {
$phppdb = str_replace(".dll", ".pdb", $phpdll);
copy("$build_dir/$phppdb", "$dist_dir/dev/$phppdb");
/* copy the sapi */
copy_file_list($build_dir, "$dist_dir", $sapi_targets);
/* copy the extensions */
copy_file_list($build_dir, "$dist_dir/ext", $ext_targets);
/* pecl sapi and extensions */
if(sizeof($pecl_targets)) {
copy_file_list($build_dir, $pecl_dir, $pecl_targets);
/* populate reading material */
$text_files = array(
"LICENSE" => "license.txt",
"NEWS" => "news.txt",
"INSTALL" => "install.txt",
"README.REDIST.BINS" => "readme-redist-bins.txt",
"php.ini-development" => "php.ini-development",
"php.ini-production" => "php.ini-production"
foreach ($text_files as $src => $dest) {
copy_text_file($src, $dist_dir . '/' . $dest);
/* general other files */
$general_files = array(
"php.gif" => "php.gif",
"$GLOBALS[build_dir]\\deplister.exe" => "deplister.exe",
foreach ($general_files as $src => $dest) {
copy($src, $dist_dir . '/' . $dest);
/* include a snapshot identifier */
$branch = "HEAD"; // TODO - determine this from SVN branche name
$fp = fopen("$dist_dir/snapshot.txt", "w");
$now = date("r");
fwrite($fp, <<<EOT
This snapshot was automatically generated on
Version: $php_version
Branch: $branch
Build: $build_dir
/* list build-in extensions */
$exts = get_loaded_extensions();
fprintf($fp, "\r\nBuilt-in Extensions\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "===========================\r\n");
foreach ($exts as $ext) {
fprintf($fp, "%s\r\n", $ext);
fwrite($fp, "\r\n\r\n");
/* list dependencies */
fprintf($fp, "Dependency information:\r\n");
foreach ($per_module_deps as $modulename => $deps) {
if (in_array($modulename, $pecl_targets))
fprintf($fp, "Module: %s\r\n", $modulename);
fwrite($fp, "===========================\r\n");
foreach ($deps as $dll) {
fprintf($fp, "\t%s\r\n", basename($dll));
fwrite($fp, "\r\n");
/* Now add those dependencies */
foreach ($extra_dll_deps as $dll) {
if (!file_exists($dll)) {
/* try template dir */
$tdll = $snapshot_template . "/dlls/" . basename($dll);
if (!file_exists($tdll)) {
$tdll = $php_build_dir . '/bin/' . basename($dll);
if (!file_exists($tdll)) {
echo "WARNING: distro depends on $dll, but could not find it on your system\n";
$dll = $tdll;
copy($dll, "$dist_dir/" . basename($dll));
/* TODO:
add sanity check and test if all required DLLs are present, per version
This version works at least for 3.6, 3.8 and 4.0 (5.3-vc6, 5.3-vc9 and HEAD).
Add ADD_DLLS to add extra DLLs like dynamic dependencies for standard
deps. For example, libenchant.dll loads libenchant_myspell.dll or
$ICU_DLLS = $php_build_dir . '/bin/icu*.dll';
foreach (glob($ICU_DLLS) as $filename) {
copy($filename, "$dist_dir/" . basename($filename));
$ENCHANT_DLLS = array(
array('', 'glib-2.dll'),
array('', 'gmodule-2.dll'),
array('lib/enchant', 'libenchant_myspell.dll'),
array('lib/enchant', 'libenchant_ispell.dll'),
foreach ($ENCHANT_DLLS as $dll) {
$dest = "$dist_dir/$dll[0]";
$filename = $dll[1];
if (!file_exists("$dest") || !is_dir("$dest")) {
if (!mkdir("$dest", 0777, true)) {
echo "WARNING: couldn't create '$dest' for enchant plugins ";
if (!copy($php_build_dir . '/bin/' . $filename, "$dest/" . basename($filename))) {
echo "WARNING: couldn't copy $filename into the dist dir";
$SASL_DLLS = $php_build_dir . "/bin/sasl2/sasl*.dll";
$fls = glob($SASL_DLLS);
if (!empty($fls)) {
$sasl_dest_dir = "$dist_dir/sasl2";
if (!file_exists($sasl_dest_dir) || !is_dir($sasl_dest_dir)) {
if (!mkdir("$sasl_dest_dir", 0777, true)) {
echo "WARNING: couldn't create '$sasl_dest_dir' for SASL2 auth plugins ";
foreach ($fls as $fl) {
if (!copy($fl, "$sasl_dest_dir/" . basename($fl))) {
echo "WARNING: couldn't copy $fl into the $sasl_dest_dir";
/* and those for pecl */
foreach ($pecl_dll_deps as $dll) {
if (in_array($dll, $extra_dll_deps)) {
/* already in main distro */
if (!file_exists($dll)) {
/* try template dir */
$tdll = $snapshot_template . "/dlls/" . basename($dll);
if (!file_exists($tdll)) {
echo "WARNING: distro depends on $dll, but could not find it on your system\n";
$dll = $tdll;
copy($dll, "$pecl_dir/" . basename($dll));
function copy_dir($source, $dest)
if (!is_dir($dest)) {
if (!mkdir($dest)) {
return false;
$d = opendir($source);
while (($f = readdir($d)) !== false) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..' || $f == '.svn') {
$fs = $source . '/' . $f;
$fd = $dest . '/' . $f;
if (is_dir($fs)) {
copy_dir($fs, $fd);
} else {
copy($fs, $fd);
function copy_test_dir($directory, $dest)
if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') {
$directory = substr($directory,0,-1);
if ($directory == 'tests' || $directory == 'examples') {
if (!is_dir($dest . '/tests')) {
mkdir($dest . '/tests', 0775, true);
copy_dir($directory, $dest . '/tests/');
return false;
if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) {
echo "failed... $directory\n";
return FALSE;
$directory_list = opendir($directory);
while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($directory_list))) {
$full_path = $directory . '/' . $file;
if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.svn' && is_dir($full_path)) {
if ($file == 'tests' || $file == 'examples') {
if (!is_dir($dest . '/' . $full_path)) {
mkdir($dest . '/' . $full_path , 0775, true);
copy_dir($full_path, $dest . '/' . $full_path . '/');
} else {
copy_test_dir($full_path, $dest);
function make_phar_dot_phar($dist_dir)
if (!extension_loaded('phar')) {
$path_to_phar = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../ext/phar');
echo "Generating pharcommand.phar\n";
$phar = new Phar($dist_dir . '/pharcommand.phar', 0, 'pharcommand');
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path_to_phar . '/phar') as $file) {
if ($file->isDir() || $file == 'phar.php') {
echo 'adding ', $file, "\n";
$phar[(string) $file] = file_get_contents($path_to_phar. '/phar/' . $file);
$stub = file($path_to_phar . '/phar/phar.php');
unset($stub[0]); // remove hashbang
$phar->setStub(implode('', $stub));
echo "Creating phar.phar.bat\n";
file_put_contents($dist_dir . '/phar.phar.bat', "\"%~dp0php.exe\" \"%~dp0pharcommand.phar\" %*\r\n");
if (!is_dir($test_dir)) {
$dirs = array(
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
copy_test_dir($dir, $test_dir);
copy('run-tests.php', $test_dir . '/run-test.php');
/* change this next line to true to use good-old
* hand-assembled go-pear-bundle from the snapshot template */
$use_pear_template = true;
if (!$use_pear_template) {
/* Let's do a PEAR-less pear setup */
/* grab the bootstrap script */
echo "Downloading go-pear\n";
copy("", "$dist_dir/PEAR/go-pear.php");
/* import the package list -- sets $packages variable */
include "pear/go-pear-list.php";
/* download the packages into the destination */
echo "Fetching packages\n";
foreach ($packages as $name => $version) {
$filename = "$name-$version.tgz";
$destfilename = "$dist_dir/PEAR/go-pear-bundle/$filename";
if (file_exists($destfilename))
$url = "$filename";
echo "Downloading $name from $url\n";
copy($url, $destfilename);
echo "Download complete. Extracting bootstrap files\n";
/* Now, we want PEAR.php, Getopt.php (Console_Getopt) and Tar.php (Archive_Tar)
* broken out of the tarballs */
extract_file_from_tarball('PEAR', 'PEAR.php', "$dist_dir/PEAR/go-pear-bundle");
extract_file_from_tarball('Archive_Tar', 'Archive/Tar.php', "$dist_dir/PEAR/go-pear-bundle");
extract_file_from_tarball('Console_Getopt', 'Console/Getopt.php', "$dist_dir/PEAR/go-pear-bundle");
/* add extras from the template dir */
if (file_exists($snapshot_template)) {
$items = glob("$snapshot_template/*");
foreach ($items as $item) {
$bi = basename($item);
if (is_dir($item)) {
if ($bi == 'dlls' || $bi == 'symbols') {
} else if ($bi == 'PEAR') {
if ($use_pear_template) {
/* copy to top level */
copy_dir($item, "$dist_dir/$bi");
} else {
/* copy that dir into extras */
copy_dir($item, "$dist_dir/extras/$bi");
} else {
if ($bi == 'go-pear.bat') {
/* copy to top level */
copy($item, "$dist_dir/$bi");
} else {
/* copy to extras */
copy($item, "$dist_dir/extras/$bi");
/* copy c++ runtime */
$items = glob("$snapshot_template/dlls/*.CRT");
foreach ($items as $item) {
$bi = basename($item);
if (is_dir($item)) {
copy_dir($item, "$dist_dir/$bi");
copy_dir($item, "$dist_dir/ext/$bi");
} else {
echo "WARNING: you don't have a snapshot template, your dist will not be complete\n";