Shein Alexey d1e7999d5b Make the test faster, what was done:
1) replaced multiple htmlentities calls with one call to get_html_translation table since they share the same code internally
2) reduced the upper range of the "for" loop to 0x2710 (10000), according to it's enough
3) placed additional check to make sure all entities from get_html_translation_table were checked in the test
2011-09-05 11:00:14 +00:00

314 lines
5.3 KiB

htmlentities() conformance check (HTML 4)
function utf32_utf8($k) {
if ($k < 0x80) {
$retval = pack('C', $k);
} else if ($k < 0x800) {
$retval = pack('C2',
0xc0 | ($k >> 6),
0x80 | ($k & 0x3f));
} else if ($k < 0x10000) {
$retval = pack('C3',
0xe0 | ($k >> 12),
0x80 | (($k >> 6) & 0x3f),
0x80 | ($k & 0x3f));
} else if ($k < 0x200000) {
$retval = pack('C4',
0xf0 | ($k >> 18),
0x80 | (($k >> 12) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (($k >> 6) & 0x3f),
0x80 | ($k & 0x3f));
} else if ($k < 0x4000000) {
$retval = pack('C5',
0xf8 | ($k >> 24),
0x80 | (($k >> 18) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (($k >> 12) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (($k >> 6) & 0x3f),
0x80 | ($k & 0x3f));
} else {
$retval = pack('C6',
0xfc | ($k >> 30),
0x80 | (($k >> 24) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (($k >> 18) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (($k >> 12) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (($k >> 6) & 0x3f),
0x80 | ($k & 0x3f));
return $retval;
$table = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
for ($i = 0; $i < 0x2710; $i++) {
if ($i >= 0xd800 && $i < 0xe000)
$str = utf32_utf8($i);
if (isset($table[$str])) {
printf("%s\tU+%05X\n", $table[$str], $i);
if (!empty($table)) {
echo "Not matched entities: ";
&quot; U+00022
&amp; U+00026
&#039; U+00027
&lt; U+0003C
&gt; U+0003E
&nbsp; U+000A0
&iexcl; U+000A1
&cent; U+000A2
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&curren; U+000A4
&yen; U+000A5
&brvbar; U+000A6
&sect; U+000A7
&uml; U+000A8
&copy; U+000A9
&ordf; U+000AA
&laquo; U+000AB
&not; U+000AC
&shy; U+000AD
&reg; U+000AE
&macr; U+000AF
&deg; U+000B0
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&sup2; U+000B2
&sup3; U+000B3
&acute; U+000B4
&micro; U+000B5
&para; U+000B6
&middot; U+000B7
&cedil; U+000B8
&sup1; U+000B9
&ordm; U+000BA
&raquo; U+000BB
&frac14; U+000BC
&frac12; U+000BD
&frac34; U+000BE
&iquest; U+000BF
&Agrave; U+000C0
&Aacute; U+000C1
&Acirc; U+000C2
&Atilde; U+000C3
&Auml; U+000C4
&Aring; U+000C5
&AElig; U+000C6
&Ccedil; U+000C7
&Egrave; U+000C8
&Eacute; U+000C9
&Ecirc; U+000CA
&Euml; U+000CB
&Igrave; U+000CC
&Iacute; U+000CD
&Icirc; U+000CE
&Iuml; U+000CF
&ETH; U+000D0
&Ntilde; U+000D1
&Ograve; U+000D2
&Oacute; U+000D3
&Ocirc; U+000D4
&Otilde; U+000D5
&Ouml; U+000D6
&times; U+000D7
&Oslash; U+000D8
&Ugrave; U+000D9
&Uacute; U+000DA
&Ucirc; U+000DB
&Uuml; U+000DC
&Yacute; U+000DD
&szlig; U+000DF
&agrave; U+000E0
&aacute; U+000E1
&acirc; U+000E2
&atilde; U+000E3
&auml; U+000E4
&aring; U+000E5
&aelig; U+000E6
&ccedil; U+000E7
&egrave; U+000E8
&eacute; U+000E9
&ecirc; U+000EA
&euml; U+000EB
&igrave; U+000EC
&iacute; U+000ED
&icirc; U+000EE
&iuml; U+000EF
&eth; U+000F0
&ntilde; U+000F1
&ograve; U+000F2
&oacute; U+000F3
&ocirc; U+000F4
&otilde; U+000F5
&ouml; U+000F6
&divide; U+000F7
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&uacute; U+000FA
&ucirc; U+000FB
&uuml; U+000FC
&yacute; U+000FD
&thorn; U+000FE
&yuml; U+000FF
&OElig; U+00152
&oelig; U+00153
&Scaron; U+00160
&scaron; U+00161
&Yuml; U+00178
&fnof; U+00192
&circ; U+002C6
&tilde; U+002DC
&Alpha; U+00391
&Beta; U+00392
&Gamma; U+00393
&Delta; U+00394
&Epsilon; U+00395
&Zeta; U+00396
&Eta; U+00397
&Theta; U+00398
&Iota; U+00399
&Kappa; U+0039A
&Lambda; U+0039B
&Mu; U+0039C
&Nu; U+0039D
&Xi; U+0039E
&Omicron; U+0039F
&Pi; U+003A0
&Rho; U+003A1
&Sigma; U+003A3
&Tau; U+003A4
&Upsilon; U+003A5
&Phi; U+003A6
&Chi; U+003A7
&Psi; U+003A8
&Omega; U+003A9
&alpha; U+003B1
&beta; U+003B2
&gamma; U+003B3
&delta; U+003B4
&epsilon; U+003B5
&zeta; U+003B6
&eta; U+003B7
&theta; U+003B8
&iota; U+003B9
&kappa; U+003BA
&lambda; U+003BB
&mu; U+003BC
&nu; U+003BD
&xi; U+003BE
&omicron; U+003BF
&pi; U+003C0
&rho; U+003C1
&sigmaf; U+003C2
&sigma; U+003C3
&tau; U+003C4
&upsilon; U+003C5
&phi; U+003C6
&chi; U+003C7
&psi; U+003C8
&omega; U+003C9
&thetasym; U+003D1
&upsih; U+003D2
&piv; U+003D6
&ensp; U+02002
&emsp; U+02003
&thinsp; U+02009
&zwnj; U+0200C
&zwj; U+0200D
&lrm; U+0200E
&rlm; U+0200F
&ndash; U+02013
&mdash; U+02014
&lsquo; U+02018
&rsquo; U+02019
&sbquo; U+0201A
&ldquo; U+0201C
&rdquo; U+0201D
&bdquo; U+0201E
&dagger; U+02020
&Dagger; U+02021
&bull; U+02022
&hellip; U+02026
&permil; U+02030
&prime; U+02032
&Prime; U+02033
&lsaquo; U+02039
&rsaquo; U+0203A
&oline; U+0203E
&frasl; U+02044
&euro; U+020AC
&image; U+02111
&weierp; U+02118
&real; U+0211C
&trade; U+02122
&alefsym; U+02135
&larr; U+02190
&uarr; U+02191
&rarr; U+02192
&darr; U+02193
&harr; U+02194
&crarr; U+021B5
&lArr; U+021D0
&uArr; U+021D1
&rArr; U+021D2
&dArr; U+021D3
&hArr; U+021D4
&forall; U+02200
&part; U+02202
&exist; U+02203
&empty; U+02205
&nabla; U+02207
&isin; U+02208
&notin; U+02209
&ni; U+0220B
&prod; U+0220F
&sum; U+02211
&minus; U+02212
&lowast; U+02217
&radic; U+0221A
&prop; U+0221D
&infin; U+0221E
&ang; U+02220
&and; U+02227
&or; U+02228
&cap; U+02229
&cup; U+0222A
&int; U+0222B
&there4; U+02234
&sim; U+0223C
&cong; U+02245
&asymp; U+02248
&ne; U+02260
&equiv; U+02261
&le; U+02264
&ge; U+02265
&sub; U+02282
&sup; U+02283
&nsub; U+02284
&sube; U+02286
&supe; U+02287
&oplus; U+02295
&otimes; U+02297
&perp; U+022A5
&sdot; U+022C5
&lceil; U+02308
&rceil; U+02309
&lfloor; U+0230A
&rfloor; U+0230B
&lang; U+02329
&rang; U+0232A
&loz; U+025CA
&spades; U+02660
&clubs; U+02663
&hearts; U+02665
&diams; U+02666