2008-02-13 16:42:17 +00:00

34 lines
830 B

Test array_shift() function : usage variations - position of internal pointer
/* Prototype : mixed array_shift(array &$stack)
* Description: Pops an element off the beginning of the array
* Source code: ext/standard/array.c
* Test that the internal pointer is reset after calling array_shift()
echo "*** Testing array_shift() : usage variations ***\n";
$stack = array ('one' => 'un', 'two' => 'deux');
echo "\n-- Call array_shift() --\n";
var_dump($result = array_shift($stack));
echo "\n-- Position of Internal Pointer in Passed Array: --\n";
echo key($stack) . " => " . current ($stack) . "\n";
echo "Done";
*** Testing array_shift() : usage variations ***
-- Call array_shift() --
string(2) "un"
-- Position of Internal Pointer in Passed Array: --
two => deux