/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* This module implements a SafeArray proxy which is used internally * by the engine when resolving multi-dimensional array accesses on * SafeArray types. * In addition, the proxy is now able to handle properties of COM objects * that smell like PHP arrays. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "php_com_dotnet.h" #include "php_com_dotnet_internal.h" #include "Zend/zend_exceptions.h" typedef struct { zend_object std; /* the object we a proxying for; we hold a refcount to it */ zval *zobj; php_com_dotnet_object *obj; /* how many dimensions we are indirecting to get into this element */ LONG dimensions; /* this is an array whose size_is(dimensions) */ zval *indices; } php_com_saproxy; typedef struct { zend_object_iterator iter; zval proxy_obj; zval data; php_com_saproxy *proxy; LONG key; LONG imin, imax; LONG *indices; } php_com_saproxy_iter; #define SA_FETCH(zv) (php_com_saproxy*)Z_OBJ_P(zv) static inline void clone_indices(php_com_saproxy *dest, php_com_saproxy *src, int ndims) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { ZVAL_DUP(&dest->indices[i], &src->indices[i]); } } static zval *saproxy_property_read(zval *object, zval *member, int type, void **cache_slot, zval *rv) { ZVAL_NULL(rv); php_com_throw_exception(E_INVALIDARG, "safearray has no properties"); return rv; } static void saproxy_property_write(zval *object, zval *member, zval *value, void **cache_slot) { php_com_throw_exception(E_INVALIDARG, "safearray has no properties"); } static zval *saproxy_read_dimension(zval *object, zval *offset, int type, zval *rv) { php_com_saproxy *proxy = SA_FETCH(object); UINT dims, i; SAFEARRAY *sa; LONG ubound, lbound; HRESULT res; ZVAL_NULL(rv); if (V_VT(&proxy->obj->v) == VT_DISPATCH) { VARIANT v; zval *args; /* prop-get using first dimension as the property name, * all subsequent dimensions and the offset as parameters */ args = safe_emalloc(proxy->dimensions + 1, sizeof(zval), 0); for (i = 1; i < (UINT) proxy->dimensions; i++) { args[i-1] = proxy->indices[i]; } ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&args[i-1], offset); convert_to_string(&proxy->indices[0]); VariantInit(&v); res = php_com_do_invoke(proxy->obj, Z_STRVAL(proxy->indices[0]), Z_STRLEN(proxy->indices[0]), DISPATCH_METHOD|DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &v, proxy->dimensions, args, 0); if (res == SUCCESS) { php_com_zval_from_variant(rv, &v, proxy->obj->code_page); VariantClear(&v); } else if (res == DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT) { /* return another proxy */ php_com_saproxy_create(object, rv, offset); } return rv; } else if (!V_ISARRAY(&proxy->obj->v)) { php_com_throw_exception(E_INVALIDARG, "invalid read from com proxy object"); return rv; } /* the SafeArray case */ /* offset/index must be an integer */ convert_to_long(offset); sa = V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v); dims = SafeArrayGetDim(sa); if ((UINT) proxy->dimensions >= dims) { /* too many dimensions */ php_com_throw_exception(E_INVALIDARG, "too many dimensions!"); return rv; } /* bounds check */ SafeArrayGetLBound(sa, proxy->dimensions, &lbound); SafeArrayGetUBound(sa, proxy->dimensions, &ubound); if (Z_LVAL_P(offset) < lbound || Z_LVAL_P(offset) > ubound) { php_com_throw_exception(DISP_E_BADINDEX, "index out of bounds"); return rv; } if (dims - 1 == proxy->dimensions) { LONG *indices; VARTYPE vt; VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); /* we can return a real value */ indices = safe_emalloc(dims, sizeof(LONG), 0); /* copy indices from proxy */ for (i = 0; i < dims; i++) { convert_to_long(&proxy->indices[i]); indices[i] = (LONG)Z_LVAL(proxy->indices[i]); } /* add user-supplied index */ indices[dims-1] = (LONG)Z_LVAL_P(offset); /* now fetch the value */ if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa, &vt)) || vt == VT_EMPTY) { vt = V_VT(&proxy->obj->v) & ~VT_ARRAY; } if (vt == VT_VARIANT) { res = SafeArrayGetElement(sa, indices, &v); } else { V_VT(&v) = vt; res = SafeArrayGetElement(sa, indices, &v.lVal); } efree(indices); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { php_com_wrap_variant(rv, &v, proxy->obj->code_page); } else { php_com_throw_exception(res, NULL); } VariantClear(&v); } else { /* return another proxy */ php_com_saproxy_create(object, rv, offset); } return rv; } static void saproxy_write_dimension(zval *object, zval *offset, zval *value) { php_com_saproxy *proxy = SA_FETCH(object); UINT dims, i; HRESULT res; VARIANT v; if (V_VT(&proxy->obj->v) == VT_DISPATCH) { /* We do a prop-set using the first dimension as the property name, * all subsequent dimensions and offset as parameters, with value as * the final value */ zval *args = safe_emalloc(proxy->dimensions + 2, sizeof(zval), 0); for (i = 1; i < (UINT) proxy->dimensions; i++) { ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&args[i-1], &proxy->indices[i]); } ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&args[i-1], offset); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&args[i], value); convert_to_string(&proxy->indices[0]); VariantInit(&v); if (SUCCESS == php_com_do_invoke(proxy->obj, Z_STRVAL(proxy->indices[0]), Z_STRLEN(proxy->indices[0]), DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &v, proxy->dimensions + 1, args, 0)) { VariantClear(&v); } efree(args); } else if (V_ISARRAY(&proxy->obj->v)) { LONG *indices; VARTYPE vt; dims = SafeArrayGetDim(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v)); indices = safe_emalloc(dims, sizeof(LONG), 0); /* copy indices from proxy */ for (i = 0; i < dims; i++) { convert_to_long(&proxy->indices[i]); indices[i] = (LONG)Z_LVAL(proxy->indices[i]); } /* add user-supplied index */ convert_to_long(offset); indices[dims-1] = (LONG)Z_LVAL_P(offset); if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetVartype(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), &vt)) || vt == VT_EMPTY) { vt = V_VT(&proxy->obj->v) & ~VT_ARRAY; } VariantInit(&v); php_com_variant_from_zval(&v, value, proxy->obj->code_page); if (V_VT(&v) != vt) { VariantChangeType(&v, &v, 0, vt); } if (vt == VT_VARIANT) { res = SafeArrayPutElement(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), indices, &v); } else { res = SafeArrayPutElement(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), indices, &v.lVal); } efree(indices); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(res)) { php_com_throw_exception(res, NULL); } } else { php_com_throw_exception(E_NOTIMPL, "invalid write to com proxy object"); } } #if 0 static void saproxy_object_set(zval **property, zval *value) { } static zval *saproxy_object_get(zval *property) { /* Not yet implemented in the engine */ return NULL; } #endif static int saproxy_property_exists(zval *object, zval *member, int check_empty, void **cache_slot) { /* no properties */ return 0; } static int saproxy_dimension_exists(zval *object, zval *member, int check_empty) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Operation not yet supported on a COM object"); return 0; } static void saproxy_property_delete(zval *object, zval *member, void **cache_slot) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot delete properties from a COM object"); } static void saproxy_dimension_delete(zval *object, zval *offset) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot delete properties from a COM object"); } static HashTable *saproxy_properties_get(zval *object) { /* no properties */ return NULL; } static zend_function *saproxy_method_get(zend_object **object, zend_string *name, const zval *key) { /* no methods */ return NULL; } static int saproxy_call_method(zend_string *method, zend_object *object, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { return FAILURE; } static zend_function *saproxy_constructor_get(zend_object *object) { /* user cannot instantiate */ return NULL; } static zend_string* saproxy_class_name_get(const zend_object *object) { return zend_string_copy(php_com_saproxy_class_entry->name); } static int saproxy_objects_compare(zval *object1, zval *object2) { return -1; } static int saproxy_object_cast(zval *readobj, zval *writeobj, int type) { return FAILURE; } static int saproxy_count_elements(zval *object, zend_long *count) { php_com_saproxy *proxy = SA_FETCH(object); LONG ubound, lbound; if (!V_ISARRAY(&proxy->obj->v)) { return FAILURE; } SafeArrayGetLBound(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), proxy->dimensions, &lbound); SafeArrayGetUBound(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), proxy->dimensions, &ubound); *count = ubound - lbound + 1; return SUCCESS; } static void saproxy_free_storage(zend_object *object) { php_com_saproxy *proxy = (php_com_saproxy *)object; //??? int i; //??? //??? for (i = 0; i < proxy->dimensions; i++) { //??? if (proxy->indices) { //??? FREE_ZVAL(proxy->indices[i]); //??? } //??? } zval_ptr_dtor(proxy->zobj); efree(proxy->indices); } static zend_object* saproxy_clone(zval *object) { php_com_saproxy *proxy = (php_com_saproxy *)Z_OBJ_P(object); php_com_saproxy *cloneproxy; cloneproxy = emalloc(sizeof(*cloneproxy)); memcpy(cloneproxy, proxy, sizeof(*cloneproxy)); Z_ADDREF_P(cloneproxy->zobj); cloneproxy->indices = safe_emalloc(cloneproxy->dimensions, sizeof(zval *), 0); clone_indices(cloneproxy, proxy, proxy->dimensions); return &cloneproxy->std; } zend_object_handlers php_com_saproxy_handlers = { 0, saproxy_free_storage, zend_objects_destroy_object, saproxy_clone, saproxy_property_read, saproxy_property_write, saproxy_read_dimension, saproxy_write_dimension, NULL, NULL, /* saproxy_object_get, */ NULL, /* saproxy_object_set, */ saproxy_property_exists, saproxy_property_delete, saproxy_dimension_exists, saproxy_dimension_delete, saproxy_properties_get, saproxy_method_get, saproxy_call_method, saproxy_constructor_get, saproxy_class_name_get, saproxy_objects_compare, saproxy_object_cast, saproxy_count_elements }; int php_com_saproxy_create(zval *com_object, zval *proxy_out, zval *index) { php_com_saproxy *proxy, *rel = NULL; proxy = ecalloc(1, sizeof(*proxy)); proxy->dimensions = 1; if (Z_OBJCE_P(com_object) == php_com_saproxy_class_entry) { rel = SA_FETCH(com_object); proxy->obj = rel->obj; proxy->zobj = rel->zobj; proxy->dimensions += rel->dimensions; } else { proxy->obj = CDNO_FETCH(com_object); proxy->zobj = com_object; } Z_ADDREF_P(proxy->zobj); proxy->indices = safe_emalloc(proxy->dimensions, sizeof(zval *), 0); if (rel) { clone_indices(proxy, rel, rel->dimensions); } ZVAL_DUP(&proxy->indices[proxy->dimensions-1], index); zend_object_std_init(&proxy->std, php_com_saproxy_class_entry); proxy->std.handlers = &php_com_saproxy_handlers; ZVAL_OBJ(proxy_out, &proxy->std); return 1; } /* iterator */ static void saproxy_iter_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter) { php_com_saproxy_iter *I = (php_com_saproxy_iter*)Z_PTR(iter->data); zval_ptr_dtor(&I->proxy_obj); efree(I->indices); efree(I); } static int saproxy_iter_valid(zend_object_iterator *iter) { php_com_saproxy_iter *I = (php_com_saproxy_iter*)Z_PTR(iter->data); return (I->key < I->imax) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; } static zval* saproxy_iter_get_data(zend_object_iterator *iter) { php_com_saproxy_iter *I = (php_com_saproxy_iter*)Z_PTR(iter->data); VARIANT v; VARTYPE vt; SAFEARRAY *sa; I->indices[I->proxy->dimensions-1] = I->key; sa = V_ARRAY(&I->proxy->obj->v); if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa, &vt)) || vt == VT_EMPTY) { vt = V_VT(&I->proxy->obj->v) & ~VT_ARRAY; } VariantInit(&v); if (vt == VT_VARIANT) { SafeArrayGetElement(sa, I->indices, &v); } else { V_VT(&v) = vt; SafeArrayGetElement(sa, I->indices, &v.lVal); } ZVAL_NULL(&I->data); php_com_wrap_variant(&I->data, &v, I->proxy->obj->code_page); VariantClear(&v); return &I->data; } static void saproxy_iter_get_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key) { php_com_saproxy_iter *I = (php_com_saproxy_iter*)Z_PTR(iter->data); if (I->key == -1) { ZVAL_NULL(key); } else { ZVAL_LONG(key, I->key); } } static void saproxy_iter_move_forwards(zend_object_iterator *iter) { php_com_saproxy_iter *I = (php_com_saproxy_iter*)Z_PTR(iter->data); if (++I->key >= I->imax) { I->key = -1; } } static const zend_object_iterator_funcs saproxy_iter_funcs = { saproxy_iter_dtor, saproxy_iter_valid, saproxy_iter_get_data, saproxy_iter_get_key, saproxy_iter_move_forwards, NULL }; zend_object_iterator *php_com_saproxy_iter_get(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref) { php_com_saproxy *proxy = SA_FETCH(object); php_com_saproxy_iter *I; int i; if (by_ref) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference"); return NULL; } I = ecalloc(1, sizeof(*I)); I->iter.funcs = &saproxy_iter_funcs; Z_PTR(I->iter.data) = I; I->proxy = proxy; ZVAL_COPY(&I->proxy_obj, object); I->indices = safe_emalloc(proxy->dimensions + 1, sizeof(LONG), 0); for (i = 0; i < proxy->dimensions; i++) { convert_to_long(&proxy->indices[i]); I->indices[i] = (LONG)Z_LVAL(proxy->indices[i]); } SafeArrayGetLBound(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), proxy->dimensions, &I->imin); SafeArrayGetUBound(V_ARRAY(&proxy->obj->v), proxy->dimensions, &I->imax); I->key = I->imin; return &I->iter; }