PHP 5.2 Update info or NEWS explained - Changed E_ALL error reporting mode to include E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR. (Marcus) This change means that the value of the E_ALL constant had changed to 6143 from its previous value of 2047. If you are setting your error reporting mode inside the Apache config file or the .htaccess files you will need to adjust the value of error_reporting INI setting accordingly. - Added new error mode E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR. (Derick, Marcus, Tony) This changes a few E_ERROR conditions to something that you can now catch using a user error handler. If the user error handler does not grab these kind of errors they behave as fatal errors just like in any PHP version prior to 5.2. Errors of this type are logged as 'Catchable fatal error'. - Added support for constructors in interfaces to force constructor signature checks in implementations. (Marcus) Starting with PHP 5.2 interfaces can have constructors. If you use this feature then all implementing classes must implement constructors with a matching signature, while normally constructors do not need to follow any base class or interface constructor signature. (Signature is the name for the parameter and return type definition which captures count, reference or not and any type hints). - Changed __toString to be called wherever applicable. (Marcus) The magic object method __toString() is now called whenever an object is used as a string. The function must not throw an exception or the script will be terminated with a catchable see above) fatal error. The PHP 5.0/5.1 fallback to return a string containing the object identifier has been dropped. People were assuming that this object identifier was unique when in fact it wasn't. Even with __toString objects cannot be used as keys to arrays. We might add built-in hash support for this. But for 5.2 you would need to either provide your own hashing and use an explicit string cast or use new function spl_object_hash() - Added RFC2397 (data: stream) support. (Marcus) Under windows this can mean a very rare change of behavior. If you are using NTFS filesystem and making use of meta streams in your application this no longer works for a file with the name 'data:' accessed without any path. If you need to do so you have to prefix the filename with the "file:" protocol. For the functionality itself look here - Added allow_url_include ini directive to complement allow_url_fopen. (Rasmus) With this option one can now distinguish between standard file operations on remote files and inclusion of remote files. While the former is usually desired, the latter implies security risks if used naively. Starting with PHP-5.2 it is now possible to allow standard file operations while dissallowing inclusion of remote files, which is also the default configuration now. - Dropped abstract static class functions. (Marcus) Due to an oversight PHP 5.0, 5.1 allowed abstract static functions. In PHP 5.2 only interfaces can have abstract static functions.