Installation Instructions for PHP 4.0 ------------------------------------- For the impatient here is a quick set of steps that will build PHP as first a dynamic Apache module (DSO) for Apache 1.3.x with MySQL support and then a static module. A more verbose explanation follows. For installing PHP on other web servers, refer to one of the following files: sapi/aolserver/README sapi/pi3web/README sapi/servlet/README sapi/thttpd/README README.Zeus Note! Only install either the static module or the dynamic one. Do not install both. Note 2! If you are recompiling PHP to add new extensions or upgrading something like GD, remove the config.cache file before you re-run configure. Note 3! If you are on Linux and have installed shared libraries, make sure the location of these shared libraries are listed in your /etc/ file. For example, if you have: /usr/local/lib/mysql/ Make sure /etc/ contains: /usr/local/lib/mysql Then run ldconfig. If you want both PHP 3 and 4 modules in the same Apache server, check the bottom of this file for instructions. INSTALLATION WITH THE ZEUS WEB SERVER: --Please see the 'README.Zeus' file included in this distribution QUICK INSTALL (DSO) For this to work your Apache httpd must have mod_so enabled. Check using httpd -l. You should see something like: Compiled-in modules: http_core.c mod_so.c Chances are you will see a lot more modules than these two. That's ok, as long as mod_so.c shows up you can proceed with the following steps: $ gunzip -c php-4.0.x.tar.gz | tar xf - $ cd php-4.0.x $ ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs $ make $ make install If you get an error telling you that the apxs script could not be found, look for it on your system and if you find it, provide the full path to it as: --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs Next you must copy php.ini-dist to the appropriate place (normally /usr/local/lib/php.ini) and edit it as necessary to set PHP options. The only thing left to do is to edit your httpd.conf file and make sure the PHP 4 mime type is there and uncommented. You need a line that looks like this: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Then restart your server (apachectl restart) and you should be able to serve up PHP files now. Make a test file called test.php and put some PHP tags in it. Like , for example. QUICK INSTALL (Static) $ gunzip -c apache_1.3.x.tar.gz | tar xf - $ cd apache_1.3.x $ ./configure $ cd .. $ gunzip -c php-4.0.x.tar.gz | tar xf - $ cd php-4.0.x $ ./configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_1.3.x --enable-track-vars $ make $ make install $ cd ../apache_1.3.x $ ./configure --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a (The above line is correct! Yes, we know libphp4.a does not exist at this stage. It isn't supposed to. It will be created.) $ make (you should now have an httpd binary which you can copy to your Apache bin dir if is is your first install then you need to "make install" as well) $ cd ../php-4.0.x $ cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini You can edit /usr/local/lib/php.ini file to set PHP options. Edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf file and add: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php VERBOSE INSTALL Chances are you are reading this because the quick install steps above did not work for you. If this is the case, congratulations, you are among the elite few that actually reads documentation. It really is not a difficult install and once you have done it once you will fly through it. Installing PHP can be done in four simple steps: 1. Unpack your distribution file. You will have downloaded a file named something like php-4.0.x.tar.gz. Unzip this file with a command like: gunzip php-4.0.x.tar.gz Next you have to untar it with: tar -xvf php-4.0.x.tar This will create a php-4.0.x directory. cd into this new directory. 2a. Configure PHP (Dynamic Module) - Skip to 2b if you wish to build a static module You now have to choose the options you would like. There are quite a few of them. To see a list, type: ./configure --help The only options that you are likely to want to use are the ones in the last section entitled, "--enable and --with options recognized:" A popular choice is to build the Apache module version. In order to build PHP as a dynamic module for Apache-1.3.x you have to first have Apache installed. Assuming Apache is already installed, make sure the shared object module is enabled. To check this, type: httpd -l You should see something like: Compiled-in modules: http_core.c mod_so.c You will most likely have a lot more modules than what is shown here. As long as mod_so.c shows up in the list, PHP should be happy. Now, type: ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs If you get an error telling you that the apxs script could not be found, look for it on your system and if you find it, provide the full path to it as: --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs You might also want other flags on this configure line. --with-mysql is just an example. There are a few things that can go wrong during this configure step. The most common is that you have asked for an option and that the configure script can not find the files required to enable this option in PHP. Chances are you can provide the full path to the base directory under which the related files were installed. For example, if you have installed the GD library in /opt/gd which means that /opt/gd/include has your GD header files and /opt/gd/lib contains your GD library files, you would use --with-gd=/opt/gd Skip to step 3 for compilation and installation instructions. 2b. Configure PHP (Static Module) - Skip if you performed 2a You now have to choose the options you would like. There are quite a few of them. To see a list, type: ./configure --help The only options that you are likely to want to use are the ones in the last section entitled, "--enable and --with options recognized:" A popular choice is to build the Apache module version. You need to know where the source code directory for your Apache server is located. Then use an option like: --with-apache=/usr/local/src/apache if that is your Apache source code directory. If you only specify --with-apache, then it will default to look for your Apache source in /usr/local/etc/httpd. NOTE: The directory you specify should be the top-level of the unpacked Apache (or Stronghold) distribution. The configure program will automatically look for httpd.h in different directories under that location depending on which version of Apache, including Stronghold, you are running. For MySQL support, since newer versions of MySQL installs its various components under /usr/local, this is the default. If you have changed the location you can specify it with: --with-mysql=/opt/local for example. Otherwise just use: --with-mysql *NOTE* If you are using Apache 1.3b6 or later, you should run the Apache Configure script at least once before compiling PHP. It doesn't matter how you have Apache configured at this point. Skip to step 3b at this point. 3. Compile and install the files. Simply type: make install 3a. Dynamic Module Installation Nothing else is needed here. Proceed to step 4a. 3b. Static Module Installation For the Apache module version this will copy the appropriate files to the src/modules/php4 directory in your Apache distribution if you are using Apache 1.3.x. If you are still running Apache 1.2.x these files will be copied directly to the main src directory. For Apache 1.3b6 and later, you can use the new APACI configuration mechanism. To automatically build Apache with PHP support, use: cd apache_1.3.x ./configure --prefix=//apache \ --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a make make install If you do not wish to use this new configuration tool, the old install procedure (src/Configure) will work fine. If you are using the old Apache ./Configure script, you will have to edit the Apache src/Configuration file manually. If you do not have this file, copy Configuration.tmpl to Configuration. For Apache 1.3.x add: AddModule modules/php4/libphp4.a For Apache 1.3.x don't do anything else. Just add this line and then run "./Configure" followed by "make". For Apache 1.2.x add: Module php4_module mod_php4.o For Apache 1.2.x you will also have to look in the libphp4.module file, which was copied to the src directory. The EXTRA_LIBS line in the Apache Configuration file needs to be set to use the same libs as specified on the LIBS line in libphp4.module. You also need to make sure to add "-L." to the beginning of the EXTRA_LIBS line. So, as an example, your EXTRA_LIBS line might look like: EXTRA_LIBS=-L. -lphp4 -lgdbm -ldb -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient NOTE: You should not enclose the EXTRA_LIBS line in double-quotes, as it is in the libphp4.module file. Also, look at the RULE_WANTHSREGEX setting in the libphp4.module file and set the WANTHSREGEX directive accordingly in your Configuration file. This last step applies to versions of Apache prior to 1.3b3. This is a bit of a hassle, but should serve as incentive to move to Apache 1.3.x where this step has been eliminated. Once you are satisfied with your Configuration settings, type: ./Configure If you get errors, chances are that you forgot a library or made a typo somewhere. Re-edit Configuration and try again. If it goes well, type: make Assuming it compiles without errors, proceed to step 4b. 4a. Setting up the server. (Dynamic Module) The make install command in step 3 should have done most of your work for you. It actually edits your httpd.conf file and tries to enable the dynamic PHP module. To verify this, look for a line that looks like this: LoadModule php4_module libexec/ The actual path before the part might differ slightly. This is likely fine. If you are paranoid you can examine the output from the make install step to see where the file was actually put and place the full path to this file on this LoadModule line. If somewhere in your httpd.conf file you have a ClearModuleList line then you also need this line: AddModule mod_php4.c And finally you need to tell Apache which file extension should trigger PHP. You do this by creating a special mime type and associating it with an extension. We suggest using: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php You are however free to use any extension you wish, including .html. Note! If a line has a # at the beginning, then it is commented out and you need to remove the # for that line to take effect. Finally you need to copy php.ini-dist to the appropriate place (normally /usr/local/lib/php.ini) and edit if necessary. Once you have made these changes you should be ready to restart your server and try it out. Type: apachectl restart 4b. Setting up the server. (Static Module) You should now have a new httpd binary. Shut down your existing server, if you have one, and copy this new binary overtop of it. Perhaps make a backup of your previous one first. Then edit your conf/httpd.conf file and add the line: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php There is also an interesting feature which can be quite instructive and helpful while debugging. That is the option of having colour syntax highlighting. To enable this, add the following line: AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps Any file ending in .phps will now be displayed with full colour syntax highlighting instead of being executed. Note that on some older server setups, the AddType lines are in the conf/srm.conf file instead of conf/httpd.conf. Note! If a line has a # at the beginning, then it is commented out and you need to remove the # for that line to take effect. When you are finished making changes to your httpd.conf file, you need to copy php.ini-dist to the appropriate place (normally /usr/local/lib/php.ini) and edit if necessary. You can then start up your server. 5. Testing it all worked Create a test file named test.php in your web tree somewhere and put some test PHP tags in it. is a good first test. This tag tells PHP to do a braindump and tells you all sorts of things about itself. WHY DISABLING -fPIC WORKS ON LINUX From: Martin v. Loewis To: Subject: Re: Shared library -shared vs. -fpic [In reply to Kaz Kylheku ] > PIC stands for Position-Independent Code. Correct. > Code isn't position-independent (or ``relocatable'') cannot be > loaded at an arbitrary address; Wrong. > it requires some references to be patched at load time. Correct. > Shared libraries need to be relocatable because it's not known > beforehand what address they will be loaded at Correct, depending on the meaning of "relocatable". PIC code typically does not contain relocations; that's why its position-independent. > Just because you don't specify -fPIC doesn't mean that the compiler > won't emit position-independent code; the option prevents it from > emitting position-dependent code in situations where it otherwise > would. Correct. However, a non-trivial shared library typically won't be position-independent unless explicitly compiled with -fPIC. Linux/glibc indeed does not require a shared library to be position-independent; instead, it will perform the relocations in the binary, even if they refer to code pages. As a result, those relocated pages won't be shared across processes, anymore. Regards, Martin USING PHP 3 AND PHP 4 AS CONCURRENT APACHE MODULES Recent operating systems provide the ability to perform versioning and scoping. This features make it possible to let PHP 3 and PHP 4 run as concurrent modules in one Apache server. This feature is known to work on the following platforms: - Linux with recent binutils (binutils tested) - Solaris 2.5 or better - FreeBSD (3.2, 4.0 tested) To enable it, configure PHP 3 and PHP 4 to use APXS (--with-apxs) and the necessary link extensions (--enable-versioning). Otherwise, all standard installations instructions apply. For example: $ ./configure \ --with-apxs=/apache/bin/apxs \ --enable-versioning \ --with-mysql \ --enable-track-vars If this also works on your platform or if you know a way to do it, please report it to our bug database at