Title: Loose type requirements for functions Version: $Id$ Status: draft Maintainer: Brian Moon Created: 2001-09-17 Modified: 2001-09-17 1. Background/Need ================== Many internal function of PHP will reject parameters because of their type (the array and variable function come to mind). For userland this is not an easy task as there is no uniform way to do it. An addition to the engine for requiring loose types would allow delevopers to know that the data passed to their functions is of the correct type and reduce the need for duplicating the same code in every function to check for the type of data. 2. Overview =========== Loose typing mostly means evaluating the contents of the variable and not the type of the variable itself. The requirements for this would and should work much like several of the is_* functions do now. The typing of parameters would be optional and those not typed would simply continue to be treated as they are now. 3. Functionality ================ 3.1. Allowed Types ================== Only loose types should be needed to ensure the data is usable by the function. Duplicating the functionallity of is_scalar, is_resource, is_array and is_object should give developers all the information they need to use a variable correctly. 3.2. Syntax =========== The current function syntax should be expanded to allow typing of variables inline in a C style. function foo ($var){ } could be changed to require an array such as: function foo (array $var){ } 3.3. Errors =========== Mis-matches in type should be reported as fatal errors and should halt the execution of a script as that function can not be run and code following could not reliably run. 4. Compatibility Notes ====================== Old code that does not take advantage of this will run without modifications.