Remove debug output
Fix trap when string to be output is not null terminated
Add a MS workspace for project level dependencies
Match case of contentType header
@ an ISAPI filter, only as an ISAPI extension, unless you wish to perform
@ authentication using PHP. This didn't yet get enough testing, but it
@ should work (Zeev)
- Fixed auth_user/auth_password memory leak (I didn't have time to test it under
Apache, feedback welcome!)
- Added $HTTP_ENV_VARS[] and $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[] support, which similarly
to $HTTP_GET_VARS[], contain environment and server variables. Setting
register_globals to Off will now also prevent registration of the
environment and server variables into the global scope (Zeev)
- Renamed gpc_globals to register_globals (Zeev)
- Introduced variables_order that deprecates gpc_order, and allows control
over the server and environment variables, in addition to GET/POST/Cookies
1) Restore the ability to build CGI as a shared library
2) Correct make dependency rule so that the jar files are included
3) Search for jar executable, and use it, if found
Left TODO: actually build the shared libraries
- Got rid of the old flush() implemenetation in favour of the new one
- Added implicit_flush() support to the output buffering layer.
@- Added implicit_flush() to control whether flush() should be called
@ implicitly after any output (Zeev)
- added support for externally built modules,
- improved support for in-tree shared modules,
- fixed diversion bugs,
- configure displays some informative messages,
- faster static build
(libtool isn't used anymore for compiling non-PIC objects),
- dependencies comparable to automake's without requiring GNU make or GCC,
- working make clean for non-GNU makes.