makes more sense when web pages are typically like 10KB-20KB.
I think it would be best to change the reallocation algorithm at least to
redoubling when it's full instead of incrementing and possibly use
a data structure similar to Zend/zend_static_allocator which uses memory
blocks and not realloc().
long-requested functionality, now that output buffering is re-entrant:
function eval_ret($code)
$retval = ob_get_contents();
return $retval;
Added a few RCS $Id$ tags.
# Note: I have avoided changing any .h files if the corresponding .c file
# had not already been changed as I am not sure if there are any legal
# issues here. So some extensions still have PHP 3 headers.
@- If header information is sent after output has already been sent, the warning
@ message will now state the filename and line number at which the first output
@ was made (Zeev)
- Got rid of the old flush() implemenetation in favour of the new one
- Added implicit_flush() support to the output buffering layer.
@- Added implicit_flush() to control whether flush() should be called
@ implicitly after any output (Zeev)
moved output-buffering related functions from basic_functions to output.c
Win32 project need to be updated to reflect new position.
# i'm not really happy with this solution, but it seemed the easiest one!
# the whole output code is a bit hard to understand...
@- Output-Buffering system is now Thread-Safe. (Thies)