run-tests.php enforces error_reporting=E_ALL (including E_STRICT),
setting this explicitly in not necessary. Conversely, after the
removal of some E_STRICT errors, explicitly excluding it is no
longer necessary in some places.
# The handling of private properties in classes is now consistent with private properties in traits.
# Perviously, privates could cause strict warnings, are were not properly merged into the class when
# the parent class had a private property of the same name. Now, we introduce it without notice,
# since it is a new and independent property, just like in normal classes.
# This problem was diagnosed while working on Bug #60536.
# this is a tough one, I think I should explain
# Zend use zend_object->properties_table both as zval ** and zval ***
# if a zend_object->properties is not initialized, the properties_table is zval **
# while in rebuild_object_properties, zend will store the zval ** to zend_object->properties
# then stash the zval ***(ie, zobj->properties_table[0] is zval ** now) to zobj->properties_table[0]
# so when a zend_object inherit form multi parent and these parent have a same property_info->offset
# properties, will result in a repeat zval **->zval ** transform, which will lead to a segmentfault
# *may be* this fix is not the best fix, we should not use this tricky way, and rewrite this mechanism.