@- Finished the server abstraction layer; All of the PHP code is now shared
@ across different servers (Apache, CGI, IIS, etc.), except for thin
@ interface modules (Zeev)
- Added $HTTP_ENV_VARS[] and $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[] support, which similarly
to $HTTP_GET_VARS[], contain environment and server variables. Setting
register_globals to Off will now also prevent registration of the
environment and server variables into the global scope (Zeev)
- Renamed gpc_globals to register_globals (Zeev)
- Introduced variables_order that deprecates gpc_order, and allows control
over the server and environment variables, in addition to GET/POST/Cookies
- Got rid of the old flush() implemenetation in favour of the new one
- Added implicit_flush() support to the output buffering layer.
@- Added implicit_flush() to control whether flush() should be called
@ implicitly after any output (Zeev)
@Made mysql and gd work as shared extensions again (Stig)
- Fixed some warnings in maintainer-mode.
- Made mysql and gd work as shared extensions again by defining
COMPILE_DL if PIC is defined.
# We need a better solution for building .so extensions than this
* Fully implement ISAPI support - POST and cookies among other things.
* Almost completely rewrote phpinfo(). Allow modules to easily display their
information in phpinfo() without modifying phpinfo() itself (prototype for
the module info function was changed, thus the large amount of updated module
* Initial extended SAPI support for Apache, completely untested.
* CGI now uses SAPI fully as well.
* Changed PHP4 to compile as a DLL, both ISAPI and the the CGI run with the same DLL.
* Switched to using the DLL runtime library under Win32. PHP will NOT work if
compiled against the static library!
* Removed yesterday's php4libts project (with php4dllts, it's obsolete).
This *does* affect thread-unsafe Windows as well - the thread unsafe CGI is also
dependant on the thread-unsafe DLL.