Currently read-only, and http is the only thing tested.
Because of this, using them can be controlled by configure:
--with-curlwrappers Use CURL for url streams
Not for production use...
This enables http, https, ftp and ldap protocols as streams.
# I'll enter them directly there, not here.... The non-newsworthy code
# is:
Re-vamp the internal php_curl structure.
Properly free allocated slist's and HttpPost structures
many whitespace changes
speed improvements (in the post handling and slist area's)
# Furthermore, as a side note, while the code I'm committing is correct,
# no one will be able to compile it yet and test it, as it requires a
# patched version of curl (if you really want to try it out and can't
# wait a day or two, send me a private mail)
@ Added the curl_getinfo() function to find out information about a CURL
transfer. This function requires cURL 4.0 or above. (Sterling)
parameters. (Sterling)
@ Added the CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER option that allows for the posting of HTTP
headers to a remote site from cURL. (Sterling)
@ Add the curl_error() and curl_errno() functions. (Sterling)
Buncha other changes...
- Changed if () else if () in curl_setopt to switch .. case
- Fixed a couple crashes in certain cases.
- Finally a decent error reporting scheme.
- A few formatting changes.
- Add the ability to return the web page into a variable
by setting the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER constant to 1.
- Make everything conform to the naming guidelines.
- Delete the resource id from the file_id table when a
resource is closed.
- Apache not having the output go to stdout in some cases.
- Output being displayed before the header is displayed.
And causes the following:
- *Slightly* slower cURL transfers.
# Currently pretty experimental, and labeled so, it
# only really works with the CGI version. I wanted
# to get the sources in CVS, so I could give a
# reference point for some issues, and get more
# extensive testing...
# Does anyone know how long it is going to be till
# the next minor release?