in php_config.h. Redefine the zend_* versions in the case of Win32.
This fixes the build on systems that don't provide a native version of,
say, isinf() (e.g. Solaris).
to maintain legacy configure options without clutter in the
configure help and checking output.
# Hopefully this encourages module writers to finally adopt
# standard naming conventions for their configure options!
# This isn't nearly as big a change as the diff would lead one to believe.
# I've tested this on all my machines and its working for sniper too.
- Added a check for ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h (Mac OS X)
# (the bundled libmysql build was failing without them with ac2.52/OSX)
- Improved the IPv6 check to fail on Mac OS X (there's no IPv6 there yet)
- destructor could be run after its class was already dead. Right now
- object destructors is the first thing whic happens during shutdown in
- order to prevent this problem. It's very likely that destructors will
- cause more grief and we'll have to outline exactly when you should use
- them and what kind of logic you're allowed to do inside of them.
- This bug was reported by sebastian.
makes these functions return a highlighted string instead of dumping
to standard output. (Derick)
@- Added optional parameter to highlight_string and highlight_file which
@ makes these functions return a highlighted string instead of dumping
@ to standard output. (Derick)
@- Added EXTR_IF_EXISTS and EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS flags to extract()
@ EXTR_IF_EXISTS only extracts a variable if it already exists
@ EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS only extracts the variable if it exists and
@ then it prepends the prefix to it. ie. if $PATH exists then
@ extract($_ENV,EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS,'e') would result in $e_PATH
@ This lets you do $a = $b = $c = true; extract($_REQUEST,EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
@ and you only get the global request variables you have defined imported
@ into your symbol table. (Rasmus)