Merge branch 'PHP-7.1'

This commit is contained in:
Derick Rethans 2017-02-12 20:19:10 +00:00
commit 5dc825889d
8 changed files with 169 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ static void do_adjust_for_weekday(timelib_time* time)
/* To make "this week" work, where the current DOW is a "sunday" */
if (current_dow == 0 && time->relative.weekday != 0) {
time->relative.weekday = -6;
time->relative.weekday -= 7;
/* To make "sunday this week" work, where the current DOW is not a
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ static timelib_sll do_years(timelib_sll year)
return res;
static timelib_sll do_months(timelib_ull month, timelib_ull year)
static timelib_sll do_months(timelib_ull month, timelib_sll year)
if (timelib_is_leap(year)) {
return ((month_tab_leap[month - 1] + 1) * SECS_PER_DAY);
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ void timelib_update_ts(timelib_time* time, timelib_tzinfo* tzi)
time->sse = res;
time->sse_uptodate = 1;
time->have_relative = time->relative.have_weekday_relative = time->relative.have_special_relative = 0;
time->have_relative = time->relative.have_weekday_relative = time->relative.have_special_relative = time->relative.first_last_day_of = 0;
#if 0

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@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ void timelib_unixtime2local(timelib_time *tm, timelib_sll ts)
timelib_unixtime2gmt(tm, ts - (tm->z * 60) + (tm->dst * 3600));
tm->sse = ts;
tm->z = z;
tm->dst = dst;

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Bug #72719: Relative datetime format ignores weekday on sundays only
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Monday next week 13:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Tuesday next week 14:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Wednesday next week 14:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Thursday next week 15:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Friday next week 16:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Saturday next week 17:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Sunday next week 18:00'))->format('l'), "\n";

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Bug #73294: DateTime wrong when date string is negative
for ( $i = -1050; $i <= -1000; $i++ )
$M = "06";
$D = "22";
$dt = new DateTime("{$i}-{$M}-{$D} 00:00:00");
$expected = "{$i}-{$M}-{$D} 00:00:00";
$result = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ( $expected != $result )
echo "Wrong: Should have been {$expected}, was {$result}\n";

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Bug #73489: wrong timestamp when call setTimeZone multi times with UTC offset
// example 1 - Timestamp is changing
$datetime = new DateTime('2016-11-09 20:00:00', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$datetime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('-03:00'));
$datetime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('-03:00'));
// example 2 - Timestamp keeps if you use getTimestamp() before second setTimeZone() calls
$datetime = new DateTime('2016-11-09 20:00:00', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$datetime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('-03:00'));
$datetime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('-03:00'));

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Bug #73858: diff() of two relative/described DateTimes is wrong
In the "verbose setup method" I'm trying setup the DateTime object myself
to see if it's the format string which is parsed in correctly or if it's the DateTime
object which is breaking stuff. From the testing it appears DateTime is broken somehow.
$ss = 'first day of last month midnight';
$es = 'first day of this month midnight - 1 second';
$s = new DateTime($ss);
$e = new DateTime($es);
$d= $e->diff($s);
var_dump($d->days); // 0 ... but should be 30
$s = (new DateTime(null))->setTimestamp(strtotime($ss)); // verbose setup method
$e = (new DateTime(null))->setTimestamp(strtotime($es)); // verbose setup method
$d = $e->diff($s);
var_dump($d->days); // 30 ... and should be 30
Next we will try mix/match the code to see what happens, surprisingly it seems that the end date ($e)
is the important one, if it uses the verbose method it returns the correct values.
$s = (new DateTime(null))->setTimestamp(strtotime($ss)); // verbose setup method
$e = new DateTime($es);
$d= $e->diff($s);
var_dump($d->days); // 0 ... but should be 30
$s = new DateTime($ss);
$e = (new DateTime(null))->setTimestamp(strtotime($es)); // verbose setup method
$d= $e->diff($s);
var_dump($d->days); // 30 ... and should be 30
This test just proves that the $e date is important BUT NOT because it's the one we call the diff() method
on, that's just coincidental that seems to imply that the "- 1 second" in the date string is the problem.
$s = new DateTime($ss);
$e = (new DateTime(null))->setTimestamp(strtotime($es)); // verbose setup method
$d= $s->diff($e);
var_dump($d->days); // 30 ... and should be 30
This final test seems to prove that the input string is important and that the "- 1 secord" has a negative knock-on
effect on the results of the diff. By modifying the datetime with ->modify everything works as expected ...
it just means you have to be careful of how we work with DateTimes .
$s = new DateTime($ss);
$e = new DateTime('first day of this month midnight');
$e->modify('- 1 second');
var_dump($e->diff($s)->days); // 30 ... and should be 30

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Bug #73942: $date->modify('Friday this week') doesn't return a Friday if $date is a Sunday
$date1 = "2017-01-08"; // this is a Sunday
$date = new \DateTime($date1);
$date->modify('Friday this week');
$dateFormat = $date->format('Y-m-d');
echo $dateFormat, "\n";

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Bug #74057: wrong day when using "this week" in strtotime
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Sun 2017-01-01")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Mon 2017-01-02")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Tue 2017-01-03")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Wed 2017-01-04")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Thu 2017-01-05")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Fri 2017-01-06")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Sat 2017-01-07")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Sun 2017-01-08")))."\n";
echo date("D Y-m-d", strtotime("saturday this week", strtotime("Mon 2017-01-09")))."\n";
Sat 2016-12-31
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-07
Sat 2017-01-14