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synced 2024-11-24 02:03:53 +08:00
docs(chart): update chart example
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
* A very basic line chart
void lv_example_chart_1(void)
/*Create a chart*/
@ -11,32 +14,17 @@ void lv_example_chart_1(void)
lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE); /*Show lines and points too*/
/*Add two data series*/
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN), LV_CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y);
/*Set the next points on 'ser1'*/
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 30);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 70);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 90);
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
/*Set the next points on 'ser1'*/
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, lv_rand(10, 50));
/*Directly set points on 'ser2'*/
ser2->y_points[0] = 90;
ser2->y_points[1] = 70;
ser2->y_points[2] = 65;
ser2->y_points[3] = 65;
ser2->y_points[4] = 65;
ser2->y_points[5] = 65;
ser2->y_points[6] = 65;
ser2->y_points[7] = 65;
ser2->y_points[8] = 65;
ser2->y_points[9] = 65;
/*Directly set points on 'ser2'*/
ser2->y_points[i] = lv_rand(50, 90);
lv_chart_refresh(chart); /*Required after direct set*/
@ -1,131 +1,56 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
//TODO should be a chart feature
static lv_obj_t * chart1;
static lv_chart_series_t * ser1;
static lv_chart_series_t * ser2;
static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);
/*Add the faded area before the lines are drawn*/
lv_draw_task_t * draw_task = lv_event_get_draw_task(e);
lv_draw_dsc_base_t * base_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
if(base_dsc->part == LV_PART_ITEMS) {
/*Add a line mask that keeps the area below the line*/
lv_draw_mask_line_param_t line_mask_param;
lv_draw_mask_line_points_init(&line_mask_param, dsc->p1->x, dsc->p1->y, dsc->p2->x, dsc->p2->y,
int16_t line_mask_id = lv_draw_mask_add(&line_mask_param, NULL);
/*Add a fade effect: transparent bottom covering top*/
lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(obj);
lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t fade_mask_param;
lv_draw_mask_fade_init(&fade_mask_param, &obj->coords, LV_OPA_COVER, obj->coords.y1 + h / 8, LV_OPA_TRANSP,
int16_t fade_mask_id = lv_draw_mask_add(&fade_mask_param, NULL);
/*Draw a rectangle that will be affected by the mask*/
lv_draw_rect_dsc_t draw_rect_dsc;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_20;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_color = dsc->line_dsc->color;
lv_area_t a;
a.x1 = dsc->p1->x;
a.x2 = dsc->p2->x - 1;
a.y1 = LV_MIN(dsc->p1->y, dsc->p2->y);
a.y2 = obj->coords.y2;
lv_draw_rect(dsc->layer, &draw_rect_dsc, &a);
/*Remove the masks*/
/*Hook the division lines too*/
else if(dsc->part == LV_PART_MAIN) {
if(dsc->line_dsc == NULL || dsc->p1 == NULL || dsc->p2 == NULL) return;
/*Vertical line*/
if(dsc->p1->x == dsc->p2->x) {
dsc->line_dsc->color = lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREY, 1);
if(dsc->id == 3) {
dsc->line_dsc->width = 2;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_gap = 0;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_width = 0;
else {
dsc->line_dsc->width = 1;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_gap = 6;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_width = 6;
/*Horizontal line*/
else {
if(dsc->id == 2) {
dsc->line_dsc->width = 2;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_gap = 0;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_width = 0;
else {
dsc->line_dsc->width = 2;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_gap = 6;
dsc->line_dsc->dash_width = 6;
if(dsc->id == 1 || dsc->id == 3) {
dsc->line_dsc->color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN);
else {
dsc->line_dsc->color = lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREY, 1);
static void add_data(lv_timer_t * timer)
static uint32_t cnt = 0;
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart1, ser1, lv_rand(20, 90));
if(cnt % 4 == 0) lv_chart_set_next_value(chart1, ser2, lv_rand(40, 60));
* Add a faded area effect to the line chart and make some division lines ticker
* Use lv_scale to add ticks to a scrollable chart
void lv_example_chart_2(void)
/*Create a chart1*/
chart1 = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_set_size(chart1, 200, 150);
lv_chart_set_type(chart1, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE); /*Show lines and points too*/
/*Create a container*/
lv_obj_t * main_cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_set_size(main_cont, 200, 150);
lv_chart_set_div_line_count(chart1, 5, 7);
/*Create a transparent wrapper for the chart and the scale.
*Set a large width, to make it scrollable on the main container*/
lv_obj_t * wrapper = lv_obj_create(main_cont);
lv_obj_set_size(wrapper, lv_pct(300), lv_pct(100));
lv_obj_set_flex_flow(wrapper, LV_FLEX_FLOW_COLUMN);
lv_obj_add_event(chart1, draw_event_cb, LV_EVENT_DRAW_TASK_ADDED, NULL);
lv_obj_add_flag(chart1, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SEND_DRAW_TASK_EVENTS);
/*Create a chart on the wrapper
*Set it's width to 100% to fill the large wrapper*/
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_chart_create(wrapper);
lv_obj_set_width(chart, lv_pct(100));
lv_obj_set_flex_grow(chart, 1);
lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_BAR);
lv_chart_set_range(chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 0, 100);
lv_chart_set_range(chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y, 0, 400);
lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, 12);
lv_obj_set_style_radius(chart, 0, 0);
/*Create a scale also with 100% width*/
lv_obj_t * scale_bottom = lv_scale_create(wrapper);
lv_scale_set_mode(scale_bottom, LV_SCALE_MODE_HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM);
lv_obj_set_size(scale_bottom, lv_pct(100), 25);
lv_scale_set_total_tick_count(scale_bottom, 12);
lv_scale_set_major_tick_every(scale_bottom, 1);
lv_obj_set_style_pad_hor(scale_bottom, lv_chart_get_first_point_center_offset(chart), 0);
static const char * month[] = {"Jan", "Febr", "March", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL};
lv_scale_set_text_src(scale_bottom, month);
lv_chart_set_update_mode(chart1, LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_CIRCULAR);
/*Add two data series*/
ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart1, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart1, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_BLUE), LV_CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREEN, 2), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_darken(LV_PALETTE_GREEN, 2), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
/*Set the next points on 'ser1'*/
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart1, ser1, lv_rand(20, 90));
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart1, ser2, lv_rand(30, 70));
for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, lv_rand(10, 60));
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser2, lv_rand(50, 90));
lv_timer_create(add_data, 200, NULL);
lv_chart_refresh(chart); /*Required after direct set*/
@ -1,85 +1,86 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
//static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
// lv_obj_draw_part_dsc_t * dsc = lv_event_get_draw_part_dsc(e);
// if(!lv_obj_draw_part_check_type(dsc, &lv_chart_class, LV_CHART_DRAW_PART_TICK_LABEL)) return;
// if(dsc->id == LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_X && dsc->text) {
// const char * month[] = {"Jan", "Febr", "March", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
// lv_snprintf(dsc->text, dsc->text_length, "%s", month[dsc->value]);
// }
static void event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_event_get_target(e);
lv_coord_t * s = lv_event_get_param(e);
*s = LV_MAX(*s, 20);
else if(code == LV_EVENT_DRAW_POST_END) {
int32_t id = lv_chart_get_pressed_point(chart);
if(id == LV_CHART_POINT_NONE) return;
LV_LOG_USER("Selected point %d", (int)id);
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, NULL);
while(ser) {
lv_point_t p;
lv_chart_get_point_pos_by_id(chart, ser, id, &p);
lv_coord_t * y_array = lv_chart_get_y_array(chart, ser);
lv_coord_t value = y_array[id];
char buf[16];
lv_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), LV_SYMBOL_DUMMY"$%d", value);
lv_draw_rect_dsc_t draw_rect_dsc;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_color = lv_color_black();
draw_rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_50;
draw_rect_dsc.radius = 3;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_image_src = buf;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_image_recolor = lv_color_white();
lv_area_t a;
a.x1 = chart->coords.x1 + p.x - 20;
a.x2 = chart->coords.x1 + p.x + 20;
a.y1 = chart->coords.y1 + p.y - 30;
a.y2 = chart->coords.y1 + p.y - 10;
lv_layer_t * layer = lv_event_get_layer(e);
lv_draw_rect(layer, &draw_rect_dsc, &a);
ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, ser);
else if(code == LV_EVENT_RELEASED) {
* Add ticks and labels to the axis and demonstrate scrolling
* Show the value of the pressed points
void lv_example_chart_3(void)
lv_obj_t * main_cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_set_size(main_cont, 200, 150);
lv_obj_t * wrapper = lv_obj_create(main_cont);
lv_obj_set_size(wrapper, 800, lv_pct(100));
lv_obj_set_flex_flow(wrapper, LV_FLEX_FLOW_COLUMN);
/*Create a chart*/
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_chart_create(wrapper);
lv_obj_set_width(chart, lv_pct(100));
lv_obj_set_flex_grow(chart, 1);
lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_BAR);
lv_chart_set_range(chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 0, 100);
lv_chart_set_range(chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y, 0, 400);
lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, 12);
lv_obj_set_style_radius(chart, 0, 0);
lv_obj_t * chart;
chart = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);
lv_obj_t * scale_bottom = lv_scale_create(wrapper);
lv_scale_set_mode(scale_bottom, LV_SCALE_MODE_HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM);
lv_obj_set_size(scale_bottom, lv_pct(100), 25);
lv_scale_set_total_tick_count(scale_bottom, 12);
lv_scale_set_major_tick_every(scale_bottom, 1);
lv_obj_set_style_pad_hor(scale_bottom, 50, 0);
lv_obj_add_event(chart, event_cb, LV_EVENT_ALL, NULL);
static const char * month[] = {"Jan", "Febr", "March", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL};
lv_scale_set_text_src(scale_bottom, month);
/*Zoom in a little in X*/
// lv_chart_set_zoom_x(chart, 800);
/*Add two data series*/
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREEN, 2), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_darken(LV_PALETTE_GREEN, 2),
/*Set the next points on 'ser1'*/
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 31);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 66);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 89);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 63);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 56);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 32);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 35);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 57);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 85);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 22);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, 58);
lv_coord_t * ser2_array = lv_chart_get_y_array(chart, ser2);
/*Directly set points on 'ser2'*/
ser2_array[0] = 92;
ser2_array[1] = 71;
ser2_array[2] = 61;
ser2_array[3] = 15;
ser2_array[4] = 21;
ser2_array[5] = 35;
ser2_array[6] = 35;
ser2_array[7] = 58;
ser2_array[8] = 31;
ser2_array[9] = 53;
ser2_array[10] = 33;
ser2_array[11] = 73;
lv_chart_refresh(chart); /*Required after direct set*/
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, lv_rand(60, 90));
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser2, lv_rand(10, 40));
@ -1,85 +1,45 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
static void event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_event_get_target(e);
lv_draw_task_t * draw_task = lv_event_get_draw_task(e);
lv_draw_dsc_base_t * base_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
lv_coord_t * s = lv_event_get_param(e);
*s = LV_MAX(*s, 20);
else if(code == LV_EVENT_DRAW_POST_END) {
int32_t id = lv_chart_get_pressed_point(chart);
if(id == LV_CHART_POINT_NONE) return;
if(base_dsc->part == LV_PART_ITEMS && draw_task->type == LV_DRAW_TASK_TYPE_FILL) {
lv_draw_fill_dsc_t * fill_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
LV_LOG_USER("Selected point %d", (int)id);
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_event_get_target(e);
lv_coord_t * y_array = lv_chart_get_y_array(chart, lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, NULL));
lv_coord_t v = y_array[base_dsc->id2];
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, NULL);
while(ser) {
lv_point_t p;
lv_chart_get_point_pos_by_id(chart, ser, id, &p);
lv_coord_t * y_array = lv_chart_get_y_array(chart, ser);
lv_coord_t value = y_array[id];
char buf[16];
lv_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), LV_SYMBOL_DUMMY"$%d", value);
lv_draw_rect_dsc_t draw_rect_dsc;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_color = lv_color_black();
draw_rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_50;
draw_rect_dsc.radius = 3;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_image_src = buf;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_image_recolor = lv_color_white();
lv_area_t a;
a.x1 = chart->coords.x1 + p.x - 20;
a.x2 = chart->coords.x1 + p.x + 20;
a.y1 = chart->coords.y1 + p.y - 30;
a.y2 = chart->coords.y1 + p.y - 10;
lv_layer_t * layer = lv_event_get_layer(e);
lv_draw_rect(layer, &draw_rect_dsc, &a);
ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, ser);
else if(code == LV_EVENT_RELEASED) {
uint32_t ratio = v * 255 / 100;
fill_dsc->color = lv_color_mix(lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN), lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), ratio);
* Show the value of the pressed points
* Recolor the bars of a chart based on their value
void lv_example_chart_4(void)
/*Create a chart*/
lv_obj_t * chart;
chart = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);
/*Create a chart1*/
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_chart_create(lv_scr_act());
lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_BAR);
lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, 24);
lv_obj_set_style_pad_column(chart, 2, 0);
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 260, 160);
lv_obj_add_event(chart, event_cb, LV_EVENT_ALL, NULL);
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_color_hex(0xff0000), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_obj_add_event(chart, draw_event_cb, LV_EVENT_DRAW_TASK_ADDED, NULL);
lv_obj_add_flag(chart, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SEND_DRAW_TASK_EVENTS);
/*Zoom in a little in X*/
// lv_chart_set_zoom_x(chart, 800);
/*Add two data series*/
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser1, lv_rand(60, 90));
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser2, lv_rand(10, 40));
for(i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser, lv_rand(10, 90));
@ -1,99 +1,146 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
static lv_obj_t * chart;
/* Source: https://github.com/ankur219/ECG-Arrhythmia-classification/blob/642230149583adfae1e4bd26c6f0e1fd8af2be0e/sample.csv*/
static const lv_coord_t ecg_sample[] = {
-2, 2, 0, -15, -39, -63, -71, -68, -67, -69, -84, -95, -104, -107, -108, -107, -107, -107, -107, -114, -118, -117,
-112, -100, -89, -83, -71, -64, -58, -58, -62, -62, -58, -51, -46, -39, -27, -10, 4, 7, 1, -3, 0, 14, 24, 30, 25, 19,
13, 7, 12, 15, 18, 21, 13, 6, 9, 8, 17, 19, 13, 11, 11, 11, 23, 30, 37, 34, 25, 14, 15, 19, 28, 31, 26, 23, 25, 31,
39, 37, 37, 34, 30, 32, 22, 29, 31, 33, 37, 23, 13, 7, 2, 4, -2, 2, 11, 22, 33, 19, -1, -27, -55, -67, -72, -71, -63,
-49, -18, 35, 113, 230, 369, 525, 651, 722, 730, 667, 563, 454, 357, 305, 288, 274, 255, 212, 173, 143, 117, 82, 39,
-13, -53, -78, -91, -101, -113, -124, -131, -131, -131, -129, -128, -129, -125, -123, -123, -129, -139, -148, -153,
-159, -166, -183, -205, -227, -243, -248, -246, -254, -280, -327, -381, -429, -473, -517, -556, -592, -612, -620,
-620, -614, -604, -591, -574, -540, -497, -441, -389, -358, -336, -313, -284, -222, -167, -114, -70, -47, -28, -4, 12,
38, 52, 58, 56, 56, 57, 68, 77, 86, 86, 80, 69, 67, 70, 82, 85, 89, 90, 89, 89, 88, 91, 96, 97, 91, 83, 78, 82, 88, 95,
96, 105, 106, 110, 102, 100, 96, 98, 97, 101, 98, 99, 100, 107, 113, 119, 115, 110, 96, 85, 73, 64, 69, 76, 79,
78, 75, 85, 100, 114, 113, 105, 96, 84, 74, 66, 60, 75, 85, 89, 83, 67, 61, 67, 73, 79, 74, 63, 57, 56, 58, 61, 55,
48, 45, 46, 55, 62, 55, 49, 43, 50, 59, 63, 57, 40, 31, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 34, 30, 36, 34, 42, 38, 36, 40, 46, 50,
47, 32, 30, 32, 52, 67, 73, 71, 63, 54, 53, 45, 41, 28, 13, 3, 1, 4, 4, -8, -23, -32, -31, -19, -5, 3, 9, 13, 19,
24, 27, 29, 25, 22, 26, 32, 42, 51, 56, 60, 57, 55, 53, 53, 54, 59, 54, 49, 26, -3, -11, -20, -47, -100, -194, -236,
-212, -123, 8, 103, 142, 147, 120, 105, 98, 93, 81, 61, 40, 26, 28, 30, 30, 27, 19, 17, 21, 20, 19, 19, 22, 36, 40,
35, 20, 7, 1, 10, 18, 27, 22, 6, -4, -2, 3, 6, -2, -13, -14, -10, -2, 3, 2, -1, -5, -10, -19, -32, -42, -55, -60,
-68, -77, -86, -101, -110, -117, -115, -104, -92, -84, -85, -84, -73, -65, -52, -50, -45, -35, -20, -3, 12, 20, 25,
26, 28, 28, 30, 28, 25, 28, 33, 42, 42, 36, 23, 9, 0, 1, -4, 1, -4, -4, 1, 5, 9, 9, -3, -1, -18, -50, -108, -190,
-272, -340, -408, -446, -537, -643, -777, -894, -920, -853, -697, -461, -251, -60, 58, 103, 129, 139, 155, 170, 173,
178, 185, 190, 193, 200, 208, 215, 225, 224, 232, 234, 240, 240, 236, 229, 226, 224, 232, 233, 232, 224, 219, 219,
223, 231, 226, 223, 219, 218, 223, 223, 223, 233, 245, 268, 286, 296, 295, 283, 271, 263, 252, 243, 226, 210, 197,
186, 171, 152, 133, 117, 114, 110, 107, 96, 80, 63, 48, 40, 38, 34, 28, 15, 2, -7, -11, -14, -18, -29, -37, -44, -50,
-58, -63, -61, -52, -50, -48, -61, -59, -58, -54, -47, -52, -62, -61, -64, -54, -52, -59, -69, -76, -76, -69, -67,
-74, -78, -81, -80, -73, -65, -57, -53, -51, -47, -35, -27, -22, -22, -24, -21, -17, -13, -10, -11, -13, -20, -20,
-12, -2, 7, -1, -12, -16, -13, -2, 2, -4, -5, -2, 9, 19, 19, 14, 11, 13, 19, 21, 20, 18, 19, 19, 19, 16, 15, 13, 14,
9, 3, -5, -9, -5, -3, -2, -3, -3, 2, 8, 9, 9, 5, 6, 8, 8, 7, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 5, 13, 13, 12, 10, 10, 15, 22, 17,
14, 7, 10, 15, 16, 11, 12, 10, 13, 9, -2, -4, -2, 7, 16, 16, 17, 16, 7, -1, -16, -18, -16, -9, -4, -5, -10, -9, -8,
-3, -4, -10, -19, -20, -16, -9, -9, -23, -40, -48, -43, -33, -19, -21, -26, -31, -33, -19, 0, 17, 24, 9, -17, -47,
-63, -67, -59, -52, -51, -50, -49, -42, -26, -21, -15, -20, -23, -22, -19, -12, -8, 5, 18, 27, 32, 26, 25, 26, 22,
23, 17, 14, 17, 21, 25, 2, -45, -121, -196, -226, -200, -118, -9, 73, 126, 131, 114, 87, 60, 42, 29, 26, 34, 35, 34,
25, 12, 9, 7, 3, 2, -8, -11, 2, 23, 38, 41, 23, 9, 10, 13, 16, 8, -8, -17, -23, -26, -25, -21, -15, -10, -13, -13,
-19, -22, -29, -40, -48, -48, -54, -55, -66, -82, -85, -90, -92, -98, -114, -119, -124, -129, -132, -146, -146, -138,
-124, -99, -85, -72, -65, -65, -65, -66, -63, -64, -64, -58, -46, -26, -9, 2, 2, 4, 0, 1, 4, 3, 10, 11, 10, 2, -4,
0, 10, 18, 20, 6, 2, -9, -7, -3, -3, -2, -7, -12, -5, 5, 24, 36, 31, 25, 6, 3, 7, 12, 17, 11, 0, -6, -9, -8, -7, -5,
-6, -2, -2, -6, -2, 2, 14, 24, 22, 15, 8, 4, 6, 7, 12, 16, 25, 20, 7, -16, -41, -60, -67, -65, -54, -35, -11, 30,
84, 175, 302, 455, 603, 707, 743, 714, 625, 519, 414, 337, 300, 281, 263, 239, 197, 163, 136, 109, 77, 34, -18, -50,
-66, -74, -79, -92, -107, -117, -127, -129, -135, -139, -141, -155, -159, -167, -171, -169, -174, -175, -178, -191,
-202, -223, -235, -243, -237, -240, -256, -298, -345, -393, -432, -475, -518, -565, -596, -619, -623, -623, -614,
-599, -583, -559, -524, -477, -425, -383, -357, -331, -301, -252, -198, -143, -96, -57, -29, -8, 10, 31, 45, 60, 65,
70, 74, 76, 79, 82, 79, 75, 62,
static void slider_x_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);
int32_t v = lv_slider_get_value(obj);
// lv_chart_set_zoom_x(chart, v);
static void slider_y_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);
int32_t v = lv_slider_get_value(obj);
// lv_chart_set_zoom_y(chart, v);
static void hook_division_lines(lv_event_t * e);
static void add_faded_area(lv_event_t * e);
static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t * e);
* Display 1000 data points with zooming and scrolling.
* See how the chart changes drawing mode (draw only vertical lines) when
* the points get too crowded.
* Add a faded area effect to the line chart and make some division lines ticker
void lv_example_chart_5(void)
/*Create a chart*/
chart = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE); /*Show lines and points too*/
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);
lv_obj_align(chart, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, -30, -30);
lv_chart_set_range(chart, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, -1000, 1000);
lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(chart, 0, 0);
lv_obj_set_style_radius(chart, 0, 0);
/*Do not display points on the data*/
lv_obj_set_style_size(chart, 0, 0, LV_PART_INDICATOR);
lv_chart_set_div_line_count(chart, 5, 7);
lv_obj_add_event(chart, draw_event_cb, LV_EVENT_DRAW_TASK_ADDED, NULL);
lv_obj_add_flag(chart, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SEND_DRAW_TASK_EVENTS);
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
uint32_t pcnt = sizeof(ecg_sample) / sizeof(ecg_sample[0]);
lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, pcnt);
lv_chart_set_ext_y_array(chart, ser, (lv_coord_t *)ecg_sample);
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser, lv_rand(10, 80));
lv_obj_t * slider;
slider = lv_slider_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_slider_set_range(slider, LV_SCALE_NONE, LV_SCALE_NONE * 10);
lv_obj_add_event(slider, slider_x_event_cb, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(slider, 200, 10);
lv_obj_align_to(slider, chart, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 20);
static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
lv_draw_task_t * draw_task = lv_event_get_draw_task(e);
lv_draw_dsc_base_t * base_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
slider = lv_slider_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_slider_set_range(slider, LV_SCALE_NONE, LV_SCALE_NONE * 10);
lv_obj_add_event(slider, slider_y_event_cb, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(slider, 10, 150);
lv_obj_align_to(slider, chart, LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_MID, 20, 0);
if(base_dsc->part == LV_PART_ITEMS && draw_task->type == LV_DRAW_TASK_TYPE_LINE) {
/*Hook the division lines too*/
if(base_dsc->part == LV_PART_MAIN && draw_task->type == LV_DRAW_TASK_TYPE_LINE) {
static void add_faded_area(lv_event_t * e)
lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);
lv_draw_task_t * draw_task = lv_event_get_draw_task(e);
lv_draw_dsc_base_t * base_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
const lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(obj, NULL);
/*Draw a triangle below the line witch some opacity gradient*/
lv_draw_line_dsc_t * draw_line_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
lv_draw_triangle_dsc_t tri_dsc;
tri_dsc.p[0].x = draw_line_dsc->p1.x;
tri_dsc.p[0].y = draw_line_dsc->p1.y;
tri_dsc.p[1].x = draw_line_dsc->p2.x;
tri_dsc.p[1].y = draw_line_dsc->p2.y;
tri_dsc.p[2].x = draw_line_dsc->p1.y < draw_line_dsc->p2.y ? draw_line_dsc->p1.x : draw_line_dsc->p2.x;
tri_dsc.p[2].y = LV_MAX(draw_line_dsc->p1.y, draw_line_dsc->p2.y);
tri_dsc.bg_grad.dir = LV_GRAD_DIR_VER;
lv_coord_t full_h = lv_obj_get_height(obj);
lv_coord_t fract_uppter = (LV_MIN(draw_line_dsc->p1.y, draw_line_dsc->p2.y) - obj->coords.y1) * 255 / full_h;
lv_coord_t fract_lower = (LV_MAX(draw_line_dsc->p1.y, draw_line_dsc->p2.y) - obj->coords.y1) * 255 / full_h;
tri_dsc.bg_grad.stops[0].color = ser->color;
tri_dsc.bg_grad.stops[0].opa = 255 - fract_uppter;
tri_dsc.bg_grad.stops[0].frac = 0;
tri_dsc.bg_grad.stops[1].color = ser->color;
tri_dsc.bg_grad.stops[1].opa = 255 - fract_lower;
tri_dsc.bg_grad.stops[1].frac = 255;
lv_draw_triangle(base_dsc->layer, &tri_dsc);
/*Draw rectangle below the triangle*/
lv_draw_rect_dsc_t rect_dsc;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.dir = LV_GRAD_DIR_VER;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.stops[0].color = ser->color;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.stops[0].frac = 0;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.stops[0].opa = 255 - fract_lower;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.stops[1].color = ser->color;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.stops[1].frac = 255;
rect_dsc.bg_grad.stops[1].opa = 0;
lv_area_t rect_area;
rect_area.x1 = draw_line_dsc->p1.x;
rect_area.x2 = draw_line_dsc->p2.x - 1;
rect_area.y1 = LV_MAX(draw_line_dsc->p1.y, draw_line_dsc->p2.y) - 1;
rect_area.y2 = obj->coords.y2;
lv_draw_rect(base_dsc->layer, &rect_dsc, &rect_area);
static void hook_division_lines(lv_event_t * e)
lv_draw_task_t * draw_task = lv_event_get_draw_task(e);
lv_draw_dsc_base_t * base_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
lv_draw_line_dsc_t * line_dsc = draw_task->draw_dsc;
/*Vertical line*/
if(line_dsc->p1.x == line_dsc->p2.x) {
line_dsc->color = lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREY, 1);
if(base_dsc->id1 == 3) {
line_dsc->width = 2;
line_dsc->dash_gap = 0;
line_dsc->dash_width = 0;
else {
line_dsc->width = 1;
line_dsc->dash_gap = 6;
line_dsc->dash_width = 6;
/*Horizontal line*/
else {
if(base_dsc->id1 == 2) {
line_dsc->width = 2;
line_dsc->dash_gap = 0;
line_dsc->dash_width = 0;
else {
line_dsc->width = 2;
line_dsc->dash_gap = 6;
line_dsc->dash_width = 6;
if(base_dsc->id1 == 1 || base_dsc->id1 == 3) {
line_dsc->color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN);
else {
line_dsc->color = lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREY, 1);
@ -1,132 +1,47 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
//TODO Should be a chart feature
/* A struct is used to keep track of the series list because later we need to draw to the series in the reverse order to which they were initialised. */
typedef struct {
lv_obj_t * obj;
lv_chart_series_t * series_list[3];
} stacked_area_chart_t;
static stacked_area_chart_t stacked_area_chart;
* Callback which draws the blocks of colour under the lines
static void draw_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
static void add_data(lv_timer_t * t)
lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);
lv_obj_t * chart = t->user_data;
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, NULL);
/*Add the faded area before the lines are drawn*/
lv_obj_draw_part_dsc_t * dsc = lv_event_get_draw_part_dsc(e);
if(dsc->part == LV_PART_ITEMS) {
if(!dsc->p1 || !dsc->p2)
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser, lv_rand(10, 90));
/*Add a line mask that keeps the area below the line*/
lv_draw_mask_line_param_t line_mask_param;
lv_draw_mask_line_points_init(&line_mask_param, dsc->p1->x, dsc->p1->y, dsc->p2->x, dsc->p2->y,
int16_t line_mask_id = lv_draw_mask_add(&line_mask_param, NULL);
uint16_t p = lv_chart_get_point_count(chart);
uint16_t s = lv_chart_get_x_start_point(chart, ser);
lv_coord_t * a = lv_chart_get_y_array(chart, ser);
/*Draw a rectangle that will be affected by the mask*/
lv_draw_rect_dsc_t draw_rect_dsc;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
draw_rect_dsc.bg_color = dsc->line_dsc->color;
a[(s + 1) % p] = LV_CHART_POINT_NONE;
a[(s + 2) % p] = LV_CHART_POINT_NONE;
a[(s + 2) % p] = LV_CHART_POINT_NONE;
lv_area_t a;
a.x1 = dsc->p1->x;
a.x2 = dsc->p2->x;
a.y1 = LV_MIN(dsc->p1->y, dsc->p2->y);
a.y2 = obj->coords.y2 -
13; /* -13 cuts off where the rectangle draws over the chart margin. Without this an area of 0 doesn't look like 0 */
lv_draw_rect(dsc->layer, &draw_rect_dsc, &a);
/*Remove the mask*/
* Helper function to round a fixed point number
static int32_t round_fixed_point(int32_t n, int8_t shift)
/* Create a bitmask to isolates the decimal part of the fixed point number */
int32_t mask = 1;
for(int32_t bit_pos = 0; bit_pos < shift; bit_pos++) {
mask = (mask << 1) + 1;
int32_t decimal_part = n & mask;
/* Get 0.5 as fixed point */
int32_t rounding_boundary = 1 << (shift - 1);
/* Return either the integer part of n or the integer part + 1 */
return (decimal_part < rounding_boundary) ? (n & ~mask) : ((n >> shift) + 1) << shift;
* Stacked area chart
* Circular line chart with gap
void lv_example_chart_8(void)
/*Create a stacked_area_chart.obj*/
stacked_area_chart.obj = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_obj_set_size(stacked_area_chart.obj, 200, 150);
lv_chart_set_type(stacked_area_chart.obj, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE);
lv_chart_set_div_line_count(stacked_area_chart.obj, 5, 7);
lv_obj_add_event(stacked_area_chart.obj, draw_event_cb, LV_EVENT_DRAW_PART_BEGIN, NULL);
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_chart_set_update_mode(chart, LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_CIRCULAR);
lv_obj_set_style_size(chart, 0, 0, LV_PART_INDICATOR);
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 280, 150);
/* Set range to 0 to 100 for percentages. Draw ticks */
lv_chart_set_range(stacked_area_chart.obj, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 0, 100);
lv_chart_set_axis_tick(stacked_area_chart.obj, LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y, 3, 0, 5, 1, true, 30);
/*Set point size to 0 so the lines are smooth */
lv_obj_set_style_size(stacked_area_chart.obj, 0, 0, LV_PART_INDICATOR);
/*Add some data series*/
stacked_area_chart.series_list[0] = lv_chart_add_series(stacked_area_chart.obj, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED),
stacked_area_chart.series_list[1] = lv_chart_add_series(stacked_area_chart.obj, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_BLUE),
stacked_area_chart.series_list[2] = lv_chart_add_series(stacked_area_chart.obj, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN),
for(int point = 0; point < 10; point++) {
/* Make some random data */
uint32_t vals[3] = {lv_rand(10, 20), lv_rand(20, 30), lv_rand(20, 30)};
int8_t fixed_point_shift = 5;
uint32_t total = vals[0] + vals[1] + vals[2];
uint32_t draw_heights[3];
uint32_t int_sum = 0;
uint32_t decimal_sum = 0;
/* Fixed point cascade rounding ensures percentages add to 100 */
for(int32_t series_index = 0; series_index < 3; series_index++) {
decimal_sum += (((vals[series_index] * 100) << fixed_point_shift) / total);
int_sum += (vals[series_index] * 100) / total;
int32_t modifier = (round_fixed_point(decimal_sum, fixed_point_shift) >> fixed_point_shift) - int_sum;
/* The draw heights are equal to the percentage of the total each value is + the cumulative sum of the previous percentages.
The accumulation is how the values get "stacked" */
draw_heights[series_index] = int_sum + modifier;
/* Draw to the series in the reverse order to which they were initialised.
Without this the higher values will draw on top of the lower ones.
This is because the Z-height of a series matches the order it was initialised */
lv_chart_set_next_value(stacked_area_chart.obj, stacked_area_chart.series_list[3 - series_index - 1],
lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, 80);
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
/*Prefill with data*/
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser, lv_rand(10, 90));
lv_timer_create(add_data, 300, chart);
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
#include "../../lv_examples.h"
static void add_data(lv_timer_t * t)
lv_obj_t * chart = t->user_data;
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_get_series_next(chart, NULL);
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser, lv_rand(10, 90));
uint16_t p = lv_chart_get_point_count(chart);
uint16_t s = lv_chart_get_x_start_point(chart, ser);
lv_coord_t * a = lv_chart_get_y_array(chart, ser);
a[(s + 1) % p] = LV_CHART_POINT_NONE;
a[(s + 2) % p] = LV_CHART_POINT_NONE;
a[(s + 2) % p] = LV_CHART_POINT_NONE;
* Circular line chart with gap
void lv_example_chart_9(void)
/*Create a stacked_area_chart.obj*/
lv_obj_t * chart = lv_chart_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_chart_set_update_mode(chart, LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_CIRCULAR);
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);
lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, 30);
lv_chart_series_t * ser = lv_chart_add_series(chart, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_Y);
/*Prefill with data*/
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
lv_chart_set_next_value(chart, ser, lv_rand(10, 90));
lv_timer_create(add_data, 300, chart);
@ -56,14 +56,13 @@ void lv_example_canvas_6(void);
void lv_example_canvas_7(void);
void lv_example_chart_1(void);
//void lv_example_chart_2(void);
//void lv_example_chart_3(void);
void lv_example_chart_2(void);
void lv_example_chart_3(void);
void lv_example_chart_4(void);
//void lv_example_chart_5(void);
void lv_example_chart_5(void);
void lv_example_chart_6(void);
void lv_example_chart_7(void);
//void lv_example_chart_8(void);
void lv_example_chart_9(void);
void lv_example_chart_8(void);
void lv_example_checkbox_1(void);
void lv_example_checkbox_2(void);
@ -94,15 +94,6 @@ void lv_draw_finalize_task_creation(lv_layer_t * layer, lv_draw_task_t * t)
lv_draw_global_info_t * info = &_draw_info;
/*Let the draw units set their preference score*/
t->preference_score = 100;
t->preferred_draw_unit_id = 0;
lv_draw_unit_t * u = info->unit_head;
while(u) {
if(u->evaluate_cb) u->evaluate_cb(u, t);
u = u->next;
/*Send LV_EVENT_DRAW_TASK_ADDED and dispatch only on the "main" draw_task
*and not on the draw tasks added in the event.
*Sending LV_EVENT_DRAW_TASK_ADDED events might cause recursive event sends
@ -113,9 +104,29 @@ void lv_draw_finalize_task_creation(lv_layer_t * layer, lv_draw_task_t * t)
if(base_dsc->obj && lv_obj_has_flag(base_dsc->obj, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SEND_DRAW_TASK_EVENTS)) {
lv_obj_send_event(base_dsc->obj, LV_EVENT_DRAW_TASK_ADDED, t);
/*Let the draw units set their preference score*/
t->preference_score = 100;
t->preferred_draw_unit_id = 0;
lv_draw_unit_t * u = info->unit_head;
while(u) {
if(u->evaluate_cb) u->evaluate_cb(u, t);
u = u->next;
info->task_running = false;
else {
/*Let the draw units set their preference score*/
t->preference_score = 100;
t->preferred_draw_unit_id = 0;
lv_draw_unit_t * u = info->unit_head;
while(u) {
if(u->evaluate_cb) u->evaluate_cb(u, t);
u = u->next;
void lv_draw_dispatch(void)
@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ LV_ATTRIBUTE_FAST_MEM static void draw_line_ver(lv_draw_unit_t * draw_unit, cons
if(dash_cnt > dsc->dash_width) {
blend_dsc.mask_res = LV_DRAW_SW_MASK_RES_TRANSP;
else {
blend_dsc.mask_res = LV_DRAW_SW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER;
if(dash_cnt >= dsc->dash_gap + dsc->dash_width) {
dash_cnt = 0;
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ uint32_t lv_chart_get_point_count(const lv_obj_t * obj)
uint32_t lv_chart_get_x_start_point(const lv_obj_t * obj, lv_chart_series_t * ser)
lv_chart_t * chart = (lv_chart_t *)obj;
return chart->update_mode == LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT ? ser->start_point : 0;
return ser->start_point;
void lv_chart_get_point_pos_by_id(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_chart_series_t * ser, uint32_t id, lv_point_t * p_out)
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void lv_chart_get_point_pos_by_id(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_chart_series_t * ser, uint3
p_out->x += lv_obj_get_style_pad_left(obj, LV_PART_MAIN) + border_width;
p_out->x -= lv_obj_get_scroll_left(obj);
uint32_t start_point = lv_chart_get_x_start_point(obj, ser);
uint32_t start_point = chart->update_mode == LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT ? ser->start_point : 0;
id = ((int32_t)start_point + id) % chart->point_cnt;
int32_t temp_y = 0;
temp_y = (int32_t)((int32_t)ser->y_points[id] - chart->ymin[ser->y_axis_sec]) * h;
@ -763,6 +763,7 @@ static void draw_div_lines(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_layer_t * layer)
line_dsc.p1.y = (int32_t)((int32_t)h * i) / (chart->hdiv_cnt - 1);
line_dsc.p1.y += y_ofs;
line_dsc.p2.y = line_dsc.p1.y;
line_dsc.base.id1 = i;
lv_draw_line(layer, &line_dsc);
@ -783,6 +784,7 @@ static void draw_div_lines(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_layer_t * layer)
line_dsc.p1.x = (int32_t)((int32_t)w * i) / (chart->vdiv_cnt - 1);
line_dsc.p1.x += x_ofs;
line_dsc.p2.x = line_dsc.p1.x;
line_dsc.base.id1 = i;
lv_draw_line(layer, &line_dsc);
@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ static void draw_series_line(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_layer_t * layer)
line_dsc.base.id2 = 0;
point_dsc_default.base.id2 = 0;
lv_coord_t start_point = lv_chart_get_x_start_point(obj, ser);
lv_coord_t start_point = chart->update_mode == LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT ? ser->start_point : 0;
line_dsc.p1.x = x_ofs;
line_dsc.p2.x = x_ofs;
@ -980,7 +982,7 @@ static void draw_series_scatter(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_layer_t * layer)
line_dsc.color = ser->color;
point_dsc_default.bg_color = ser->color;
lv_coord_t start_point = lv_chart_get_x_start_point(obj, ser);
lv_coord_t start_point = chart->update_mode == LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT ? ser->start_point : 0;
line_dsc.p1.x = x_ofs;
line_dsc.p2.x = x_ofs;
@ -1107,7 +1109,7 @@ static void draw_series_bar(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_layer_t * layer)
_LV_LL_READ(&chart->series_ll, ser) {
if(ser->hidden) continue;
lv_coord_t start_point = lv_chart_get_x_start_point(obj, ser);
lv_coord_t start_point = chart->update_mode == LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT ? ser->start_point : 0;
col_a.x1 = x_act;
col_a.x2 = col_a.x1 + col_w - 1;
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static void scale_draw_indicator(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_event_t * event)
uint32_t total_tick_count = scale->total_tick_count;
uint32_t tick_idx = 0;
uint32_t major_tick_idx = 0;
for(tick_idx = 0; tick_idx <= total_tick_count; tick_idx++) {
for(tick_idx = 0; tick_idx < total_tick_count; tick_idx++) {
/* A major tick is the one which has a label in it */
bool is_major_tick = false;
if(tick_idx % scale->major_tick_every == 0) is_major_tick = true;
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ static void scale_draw_indicator(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_event_t * event)
uint32_t label_gap = 15U; /* TODO: Add to style properties */
uint32_t tick_idx = 0;
uint32_t major_tick_idx = 0;
for(tick_idx = 0; tick_idx <= scale->total_tick_count; tick_idx++) {
for(tick_idx = 0; tick_idx < scale->total_tick_count; tick_idx++) {
/* A major tick is the one which has a label in it */
bool is_major_tick = false;
if(tick_idx % scale->major_tick_every == 0) is_major_tick = true;
@ -844,7 +844,8 @@ static void scale_get_tick_points(lv_obj_t * obj, const uint32_t tick_idx, bool
/* Increment the tick offset depending of its index */
else if(0 != tick_idx) {
const lv_coord_t scale_total_height = lv_obj_get_height(obj) - (pad_top + pad_bottom + tick_pad_top + tick_pad_bottom);
lv_coord_t offset = ((lv_coord_t) tick_idx * (lv_coord_t) scale_total_height) / (lv_coord_t) scale->total_tick_count;
lv_coord_t offset = ((lv_coord_t) tick_idx * (lv_coord_t) scale_total_height) / (lv_coord_t)(
scale->total_tick_count - 1);
vertical_position -= offset;
else { /* Nothing to do */ }
@ -864,7 +865,8 @@ static void scale_get_tick_points(lv_obj_t * obj, const uint32_t tick_idx, bool
/* Increment the tick offset depending of its index */
else if(0U != tick_idx) {
const lv_coord_t scale_total_width = lv_obj_get_width(obj) - (pad_right + pad_left + tick_pad_right + tick_pad_left);
lv_coord_t offset = ((lv_coord_t) tick_idx * (lv_coord_t) scale_total_width) / (lv_coord_t) scale->total_tick_count;
lv_coord_t offset = ((lv_coord_t) tick_idx * (lv_coord_t) scale_total_width) / (lv_coord_t)(
scale->total_tick_count - 1);
horizontal_position += offset;
else { /* Nothing to do */ }
@ -1139,7 +1141,7 @@ static void scale_find_section_tick_idx(lv_obj_t * obj)
/* Section handling */
uint32_t tick_idx = 0;
for(tick_idx = 0; tick_idx <= total_tick_count; tick_idx++) {
for(tick_idx = 0; tick_idx < total_tick_count; tick_idx++) {
bool is_major_tick = false;
if(tick_idx % scale->major_tick_every == 0) is_major_tick = true;
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