Thomas Schwinge 7981524755 Fix up 'libgomp.fortran/use_device_addr-5.f90' multi-device testing
Fix-up for recent commit r13-116-g3f8c389fe90bf565a6221a46bb7fb745dd4c1510
"OpenMP: Fix use_device_{addr,ptr} with in-data-sharing arg", where we
currently get:

    libgomp: use_device_ptr pointer wasn't mapped
    FAIL: libgomp.fortran/use_device_addr-5.f90   -O  execution test

	* testsuite/libgomp.fortran/use_device_addr-5.f90: Fix up
	multi-device testing.
2022-05-10 14:48:11 +02:00

144 lines
5.4 KiB

program main
use omp_lib
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: aaa(:,:,:)
integer :: i
allocate (aaa(-4:10,-3:8,2))
aaa(:,:,:) = reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaa))], shape(aaa))
do i = 0, omp_get_num_devices()
!$omp target data map(to: aaa) device(i)
call test_addr (aaa, i)
call test_ptr (aaa, i)
!$omp end target data
end do
deallocate (aaa)
subroutine test_addr (aaaa, dev)
use iso_c_binding
integer, target, allocatable :: aaaa(:,:,:), bbbb(:,:,:)
integer, value :: dev
integer :: i
type(c_ptr) :: ptr
logical :: is_shared
is_shared = .false.
!$omp target device(dev) map(to: is_shared)
is_shared = .true.
!$omp end target
allocate (bbbb(-4:10,-3:8,2))
bbbb(:,:,:) = reshape ([(-i, i = 1, size(bbbb))], shape(bbbb))
!$omp target enter data map(to: bbbb) device(dev)
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 1
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 2
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 3
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 4
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
!$omp parallel do shared(bbbb, aaaa)
do i = 1,1
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 5
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 6
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 7
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 8
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
ptr = c_loc (aaaa)
!$omp target data use_device_addr(bbbb, aaaa) device(dev)
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 9
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 10
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 11
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 12
if (is_shared) then
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
end if
if (is_shared .neqv. c_associated (ptr, c_loc (aaaa))) error stop
!$omp target has_device_addr(bbbb, aaaa) device(dev)
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 9
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 10
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 11
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 12
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
!$omp end target
!$omp end target data
end do
!$omp target exit data map(delete: bbbb) device(dev)
deallocate (bbbb)
end subroutine test_addr
subroutine test_ptr (aaaa, dev)
use iso_c_binding
integer, target, allocatable :: aaaa(:,:,:), bbbb(:,:,:)
integer, value :: dev
integer :: i
type(c_ptr) :: ptr
logical :: is_shared
is_shared = .false.
!$omp target device(dev) map(to: is_shared)
is_shared = .true.
!$omp end target
allocate (bbbb(-4:10,-3:8,2))
bbbb(:,:,:) = reshape ([(-i, i = 1, size(bbbb))], shape(bbbb))
!$omp target enter data map(to: bbbb) device(dev)
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 1
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 2
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 3
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 4
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
!$omp parallel do shared(bbbb, aaaa)
do i = 1,1
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 5
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 6
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 7
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 8
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
ptr = c_loc (aaaa)
!$omp target data use_device_ptr(bbbb, aaaa) device(dev)
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 9
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 10
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 11
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 12
if (is_shared) then
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
end if
if (is_shared .neqv. c_associated (ptr, c_loc (aaaa))) error stop
! Uses has_device_addr due to PR fortran/105318
!!$omp target is_device_ptr(bbbb, aaaa) device(dev)
!$omp target has_device_addr(bbbb, aaaa) device(dev)
if (any (lbound (aaaa) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 9
if (any (shape (aaaa) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 10
if (any (lbound (bbbb) /= [-4, -3, 1])) error stop 11
if (any (shape (bbbb) /= [15, 12, 2])) error stop 12
if (any (aaaa /= -bbbb)) error stop 5
if (any (aaaa /= reshape ([(i, i = 1, size(aaaa))], shape(aaaa)))) &
error stop 6
!$omp end target
!$omp end target data
end do
!$omp target exit data map(delete: bbbb) device(dev)
deallocate (bbbb)
end subroutine test_ptr
end program main