2006-12-06 11:34:46 +00:00

544 lines
14 KiB

* dhcpcd - DHCP client daemon -
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Roy Marples <uberlord@gentoo.org>
* dhcpcd is an RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <netinet/ether.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <resolv.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "dhcp.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "dhcpcd.h"
#include "pathnames.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "socket.h"
static char *cleanmetas (char *cstr)
if (! cstr)
return "";
register char *c = cstr;
if (*c == 39)
*c = ' ';
while (*c++);
return cstr;
void exec_script (char *script, char *infofile, char *arg)
if (! script || ! infofile || ! arg)
struct stat buf;
if (stat (script, &buf) < 0)
if (strcmp (script, DEFAULT_SCRIPT) != 0)
logger (LOG_ERR, "`%s': %s", script, strerror (ENOENT));
char *argc[4];
argc[0] = script;
argc[1] = infofile;
argc[2] = arg;
argc[3] = NULL;
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "exec \"%s %s %s\"", script, infofile, arg);
/* We don't wait for the user script to finish - do we trust it? */
/* Don't use vfork as we lose our memory when dhcpcd exits
causing the script to fail */
pid_t pid;
if ((pid = fork ()) == 0)
if (execv (script, argc))
logger (LOG_ERR, "error executing \"%s %s %s\": %s",
argc[0], argc[1], argc[2], strerror (errno));
exit (0);
else if (pid == -1)
logger (LOG_ERR, "fork: %s", strerror (errno));
static int make_resolv (char *ifname, dhcp_t *dhcp)
FILE *f;
struct stat buf;
char resolvconf[PATH_MAX] = {0};
address_t *address;
if (stat (RESOLVCONF, &buf) == 0)
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "sending DNS information to resolvconf");
snprintf (resolvconf, PATH_MAX, RESOLVCONF" -a %s", ifname);
f = popen (resolvconf, "w");
if (! f)
logger (LOG_ERR, "popen: %s", strerror (errno));
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "writing "RESOLVFILE);
if (! (f = fopen(RESOLVFILE, "w")))
logger (LOG_ERR, "fopen `%s': %s", RESOLVFILE, strerror (errno));
if (f)
fprintf (f, "# Generated by dhcpcd for interface %s\n", ifname);
if (dhcp->dnssearch)
fprintf (f, "search %s\n", dhcp->dnssearch);
else if (dhcp->dnsdomain) {
fprintf (f, "search %s\n", dhcp->dnsdomain);
for (address = dhcp->dnsservers; address; address = address->next)
fprintf (f, "nameserver %s\n", inet_ntoa (address->address));
if (*resolvconf)
pclose (f);
fclose (f);
return -1;
/* Refresh the local resolver */
res_init ();
return 0;
static void restore_resolv(char *ifname)
struct stat buf;
if (stat (RESOLVCONF, &buf) < 0)
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "removing information from resolvconf");
char *argc[4];
argc[0] = RESOLVCONF;
argc[1] = "-d";
argc[2] = ifname;
argc[3] = NULL;
/* Don't wait around here as we should only be called when
dhcpcd is closing down and something may do a kill -9
if we take too long */
/* Don't use vfork as we lose our memory when dhcpcd exits
causing the script to fail */
pid_t pid;
if ((pid = fork ()) == 0)
if (execve (argc[0], argc, NULL))
logger (LOG_ERR, "error executing \"%s %s %s\": %s",
argc[0], argc[1], argc[2], strerror (errno));
exit (0);
else if (pid == -1)
logger (LOG_ERR, "fork: %s", strerror (errno));
static int make_ntp (char *ifname, dhcp_t *dhcp)
FILE *f;
address_t *address;
char *a;
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "writing "NTPFILE);
if (! (f = fopen(NTPFILE, "w")))
logger (LOG_ERR, "fopen `%s': %s", NTPFILE, strerror (errno));
return -1;
fprintf (f, "# Generated by dhcpcd for interface %s\n", ifname);
fprintf (f, "restrict default noquery notrust nomodify\n");
fprintf (f, "restrict\n");
for (address = dhcp->ntpservers; address; address = address->next)
a = inet_ntoa (address->address);
fprintf (f, "restrict %s nomodify notrap noquery\nserver %s\n", a, a);
fprintf (f, "driftfile " NTPDRIFTFILE "\n");
fprintf (f, "logfile " NTPLOGFILE "\n");
fclose (f);
return 0;
static int make_nis (char *ifname, dhcp_t *dhcp)
FILE *f;
address_t *address;
char prefix[256] = {0};
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "writing "NISFILE);
if (! (f = fopen(NISFILE, "w")))
logger (LOG_ERR, "fopen `%s': %s", NISFILE, strerror (errno));
return -1;
fprintf (f, "# Generated by dhcpcd for interface %s\n", ifname);
if (dhcp->nisdomain)
setdomainname (dhcp->nisdomain, strlen (dhcp->nisdomain));
if (dhcp->nisservers)
snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "domain %s server", dhcp->nisdomain);
fprintf (f, "domain %s broadcast\n", dhcp->nisdomain);
snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "%s", "ypserver");
for (address = dhcp->nisservers; address; address = address->next)
fprintf (f, "%s %s\n", prefix, inet_ntoa (address->address));
fclose (f);
return 0;
static int write_info(interface_t *iface, dhcp_t *dhcp)
FILE *f;
route_t *route;
address_t *address;
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "writing %s", iface->infofile);
if ((f = fopen (iface->infofile, "w")) == NULL)
logger (LOG_ERR, "fopen `%s': %s", iface->infofile, strerror (errno));
return -1;
fprintf (f, "IPADDR='%s'\n", inet_ntoa (dhcp->address));
fprintf (f, "NETMASK='%s'\n", inet_ntoa (dhcp->netmask));
fprintf (f, "BROADCAST='%s'\n", inet_ntoa (dhcp->broadcast));
if (dhcp->mtu > 0)
fprintf (f, "MTU='%d'\n", dhcp->mtu);
if (dhcp->routes)
fprintf (f, "ROUTES='");
for (route = dhcp->routes; route; route = route->next)
fprintf (f, "%s", inet_ntoa (route->destination));
fprintf (f, ",%s", inet_ntoa (route->netmask));
fprintf (f, ",%s", inet_ntoa (route->gateway));
if (route->next)
fprintf (f, " ");
fprintf (f, "'\n");
if (dhcp->hostname)
fprintf (f, "HOSTNAME='%s'\n",cleanmetas (dhcp->hostname));
if (dhcp->dnsdomain)
fprintf (f, "DNSDOMAIN='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->dnsdomain));
if (dhcp->dnssearch)
fprintf (f, "DNSSEARCH='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->dnssearch));
if (dhcp->dnsservers)
fprintf (f, "DNSSERVERS='");
for (address = dhcp->dnsservers; address; address = address->next)
fprintf (f, "%s", inet_ntoa (address->address));
if (address->next)
fprintf (f, " ");
fprintf (f, "'\n");
if (dhcp->fqdn)
fprintf (f, "FQDNFLAGS='%u'\n", dhcp->fqdn->flags);
fprintf (f, "FQDNRCODE1='%u'\n", dhcp->fqdn->r1);
fprintf (f, "FQDNRCODE2='%u'\n", dhcp->fqdn->r2);
fprintf (f, "FQDNHOSTNAME='%s'\n", dhcp->fqdn->name);
if (dhcp->ntpservers)
fprintf (f, "NTPSERVERS='");
for (address = dhcp->ntpservers; address; address = address->next)
fprintf (f, "%s", inet_ntoa (address->address));
if (address->next)
fprintf (f, " ");
fprintf (f, "'\n");
if (dhcp->nisdomain)
fprintf (f, "NISDOMAIN='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->nisdomain));
if (dhcp->nisservers)
fprintf (f, "NISSERVERS='");
for (address = dhcp->nisservers; address; address = address->next)
fprintf (f, "%s", inet_ntoa (address->address));
if (address->next)
fprintf (f, " ");
fprintf (f, "'\n");
if (dhcp->rootpath)
fprintf (f, "ROOTPATH='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->rootpath));
fprintf (f, "DHCPSID='%s'\n", inet_ntoa (dhcp->serveraddress));
fprintf (f, "DHCPCHADDR='%s'\n", ether_ntoa (&iface->ethernet_address));
fprintf (f, "DHCPSNAME='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->servername));
fprintf (f, "LEASETIME='%u'\n", dhcp->leasetime);
fprintf (f, "RENEWALTIME='%u'\n", dhcp->renewaltime);
fprintf (f, "REBINDTIME='%u'\n", dhcp->rebindtime);
fprintf (f, "INTERFACE='%s'\n", iface->name);
fprintf (f, "CLASSID='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->classid));
fprintf (f, "CLIENTID='%s'\n", cleanmetas (dhcp->clientid));
fclose (f);
return 0;
int configure (options_t *options, interface_t *iface, dhcp_t *dhcp)
route_t *route = NULL;
route_t *new_route = NULL;
route_t *old_route = NULL;
struct hostent *he = NULL;
char newhostname[HOSTNAME_MAX_LEN] = {0};
char curhostname[HOSTNAME_MAX_LEN] = {0};
char *dname = NULL;
int dnamel = 0;
if (! options || ! iface || ! dhcp)
return -1;
/* Remove old routes
Always do this as the interface may have >1 address not added by us
so the routes we added may still exist */
if (iface->previous_routes)
for (route = iface->previous_routes; route; route = route->next)
if (route->destination.s_addr || options->dogateway)
int have = 0;
if (dhcp->address.s_addr != 0)
for (new_route = dhcp->routes; new_route; new_route = new_route->next)
if (new_route->destination.s_addr == route->destination.s_addr
&& new_route->netmask.s_addr == route->netmask.s_addr
&& new_route->gateway.s_addr == route->gateway.s_addr)
have = 1;
if (! have)
del_route (iface->name, route->destination, route->netmask,
route->gateway, options->metric);
/* If we don't have an address, then return */
if (dhcp->address.s_addr == 0)
if (iface->previous_routes)
free_route (iface->previous_routes);
iface->previous_routes = NULL;
/* Only reset things if we had set them before */
if (iface->previous_address.s_addr != 0)
del_address (iface->name, iface->previous_address);
memset (&iface->previous_address, 0, sizeof (struct in_addr));
restore_resolv (iface->name);
/* we currently don't have a resolvconf style programs for ntp/nis */
exec_script (options->script, iface->infofile, "down");
return 0;
if (add_address (iface->name, dhcp->address, dhcp->netmask,
dhcp->broadcast) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
return -1;
/* Now delete the old address if different */
if (iface->previous_address.s_addr != dhcp->address.s_addr
&& iface->previous_address.s_addr != 0)
del_address (iface->name, iface->previous_address);
#ifdef __linux__
/* On linux, we need to change the subnet route to have our metric. */
if (iface->previous_address.s_addr != dhcp->address.s_addr
&& options->metric > 0)
struct in_addr td;
struct in_addr tg;
memset (&td, 0, sizeof (td));
memset (&tg, 0, sizeof (tg));
td.s_addr = dhcp->address.s_addr & dhcp->netmask.s_addr;
add_route (iface->name, td, dhcp->netmask, tg, options->metric);
del_route (iface->name, td, dhcp->netmask, tg, 0);
/* Remember added routes */
if (dhcp->routes)
route_t *new_routes = NULL;
for (route = dhcp->routes; route; route = route->next)
/* Don't set default routes if not asked to */
if (route->destination.s_addr == 0 && route->netmask.s_addr == 0
&& ! options->dogateway)
int remember = add_route (iface->name, route->destination,
route->netmask, route->gateway,
/* If we failed to add the route, we may have already added it
ourselves. If so, remember it again. */
if (remember < 0)
for (old_route = iface->previous_routes; old_route;
old_route = old_route->next)
if (old_route->destination.s_addr == route->destination.s_addr
&& old_route->netmask.s_addr == route->netmask.s_addr
&& old_route->gateway.s_addr == route->gateway.s_addr)
remember = 1;
if (remember >= 0)
if (! new_routes)
new_routes = xmalloc (sizeof (route_t));
memset (new_routes, 0, sizeof (route_t));
new_route = new_routes;
new_route->next = xmalloc (sizeof (route_t));
new_route = new_route->next;
memcpy (new_route, route, sizeof (route_t));
new_route -> next = NULL;
if (iface->previous_routes)
free_route (iface->previous_routes);
iface->previous_routes = new_routes;
if (options->dodns && dhcp->dnsservers)
make_resolv(iface->name, dhcp);
logger (LOG_DEBUG, "no dns information to write");
if (options->dontp && dhcp->ntpservers)
make_ntp(iface->name, dhcp);
if (options->donis && (dhcp->nisservers || dhcp->nisdomain))
make_nis(iface->name, dhcp);
/* Now we have made a resolv.conf we can obtain a hostname if we need one */
if (options->dohostname && ! dhcp->hostname)
he = gethostbyaddr (inet_ntoa (dhcp->address),
sizeof (struct in_addr), AF_INET);
if (he)
dname = he->h_name;
while (*dname > 32)
dnamel = dname - he->h_name;
memcpy (newhostname, he->h_name, dnamel);
newhostname[dnamel] = 0;
gethostname (curhostname, sizeof (curhostname));
if (options->dohostname
|| strlen (curhostname) == 0
|| strcmp (curhostname, "(none)") == 0
|| strcmp (curhostname, "localhost") == 0)
if (dhcp->hostname)
strcpy (newhostname, dhcp->hostname);
if (*newhostname)
logger (LOG_INFO, "setting hostname to `%s'", newhostname);
sethostname (newhostname, strlen (newhostname));
write_info (iface, dhcp);
if (iface->previous_address.s_addr != dhcp->address.s_addr)
memcpy (&iface->previous_address,
&dhcp->address, sizeof (struct in_addr));
exec_script (options->script, iface->infofile, "new");
exec_script (options->script, iface->infofile, "up");
return 0;