/* * dhcpcd - DHCP client daemon - * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Roy Marples * * dhcpcd is an RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "client.h" #include "dhcpcd.h" #include "dhcp.h" #include "interface.h" #include "logger.h" #include "pathnames.h" #include "version.h" #define PACKAGE "dhcpcd" #define STRINGINT(_string, _int) { \ char *_tmp; \ errno = 0; \ long _number = strtol (_string, &_tmp, 0); \ if ((errno != 0 && _number == 0) || _string == _tmp || \ (errno == ERANGE && (_number == LONG_MAX || _number == LONG_MIN))) \ { \ logger (LOG_ERR, "`%s' out of range", _string);; \ exit (EXIT_FAILURE); \ } \ else \ _int = (int) _number; \ } static pid_t readpid(char *pidfile) { FILE *fp; pid_t pid; if ((fp = fopen (pidfile, "r")) == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return 0; } fscanf (fp, "%d", &pid); fclose (fp); return pid; } static int kill_pid (char *pidfile, int sig) { pid_t pid = readpid (pidfile); int r = 0; if (!pid || (r = kill (pid, sig))) { logger (LOG_ERR, ""PACKAGE" not running"); unlink (pidfile); } return r; } static void usage () { printf ("usage: "PACKAGE" [-adknpGHNRY] [-c script] [-h hostame] [-i classID]\n" " [-l leasetime] [-m metric] [-s ipaddress] [-t timeout]\n" " [-u userclass] [-F [none | ptr | both]] [-I clientID]\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { options_t options; /* Sanitize our fd's */ int zero; if ((zero = open (_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR, 0)) >= 0) { while (zero < 3) zero = dup (zero); close(zero); } openlog (PACKAGE, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0); memset (&options, 0, sizeof (options_t)); options.script = DEFAULT_SCRIPT; snprintf (options.classid, CLASS_ID_MAX_LEN, "%s %s", PACKAGE, VERSION); options.doarp = false; options.dodns = true; options.dontp = true; options.dogateway = true; options.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; int doversion = 0; int dohelp = 0; int userclasses = 0; const struct option longopts[] = { {"arp", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"script",required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"hostname", required_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"classid", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"release", no_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"leasetime", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"metric", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"renew", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"persistent", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"request", required_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"userclass", required_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"fqdn", optional_argument, NULL, 'F'}, {"nogateway", no_argument, NULL, 'G'}, {"sethostname", no_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"clientid", required_argument, NULL, 'I'}, {"nontp", no_argument, NULL, 'N'}, {"nodns", no_argument, NULL, 'R'}, {"nonis", no_argument, NULL, 'Y'}, {"help", no_argument, &dohelp, 1}, {"version", no_argument, &doversion, 1}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; int ch; int option_index = 0; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "ac:dh:i:kl:m:nps:t:u:F:GHI:NRY", longopts, &option_index)) != -1) switch (ch) { case 0: if (longopts[option_index].flag) break; logger (LOG_ERR, "option `%s' should set a flag", longopts[option_index].name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'a': options.doarp = true; break; case 'c': options.script = optarg; break; case 'd': setloglevel(LOG_DEBUG); break; case 'h': if (strlen (optarg) > HOSTNAME_MAX_LEN) { logger(LOG_ERR, "`%s' too long for HostName string, max is %d", optarg, HOSTNAME_MAX_LEN); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else options.hostname = optarg; break; case 'i': if (strlen(optarg) > CLASS_ID_MAX_LEN) { logger (LOG_ERR, "`%s' too long for ClassID string, max is %d", optarg, CLASS_ID_MAX_LEN); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else sprintf(options.classid, "%s", optarg); break; case 'k': options.signal = SIGHUP; break; case 'l': STRINGINT (optarg, options.leasetime); if (options.leasetime <= 0) { logger (LOG_ERR, "leasetime must be a positive value"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'm': STRINGINT(optarg, options.metric); break; case 'n': options.signal = SIGALRM; break; case 'p': options.persistent = true; break; case 's': if (! inet_aton (optarg, &options.requestaddress)) { logger (LOG_ERR, "`%s' is not a valid IP address", optarg); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 't': STRINGINT (optarg, options.timeout); if (options.timeout < 0) { logger (LOG_ERR, "timeout must be a positive value"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'u': { int i; int offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < userclasses; i++) offset += (int) options.userclass[offset] + 1; if (offset + 1 + strlen (optarg) > USERCLASS_MAX_LEN) { logger (LOG_ERR, "userclass overrun, max is %d", USERCLASS_MAX_LEN); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } userclasses++; memcpy (options.userclass + offset + 1 , optarg, strlen (optarg)); options.userclass[offset] = strlen (optarg); } break; case 'F': if (strcmp (optarg, "none") == 0) options.fqdn = FQDN_NONE; else if (strcmp (optarg, "ptr") == 0) options.fqdn = FQDN_PTR; else if (strcmp (optarg, "both") == 0) options.fqdn = FQDN_BOTH; else { logger (LOG_ERR, "invalid value `%s' for FQDN", optarg); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'G': options.dogateway = false; break; case 'H': options.dohostname = true; break; case 'I': if (strlen (optarg) > CLIENT_ID_MAX_LEN) { logger (LOG_ERR, "`%s' is too long for ClientID, max is %d", optarg, CLIENT_ID_MAX_LEN); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else sprintf(options.clientid, "%s", optarg); break; case 'N': options.dontp = false; break; case 'R': options.dodns = false; break; case 'Y': options.donis = false; break; case '?': usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); default: usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (doversion) printf (""PACKAGE" "VERSION"\n"); if (dohelp) usage (); if (optind < argc) { if (strlen (argv[optind]) > IF_NAMESIZE) { logger (LOG_ERR, "`%s' is too long for an interface name (max=%d)", argv[optind], IF_NAMESIZE); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } options.interface = argv[optind]; } else { /* If only version was requested then exit now */ if (doversion || dohelp) exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); logger (LOG_ERR, "no interface specified", options.interface); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (geteuid ()) { logger (LOG_ERR, "you need to be root to run "PACKAGE); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } char prefix[IF_NAMESIZE + 3]; snprintf (prefix, IF_NAMESIZE, "%s: ", options.interface); setlogprefix (prefix); snprintf (options.pidfile, sizeof (options.pidfile), PIDFILE, options.interface); if (options.signal != 0) exit (kill_pid (options.pidfile, options.signal)); umask (022); if (readpid (options.pidfile)) { logger (LOG_ERR, ""PACKAGE" already running (%s)", options.pidfile); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mkdir (CONFIGDIR, S_IRUSR |S_IWUSR |S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && errno != EEXIST ) { logger( LOG_ERR, "mkdir(\"%s\",0): %m\n", CONFIGDIR); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mkdir (ETCDIR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && errno != EEXIST ) { logger (LOG_ERR, "mkdir(\"%s\",0): %m\n", ETCDIR); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } logger (LOG_INFO, PACKAGE " " VERSION " starting"); if (dhcp_run (&options)) exit (EXIT_FAILURE); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }