mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 23:04:14 +08:00
svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r70936 | r.david.murray | 2009-03-31 23:21:43 -0400 (Tue, 31 Mar 2009) | 4 lines Fix issue 2522. locale.format now checks that it is passed exactly one pattern, which avoids mysterious errors where it had seemed to fail to do localization. ........
347 lines
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347 lines
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from test.support import run_unittest, verbose
import unittest
import locale
import sys
import codecs
enUS_locale = None
def get_enUS_locale():
global enUS_locale
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
raise unittest.SkipTest("Locale support on MacOSX is minimal")
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
tlocs = ("En", "English")
tlocs = ("en_US.UTF-8", "en_US.US-ASCII", "en_US")
oldlocale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC)
for tloc in tlocs:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, tloc)
except locale.Error:
raise unittest.SkipTest(
"Test locale not supported (tried %s)" % (', '.join(tlocs)))
enUS_locale = tloc
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale)
class BaseLocalizedTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Base class for tests using a real locale
def setUp(self):
self.oldlocale = locale.setlocale(self.locale_type)
locale.setlocale(self.locale_type, enUS_locale)
if verbose:
print("testing with \"%s\"..." % enUS_locale, end=' ')
def tearDown(self):
locale.setlocale(self.locale_type, self.oldlocale)
class BaseCookedTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Base class for tests using cooked localeconv() values
def setUp(self):
locale._override_localeconv = self.cooked_values
def tearDown(self):
locale._override_localeconv = {}
class CCookedTest(BaseCookedTest):
# A cooked "C" locale
cooked_values = {
'currency_symbol': '',
'decimal_point': '.',
'frac_digits': 127,
'grouping': [],
'int_curr_symbol': '',
'int_frac_digits': 127,
'mon_decimal_point': '',
'mon_grouping': [],
'mon_thousands_sep': '',
'n_cs_precedes': 127,
'n_sep_by_space': 127,
'n_sign_posn': 127,
'negative_sign': '',
'p_cs_precedes': 127,
'p_sep_by_space': 127,
'p_sign_posn': 127,
'positive_sign': '',
'thousands_sep': ''
class EnUSCookedTest(BaseCookedTest):
# A cooked "en_US" locale
cooked_values = {
'currency_symbol': '$',
'decimal_point': '.',
'frac_digits': 2,
'grouping': [3, 3, 0],
'int_curr_symbol': 'USD ',
'int_frac_digits': 2,
'mon_decimal_point': '.',
'mon_grouping': [3, 3, 0],
'mon_thousands_sep': ',',
'n_cs_precedes': 1,
'n_sep_by_space': 0,
'n_sign_posn': 1,
'negative_sign': '-',
'p_cs_precedes': 1,
'p_sep_by_space': 0,
'p_sign_posn': 1,
'positive_sign': '',
'thousands_sep': ','
class FrFRCookedTest(BaseCookedTest):
# A cooked "fr_FR" locale with a space character as decimal separator
# and a non-ASCII currency symbol.
cooked_values = {
'currency_symbol': '\u20ac',
'decimal_point': ',',
'frac_digits': 2,
'grouping': [3, 3, 0],
'int_curr_symbol': 'EUR ',
'int_frac_digits': 2,
'mon_decimal_point': ',',
'mon_grouping': [3, 3, 0],
'mon_thousands_sep': ' ',
'n_cs_precedes': 0,
'n_sep_by_space': 1,
'n_sign_posn': 1,
'negative_sign': '-',
'p_cs_precedes': 0,
'p_sep_by_space': 1,
'p_sign_posn': 1,
'positive_sign': '',
'thousands_sep': ' '
class BaseFormattingTest(object):
# Utility functions for formatting tests
def _test_formatfunc(self, format, value, out, func, **format_opts):
func(format, value, **format_opts), out)
def _test_format(self, format, value, out, **format_opts):
self._test_formatfunc(format, value, out,
func=locale.format, **format_opts)
def _test_format_string(self, format, value, out, **format_opts):
self._test_formatfunc(format, value, out,
func=locale.format_string, **format_opts)
def _test_currency(self, value, out, **format_opts):
self.assertEqual(locale.currency(value, **format_opts), out)
class EnUSNumberFormatting(BaseFormattingTest):
# XXX there is a grouping + padding bug when the thousands separator
# is empty but the grouping array contains values (e.g. Solaris 10)
def setUp(self):
self.sep = locale.localeconv()['thousands_sep']
def test_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%f", 1024, grouping=1, out='1%s024.000000' % self.sep)
self._test_format("%f", 102, grouping=1, out='102.000000')
self._test_format("%f", -42, grouping=1, out='-42.000000')
self._test_format("%+f", -42, grouping=1, out='-42.000000')
def test_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%20.f", -42, grouping=1, out='-42'.rjust(20))
if self.sep:
self._test_format("%+10.f", -4200, grouping=1,
out=('-4%s200' % self.sep).rjust(10))
self._test_format("%-10.f", -4200, grouping=1,
out=('-4%s200' % self.sep).ljust(10))
def test_integer_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4%s200' % self.sep)
self._test_format("%+d", 4200, grouping=True, out='+4%s200' % self.sep)
self._test_format("%+d", -4200, grouping=True, out='-4%s200' % self.sep)
def test_integer_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%10d", 4200, grouping=True,
out=('4%s200' % self.sep).rjust(10))
self._test_format("%-10d", -4200, grouping=True,
out=('-4%s200' % self.sep).ljust(10))
def test_simple(self):
self._test_format("%f", 1024, grouping=0, out='1024.000000')
self._test_format("%f", 102, grouping=0, out='102.000000')
self._test_format("%f", -42, grouping=0, out='-42.000000')
self._test_format("%+f", -42, grouping=0, out='-42.000000')
def test_padding(self):
self._test_format("%20.f", -42, grouping=0, out='-42'.rjust(20))
self._test_format("%+10.f", -4200, grouping=0, out='-4200'.rjust(10))
self._test_format("%-10.f", 4200, grouping=0, out='4200'.ljust(10))
def test_complex_formatting(self):
# Spaces in formatting string
self._test_format_string("One million is %i", 1000000, grouping=1,
out='One million is 1%s000%s000' % (self.sep, self.sep))
self._test_format_string("One million is %i", 1000000, grouping=1,
out='One million is 1%s000%s000' % (self.sep, self.sep))
# Dots in formatting string
self._test_format_string(".%f.", 1000.0, out='.1000.000000.')
# Padding
if self.sep:
self._test_format_string("--> %10.2f", 4200, grouping=1,
out='--> ' + ('4%s200.00' % self.sep).rjust(10))
# Asterisk formats
self._test_format_string("%10.*f", (2, 1000), grouping=0,
if self.sep:
self._test_format_string("%*.*f", (10, 2, 1000), grouping=1,
out=('1%s000.00' % self.sep).rjust(10))
# Test more-in-one
if self.sep:
self._test_format_string("int %i float %.2f str %s",
(1000, 1000.0, 'str'), grouping=1,
out='int 1%s000 float 1%s000.00 str str' %
(self.sep, self.sep))
class TestFormatPatternArg(unittest.TestCase):
# Test handling of pattern argument of format
def test_onlyOnePattern(self):
# Issue 2522: accept exactly one % pattern, and no extra chars.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, locale.format, "%f\n", 'foo')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, locale.format, "%f\r", 'foo')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, locale.format, "%f\r\n", 'foo')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, locale.format, " %f", 'foo')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, locale.format, "%fg", 'foo')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, locale.format, "%^g", 'foo')
class TestNumberFormatting(BaseLocalizedTest, EnUSNumberFormatting):
# Test number formatting with a real English locale.
locale_type = locale.LC_NUMERIC
def setUp(self):
class TestEnUSNumberFormatting(EnUSCookedTest, EnUSNumberFormatting):
# Test number formatting with a cooked "en_US" locale.
def setUp(self):
def test_currency(self):
self._test_currency(50000, "$50000.00")
self._test_currency(50000, "$50,000.00", grouping=True)
self._test_currency(50000, "USD 50,000.00",
grouping=True, international=True)
class TestCNumberFormatting(CCookedTest, BaseFormattingTest):
# Test number formatting with a cooked "C" locale.
def test_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12345.67')
def test_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%9.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out=' 12345.67')
class TestFrFRNumberFormatting(FrFRCookedTest, BaseFormattingTest):
# Test number formatting with a cooked "fr_FR" locale.
def test_decimal_point(self):
self._test_format("%.2f", 12345.67, out='12345,67')
def test_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67')
self._test_format("%.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
def test_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%6.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67')
self._test_format("%7.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out=' 345,67')
self._test_format("%8.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%9.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%10.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out=' 12 345,67')
self._test_format("%-6.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67')
self._test_format("%-7.2f", 345.67, grouping=True, out='345,67 ')
self._test_format("%-8.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%-9.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67')
self._test_format("%-10.2f", 12345.67, grouping=True, out='12 345,67 ')
def test_integer_grouping(self):
self._test_format("%d", 200, grouping=True, out='200')
self._test_format("%d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
def test_integer_grouping_and_padding(self):
self._test_format("%4d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%5d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%10d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200'.rjust(10))
self._test_format("%-4d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%-5d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200')
self._test_format("%-10d", 4200, grouping=True, out='4 200'.ljust(10))
def test_currency(self):
euro = '\u20ac'
self._test_currency(50000, "50000,00 " + euro)
self._test_currency(50000, "50 000,00 " + euro, grouping=True)
# XXX is the trailing space a bug?
self._test_currency(50000, "50 000,00 EUR ",
grouping=True, international=True)
class TestMiscellaneous(unittest.TestCase):
def test_getpreferredencoding(self):
# Invoke getpreferredencoding to make sure it does not cause exceptions.
enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()
if enc:
# If encoding non-empty, make sure it is valid
if hasattr(locale, "strcoll"):
def test_strcoll_3303(self):
# test crasher from bug #3303
self.assertRaises(TypeError, locale.strcoll, "a", None)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, locale.strcoll, b"a", None)
def test_main():
tests = [
# SkipTest can't be raised inside unittests, handle it manually instead
except unittest.SkipTest as e:
if verbose:
print("Some tests will be disabled: %s" % e)
tests += [TestNumberFormatting]
if __name__ == '__main__':