Barry Warsaw 408b6d34de Complete the absolute import patch for the test suite. All relative
imports of test modules now import from the test package.  Other
related oddities are also fixed (like DeprecationWarning filters that
weren't specifying the full import part, etc.).  Also did a general
code cleanup to remove all "from test.test_support import *"'s.  Other
from...import *'s weren't changed.
2002-07-30 23:27:12 +00:00

431 lines
15 KiB

# SRE test harness for the Python regression suite
# this is based on test_re.py, but uses a test function instead
# of all those asserts
import sys
from test.test_support import verbose, TestFailed, have_unicode
import sre
import sys, os, string, traceback
# test support
def test(expression, result, exception=None):
r = eval(expression)
if exception:
if not isinstance(sys.exc_value, exception):
print expression, "FAILED"
# display name, not actual value
if exception is sre.error:
print "expected", "sre.error"
print "expected", exception.__name__
print "got", sys.exc_type.__name__, str(sys.exc_value)
print expression, "FAILED"
if exception:
print expression, "FAILED"
if exception is sre.error:
print "expected", "sre.error"
print "expected", exception.__name__
print "got result", repr(r)
if r != result:
print expression, "FAILED"
print "expected", repr(result)
print "got result", repr(r)
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on character literals'
for i in [0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 127, 128, 255]:
test(r"""sre.match(r"\%03o" % i, chr(i)) is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match(r"\%03o0" % i, chr(i)+"0") is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match(r"\%03o8" % i, chr(i)+"8") is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match(r"\x%02x" % i, chr(i)) is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match(r"\x%02x0" % i, chr(i)+"0") is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match(r"\x%02xz" % i, chr(i)+"z") is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match("\911", "")""", None, sre.error)
# Misc tests from Tim Peters' re.doc
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on sre.search and sre.match'
test(r"""sre.search(r'x*', 'axx').span(0)""", (0, 0))
test(r"""sre.search(r'x*', 'axx').span()""", (0, 0))
test(r"""sre.search(r'x+', 'axx').span(0)""", (1, 3))
test(r"""sre.search(r'x+', 'axx').span()""", (1, 3))
test(r"""sre.search(r'x', 'aaa')""", None)
test(r"""sre.match(r'a*', 'xxx').span(0)""", (0, 0))
test(r"""sre.match(r'a*', 'xxx').span()""", (0, 0))
test(r"""sre.match(r'x*', 'xxxa').span(0)""", (0, 3))
test(r"""sre.match(r'x*', 'xxxa').span()""", (0, 3))
test(r"""sre.match(r'a+', 'xxx')""", None)
# bug 113254
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)|(b)', 'b').start(1)""", -1)
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)|(b)', 'b').end(1)""", -1)
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)|(b)', 'b').span(1)""", (-1, -1))
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on sre.sub'
test(r"""sre.sub(r"(?i)b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB")""", 'x x')
def bump_num(matchobj):
int_value = int(matchobj.group(0))
return str(int_value + 1)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'\d+', bump_num, '08.2 -2 23x99y')""", '9.3 -3 24x100y')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'\d+', bump_num, '08.2 -2 23x99y', 3)""", '9.3 -3 23x99y')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'.', lambda m: r"\n", 'x')""", '\\n')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'.', r"\n", 'x')""", '\n')
s = r"\1\1"
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(.)', s, 'x')""", 'xx')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(.)', sre.escape(s), 'x')""", s)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(.)', lambda m: s, 'x')""", s)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<a>\g<a>', 'xx')""", 'xxxx')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<a>\g<1>', 'xx')""", 'xxxx')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<unk>x)', '\g<unk>\g<unk>', 'xx')""", 'xxxx')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<unk>x)', '\g<1>\g<1>', 'xx')""", 'xxxx')
# bug 449964: fails for group followed by other escape
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<unk>x)', '\g<1>\g<1>\\b', 'xx')""", 'xx\bxx\b')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', r'\t\n\v\r\f\a\b\B\Z\a\A\w\W\s\S\d\D', 'a')""", '\t\n\v\r\f\a\b\\B\\Z\a\\A\\w\\W\\s\\S\\d\\D')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', '\t\n\v\r\f\a', 'a')""", '\t\n\v\r\f\a')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', '\t\n\v\r\f\a', 'a')""", (chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(11)+chr(13)+chr(12)+chr(7)))
test(r"""sre.sub(r'^\s*', 'X', 'test')""", 'Xtest')
# qualified sub
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', 'b', 'aaaaa')""", 'bbbbb')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', 'b', 'aaaaa', 1)""", 'baaaa')
# bug 114660
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(\S)\s+(\S)', r'\1 \2', 'hello there')""", 'hello there')
# Test for sub() on escaped characters, see SF bug #449000
test(r"""sre.sub(r'\r\n', r'\n', 'abc\r\ndef\r\n')""", 'abc\ndef\n')
test(r"""sre.sub('\r\n', r'\n', 'abc\r\ndef\r\n')""", 'abc\ndef\n')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'\r\n', '\n', 'abc\r\ndef\r\n')""", 'abc\ndef\n')
test(r"""sre.sub('\r\n', '\n', 'abc\r\ndef\r\n')""", 'abc\ndef\n')
# Test for empty sub() behaviour, see SF bug #462270
test(r"""sre.sub('x*', '-', 'abxd')""", '-a-b-d-')
test(r"""sre.sub('x+', '-', 'abxd')""", 'ab-d')
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on symbolic references'
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<a', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<a a>', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<1a1>', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)', '\g<ab>', 'xx')""", None, IndexError)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)|(?P<b>y)', '\g<b>', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<a>x)|(?P<b>y)', '\\2', 'xx')""", None, sre.error)
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on sre.subn'
test(r"""sre.subn(r"(?i)b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB")""", ('x x', 2))
test(r"""sre.subn(r"b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB")""", ('x BBBB', 1))
test(r"""sre.subn(r"b+", "x", "xyz")""", ('xyz', 0))
test(r"""sre.subn(r"b*", "x", "xyz")""", ('xxxyxzx', 4))
test(r"""sre.subn(r"b*", "x", "xyz", 2)""", ('xxxyz', 2))
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on sre.split'
test(r"""sre.split(r":", ":a:b::c")""", ['', 'a', 'b', '', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r":+", ":a:b:::")""", ['', 'a', 'b', ''])
test(r"""sre.split(r":*", ":a:b::c")""", ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(:*)", ":a:b::c")""", ['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', '::', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(?::*)", ":a:b::c")""", ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(:)*", ":a:b::c")""", ['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', ':', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"([b:]+)", ":a:b::c")""", ['', ':', 'a', ':b::', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(b)|(:+)", ":a:b::c")""",
['', None, ':', 'a', None, ':', '', 'b', None, '', None, '::', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(?:b)|(?::+)", ":a:b::c")""", ['', 'a', '', '', 'c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r":", ":a:b::c", 2)""", ['', 'a', 'b::c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r':', 'a:b:c:d', 2)""", ['a', 'b', 'c:d'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(:)", ":a:b::c", 2)""", ['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b::c'])
test(r"""sre.split(r"(:*)", ":a:b::c", 2)""", ['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b::c'])
if verbose:
print "Running tests on sre.findall"
test(r"""sre.findall(r":+", "abc")""", [])
test(r"""sre.findall(r":+", "a:b::c:::d")""", [":", "::", ":::"])
test(r"""sre.findall(r"(:+)", "a:b::c:::d")""", [":", "::", ":::"])
test(r"""sre.findall(r"(:)(:*)", "a:b::c:::d")""",
[(":", ""), (":", ":"), (":", "::")])
test(r"""sre.findall(r"(a)|(b)", "abc")""", [("a", ""), ("", "b")])
# bug 117612
test(r"""sre.findall(r"(a|(b))", "aba")""", [("a", ""),("b", "b"),("a", "")])
if sys.hexversion >= 0x02020000:
if verbose:
print "Running tests on sre.finditer"
def fixup(seq):
# convert iterator to list
if not hasattr(seq, "next") or not hasattr(seq, "__iter__"):
print "finditer returned", type(seq)
return map(lambda item: item.group(0), seq)
# sanity
test(r"""fixup(sre.finditer(r":+", "a:b::c:::d"))""", [":", "::", ":::"])
if verbose:
print "Running tests on sre.match"
test(r"""sre.match(r'a', 'a').groups()""", ())
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)', 'a').groups()""", ('a',))
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(0)""", 'a')
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(1)""", 'a')
test(r"""sre.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(1, 1)""", ('a', 'a'))
pat = sre.compile(r'((a)|(b))(c)?')
test(r"""pat.match('a').groups()""", ('a', 'a', None, None))
test(r"""pat.match('b').groups()""", ('b', None, 'b', None))
test(r"""pat.match('ac').groups()""", ('a', 'a', None, 'c'))
test(r"""pat.match('bc').groups()""", ('b', None, 'b', 'c'))
test(r"""pat.match('bc').groups("")""", ('b', "", 'b', 'c'))
pat = sre.compile(r'(?:(?P<a1>a)|(?P<b2>b))(?P<c3>c)?')
test(r"""pat.match('a').group(1, 2, 3)""", ('a', None, None))
test(r"""pat.match('b').group('a1', 'b2', 'c3')""", (None, 'b', None))
test(r"""pat.match('ac').group(1, 'b2', 3)""", ('a', None, 'c'))
# bug 448951 (similar to 429357, but with single char match)
# (Also test greedy matches.)
for op in '','?','*':
test(r"""sre.match(r'((.%s):)?z', 'z').groups()"""%op, (None, None))
test(r"""sre.match(r'((.%s):)?z', 'a:z').groups()"""%op, ('a:', 'a'))
if verbose:
print "Running tests on sre.escape"
p = ""
for i in range(0, 256):
p = p + chr(i)
test(r"""sre.match(sre.escape(chr(i)), chr(i)) is not None""", 1)
test(r"""sre.match(sre.escape(chr(i)), chr(i)).span()""", (0,1))
pat = sre.compile(sre.escape(p))
test(r"""pat.match(p) is not None""", 1)
test(r"""pat.match(p).span()""", (0,256))
if verbose:
print 'Running tests on sre.Scanner'
def s_ident(scanner, token): return token
def s_operator(scanner, token): return "op%s" % token
def s_float(scanner, token): return float(token)
def s_int(scanner, token): return int(token)
scanner = sre.Scanner([
(r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*", s_ident),
(r"\d+\.\d*", s_float),
(r"\d+", s_int),
(r"=|\+|-|\*|/", s_operator),
(r"\s+", None),
# sanity check
test('scanner.scan("sum = 3*foo + 312.50 + bar")',
(['sum', 'op=', 3, 'op*', 'foo', 'op+', 312.5, 'op+', 'bar'], ''))
if verbose:
print 'Pickling a SRE_Pattern instance'
import pickle
pat = sre.compile(r'a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.)')
s = pickle.dumps(pat)
pat = pickle.loads(s)
print TestFailed, 're module pickle'
import cPickle
pat = sre.compile(r'a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.)')
s = cPickle.dumps(pat)
pat = cPickle.loads(s)
print TestFailed, 're module cPickle'
# constants
test(r"""sre.I""", sre.IGNORECASE)
test(r"""sre.L""", sre.LOCALE)
test(r"""sre.M""", sre.MULTILINE)
test(r"""sre.S""", sre.DOTALL)
test(r"""sre.X""", sre.VERBOSE)
test(r"""sre.T""", sre.TEMPLATE)
test(r"""sre.U""", sre.UNICODE)
for flags in [sre.I, sre.M, sre.X, sre.S, sre.L, sre.T, sre.U]:
r = sre.compile('^pattern$', flags)
print 'Exception raised on flag', flags
if verbose:
print 'Test engine limitations'
# Try nasty case that overflows the straightforward recursive
# implementation of repeated groups.
test("sre.match('(x)*', 50000*'x').span()", (0, 50000), RuntimeError)
test("sre.match(r'(x)*y', 50000*'x'+'y').span()", (0, 50001), RuntimeError)
test("sre.match(r'(x)*?y', 50000*'x'+'y').span()", (0, 50001), RuntimeError)
from test.re_tests import *
if verbose:
print 'Running re_tests test suite'
# To save time, only run the first and last 10 tests
#tests = tests[:10] + tests[-10:]
for t in tests:
if len(t)==5:
pattern, s, outcome, repl, expected = t
elif len(t)==3:
pattern, s, outcome = t
raise ValueError, ('Test tuples should have 3 or 5 fields',t)
except sre.error:
if outcome==SYNTAX_ERROR: pass # Expected a syntax error
print '=== Syntax error:', t
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
print '*** Unexpected error ***', t
if verbose:
except (sre.error), msg:
print '=== Unexpected exception', t, repr(msg)
if outcome==SYNTAX_ERROR:
print '=== Compiled incorrectly', t
elif outcome==FAIL:
if result is None: pass # No match, as expected
else: print '=== Succeeded incorrectly', t
elif outcome==SUCCEED:
if result is not None:
# Matched, as expected, so now we compute the
# result string and compare it to our expected result.
start, end = result.span(0)
vardict={'found': result.group(0),
'groups': result.group(),
'flags': result.re.flags}
for i in range(1, 100):
gi = result.group(i)
# Special hack because else the string concat fails:
if gi is None:
gi = "None"
except IndexError:
gi = "Error"
vardict['g%d' % i] = gi
for i in result.re.groupindex.keys():
gi = result.group(i)
if gi is None:
gi = "None"
except IndexError:
gi = "Error"
vardict[i] = gi
repl=eval(repl, vardict)
if repl!=expected:
print '=== grouping error', t,
print repr(repl)+' should be '+repr(expected)
print '=== Failed incorrectly', t
# Try the match on a unicode string, and check that it
# still succeeds.
u = unicode(s, "latin-1")
except NameError:
except TypeError:
continue # skip unicode test strings
if result==None:
print '=== Fails on unicode match', t
# Try the match on a unicode pattern, and check that it
# still succeeds.
u = unicode(pattern, "latin-1")
except NameError:
if result==None:
print '=== Fails on unicode pattern match', t
# Try the match with the search area limited to the extent
# of the match and see if it still succeeds. \B will
# break (because it won't match at the end or start of a
# string), so we'll ignore patterns that feature it.
if pattern[:2]!='\\B' and pattern[-2:]!='\\B':
result=obj.search(s, result.start(0), result.end(0)+1)
if result==None:
print '=== Failed on range-limited match', t
# Try the match with IGNORECASE enabled, and check that it
# still succeeds.
obj=sre.compile(pattern, sre.IGNORECASE)
if result==None:
print '=== Fails on case-insensitive match', t
# Try the match with LOCALE enabled, and check that it
# still succeeds.
obj=sre.compile(pattern, sre.LOCALE)
if result==None:
print '=== Fails on locale-sensitive match', t
# Try the match with UNICODE locale enabled, and check
# that it still succeeds.
if have_unicode:
obj=sre.compile(pattern, sre.UNICODE)
if result==None:
print '=== Fails on unicode-sensitive match', t