mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 22:14:43 +08:00
svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r80004 | r.david.murray | 2010-04-12 12:35:19 -0400 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010) | 13 lines Issue #7585: use tab between components in unified and context diff headers. Instead of spaces between the filename and date (or whatever the string is that follows the filename, if any) use tabs. This is what the unix 'diff' command does, for example, and difflib was intended to follow the 'standard' way of doing diffs. This improves compatibility with patch tools. The docs and examples are also changed to recommended that the date format used be the ISO 8601 format, which is what modern diff tools emit by default. Patch by Anatoly Techtonik. ........
191 lines
6.5 KiB
191 lines
6.5 KiB
import difflib
from test.support import run_unittest, findfile
import unittest
import doctest
import sys
class TestSFbugs(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ratio_for_null_seqn(self):
# Check clearing of SF bug 763023
s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, [], [])
self.assertEqual(s.ratio(), 1)
self.assertEqual(s.quick_ratio(), 1)
self.assertEqual(s.real_quick_ratio(), 1)
def test_comparing_empty_lists(self):
# Check fix for bug #979794
group_gen = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, [], []).get_grouped_opcodes()
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, group_gen)
diff_gen = difflib.unified_diff([], [])
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, diff_gen)
def test_added_tab_hint(self):
# Check fix for bug #1488943
diff = list(difflib.Differ().compare(["\tI am a buggy"],["\t\tI am a bug"]))
self.assertEqual("- \tI am a buggy", diff[0])
self.assertEqual("? --\n", diff[1])
self.assertEqual("+ \t\tI am a bug", diff[2])
self.assertEqual("? +\n", diff[3])
patch914575_from1 = """
1. Beautiful is beTTer than ugly.
2. Explicit is better than implicit.
3. Simple is better than complex.
4. Complex is better than complicated.
patch914575_to1 = """
1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
3. Simple is better than complex.
4. Complicated is better than complex.
5. Flat is better than nested.
patch914575_from2 = """
\t\tLine 1: preceeded by from:[tt] to:[ssss]
\t\tLine 2: preceeded by from:[sstt] to:[sssst]
\t \tLine 3: preceeded by from:[sstst] to:[ssssss]
Line 4: \thas from:[sst] to:[sss] after :
Line 5: has from:[t] to:[ss] at end\t
patch914575_to2 = """
Line 1: preceeded by from:[tt] to:[ssss]
\tLine 2: preceeded by from:[sstt] to:[sssst]
Line 3: preceeded by from:[sstst] to:[ssssss]
Line 4: has from:[sst] to:[sss] after :
Line 5: has from:[t] to:[ss] at end
patch914575_from3 = """line 0
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4 changed
line 5 changed
line 6 changed
line 7
line 8 subtracted
line 9
short line
just fits in!!
just fits in two lines yup!!
the end"""
patch914575_to3 = """line 0
line 1
line 2 added
line 3
line 4 chanGEd
line 5a chanGed
line 6a changEd
line 7
line 8
line 9
another long line that needs to be wrapped
just fitS in!!
just fits in two lineS yup!!
the end"""
class TestSFpatches(unittest.TestCase):
def test_html_diff(self):
# Check SF patch 914575 for generating HTML differences
f1a = ((patch914575_from1 + '123\n'*10)*3)
t1a = (patch914575_to1 + '123\n'*10)*3
f1b = '456\n'*10 + f1a
t1b = '456\n'*10 + t1a
f1a = f1a.splitlines()
t1a = t1a.splitlines()
f1b = f1b.splitlines()
t1b = t1b.splitlines()
f2 = patch914575_from2.splitlines()
t2 = patch914575_to2.splitlines()
f3 = patch914575_from3
t3 = patch914575_to3
i = difflib.HtmlDiff()
j = difflib.HtmlDiff(tabsize=2)
k = difflib.HtmlDiff(wrapcolumn=14)
full = i.make_file(f1a,t1a,'from','to',context=False,numlines=5)
tables = '\n'.join(
'<h2>Context (first diff within numlines=5(default))</h2>',
'<h2>Context (first diff after numlines=5(default))</h2>',
'<h2>Context (numlines=6)</h2>',
'<h2>Context (numlines=0)</h2>',
'<h2>Same Context</h2>',
'<h2>Same Full</h2>',
'<h2>Empty Context</h2>',
'<h2>Empty Full</h2>',
'<h2>Context (wrapcolumn=14,numlines=0)</h2>',
actual = full.replace('</body>','\n%s\n</body>' % tables)
# temporarily uncomment next two lines to baseline this test
#with open('test_difflib_expect.html','w') as fp:
# fp.write(actual)
with open(findfile('test_difflib_expect.html')) as fp:
self.assertEqual(actual, fp.read())
def test_recursion_limit(self):
# Check if the problem described in patch #1413711 exists.
limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
old = [(i%2 and "K:%d" or "V:A:%d") % i for i in range(limit*2)]
new = [(i%2 and "K:%d" or "V:B:%d") % i for i in range(limit*2)]
difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, old, new).get_opcodes()
class TestOutputFormat(unittest.TestCase):
def test_tab_delimiter(self):
args = ['one', 'two', 'Original', 'Current',
'2005-01-26 23:30:50', '2010-04-02 10:20:52']
ud = difflib.unified_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(ud)[0:2], [
"--- Original\t2005-01-26 23:30:50",
"+++ Current\t2010-04-02 10:20:52"])
cd = difflib.context_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(cd)[0:2], [
"*** Original\t2005-01-26 23:30:50",
"--- Current\t2010-04-02 10:20:52"])
def test_no_trailing_tab_on_empty_filedate(self):
args = ['one', 'two', 'Original', 'Current']
ud = difflib.unified_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(ud)[0:2], ["--- Original", "+++ Current"])
cd = difflib.context_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(cd)[0:2], ["*** Original", "--- Current"])
def test_main():
difflib.HtmlDiff._default_prefix = 0
Doctests = doctest.DocTestSuite(difflib)
run_unittest(TestSFpatches, TestSFbugs, TestOutputFormat, Doctests)
if __name__ == '__main__':