Guido van Rossum 98c17b3aee Marc-Andre Lemburg notes about statparse():
The message ID is returned lowercased and there is no way to access
the original ID the server sent. Now at least some news servers
are very picky about the case of the ID and return errors when
fetching articles with mixed case given a lowercased version
of the ID.

The solution is simple: remove the string.lower() call.

(I might add that the lowercasing was probably introduced as a result
of sloppy copy-and-paste coding; there's a string.lower in a similar
piece of code a bit higher in the source, that makes more sense --
it's lowercasing the group name.)
1998-12-21 18:51:23 +00:00

485 lines
13 KiB

# An NNTP client class. Based on RFC 977: Network News Transfer
# Protocol, by Brian Kantor and Phil Lapsley.
# Example:
# >>> from nntplib import NNTP
# >>> s = NNTP('news')
# >>> resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('comp.lang.python')
# >>> print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last
# Group comp.lang.python has 51 articles, range 5770 to 5821
# >>> resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
# >>> resp = s.quit()
# >>>
# Here 'resp' is the server response line.
# Error responses are turned into exceptions.
# To post an article from a file:
# >>> f = open(filename, 'r') # file containing article, including header
# >>> resp = s.post(f)
# >>>
# For descriptions of all methods, read the comments in the code below.
# Note that all arguments and return values representing article numbers
# are strings, not numbers, since they are rarely used for calculations.
# (xover, xgtitle, xpath, date methods by Kevan Heydon)
# Imports
import re
import socket
import string
# Exception raised when an error or invalid response is received
error_reply = 'nntplib.error_reply' # unexpected [123]xx reply
error_temp = 'nntplib.error_temp' # 4xx errors
error_perm = 'nntplib.error_perm' # 5xx errors
error_proto = 'nntplib.error_proto' # response does not begin with [1-5]
error_data = 'nntplib.error_data' # error in response data
# Standard port used by NNTP servers
# Response numbers that are followed by additional text (e.g. article)
LONGRESP = ['100', '215', '220', '221', '222', '224', '230', '231', '282']
# Line terminators (we always output CRLF, but accept any of CRLF, CR, LF)
CRLF = '\r\n'
# The class itself
class NNTP:
# Initialize an instance. Arguments:
# - host: hostname to connect to
# - port: port to connect to (default the standard NNTP port)
def __init__(self, host, port = NNTP_PORT, user=None, password=None):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect(self.host, self.port)
self.file = self.sock.makefile('rb')
self.debugging = 0
self.welcome = self.getresp()
if user:
resp = self.shortcmd('authinfo user '+user)
if resp[:3] == '381':
if not password:
raise error_reply, resp
resp = self.shortcmd(
'authinfo pass '+password)
if resp[:3] != '281':
raise error_perm, resp
# Get the welcome message from the server
# (this is read and squirreled away by __init__()).
# If the response code is 200, posting is allowed;
# if it 201, posting is not allowed
def getwelcome(self):
if self.debugging: print '*welcome*', `self.welcome`
return self.welcome
# Set the debugging level. Argument level means:
# 0: no debugging output (default)
# 1: print commands and responses but not body text etc.
# 2: also print raw lines read and sent before stripping CR/LF
def set_debuglevel(self, level):
self.debugging = level
debug = set_debuglevel
# Internal: send one line to the server, appending CRLF
def putline(self, line):
line = line + CRLF
if self.debugging > 1: print '*put*', `line`
# Internal: send one command to the server (through putline())
def putcmd(self, line):
if self.debugging: print '*cmd*', `line`
# Internal: return one line from the server, stripping CRLF.
# Raise EOFError if the connection is closed
def getline(self):
line = self.file.readline()
if self.debugging > 1:
print '*get*', `line`
if not line: raise EOFError
if line[-2:] == CRLF: line = line[:-2]
elif line[-1:] in CRLF: line = line[:-1]
return line
# Internal: get a response from the server.
# Raise various errors if the response indicates an error
def getresp(self):
resp = self.getline()
if self.debugging: print '*resp*', `resp`
c = resp[:1]
if c == '4':
raise error_temp, resp
if c == '5':
raise error_perm, resp
if c not in '123':
raise error_proto, resp
return resp
# Internal: get a response plus following text from the server.
# Raise various errors if the response indicates an error
def getlongresp(self):
resp = self.getresp()
if resp[:3] not in LONGRESP:
raise error_reply, resp
list = []
while 1:
line = self.getline()
if line == '.':
if line[:2] == '..':
line = line[1:]
return resp, list
# Internal: send a command and get the response
def shortcmd(self, line):
return self.getresp()
# Internal: send a command and get the response plus following text
def longcmd(self, line):
return self.getlongresp()
# Process a NEWGROUPS command. Arguments:
# - date: string 'yymmdd' indicating the date
# - time: string 'hhmmss' indicating the time
# Return:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of newsgroup names
def newgroups(self, date, time):
return self.longcmd('NEWGROUPS ' + date + ' ' + time)
# Process a NEWNEWS command. Arguments:
# - group: group name or '*'
# - date: string 'yymmdd' indicating the date
# - time: string 'hhmmss' indicating the time
# Return:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of article ids
def newnews(self, group, date, time):
cmd = 'NEWNEWS ' + group + ' ' + date + ' ' + time
return self.longcmd(cmd)
# Process a LIST command. Return:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of (group, last, first, flag) (strings)
def list(self):
resp, list = self.longcmd('LIST')
for i in range(len(list)):
# Parse lines into "group last first flag"
list[i] = tuple(string.split(list[i]))
return resp, list
# Process a GROUP command. Argument:
# - group: the group name
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - count: number of articles (string)
# - first: first article number (string)
# - last: last article number (string)
# - name: the group name
def group(self, name):
resp = self.shortcmd('GROUP ' + name)
if resp[:3] <> '211':
raise error_reply, resp
words = string.split(resp)
count = first = last = 0
n = len(words)
if n > 1:
count = words[1]
if n > 2:
first = words[2]
if n > 3:
last = words[3]
if n > 4:
name = string.lower(words[4])
return resp, count, first, last, name
# Process a HELP command. Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of strings
def help(self):
return self.longcmd('HELP')
# Internal: parse the response of a STAT, NEXT or LAST command
def statparse(self, resp):
if resp[:2] <> '22':
raise error_reply, resp
words = string.split(resp)
nr = 0
id = ''
n = len(words)
if n > 1:
nr = words[1]
if n > 2:
id = words[2]
return resp, nr, id
# Internal: process a STAT, NEXT or LAST command
def statcmd(self, line):
resp = self.shortcmd(line)
return self.statparse(resp)
# Process a STAT command. Argument:
# - id: article number or message id
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - nr: the article number
# - id: the article id
def stat(self, id):
return self.statcmd('STAT ' + id)
# Process a NEXT command. No arguments. Return as for STAT
def next(self):
return self.statcmd('NEXT')
# Process a LAST command. No arguments. Return as for STAT
def last(self):
return self.statcmd('LAST')
# Internal: process a HEAD, BODY or ARTICLE command
def artcmd(self, line):
resp, list = self.longcmd(line)
resp, nr, id = self.statparse(resp)
return resp, nr, id, list
# Process a HEAD command. Argument:
# - id: article number or message id
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - nr: article number
# - id: message id
# - list: the lines of the article's header
def head(self, id):
return self.artcmd('HEAD ' + id)
# Process a BODY command. Argument:
# - id: article number or message id
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - nr: article number
# - id: message id
# - list: the lines of the article's body
def body(self, id):
return self.artcmd('BODY ' + id)
# Process an ARTICLE command. Argument:
# - id: article number or message id
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - nr: article number
# - id: message id
# - list: the lines of the article
def article(self, id):
return self.artcmd('ARTICLE ' + id)
# Process a SLAVE command. Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
def slave(self):
return self.shortcmd('SLAVE')
# Process an XHDR command (optional server extension). Arguments:
# - hdr: the header type (e.g. 'subject')
# - str: an article nr, a message id, or a range nr1-nr2
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of (nr, value) strings
def xhdr(self, hdr, str):
pat = re.compile('^([0-9]+) ?(.*)\n?')
resp, lines = self.longcmd('XHDR ' + hdr + ' ' + str)
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
lines[i] = m.group(1, 2)
return resp, lines
# Process an XOVER command (optional server extension) Arguments:
# - start: start of range
# - end: end of range
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of (art-nr, subject, poster, date, id, refrences, size, lines)
def xover(self,start,end):
resp, lines = self.longcmd('XOVER ' + start + '-' + end)
xover_lines = []
for line in lines:
elem = string.splitfields(line,"\t")
except IndexError:
raise error_data,line
return resp,xover_lines
# Process an XGTITLE command (optional server extension) Arguments:
# - group: group name wildcard (i.e. news.*)
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# - list: list of (name,title) strings
def xgtitle(self, group):
line_pat = re.compile("^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$")
resp, raw_lines = self.longcmd('XGTITLE ' + group)
lines = []
for raw_line in raw_lines:
match = line_pat.search(string.strip(raw_line))
if match:
lines.append(match.group(1, 2))
return resp, lines
# Process an XPATH command (optional server extension) Arguments:
# - id: Message id of article
# Returns:
# resp: server response if succesful
# path: directory path to article
def xpath(self,id):
resp = self.shortcmd("XPATH " + id)
if resp[:3] <> '223':
raise error_reply, resp
[resp_num, path] = string.split(resp)
except ValueError:
raise error_reply, resp
return resp, path
# Process the DATE command. Arguments:
# None
# Returns:
# resp: server response if succesful
# date: Date suitable for newnews/newgroups commands etc.
# time: Time suitable for newnews/newgroups commands etc.
def date (self):
resp = self.shortcmd("DATE")
if resp[:3] <> '111':
raise error_reply, resp
elem = string.split(resp)
if len(elem) != 2:
raise error_data, resp
date = elem[1][2:8]
time = elem[1][-6:]
if len(date) != 6 or len(time) != 6:
raise error_data, resp
return resp, date, time
# Process a POST command. Arguments:
# - f: file containing the article
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
def post(self, f):
resp = self.shortcmd('POST')
# Raises error_??? if posting is not allowed
if resp[0] <> '3':
raise error_reply, resp
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
if line[:1] == '.':
line = '.' + line
return self.getresp()
# Process an IHAVE command. Arguments:
# - id: message-id of the article
# - f: file containing the article
# Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
# Note that if the server refuses the article an exception is raised
def ihave(self, id, f):
resp = self.shortcmd('IHAVE ' + id)
# Raises error_??? if the server already has it
if resp[0] <> '3':
raise error_reply, resp
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
if line[:1] == '.':
line = '.' + line
return self.getresp()
# Process a QUIT command and close the socket. Returns:
# - resp: server response if succesful
def quit(self):
resp = self.shortcmd('QUIT')
del self.file, self.sock
return resp
# Minimal test function
def _test():
s = NNTP('news')
resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('comp.lang.python')
print resp
print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last
resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
print resp
for item in subs:
print "%7s %s" % item
resp = s.quit()
print resp
# Run the test when run as a script
if __name__ == '__main__':