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synced 2024-12-15 12:54:31 +08:00
Character ranges with upper bound less that lower bound (e.g. [c-a]) are now interpreted as empty ranges, for compatibility with other glob pattern implementations. Previously it was re.error.
282 lines
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282 lines
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"""Test cases for the fnmatch module."""
import unittest
import os
import string
import warnings
from fnmatch import fnmatch, fnmatchcase, translate, filter
class FnmatchTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def check_match(self, filename, pattern, should_match=True, fn=fnmatch):
if should_match:
self.assertTrue(fn(filename, pattern),
"expected %r to match pattern %r"
% (filename, pattern))
self.assertFalse(fn(filename, pattern),
"expected %r not to match pattern %r"
% (filename, pattern))
def test_fnmatch(self):
check = self.check_match
check('abc', 'abc')
check('abc', '?*?')
check('abc', '???*')
check('abc', '*???')
check('abc', '???')
check('abc', '*')
check('abc', 'ab[cd]')
check('abc', 'ab[!de]')
check('abc', 'ab[de]', False)
check('a', '??', False)
check('a', 'b', False)
# these test that '\' is handled correctly in character sets;
# see SF bug #409651
check('\\', r'[\]')
check('a', r'[!\]')
check('\\', r'[!\]', False)
# test that filenames with newlines in them are handled correctly.
# http://bugs.python.org/issue6665
check('foo\nbar', 'foo*')
check('foo\nbar\n', 'foo*')
check('\nfoo', 'foo*', False)
check('\n', '*')
def test_slow_fnmatch(self):
check = self.check_match
check('a' * 50, '*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a')
# The next "takes forever" if the regexp translation is
# straightforward. See bpo-40480.
check('a' * 50 + 'b', '*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a', False)
def test_mix_bytes_str(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, fnmatch, 'test', b'*')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, fnmatch, b'test', '*')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, fnmatchcase, 'test', b'*')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, fnmatchcase, b'test', '*')
def test_fnmatchcase(self):
check = self.check_match
check('abc', 'abc', True, fnmatchcase)
check('AbC', 'abc', False, fnmatchcase)
check('abc', 'AbC', False, fnmatchcase)
check('AbC', 'AbC', True, fnmatchcase)
check('usr/bin', 'usr/bin', True, fnmatchcase)
check('usr\\bin', 'usr/bin', False, fnmatchcase)
check('usr/bin', 'usr\\bin', False, fnmatchcase)
check('usr\\bin', 'usr\\bin', True, fnmatchcase)
def test_bytes(self):
self.check_match(b'test', b'te*')
self.check_match(b'test\xff', b'te*\xff')
self.check_match(b'foo\nbar', b'foo*')
def test_case(self):
ignorecase = os.path.normcase('ABC') == os.path.normcase('abc')
check = self.check_match
check('abc', 'abc')
check('AbC', 'abc', ignorecase)
check('abc', 'AbC', ignorecase)
check('AbC', 'AbC')
def test_sep(self):
normsep = os.path.normcase('\\') == os.path.normcase('/')
check = self.check_match
check('usr/bin', 'usr/bin')
check('usr\\bin', 'usr/bin', normsep)
check('usr/bin', 'usr\\bin', normsep)
check('usr\\bin', 'usr\\bin')
def test_char_set(self):
ignorecase = os.path.normcase('ABC') == os.path.normcase('abc')
check = self.check_match
tescases = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.punctuation
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[az]', c in 'az')
check(c, '[!az]', c not in 'az')
# Case insensitive.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[AZ]', (c in 'az') and ignorecase)
check(c, '[!AZ]', (c not in 'az') or not ignorecase)
for c in string.ascii_uppercase:
check(c, '[az]', (c in 'AZ') and ignorecase)
check(c, '[!az]', (c not in 'AZ') or not ignorecase)
# Repeated same character.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[aa]', c == 'a')
# Special cases.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[^az]', c in '^az')
check(c, '[[az]', c in '[az')
check(c, r'[!]]', c != ']')
check('[', '[')
check('[]', '[]')
check('[!', '[!')
check('[!]', '[!]')
def test_range(self):
ignorecase = os.path.normcase('ABC') == os.path.normcase('abc')
normsep = os.path.normcase('\\') == os.path.normcase('/')
check = self.check_match
tescases = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.punctuation
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[b-d]', c in 'bcd')
check(c, '[!b-d]', c not in 'bcd')
check(c, '[b-dx-z]', c in 'bcdxyz')
check(c, '[!b-dx-z]', c not in 'bcdxyz')
# Case insensitive.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[B-D]', (c in 'bcd') and ignorecase)
check(c, '[!B-D]', (c not in 'bcd') or not ignorecase)
for c in string.ascii_uppercase:
check(c, '[b-d]', (c in 'BCD') and ignorecase)
check(c, '[!b-d]', (c not in 'BCD') or not ignorecase)
# Upper bound == lower bound.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[b-b]', c == 'b')
# Special cases.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[!-#]', c not in '-#')
check(c, '[!--.]', c not in '-.')
check(c, '[^-`]', c in '^_`')
if not (normsep and c == '/'):
check(c, '[[-^]', c in r'[\]^')
check(c, r'[\-^]', c in r'\]^')
check(c, '[b-]', c in '-b')
check(c, '[!b-]', c not in '-b')
check(c, '[-b]', c in '-b')
check(c, '[!-b]', c not in '-b')
check(c, '[-]', c in '-')
check(c, '[!-]', c not in '-')
# Upper bound is less that lower bound: error in RE.
for c in tescases:
check(c, '[d-b]', False)
check(c, '[!d-b]', True)
check(c, '[d-bx-z]', c in 'xyz')
check(c, '[!d-bx-z]', c not in 'xyz')
check(c, '[d-b^-`]', c in '^_`')
if not (normsep and c == '/'):
check(c, '[d-b[-^]', c in r'[\]^')
def test_sep_in_char_set(self):
normsep = os.path.normcase('\\') == os.path.normcase('/')
check = self.check_match
check('/', r'[/]')
check('\\', r'[\]')
check('/', r'[\]', normsep)
check('\\', r'[/]', normsep)
check('[/]', r'[/]', False)
check(r'[\\]', r'[/]', False)
check('\\', r'[\t]')
check('/', r'[\t]', normsep)
check('t', r'[\t]')
check('\t', r'[\t]', False)
def test_sep_in_range(self):
normsep = os.path.normcase('\\') == os.path.normcase('/')
check = self.check_match
check('a/b', 'a[.-0]b', not normsep)
check('a\\b', 'a[.-0]b', False)
check('a\\b', 'a[Z-^]b', not normsep)
check('a/b', 'a[Z-^]b', False)
check('a/b', 'a[/-0]b', not normsep)
check(r'a\b', 'a[/-0]b', False)
check('a[/-0]b', 'a[/-0]b', False)
check(r'a[\-0]b', 'a[/-0]b', False)
check('a/b', 'a[.-/]b')
check(r'a\b', 'a[.-/]b', normsep)
check('a[.-/]b', 'a[.-/]b', False)
check(r'a[.-\]b', 'a[.-/]b', False)
check(r'a\b', r'a[\-^]b')
check('a/b', r'a[\-^]b', normsep)
check(r'a[\-^]b', r'a[\-^]b', False)
check('a[/-^]b', r'a[\-^]b', False)
check(r'a\b', r'a[Z-\]b', not normsep)
check('a/b', r'a[Z-\]b', False)
check(r'a[Z-\]b', r'a[Z-\]b', False)
check('a[Z-/]b', r'a[Z-\]b', False)
def test_warnings(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('error', Warning)
check = self.check_match
check('[', '[[]')
check('&', '[a&&b]')
check('|', '[a||b]')
check('~', '[a~~b]')
check(',', '[a-z+--A-Z]')
check('.', '[a-z--/A-Z]')
class TranslateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_translate(self):
import re
self.assertEqual(translate('*'), r'(?s:.*)\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('?'), r'(?s:.)\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('a?b*'), r'(?s:a.b.*)\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('[abc]'), r'(?s:[abc])\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('[]]'), r'(?s:[]])\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('[!x]'), r'(?s:[^x])\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('[^x]'), r'(?s:[\^x])\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('[x'), r'(?s:\[x)\Z')
# from the docs
self.assertEqual(translate('*.txt'), r'(?s:.*\.txt)\Z')
# squash consecutive stars
self.assertEqual(translate('*********'), r'(?s:.*)\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('A*********'), r'(?s:A.*)\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('*********A'), r'(?s:.*A)\Z')
self.assertEqual(translate('A*********?[?]?'), r'(?s:A.*.[?].)\Z')
# fancy translation to prevent exponential-time match failure
t = translate('**a*a****a')
self.assertEqual(t, r'(?s:(?>.*?a)(?>.*?a).*a)\Z')
# and try pasting multiple translate results - it's an undocumented
# feature that this works
r1 = translate('**a**a**a*')
r2 = translate('**b**b**b*')
r3 = translate('*c*c*c*')
fatre = "|".join([r1, r2, r3])
self.assertTrue(re.match(fatre, 'abaccad'))
self.assertTrue(re.match(fatre, 'abxbcab'))
self.assertTrue(re.match(fatre, 'cbabcaxc'))
self.assertFalse(re.match(fatre, 'dabccbad'))
class FilterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_filter(self):
self.assertEqual(filter(['Python', 'Ruby', 'Perl', 'Tcl'], 'P*'),
['Python', 'Perl'])
self.assertEqual(filter([b'Python', b'Ruby', b'Perl', b'Tcl'], b'P*'),
[b'Python', b'Perl'])
def test_mix_bytes_str(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, filter, ['test'], b'*')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, filter, [b'test'], '*')
def test_case(self):
ignorecase = os.path.normcase('P') == os.path.normcase('p')
self.assertEqual(filter(['Test.py', 'Test.rb', 'Test.PL'], '*.p*'),
['Test.py', 'Test.PL'] if ignorecase else ['Test.py'])
self.assertEqual(filter(['Test.py', 'Test.rb', 'Test.PL'], '*.P*'),
['Test.py', 'Test.PL'] if ignorecase else ['Test.PL'])
def test_sep(self):
normsep = os.path.normcase('\\') == os.path.normcase('/')
self.assertEqual(filter(['usr/bin', 'usr', 'usr\\lib'], 'usr/*'),
['usr/bin', 'usr\\lib'] if normsep else ['usr/bin'])
self.assertEqual(filter(['usr/bin', 'usr', 'usr\\lib'], 'usr\\*'),
['usr/bin', 'usr\\lib'] if normsep else ['usr\\lib'])
if __name__ == "__main__":