1998-08-04 17:57:28 +00:00

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Python 1.5.1 for BeOS
This directory contains several useful things to help you build your own
version of Python for BeOS.
At this time, Python only supports BeOS on the PowerPC platform; if you'd
like to help me port it to the x86 platform, please let me know (I only
have limited access to BeOS on an x86 system). If you'd like to lend
me an x86 laptop running BeOS to do the port, _definitely_ let me know! :-)
I'll even give it back when I'm done.
What's Here?
ar-1.1 - An "ar" command with a POSIX 1003.2 interface; you'll need
this for building the Python libraries under BeOS
(/bin/ar just won't cut it).
linkcc - A shell script used by the build process to build the Python
shared library.
linkmodule - A shell script used by the build process to build the
shared library versions of the standard modules; you'll
probably need this if you want to build dynamically loaded
modules from the Python archives.
PyImport_BeImageID.html - Documentation for a function added to the
Python interpreter under BeOS; not interesting
unless you're writing your own BeOS-specific
modules for dealing with dynamically-loaded
Python modules.
README - This file (obviously!).
README.readline-2.2 - Instructions for compiling/installing GNU readline 2.2.
You'll have to grab the GNU readline source code from
prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/GNU or any other GNU mirror.
The Python interpreter is much nicer to work with
interactively if you've got readline installed. Highly
Compiling Your Own Version
To compile your own version of Python 1.5.1 for BeOS (with any luck,
Python 1.6 will compile "out of the box" on BeOS), try this:
1) Get the Python 1.5.1 source code from ftp.python.org.
2) Get the Python 1.5.1 diffs from my web pages
(http://www.qnx.com/~chrish/Be/software/); if you can't get them through
a web browser, send me email and I'll mail them back to you. These
diffs should also be available at ftp.python.org along with the BeOS
binary archive.
Run autoconf. If you don't have autoconf, you can get a precompiled
version from GeekGadgets (ftp://ftp.ninemoons.com/pub/geekgadgets/...).
3) Compile and install the POSIX ar from the ar-1.1 directory; see the
README in there for details.
4) Configure with:
AR=ar-posix RANLIB=: ./configure --verbose --without-gcc \
--prefix=/boot/home/config --with-thread
The only strange thing that happens during the configure is that
we fail the "genuine getopt()" test; this is odd because we've got
a real live GNU getopt() in the system libs. Other packages built
using configure (such as all of the goodies in GeekGadgets) suffer
the same fate though, so it's not a Python problem.
5) Copy Modules/Setup.in to Modules/Setup.
6) Edit Modules/Setup to turn on all the modules you want built. I've
personally built the following modules:
array, audioop, binascii, cPickle, cStringIO, cmath, crypt, curses,
errno, fcntl, gdbm, grp, imageop, math, md5, new, operator, parser,
pcre, posix, pwd, readline, regex, reop, rgbimg, rotor, select,
signal, socket, soundex, strop, struct, syslog, termios, thread,
time, timing, zlib
Newly compiled/tested with 1.5.1:
You can get precompiled gdbm, ncurses, and zlib libraries from the
GeekGadgets repository (ftp://ftp.ninemoons.com/pub/geekgadgets/...).
Make sure you use _socket instead of socket for the name of the
socketmodule on BeOS.
7) Make:
or, if you feel the need for speed:
make OPT="-O7 -opt schedule604"
You can safely ignore any warnings you see during the build (and you'll
see several if you use full warnings; I compiled the distribution with
-w9 -ansi strict and cleaned up any errors...).
8) Test:
make test
Expect the following errors:
test_builtin failed -- round(1000000000.0)
test_fcntl skipped -- an optional feature could not be imported
test_grp crashed -- exceptions.KeyError : getgrnam(): name not found
test_pwd failed -- Writing: 'fakename', expected: 'caught e'
test_socket crashed -- exceptions.AttributeError : SOCK_RAW
These are all due to either partial support for certain things (like
sockets), or valid differences between systems (like the round()
error; different CPUs represent floating point numbers differently,
which can cause minor rounding errors).
9) Install:
make install
10) Enjoy!
If you're going to build your own C/C++-based Python modules, link them
against the libpython1.5.so shared library (in /boot/home/config/lib)
instead of the libpython1.5.a (in /boot/home/config/lib/python1.5/config),
unless you're building a statically-linked python interpreter (then you
could try linking against _APP_ instead).
Mixing modules linked against the shared library with a statically-linked
interpreter is a bad idea (and it'll fail in _interesting_ ways).
- Chris Herborth (chrish@qnx.com)
April 25, 1998