Fred Drake 2a3d7db93e Added character data buffering to pyexpat parser objects.
Setting the buffer_text attribute to true causes the parser to collect
character data, waiting as long as possible to report it to the Python
callback.  This can save an enormous number of callbacks from C to
Python, which can be a substantial performance improvement.

buffer_text defaults to false.
2002-06-28 22:56:48 +00:00

314 lines
10 KiB

# Very simple test - Parse a file and print what happens
# XXX TypeErrors on calling handlers, or on bad return values from a
# handler, are obscure and unhelpful.
import pyexpat
from xml.parsers import expat
from test_support import sortdict, TestFailed
class Outputter:
def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
print 'Start element:\n\t', repr(name), sortdict(attrs)
def EndElementHandler(self, name):
print 'End element:\n\t', repr(name)
def CharacterDataHandler(self, data):
data = data.strip()
if data:
print 'Character data:'
print '\t', repr(data)
def ProcessingInstructionHandler(self, target, data):
print 'PI:\n\t', repr(target), repr(data)
def StartNamespaceDeclHandler(self, prefix, uri):
print 'NS decl:\n\t', repr(prefix), repr(uri)
def EndNamespaceDeclHandler(self, prefix):
print 'End of NS decl:\n\t', repr(prefix)
def StartCdataSectionHandler(self):
print 'Start of CDATA section'
def EndCdataSectionHandler(self):
print 'End of CDATA section'
def CommentHandler(self, text):
print 'Comment:\n\t', repr(text)
def NotationDeclHandler(self, *args):
name, base, sysid, pubid = args
print 'Notation declared:', args
def UnparsedEntityDeclHandler(self, *args):
entityName, base, systemId, publicId, notationName = args
print 'Unparsed entity decl:\n\t', args
def NotStandaloneHandler(self, userData):
print 'Not standalone'
return 1
def ExternalEntityRefHandler(self, *args):
context, base, sysId, pubId = args
print 'External entity ref:', args[1:]
return 1
def DefaultHandler(self, userData):
def DefaultHandlerExpand(self, userData):
def confirm(ok):
if ok:
print "OK."
print "Not OK."
out = Outputter()
parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
# Test getting/setting returns_unicode
parser.returns_unicode = 0; confirm(parser.returns_unicode == 0)
parser.returns_unicode = 1; confirm(parser.returns_unicode == 1)
parser.returns_unicode = 2; confirm(parser.returns_unicode == 1)
parser.returns_unicode = 0; confirm(parser.returns_unicode == 0)
# Test getting/setting ordered_attributes
parser.ordered_attributes = 0; confirm(parser.ordered_attributes == 0)
parser.ordered_attributes = 1; confirm(parser.ordered_attributes == 1)
parser.ordered_attributes = 2; confirm(parser.ordered_attributes == 1)
parser.ordered_attributes = 0; confirm(parser.ordered_attributes == 0)
# Test getting/setting specified_attributes
parser.specified_attributes = 0; confirm(parser.specified_attributes == 0)
parser.specified_attributes = 1; confirm(parser.specified_attributes == 1)
parser.specified_attributes = 2; confirm(parser.specified_attributes == 1)
parser.specified_attributes = 0; confirm(parser.specified_attributes == 0)
'StartElementHandler', 'EndElementHandler',
'CharacterDataHandler', 'ProcessingInstructionHandler',
'UnparsedEntityDeclHandler', 'NotationDeclHandler',
'StartNamespaceDeclHandler', 'EndNamespaceDeclHandler',
'CommentHandler', 'StartCdataSectionHandler',
'DefaultHandler', 'DefaultHandlerExpand',
for name in HANDLER_NAMES:
setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name))
data = '''\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="stylesheet.css"?>
<!-- comment data -->
<!DOCTYPE quotations SYSTEM "quotations.dtd" [
<!NOTATION notation SYSTEM "notation.jpeg">
<!ENTITY acirc "&#226;">
<!ENTITY external_entity SYSTEM "entity.file">
<!ENTITY unparsed_entity SYSTEM "entity.file" NDATA notation>
<root attr1="value1" attr2="value2&#8000;">
<myns:subelement xmlns:myns="http://www.python.org/namespace">
Contents of subelements
<sub2><![CDATA[contents of CDATA section]]></sub2>
# Produce UTF-8 output
parser.returns_unicode = 0
parser.Parse(data, 1)
except expat.error:
print '** Error', parser.ErrorCode, expat.ErrorString(parser.ErrorCode)
print '** Line', parser.ErrorLineNumber
print '** Column', parser.ErrorColumnNumber
print '** Byte', parser.ErrorByteIndex
# Try the parse again, this time producing Unicode output
parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
parser.returns_unicode = 1
for name in HANDLER_NAMES:
setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name))
parser.Parse(data, 1)
except expat.error:
print '** Error', parser.ErrorCode, expat.ErrorString(parser.ErrorCode)
print '** Line', parser.ErrorLineNumber
print '** Column', parser.ErrorColumnNumber
print '** Byte', parser.ErrorByteIndex
# Try parsing a file
parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
parser.returns_unicode = 1
for name in HANDLER_NAMES:
setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name))
import StringIO
file = StringIO.StringIO(data)
except expat.error:
print '** Error', parser.ErrorCode, expat.ErrorString(parser.ErrorCode)
print '** Line', parser.ErrorLineNumber
print '** Column', parser.ErrorColumnNumber
print '** Byte', parser.ErrorByteIndex
# Tests that make sure we get errors when the namespace_separator value
# is illegal, and that we don't for good values:
print "Testing constructor for proper handling of namespace_separator values:"
expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ')
print "Legal values tested o.k."
except TypeError, e:
print "Caught expected TypeError:"
print e
print "Failed to catch expected TypeError."
expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='too long')
except ValueError, e:
print "Caught expected ValueError:"
print e
print "Failed to catch expected ValueError."
# ParserCreate() needs to accept a namespace_separator of zero length
# to satisfy the requirements of RDF applications that are required
# to simply glue together the namespace URI and the localname. Though
# considered a wart of the RDF specifications, it needs to be supported.
# See XML-SIG mailing list thread starting with
# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/xml-sig/2001-April/005202.html
expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='') # too short
# Test the interning machinery.
p = expat.ParserCreate()
L = []
def collector(name, *args):
p.StartElementHandler = collector
p.EndElementHandler = collector
p.Parse("<e> <e/> <e></e> </e>", 1)
tag = L[0]
if len(L) != 6:
print "L should only contain 6 entries; found", len(L)
for entry in L:
if tag is not entry:
print "expected L to contain many references to the same string",
print "(it didn't)"
print "L =", `L`
# Tests of the buffer_text attribute.
import sys
class TextCollector:
def __init__(self, parser):
self.stuff = []
def check(self, expected, label):
require(self.stuff == expected,
"%s\nstuff = %s\nexpected = %s"
% (label, `self.stuff`, `map(unicode, expected)`))
def CharacterDataHandler(self, text):
def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
self.stuff.append("<%s>" % name)
bt = attrs.get("buffer-text")
if bt == "yes":
parser.buffer_text = 1
elif bt == "no":
parser.buffer_text = 0
def EndElementHandler(self, name):
self.stuff.append("</%s>" % name)
def CommentHandler(self, data):
self.stuff.append("<!--%s-->" % data)
def require(cond, label):
# similar to confirm(), but no extraneous output
if not cond:
raise TestFailed(label)
def setup(handlers=[]):
parser = expat.ParserCreate()
require(not parser.buffer_text,
"buffer_text not disabled by default")
parser.buffer_text = 1
handler = TextCollector(parser)
parser.CharacterDataHandler = handler.CharacterDataHandler
for name in handlers:
setattr(parser, name, getattr(handler, name))
return parser, handler
parser, handler = setup()
"text buffering either not acknowledged or not enabled")
parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
"buffered text not properly collapsed")
# XXX This test exposes more detail of Expat's text chunking than we
# XXX like, but it tests what we need to concisely.
parser, handler = setup(["StartElementHandler"])
parser.Parse("<a>1<b buffer-text='no'/>2\n3<c buffer-text='yes'/>4\n5</a>", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "1", "<b>", "2", "\n", "3", "<c>", "4\n5"],
"buffering control not reacting as expected")
parser, handler = setup()
parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>&lt;2&gt;<c/>&#32;\n&#x20;3</a>", 1)
handler.check(["1<2> \n 3"],
"buffered text not properly collapsed")
parser, handler = setup(["StartElementHandler"])
parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "1", "<b>", "2", "<c>", "3"],
"buffered text not properly split")
parser, handler = setup(["StartElementHandler", "EndElementHandler"])
parser.CharacterDataHandler = None
parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "<b>", "</b>", "<c>", "</c>", "</a>"],
parser, handler = setup(["StartElementHandler", "EndElementHandler"])
parser.Parse("<a>1<b></b>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "3", "</a>"],
parser, handler = setup(["CommentHandler", "EndElementHandler",
parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c></c>345</a> ", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "345", "</a>"],
"buffered text not properly split")
parser, handler = setup(["CommentHandler", "EndElementHandler",
parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c></c>3<!--abc-->4<!--def-->5</a> ", 1)
handler.check(["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "3",
"<!--abc-->", "4", "<!--def-->", "5", "</a>"],
"buffered text not properly split")