indirectly via %(__name__)s. Not sure why, but maintain the
documented behavior for the new items() method.
Be a little more efficient about how we compute the list of options in
the ConfigParser.items() method.
0. Polish PyShell.linecache_checkcache()
1. Move break clearing code to PyShell.PyShellEditorWindow from
2. Add PyShellEditorWindow.breakpoints attribute to __init__, a list of
line numbers which are breakpoints for that edit window.
3. Remove the code in Debugger which removes all module breakpoints when
debugger is closed. Want to be able to reload into debugger when
4. Moved the code which sets EditorWindow.text breakpoints from Debugger
to PyShell.PyShellEditorWindow and refactored.
5. Implement reloading subprocess debugger with breakpoints from all open
PyShellEditorWindows when debugger is opened or subprocess restarted.
6. Eliminate the break_set attribute, use the breakpoint list instead.
Replaces the _center function in the calendar
module with the center method for strings.
For situations with uneven padding, the behavior is
slightly different in that the center method puts the
extra space on the right instead of the left.
classes was called with three arguments. This makes no sense, there's
no way to pass in the "modulo" 3rd argument as for __pow__, and
classic classes don't do this. [SF bug 620179]
I don't want to backport this to 2.2.2, because it could break
existing code that has developed a work-around. Code in 2.2.2 that
wants to use __ipow__ and wants to be forward compatible with 2.3
should be written like this:
def __ipow__(self, exponent, modulo=None):
Ben. If s is a byte string, make sure it can be converted to unicode
with the input codec, and from unicode with the output codec, or raise
a UnicodeError exception early. Skip this test (and the unicode->byte
string conversion) when the charset is our faux 8bit raw charset.
must be a Charset instance, not a string. The bug here was that
self._charset wasn't being converted to a Charset instance so later
.append() calls which used the default charset would break.
_split(): If the charset of the chunk is '8bit', return the chunk
unchanged. We can't safely split it, so this is the avenue of least
8-bit data, we cannot split it safely, so return the original string
_is8bitstring(): Helper function which returns True when we have a
byte string that contains non-ascii characters (i.e. mysterious 8-bit
Also, it fixes a really egregious error in Header.encode() (really
in Header._encode_chunks()) that could cause a header to grow and
grow each time encode() was called if output_codec was different
from input_codec.
Also, fix a typo.