mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 16:05:02 +08:00
new files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
# Complex numbers
# ---------------
# This module represents complex numbers as instances of the class Complex.
# A Complex instance z has two data attribues, z.re (the real part) and z.im
# (the imaginary part). In fact, z.re and z.im can have any value -- all
# arithmetic operators work regardless of the type of z.re and z.im (as long
# as they support numerical operations).
# The following functions exist (Complex is actually a class):
# Complex([re [,im]) -> creates a complex number from a real and an imaginary part
# IsComplex(z) -> true iff z is a complex number (== has .re and .im attributes)
# Polar([r [,phi [,fullcircle]]]) ->
# the complex number z for which r == z.radius() and phi == z.angle(fullcircle)
# (r and phi default to 0)
# Complex numbers have the following methods:
# z.abs() -> absolute value of z
# z.radius() == z.abs()
# z.angle([fullcircle]) -> angle from positive X axis; fullcircle gives units
# z.phi([fullcircle]) == z.angle(fullcircle)
# These standard functions and unary operators accept complex arguments:
# abs(z)
# -z
# +z
# not z
# repr(z) == `z`
# str(z)
# hash(z) -> a combination of hash(z.re) and hash(z.im) such that if z.im is zero
# the result equals hash(z.re)
# Note that hex(z) and oct(z) are not defined.
# These conversions accept complex arguments only if their imaginary part is zero:
# int(z)
# long(z)
# float(z)
# The following operators accept two complex numbers, or one complex number
# and one real number (int, long or float):
# z1 + z2
# z1 - z2
# z1 * z2
# z1 / z2
# pow(z1, z2)
# cmp(z1, z2)
# Note that z1 % z2 and divmod(z1, z2) are not defined,
# nor are shift and mask operations.
# The standard module math does not support complex numbers.
# (I suppose it would be easy to implement a cmath module.)
# Idea:
# add a class Polar(r, phi) and mixed-mode arithmetic which
# chooses the most appropriate type for the result:
# Complex for +,-,cmp
# Polar for *,/,pow
import types, math
if not hasattr(math, 'hypot'):
def hypot(x, y):
# XXX I know there's a way to compute this without possibly causing
# overflow, but I can't remember what it is right now...
return math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
math.hypot = hypot
twopi = math.pi*2.0
halfpi = math.pi/2.0
def IsComplex(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 're') and hasattr(obj, 'im')
def Polar(r = 0, phi = 0, fullcircle = twopi):
phi = phi * (twopi / fullcircle)
return Complex(math.cos(phi)*r, math.sin(phi)*r)
class Complex:
def __init__(self, re=0, im=0):
if IsComplex(re):
im = im + re.im
re = re.re
if IsComplex(im):
re = re - im.im
im = im.re
self.re = re
self.im = im
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if hasattr(self, name):
raise TypeError, "Complex numbers have set-once attributes"
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __repr__(self):
if not self.im:
return 'Complex(%s)' % `self.re`
return 'Complex(%s, %s)' % (`self.re`, `self.im`)
def __str__(self):
if not self.im:
return `self.re`
return 'Complex(%s, %s)' % (`self.re`, `self.im`)
def __coerce__(self, other):
if IsComplex(other):
return self, other
return self, Complex(other) # May fail
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.re, other.re) or cmp(self.im, other.im)
def __hash__(self):
if not self.im: return hash(self.re)
mod = sys.maxint + 1L
return int((hash(self.re) + 2L*hash(self.im) + mod) % (2L*mod) - mod)
def __neg__(self):
return Complex(-self.re, -self.im)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __abs__(self):
return math.hypot(self.re, self.im)
##return math.sqrt(self.re*self.re + self.im*self.im)
def __int__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to int"
return int(self.re)
def __long__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to long"
return long(self.re)
def __float__(self):
if self.im:
raise ValueError, "can't convert Complex with nonzero im to float"
return float(self.re)
def __nonzero__(self):
return not (self.re == self.im == 0)
abs = radius = __abs__
def angle(self, fullcircle = twopi):
return (fullcircle/twopi) * ((halfpi - math.atan2(self.re, self.im)) % twopi)
phi = angle
def __add__(self, other):
return Complex(self.re + other.re, self.im + other.im)
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
return Complex(self.re - other.re, self.im - other.im)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return Complex(other.re - self.re, other.im - self.im)
def __mul__(self, other):
return Complex(self.re*other.re - self.im*other.im,
self.re*other.im + self.im*other.re)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __div__(self, other):
# Deviating from the general principle of not forcing re or im
# to be floats, we cast to float here, otherwise division
# of Complex numbers with integer re and im parts would use
# the (truncating) integer division
d = float(other.re*other.re + other.im*other.im)
if not d: raise ZeroDivisionError, 'Complex division'
return Complex((self.re*other.re + self.im*other.im) / d,
(self.im*other.re - self.re*other.im) / d)
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return other / self
def __pow__(self, n, z=None):
if z is not None:
raise TypeError, 'Complex does not support ternary pow()'
if IsComplex(n):
if n.im: raise TypeError, 'Complex to the Complex power'
n = n.re
r = pow(self.abs(), n)
phi = n*self.angle()
return Complex(math.cos(phi)*r, math.sin(phi)*r)
def __rpow__(self, base):
return pow(base, self)
# Everything below this point is part of the test suite
def checkop(expr, a, b, value, fuzz = 1e-6):
import sys
print ' ', a, 'and', b,
result = eval(expr)
result = sys.exc_type
print '->', result
if (type(result) == type('') or type(value) == type('')):
ok = result == value
ok = abs(result - value) <= fuzz
if not ok:
print '!!\t!!\t!! should be', value, 'diff', abs(result - value)
def test():
testsuite = {
'a+b': [
(1, 10, 11),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(1,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(1,10)),
'a-b': [
(1, 10, -9),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(1,-10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(-1,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(-1,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(1,-10)),
'a*b': [
(1, 10, 10),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(0,10)),
'a/b': [
(1., 10, 0.1),
(1, Complex(0,10), Complex(0, -0.1)),
(Complex(0, 10), 1, Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(0, 10), Complex(1), Complex(0, 10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), Complex(0, -0.1)),
'pow(a,b)': [
(1, 10, 1),
(1, Complex(0,10), 'TypeError'),
(Complex(0,10), 1, Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), Complex(0,10)),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), 'TypeError'),
(2, Complex(4,0), 16),
'cmp(a,b)': [
(1, 10, -1),
(1, Complex(0,10), 1),
(Complex(0,10), 1, -1),
(Complex(0,10), Complex(1), -1),
(Complex(1), Complex(0,10), 1),
exprs = testsuite.keys()
for expr in exprs:
print expr + ':'
t = (expr,)
for item in testsuite[expr]:
apply(checkop, t+item)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
# A class for wrapping the WWW Forms Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
# Michael McLay, NIST mclay@eeel.nist.gov 6/14/94
# modified by Steve Majewski <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU> 12/5/94
# Several classes to parse the name/value pairs that are passed to
# a server's CGI by GET, POST or PUT methods by a WWW FORM. This
# module is based on Mike McLay's original cgi.py after discussing
# changes with him and others on the comp.lang.python newsgroup, and
# at the NIST Python workshop.
# The rationale for changes was:
# The original FormContent class was almost, but not quite like
# a dictionary object. Besides adding some extra access methods,
# it had a values() method with different arguments and semantics
# from the standard values() method of a mapping object. Also,
# it provided several different access methods that may be necessary
# or useful, but made it a little more confusing to figure out how
# to use. Also, we wanted to make the most typical cases the simplest
# and most convenient access methods. ( Most form fields just return
# a single value, and in practice, a lot of code was just assuming
# a single value and ignoring all others. On the other hand, the
# protocol allows multiple values to be returned.
# The new base class (FormContentDict) is just like a dictionary.
# In fact, if you just want a dictionary, all of the stuff that was
# in __init__ has been extracted into a cgi.parse() function that will
# return the "raw" dictionary, but having a class allows you to customize
# it further.
# Mike McLay's original FormContent class is reimplemented as a
# subclass of FormContentDict.
# There are two additional sub-classes, but I'm not yet too sure
# whether they are what I want.
import string,regsub,sys,os,urllib
# since os.environ may often be used in cgi code, we name it in this module.
from os import environ
def parse():
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
qs = sys.stdin.read(string.atoi(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']))
environ['QUERY_STRING'] = qs
qs = environ['QUERY_STRING']
name_value_pairs = string.splitfields(qs, '&')
dict = {}
for name_value in name_value_pairs:
nv = string.splitfields(name_value, '=')
if len(nv) != 2:
name = nv[0]
value = urllib.unquote(regsub.gsub('+',' ',nv[1]))
if len(value):
if dict.has_key (name):
dict[name] = [value]
return dict
# The FormContent constructor creates a dictionary from the name/value pairs
# passed through the CGI interface.
# form['key']
# form.__getitem__('key')
# form.has_key('key')
# form.keys()
# form.values()
# form.items()
# form.dict
class FormContentDict:
def __init__( self ):
self.dict = parse()
self.query_string = environ['QUERY_STRING']
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.dict[key]
def keys(self):
return self.dict.keys()
def has_key(self, key):
return self.dict.has_key(key)
def values(self):
return self.dict.values()
def items(self):
return self.dict.items()
def __len__( self ):
return len(self.dict)
# This is the "strict" single-value expecting version.
# IF you only expect a single value for each field, then form[key]
# will return that single value ( the [0]-th ), and raise an
# IndexError if that expectation is not true.
# IF you expect a field to have possible multiple values, than you
# can use form.getlist( key ) to get all of the values.
# values() and items() are a compromise: they return single strings
# where there is a single value, and lists of strings otherwise.
class SvFormContentDict(FormContentDict):
def __getitem__( self, key ):
if len( self.dict[key] ) > 1 :
raise IndexError, 'expecting a single value'
return self.dict[key][0]
def getlist( self, key ):
return self.dict[key]
def values( self ):
lis = []
for each in self.dict.values() :
if len( each ) == 1 :
lis.append( each[0] )
else: lis.append( each )
return lis
def items( self ):
lis = []
for key,value in self.dict.items():
if len(value) == 1 :
lis.append( (key,value[0]) )
else: lis.append( (key,value) )
return lis
# And this sub-class is similar to the above, but it will attempt to
# interpret numerical values. This is here as mostly as an example,
# but I think the real way to handle typed-data from a form may be
# to make an additional table driver parsing stage that has a table
# of allowed input patterns and the output conversion types - it
# would signal type-errors on parse, not on access.
class InterpFormContentDict(SvFormContentDict):
def __getitem__( self, key ):
v = SvFormContentDict.__getitem__( self, key )
if v[0] in string.digits+'+-.' :
try: return string.atoi( v )
except ValueError:
try: return string.atof( v )
except ValueError: pass
return string.strip(v)
def values( self ):
lis = []
for key in self.keys():
lis.append( self[key] )
except IndexError:
lis.append( self.dict[key] )
return lis
def items( self ):
lis = []
for key in self.keys():
lis.append( (key, self[key]) )
except IndexError:
lis.append( (key, self.dict[key]) )
return lis
# class FormContent parses the name/value pairs that are passed to a
# server's CGI by GET, POST, or PUT methods by a WWW FORM. several
# specialized FormContent dictionary access methods have been added
# for convenience.
# function return value
# form.keys() all keys in dictionary
# form.has_key('key') test keys existance
# form[key] returns list associated with key
# form.values('key') key's list (same as form.[key])
# form.indexed_value('key' index) nth element in key's value list
# form.value(key) key's unstripped value
# form.length(key) number of elements in key's list
# form.stripped(key) key's value with whitespace stripped
# form.pars() full dictionary
class FormContent(FormContentDict):
# This is the original FormContent semantics of values,
# not the dictionary like semantics.
def values(self,key):
if self.dict.has_key(key):return self.dict[key]
else: return None
def indexed_value(self,key, location):
if self.dict.has_key(key):
if len (self.dict[key]) > location:
return self.dict[key][location]
else: return None
else: return None
def value(self,key):
if self.dict.has_key(key):return self.dict[key][0]
else: return None
def length(self,key):
return len (self.dict[key])
def stripped(self,key):
if self.dict.has_key(key):return string.strip(self.dict[key][0])
else: return None
def pars(self):
return self.dict
def print_environ_usage():
print """
<H3>These operating system environment variables could have been
set:</H3> <UL>
def print_environ():
skeys = environ.keys()
print '<h3> The following environment variables were set by the CGI script: </H3>'
print '<dl>'
for key in skeys:
print '<dt>',key, '<dd>', environ[key]
print '</dl>'
def print_form( form ):
print '<h3> The following name/value pairs were entered in the form:</h3>'
print '<dl>'
skeys = form.keys()
for key in skeys:
print '<dt>',key, ' : <i> ',escape(`type(form[key])`),' </i>','<dd>', form[key]
print '</dl>'
def escape( s ):
return regsub.gsub( '<', '<', regsub.gsub( '>' , '>', s ))
def test( what ):
label = escape(str(what))
print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'
print '<HEADER>\n<TITLE>' + label + '</TITLE>\n</HEADER>\n'
print '<BODY>\n'
print "<H1>" + label +"</H1>\n"
form = what()
print_form( form )
print '</body>'
if __name__ == '__main__' :
test_classes = ( FormContent, FormContentDict, SvFormContentDict, InterpFormContentDict )
test( test_classes[0] ) # by default, test compatibility with
# old version, change index to test others.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import os
import sys
import string
MAXFD = 100 # Max number of file descriptors (os.getdtablesize()???)
def popen2(cmd):
cmd = string.split(cmd)
p2cread, p2cwrite = os.pipe()
c2pread, c2pwrite = os.pipe()
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
# Child
if os.dup(p2cread) <> 0:
sys.stderr.write('popen2: bad read dup\n')
if os.dup(c2pwrite) <> 1:
sys.stderr.write('popen2: bad write dup\n')
for i in range(3, MAXFD):
os.execv(cmd[0], cmd)
# Shouldn't come here, I guess
tochild = os.fdopen(p2cwrite, 'w')
fromchild = os.fdopen(c2pread, 'r')
return fromchild, tochild
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
# Implement restricted execution of Python code
import __builtin__
import new
import os
import sys
import types
def trace(fmt, *args):
if 0:
sys.stderr.write(fmt % args + '\n')
def copydict(src, dst, exceptions = [], only = None):
if only is None:
for key in src.keys():
if key not in exceptions:
dst[key] = src[key]
for key in only:
dst[key] = src[key]
def copymodule(src, dst, exceptions = [], only = None):
copydict(src.__dict__, dst.__dict__, exceptions, only)
safe_path = ['/ufs/guido/lib/python']
safe_modules = ['array', 'math', 'regex', 'strop', 'time']
unsafe_builtin_names = ['open', 'reload', '__import__',
'eval', 'execfile', 'dir', 'vars',
'raw_input', 'input']
safe_posix_names = ['error', 'fstat', 'listdir', 'lstat', 'readlink', 'stat',
'times', 'uname', 'getpid', 'getppid', 'getcwd',
'getuid', 'getgid', 'geteuid', 'getegid']
safe_sys = new.module('sys')
safe_sys.modules = {}
safe_sys.modules['sys'] = safe_sys
safe_sys.path = safe_path[:]
safe_sys.argv = ['-']
safe_sys.builtin_module_names = safe_modules[:] + ['posix']
safe_sys.copyright = sys.copyright
safe_sys.version = sys.version + ' [restricted mode]'
safe_sys.exit = sys.exit
def new_module(name):
safe_sys.modules[name] = m = new.module(name)
return m
safe_builtin = new_module('__builtin__')
copymodule(__builtin__, safe_builtin, unsafe_builtin_names)
safe_main = new_module('__main__')
safe_posix = new_module('posix')
import posix
copymodule(posix, safe_posix, None, safe_posix_names)
safe_posix.environ = {}
copydict(posix.environ, safe_posix.environ)
safe_types = new_module('types')
copymodule(types, safe_types)
def safe_import(name):
if safe_sys.modules.has_key(name):
return safe_sys.modules[name]
if name in safe_modules:
temp = {}
exec "import "+name in temp
m = new_module(name)
copymodule(temp[name], m)
return m
for dirname in safe_path:
filename = os.path.join(dirname, name + '.py')
f = open(filename, 'r')
except IOError:
m = new_module(name)
rexecfile(filename, m.__dict__)
return m
raise ImportError, name
safe_builtin.__import__ = safe_import
def safe_open(file, mode = 'r'):
if type(file) != types.StringType or type(mode) != types.StringType:
raise TypeError, 'open argument(s) must be string(s)'
if mode not in ('r', 'rb'):
raise IOError, 'open for writing not allowed'
if '/' in file:
raise IOError, 'open pathname not allowed'
return open(file, mode)
safe_builtin.open = safe_open
def safe_dir(object = safe_main):
keys = object.__dict__.keys()
return keys
safe_builtin.dir = safe_dir
def safe_vars(object = safe_main):
keys = safe_dir(object)
dict = {}
copydict(object.__dict__, dict, None, keys)
return dict
safe_builtin.vars = safe_vars
def exterior():
"""Return env of caller's caller, as triple: (name, locals, globals).
Name will be None if env is __main__, and locals will be None if same
as globals, ie local env is global env."""
import sys, __main__
bogus = 'bogus' # A locally usable exception
try: raise bogus # Force an exception
except bogus:
at = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_back # The external frame.
if at.f_back: at = at.f_back # And further, if any.
where, globals, locals = at.f_code, at.f_globals, at.f_locals
if locals == globals: # Exterior is global?
locals = None
if where:
where = where.co_name
return (where, locals, globals)
def rexec(str, globals = None, locals = None):
trace('rexec(%s, ...)', `str`)
if globals is None:
globals = locals = exterior()[2]
elif locals is None:
locals = globals
globals['__builtins__'] = safe_builtin.__dict__
safe_sys.stdout = sys.stdout
safe_sys.stderr = sys.stderr
exec str in globals, locals
def rexecfile(file, globals = None, locals = None):
trace('rexecfile(%s, ...)', `file`)
if globals is None:
globals = locals = exterior()[2]
elif locals is None:
locals = globals
globals['__builtins__'] = safe_builtin.__dict__
safe_sys.stdout = sys.stdout
safe_sys.stderr = sys.stderr
return execfile(file, globals, locals)
def reval(str, globals = None, locals = None):
trace('reval(%s, ...)', `str`)
if globals is None:
globals = locals = exterior()[2]
elif locals is None:
locals = globals
globals['__builtins__'] = safe_builtin.__dict__
safe_sys.stdout = sys.stdout
safe_sys.stderr = sys.stderr
return eval(str, globals, locals)
safe_builtin.eval = reval
def test():
import traceback
g = {}
while 1:
s = raw_input('--> ')
except EOFError:
c = compile(s, '', 'eval')
rexec(s, g)
print reval(c, g)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user