mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 06:54:52 +08:00
bpo-27425: Be more explicit in .gitattributes (GH-840)
Updates checked-in line endings on several files.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,41 @@
# Binary data types
*.aif binary
*.aifc binary
*.aiff binary
*.au binary
*.bmp binary
*.exe binary
*.icns binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.jpg binary
*.pck binary
Lib/test/cjkencodings/* binary
Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest binary
*.png binary
*.psd binary
*.tar binary
*.wav binary
*.whl binary
*.zip binary
# Specific binary files
Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* binary
Lib/test/test_email/data/msg_26.txt binary
Lib/test/xmltestdata/* binary
Lib/venv/scripts/nt/* binary
Lib/test/coding20731.py binary
# Text files that should not be subject to eol conversion
Lib/test/cjkencodings/* -text
Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest -text
Lib/test/test_email/data/*.txt -text
Lib/test/xmltestdata/* -text
Lib/test/coding20731.py -text
# Special files in third party code
Modules/zlib/zlib.map -text
# CRLF files
*.bat text eol=crlf
*.ps1 text eol=crlf
*.sln text eol=crlf
*.vcxproj* text eol=crlf
*.props text eol=crlf
*.proj text eol=crlf
PCbuild/readme.txt text eol=crlf
PC/readme.txt text eol=crlf
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
function global:deactivate ([switch]$NonDestructive) {
# Revert to original values
if (Test-Path function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT) {
copy-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT function:prompt
remove-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT
if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME) {
if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH) {
copy-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH env:PATH
remove-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
if (Test-Path env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {
remove-item env:VIRTUAL_ENV
if (!$NonDestructive) {
# Self destruct!
remove-item function:deactivate
deactivate -nondestructive
# Set the prompt to include the env name
# Make sure _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT is global
function global:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT {""}
copy-item function:prompt function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT
function global:prompt {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green '__VENV_PROMPT__'
if (Test-Path env:PYTHONHOME) {
remove-item env:PYTHONHOME
# Add the venv to the PATH
copy-item env:PATH env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
$env:PATH = "$env:VIRTUAL_ENV\__VENV_BIN_NAME__;$env:PATH"
function global:deactivate ([switch]$NonDestructive) {
# Revert to original values
if (Test-Path function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT) {
copy-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT function:prompt
remove-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT
if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME) {
if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH) {
copy-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH env:PATH
remove-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
if (Test-Path env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {
remove-item env:VIRTUAL_ENV
if (!$NonDestructive) {
# Self destruct!
remove-item function:deactivate
deactivate -nondestructive
# Set the prompt to include the env name
# Make sure _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT is global
function global:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT {""}
copy-item function:prompt function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT
function global:prompt {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green '__VENV_PROMPT__'
if (Test-Path env:PYTHONHOME) {
remove-item env:PYTHONHOME
# Add the venv to the PATH
copy-item env:PATH env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
$env:PATH = "$env:VIRTUAL_ENV\__VENV_BIN_NAME__;$env:PATH"
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
@echo off
if not defined PROMPT (
set "PROMPT=$P$G"
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
if defined PYTHONHOME (
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
) else (
@echo off
if not defined PROMPT (
set "PROMPT=$P$G"
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
if defined PYTHONHOME (
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
) else (
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
@echo off
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
@echo off
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
rem Test all machine configurations, pydebug, refleaks, release build.
cd ..\..\..\
echo # ======================================================================
echo # Building Python
echo # ======================================================================
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformTarget=x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32
echo # ======================================================================
echo # test_decimal: platform=x64
echo # ======================================================================
cd PCbuild\amd64
echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================
python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal
echo # ==================== regular tests =======================
python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal
cd ..
echo # ======================================================================
echo # test_decimal: platform=x86
echo # ======================================================================
echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================
python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal
echo # ==================== regular tests =======================
python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal
cd amd64
echo # ======================================================================
echo # deccheck: platform=x64
echo # ======================================================================
echo # ==================== debug build =======================
python_d.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
echo # =================== release build ======================
python.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
cd ..
echo # ======================================================================
echo # deccheck: platform=x86
echo # ======================================================================
echo # ==================== debug build =======================
python_d.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
echo # =================== release build ======================
python.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
cd ..\Modules\_decimal\tests
rem Test all machine configurations, pydebug, refleaks, release build.
cd ..\..\..\
echo # ======================================================================
echo # Building Python
echo # ======================================================================
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformTarget=x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32
msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32
echo # ======================================================================
echo # test_decimal: platform=x64
echo # ======================================================================
cd PCbuild\amd64
echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================
python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal
echo # ==================== regular tests =======================
python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal
cd ..
echo # ======================================================================
echo # test_decimal: platform=x86
echo # ======================================================================
echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================
python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal
echo # ==================== regular tests =======================
python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal
cd amd64
echo # ======================================================================
echo # deccheck: platform=x64
echo # ======================================================================
echo # ==================== debug build =======================
python_d.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
echo # =================== release build ======================
python.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
cd ..
echo # ======================================================================
echo # deccheck: platform=x86
echo # ======================================================================
echo # ==================== debug build =======================
python_d.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
echo # =================== release build ======================
python.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\deccheck.py
cd ..\Modules\_decimal\tests
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%~dp0..\..\PCBuild\
echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0.exe
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0-amd64.exe
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86_amd64
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%~dp0..\..\PCBuild\
echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0.exe
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0-amd64.exe
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86_amd64
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
@echo off
goto Run
echo.%~nx0 [flags and arguments] [quoted MSBuild options]
echo.Build CPython from the command line. Requires the appropriate
echo.version(s) of Microsoft Visual Studio to be installed (see readme.txt).
echo.Also requires Subversion (svn.exe) to be on PATH if the '-e' flag is
echo.After the flags recognized by this script, up to 9 arguments to be passed
echo.directly to MSBuild may be passed. If the argument contains an '=', the
echo.entire argument must be quoted (e.g. `%~nx0 "/p:PlatformToolset=v100"`).
echo.Alternatively you can put extra flags for MSBuild in a file named
echo.`msbuild.rsp` in the `PCbuild` directory, one flag per line. This file
echo.will be picked automatically by MSBuild. Flags put in this file does not
echo.need to be quoted. You can still use environment variables inside the
echo.response file.
echo.Available flags:
echo. -h Display this help message
echo. -V Display version information for the current build
echo. -r Target Rebuild instead of Build
echo. -d Set the configuration to Debug
echo. -e Build external libraries fetched by get_externals.bat
echo. Extension modules that depend on external libraries will not attempt
echo. to build if this flag is not present
echo. -m Enable parallel build (enabled by default)
echo. -M Disable parallel build
echo. -v Increased output messages
echo. -k Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building (usually done
echo. automatically by the pythoncore project)
echo. --pgo Build with Profile-Guided Optimization. This flag
echo. overrides -c and -d
echo. --test-marker Enable the test marker within the build.
echo.Available flags to avoid building certain modules.
echo.These flags have no effect if '-e' is not given:
echo. --no-ssl Do not attempt to build _ssl
echo. --no-tkinter Do not attempt to build Tkinter
echo.Available arguments:
echo. -c Release ^| Debug ^| PGInstrument ^| PGUpdate
echo. Set the configuration (default: Release)
echo. -p x64 ^| Win32
echo. Set the platform (default: Win32)
echo. -t Build ^| Rebuild ^| Clean ^| CleanAll
echo. Set the target manually
echo. --pgo-job The job to use for PGO training; implies --pgo
echo. (default: "-m test --pgo")
exit /b 127
set platf=Win32
set vs_platf=x86
set conf=Release
set target=Build
set dir=%~dp0
set parallel=/m
set verbose=/nologo /v:m
set kill=
set do_pgo=
set pgo_job=-m test --pgo
set on_64_bit=true
rem This may not be 100% accurate, but close enough.
if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (set on_64_bit=false)
if "%~1"=="-h" goto Usage
if "%~1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-t" (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-m" (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-M" (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-v" (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-k" (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--pgo" (set do_pgo=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--pgo-job" (set do_pgo=true) & (set pgo_job=%~2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--test-marker" (set UseTestMarker=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-V" shift & goto Version
rem These use the actual property names used by MSBuild. We could just let
rem them in through the environment, but we specify them on the command line
rem anyway for visibility so set defaults after this
if "%~1"=="-e" (set IncludeExternals=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--no-ssl" (set IncludeSSL=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--no-tkinter" (set IncludeTkinter=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%IncludeExternals%"=="" set IncludeExternals=false
if "%IncludeSSL%"=="" set IncludeSSL=true
if "%IncludeTkinter%"=="" set IncludeTkinter=true
if "%IncludeExternals%"=="true" call "%dir%get_externals.bat"
if "%platf%"=="x64" (
if "%on_64_bit%"=="true" (
rem This ought to always be correct these days...
set vs_platf=amd64
) else (
if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (
echo.ERROR: Cannot cross-compile with PGO
echo. 32bit operating system detected, if this is incorrect,
echo. make sure the ProgramFiles(x86^) environment variable is set
exit /b 1
set vs_platf=x86_amd64
if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
if exist "%GIT%" set GITProperty=/p:GIT="%GIT%"
if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH & set GITProperty=
rem Setup the environment
call "%dir%env.bat" %vs_platf% >nul
if "%kill%"=="true" call :Kill
if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (
set conf=PGInstrument
call :Build %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
del /s "%dir%\*.pgc"
del /s "%dir%\..\Lib\*.pyc"
echo on
call "%dir%\..\python.bat" %pgo_job%
@echo off
call :Kill
set conf=PGUpdate
set target=Build
goto Build
echo on
msbuild "%dir%\pythoncore.vcxproj" /t:KillPython %verbose%^
/p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^
@echo off
goto :eof
rem Call on MSBuild to do the work, echo the command.
rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in
rem batch is, shall we say, "lackluster"
echo on
msbuild "%dir%pcbuild.proj" /t:%target% %parallel% %verbose%^
/p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^
/p:IncludeSSL=%IncludeSSL% /p:IncludeTkinter=%IncludeTkinter%^
/p:UseTestMarker=%UseTestMarker% %GITProperty%^
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@echo off
goto :eof
rem Display the current build version information
msbuild "%dir%python.props" /t:ShowVersionInfo /v:m /nologo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@echo off
goto Run
echo.%~nx0 [flags and arguments] [quoted MSBuild options]
echo.Build CPython from the command line. Requires the appropriate
echo.version(s) of Microsoft Visual Studio to be installed (see readme.txt).
echo.Also requires Subversion (svn.exe) to be on PATH if the '-e' flag is
echo.After the flags recognized by this script, up to 9 arguments to be passed
echo.directly to MSBuild may be passed. If the argument contains an '=', the
echo.entire argument must be quoted (e.g. `%~nx0 "/p:PlatformToolset=v100"`).
echo.Alternatively you can put extra flags for MSBuild in a file named
echo.`msbuild.rsp` in the `PCbuild` directory, one flag per line. This file
echo.will be picked automatically by MSBuild. Flags put in this file does not
echo.need to be quoted. You can still use environment variables inside the
echo.response file.
echo.Available flags:
echo. -h Display this help message
echo. -V Display version information for the current build
echo. -r Target Rebuild instead of Build
echo. -d Set the configuration to Debug
echo. -e Build external libraries fetched by get_externals.bat
echo. Extension modules that depend on external libraries will not attempt
echo. to build if this flag is not present
echo. -m Enable parallel build (enabled by default)
echo. -M Disable parallel build
echo. -v Increased output messages
echo. -k Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building (usually done
echo. automatically by the pythoncore project)
echo. --pgo Build with Profile-Guided Optimization. This flag
echo. overrides -c and -d
echo. --test-marker Enable the test marker within the build.
echo.Available flags to avoid building certain modules.
echo.These flags have no effect if '-e' is not given:
echo. --no-ssl Do not attempt to build _ssl
echo. --no-tkinter Do not attempt to build Tkinter
echo.Available arguments:
echo. -c Release ^| Debug ^| PGInstrument ^| PGUpdate
echo. Set the configuration (default: Release)
echo. -p x64 ^| Win32
echo. Set the platform (default: Win32)
echo. -t Build ^| Rebuild ^| Clean ^| CleanAll
echo. Set the target manually
echo. --pgo-job The job to use for PGO training; implies --pgo
echo. (default: "-m test --pgo")
exit /b 127
set platf=Win32
set vs_platf=x86
set conf=Release
set target=Build
set dir=%~dp0
set parallel=/m
set verbose=/nologo /v:m
set kill=
set do_pgo=
set pgo_job=-m test --pgo
set on_64_bit=true
rem This may not be 100% accurate, but close enough.
if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (set on_64_bit=false)
if "%~1"=="-h" goto Usage
if "%~1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-t" (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-m" (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-M" (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-v" (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-k" (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--pgo" (set do_pgo=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--pgo-job" (set do_pgo=true) & (set pgo_job=%~2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--test-marker" (set UseTestMarker=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="-V" shift & goto Version
rem These use the actual property names used by MSBuild. We could just let
rem them in through the environment, but we specify them on the command line
rem anyway for visibility so set defaults after this
if "%~1"=="-e" (set IncludeExternals=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--no-ssl" (set IncludeSSL=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%~1"=="--no-tkinter" (set IncludeTkinter=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%IncludeExternals%"=="" set IncludeExternals=false
if "%IncludeSSL%"=="" set IncludeSSL=true
if "%IncludeTkinter%"=="" set IncludeTkinter=true
if "%IncludeExternals%"=="true" call "%dir%get_externals.bat"
if "%platf%"=="x64" (
if "%on_64_bit%"=="true" (
rem This ought to always be correct these days...
set vs_platf=amd64
) else (
if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (
echo.ERROR: Cannot cross-compile with PGO
echo. 32bit operating system detected, if this is incorrect,
echo. make sure the ProgramFiles(x86^) environment variable is set
exit /b 1
set vs_platf=x86_amd64
if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
if exist "%GIT%" set GITProperty=/p:GIT="%GIT%"
if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH & set GITProperty=
rem Setup the environment
call "%dir%env.bat" %vs_platf% >nul
if "%kill%"=="true" call :Kill
if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (
set conf=PGInstrument
call :Build %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
del /s "%dir%\*.pgc"
del /s "%dir%\..\Lib\*.pyc"
echo on
call "%dir%\..\python.bat" %pgo_job%
@echo off
call :Kill
set conf=PGUpdate
set target=Build
goto Build
echo on
msbuild "%dir%\pythoncore.vcxproj" /t:KillPython %verbose%^
/p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^
@echo off
goto :eof
rem Call on MSBuild to do the work, echo the command.
rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in
rem batch is, shall we say, "lackluster"
echo on
msbuild "%dir%pcbuild.proj" /t:%target% %parallel% %verbose%^
/p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^
/p:IncludeSSL=%IncludeSSL% /p:IncludeTkinter=%IncludeTkinter%^
/p:UseTestMarker=%UseTestMarker% %GITProperty%^
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@echo off
goto :eof
rem Display the current build version information
msbuild "%dir%python.props" /t:ShowVersionInfo /v:m /nologo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@ -1 +1 @@
@%comspec% /k env.bat %*
@%comspec% /k env.bat %*
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@echo off
rem A batch program to clean a particular configuration,
rem just for convenience.
call %~dp0build.bat -t Clean %*
@echo off
rem A batch program to clean a particular configuration,
rem just for convenience.
call %~dp0build.bat -t Clean %*
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
@echo off
rem This script adds the latest available tools to the path for the current
rem command window. However, most builds of Python will ignore the version
rem of the tools on PATH and use PlatformToolset instead. Ideally, both sets of
rem tools should be the same version to avoid potential conflicts.
rem To build Python with an earlier toolset, pass "/p:PlatformToolset=v100" (or
rem 'v110', 'v120' or 'v140') to the build script.
echo Build environments: x86, amd64, x86_amd64
call "%VSTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %*
@echo off
rem This script adds the latest available tools to the path for the current
rem command window. However, most builds of Python will ignore the version
rem of the tools on PATH and use PlatformToolset instead. Ideally, both sets of
rem tools should be the same version to avoid potential conflicts.
rem To build Python with an earlier toolset, pass "/p:PlatformToolset=v100" (or
rem 'v110', 'v120' or 'v140') to the build script.
echo Build environments: x86, amd64, x86_amd64
call "%VSTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %*
@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
@echo off
rem Simple script to fetch source for external libraries
if not exist "%~dp0..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\externals"
pushd "%~dp0..\externals"
if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/
rem Optionally clean up first. Be warned that this can be very destructive!
if not "%1"=="" (
for %%c in (-c --clean --clean-only) do (
if "%1"=="%%c" goto clean
goto usage
goto fetch
echo.Cleaning up external libraries.
for /D %%d in (
) do (
echo.Removing %%d
rmdir /s /q %%d
if "%1"=="--clean-only" (
goto end
rem Fetch current versions
svn --version > nul 2>&1
if ERRORLEVEL 9009 (
echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH.
echo.Try TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/^) and be sure to check the
echo.command line tools option.
exit /b 1
echo.Fetching external libraries...
set libraries=
set libraries=%libraries% bzip2-1.0.6
if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% nasm-2.11.06
if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% openssl-1.0.2k
set libraries=%libraries% sqlite-
if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tcl-core-
if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tk-
if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tix-
set libraries=%libraries% xz-5.2.2
for %%e in (%libraries%) do (
if exist %%e (
echo.%%e already exists, skipping.
) else (
echo.Fetching %%e...
svn export -q %SVNROOT%%%e
goto end
echo.invalid argument: %1
echo.usage: %~n0 [[ -c ^| --clean ] ^| --clean-only ]
echo.Pull all sources necessary for compiling optional extension modules
echo.that rely on external libraries. Requires svn.exe to be on your PATH
echo.and pulls sources from %SVNROOT%.
echo.Use the -c or --clean option to clean up all external library sources
echo.before pulling in the current versions.
echo.Use the --clean-only option to do the same cleaning, without pulling in
echo.anything new.
echo.Only the first argument is checked, all others are ignored.
echo.**WARNING**: the cleaning options unconditionally remove any directory
echo.that is a child of
echo. %CD%
echo.and matches wildcard patterns beginning with bzip2-, db-, nasm-, openssl-,
echo.tcl-, tcltk, tk-, tix-, sqlite-, or xz-, and as such has the potential
echo.to be very destructive if you are not aware of what it is doing. Use with
exit /b -1
echo Finished.
@echo off
rem Simple script to fetch source for external libraries
if not exist "%~dp0..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\externals"
pushd "%~dp0..\externals"
if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/
rem Optionally clean up first. Be warned that this can be very destructive!
if not "%1"=="" (
for %%c in (-c --clean --clean-only) do (
if "%1"=="%%c" goto clean
goto usage
goto fetch
echo.Cleaning up external libraries.
for /D %%d in (
) do (
echo.Removing %%d
rmdir /s /q %%d
if "%1"=="--clean-only" (
goto end
rem Fetch current versions
svn --version > nul 2>&1
if ERRORLEVEL 9009 (
echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH.
echo.Try TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/^) and be sure to check the
echo.command line tools option.
exit /b 1
echo.Fetching external libraries...
set libraries=
set libraries=%libraries% bzip2-1.0.6
if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% nasm-2.11.06
if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% openssl-1.0.2k
set libraries=%libraries% sqlite-
if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tcl-core-
if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tk-
if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tix-
set libraries=%libraries% xz-5.2.2
for %%e in (%libraries%) do (
if exist %%e (
echo.%%e already exists, skipping.
) else (
echo.Fetching %%e...
svn export -q %SVNROOT%%%e
goto end
echo.invalid argument: %1
echo.usage: %~n0 [[ -c ^| --clean ] ^| --clean-only ]
echo.Pull all sources necessary for compiling optional extension modules
echo.that rely on external libraries. Requires svn.exe to be on your PATH
echo.and pulls sources from %SVNROOT%.
echo.Use the -c or --clean option to clean up all external library sources
echo.before pulling in the current versions.
echo.Use the --clean-only option to do the same cleaning, without pulling in
echo.anything new.
echo.Only the first argument is checked, all others are ignored.
echo.**WARNING**: the cleaning options unconditionally remove any directory
echo.that is a child of
echo. %CD%
echo.and matches wildcard patterns beginning with bzip2-, db-, nasm-, openssl-,
echo.tcl-, tcltk, tk-, tix-, sqlite-, or xz-, and as such has the potential
echo.to be very destructive if you are not aware of what it is doing. Use with
exit /b -1
echo Finished.
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
@echo off
rem start idle
rem Usage: idle [-d]
rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.
set exe=win32\python
PATH %PATH%;..\externals\tcltk\bin
if "%1"=="-d" (set exe=%exe%_d) & shift
set cmd=%exe% ../Lib/idlelib/idle.py %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
echo on
@echo off
rem start idle
rem Usage: idle [-d]
rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.
set exe=win32\python
PATH %PATH%;..\externals\tcltk\bin
if "%1"=="-d" (set exe=%exe%_d) & shift
set cmd=%exe% ../Lib/idlelib/idle.py %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
echo on
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
@echo off
if not defined HOST_PYTHON (
if "%1" EQU "Debug" (
set HOST_PYTHON=python_d.exe
if not exist python37_d.dll exit 1
) ELSE (
set HOST_PYTHON=python.exe
if not exist python37.dll exit 1
%HOST_PYTHON% "%~dp0prepare_ssl.py" %1
@echo off
if not defined HOST_PYTHON (
if "%1" EQU "Debug" (
set HOST_PYTHON=python_d.exe
if not exist python37_d.dll exit 1
) ELSE (
set HOST_PYTHON=python.exe
if not exist python37.dll exit 1
%HOST_PYTHON% "%~dp0prepare_ssl.py" %1
@ -1,300 +1,300 @@
Quick Start Guide
1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, any edition.
2. Install Subversion, and make sure 'svn.exe' is on your PATH.
3. Run "build.bat -e" to build Python in 32-bit Release configuration.
4. (Optional, but recommended) Run the test suite with "rt.bat -q".
Building Python using Microsoft Visual C++
This directory is used to build CPython for Microsoft Windows NT version
6.0 or higher (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later) on 32 and 64
bit platforms. Using this directory requires an installation of
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (MSVC 14.0) of any edition. The specific
requirements are as follows:
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop
Visual Studio Professional 2015
Either edition is sufficient for building all configurations except
for Profile Guided Optimization.
The Python build solution pcbuild.sln makes use of Solution Folders,
which this edition does not support. Any time pcbuild.sln is opened
or reloaded by Visual Studio, a warning about Solution Folders will
be displayed, which can be safely dismissed with no impact on your
ability to build Python.
Required for building 64-bit Debug and Release configuration builds
Visual Studio Premium 2015
Required for building Release configuration builds that make use of
Profile Guided Optimization (PGO), on either platform.
All you need to do to build is open the solution "pcbuild.sln" in Visual
Studio, select the desired combination of configuration and platform,
then build with "Build Solution". You can also build from the command
line using the "build.bat" script in this directory; see below for
details. The solution is configured to build the projects in the correct
The solution currently supports two platforms. The Win32 platform is
used to build standard x86-compatible 32-bit binaries, output into the
win32 sub-directory. The x64 platform is used for building 64-bit AMD64
(aka x86_64 or EM64T) binaries, output into the amd64 sub-directory.
The Itanium (IA-64) platform is no longer supported.
Four configuration options are supported by the solution:
Used to build Python with extra debugging capabilities, equivalent
to using ./configure --with-pydebug on UNIX. All binaries built
using this configuration have "_d" added to their name:
python37_d.dll, python_d.exe, parser_d.pyd, and so on. Both the
build and rt (run test) batch files in this directory accept a -d
option for debug builds. If you are building Python to help with
development of CPython, you will most likely use this configuration.
PGInstrument, PGUpdate
Used to build Python in Release configuration using PGO, which
requires Premium Edition of Visual Studio. See the "Profile
Guided Optimization" section below for more information. Build
output from each of these configurations lands in its own
sub-directory of this directory. The official Python releases may
be built using these configurations.
Used to build Python as it is meant to be used in production
settings, though without PGO.
Building Python using the build.bat script
In this directory you can find build.bat, a script designed to make
building Python on Windows simpler. This script will use the env.bat
script to detect one of Visual Studio 2015, 2013, 2012, or 2010, any of
which may be used to build Python, though only Visual Studio 2015 is
officially supported.
By default, build.bat will build Python in Release configuration for
the 32-bit Win32 platform. It accepts several arguments to change
this behavior, try `build.bat -h` to learn more.
C Runtime
Visual Studio 2015 uses version 14 of the C runtime (MSVCRT14). The
executables no longer use the "Side by Side" assemblies used in previous
versions of the compiler. This simplifies distribution of applications.
The run time libraries are available under the VC/Redist folder of your
Visual Studio distribution. For more info, see the Readme in the
VC/Redist folder.
The CPython project is split up into several smaller sub-projects which
are managed by the pcbuild.sln solution file. Each sub-project is
represented by a .vcxproj and a .vcxproj.filters file starting with the
name of the sub-project. These sub-projects fall into a few general
The following sub-projects represent the bare minimum required to build
a functioning CPython interpreter. If nothing else builds but these,
you'll have a very limited but usable python.exe:
.dll and .lib
These sub-projects provide extra executables that are useful for running
CPython in different ways:
pythonw.exe, a variant of python.exe that doesn't open a Command
Prompt window
py.exe, the Python Launcher for Windows, see
pyw.exe, a variant of py.exe that doesn't open a Command Prompt
_testembed.exe, a small program that embeds Python for testing
purposes, used by test_capi.py
These are miscellaneous sub-projects that don't really fit the other
_freeze_importlib.exe, used to regenerate Python\importlib.h after
changes have been made to Lib\importlib\_bootstrap.py
python3.dll, the PEP 384 Stable ABI dll
builds an example module that makes use of the PEP 384 Stable ABI,
see Modules\xxlimited.c
The following sub-projects are for individual modules of the standard
library which are implemented in C; each one builds a DLL (renamed to
.pyd) of the same name as the project:
The following Python-controlled sub-projects wrap external projects.
Note that these external libraries are not necessary for a working
interpreter, but they do implement several major features. See the
"Getting External Sources" section below for additional information
about getting the source for building these libraries. The sub-projects
Python wrapper for version 1.0.6 of the libbzip2 compression library
Python wrapper for the liblzma compression library, using pre-built
binaries of XZ Utils version 5.0.5
Python wrapper for version 1.0.2k of the OpenSSL secure sockets
library, which is built by ssl.vcxproj
Building OpenSSL requires nasm.exe (the Netwide Assembler), version
2.10 or newer from
to be somewhere on your PATH. More recent versions of OpenSSL may
need a later version of NASM. If OpenSSL's self tests don't pass,
you should first try to update NASM and do a full rebuild of
OpenSSL. If you use the PCbuild\get_externals.bat method
for getting sources, it also downloads a version of NASM which the
libeay/ssleay sub-projects use.
The libeay/ssleay sub-projects expect your OpenSSL sources to have
already been configured and be ready to build. If you get your sources
from svn.python.org as suggested in the "Getting External Sources"
section below, the OpenSSL source will already be ready to go. If
you want to build a different version, you will need to run
PCbuild\prepare_ssl.py path\to\openssl-source-dir
That script will prepare your OpenSSL sources in the same way that
those available on svn.python.org have been prepared. Note that
Perl must be installed and available on your PATH to configure
OpenSSL. ActivePerl is recommended and is available from
The libeay and ssleay sub-projects will build the modules of OpenSSL
required by _ssl and _hashlib and may need to be manually updated when
upgrading to a newer version of OpenSSL or when adding new
functionality to _ssl or _hashlib. They will not clean up their output
with the normal Clean target; CleanAll should be used instead.
Wraps SQLite, which is itself built by sqlite3.vcxproj
Wraps version 8.6.6 of the Tk windowing system.
Tkinter's dependencies are built by the tcl.vcxproj and tk.vcxproj
projects. The tix.vcxproj project also builds the Tix extended
widget set for use with Tkinter.
Those three projects install their respective components in a
directory alongside the source directories called "tcltk" on
Win32 and "tcltk64" on x64. They also copy the Tcl and Tk DLLs
into the current output directory, which should ensure that Tkinter
is able to load Tcl/Tk without having to change your PATH.
The tcl, tk, and tix sub-projects do not clean their builds with
the normal Clean target; if you need to rebuild, you should use the
CleanAll target or manually delete their builds.
Getting External Sources
The last category of sub-projects listed above wrap external projects
Python doesn't control, and as such a little more work is required in
order to download the relevant source files for each project before they
can be built. However, a simple script is provided to make this as
painless as possible, called "get_externals.bat" and located in this
directory. This script extracts all the external sub-projects from
via Subversion (so you'll need svn.exe on your PATH) and places them
in ..\externals (relative to this directory).
It is also possible to download sources from each project's homepage,
though you may have to change folder names or pass the names to MSBuild
as the values of certain properties in order for the build solution to
find them. This is an advanced topic and not necessarily fully
The get_externals.bat script is called automatically by build.bat when
you pass the '-e' option to it.
Profile Guided Optimization
The solution has two configurations for PGO. The PGInstrument
configuration must be built first. The PGInstrument binaries are linked
against a profiling library and contain extra debug information. The
PGUpdate configuration takes the profiling data and generates optimized
The build_pgo.bat script automates the creation of optimized binaries.
It creates the PGI files, runs the unit test suite or PyBench with the
PGI python, and finally creates the optimized files.
for more on this topic.
Static library
The solution has no configuration for static libraries. However it is
easy to build a static library instead of a DLL. You simply have to set
the "Configuration Type" to "Static Library (.lib)" and alter the
preprocessor macro "Py_ENABLE_SHARED" to "Py_NO_ENABLE_SHARED". You may
also have to change the "Runtime Library" from "Multi-threaded DLL
(/MD)" to "Multi-threaded (/MT)".
Visual Studio properties
The PCbuild solution makes use of Visual Studio property files (*.props)
to simplify each project. The properties can be viewed in the Property
Manager (View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager) but should be
carefully modified by hand.
The property files used are:
* python (versions, directories and build names)
* pyproject (base settings for all projects)
* openssl (used by libeay and ssleay projects)
* tcltk (used by _tkinter, tcl, tk and tix projects)
The pyproject property file defines all of the build settings for each
project, with some projects overriding certain specific values. The GUI
doesn't always reflect the correct settings and may confuse the user
with false information, especially for settings that automatically adapt
for diffirent configurations.
Quick Start Guide
1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, any edition.
2. Install Subversion, and make sure 'svn.exe' is on your PATH.
3. Run "build.bat -e" to build Python in 32-bit Release configuration.
4. (Optional, but recommended) Run the test suite with "rt.bat -q".
Building Python using Microsoft Visual C++
This directory is used to build CPython for Microsoft Windows NT version
6.0 or higher (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later) on 32 and 64
bit platforms. Using this directory requires an installation of
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (MSVC 14.0) of any edition. The specific
requirements are as follows:
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop
Visual Studio Professional 2015
Either edition is sufficient for building all configurations except
for Profile Guided Optimization.
The Python build solution pcbuild.sln makes use of Solution Folders,
which this edition does not support. Any time pcbuild.sln is opened
or reloaded by Visual Studio, a warning about Solution Folders will
be displayed, which can be safely dismissed with no impact on your
ability to build Python.
Required for building 64-bit Debug and Release configuration builds
Visual Studio Premium 2015
Required for building Release configuration builds that make use of
Profile Guided Optimization (PGO), on either platform.
All you need to do to build is open the solution "pcbuild.sln" in Visual
Studio, select the desired combination of configuration and platform,
then build with "Build Solution". You can also build from the command
line using the "build.bat" script in this directory; see below for
details. The solution is configured to build the projects in the correct
The solution currently supports two platforms. The Win32 platform is
used to build standard x86-compatible 32-bit binaries, output into the
win32 sub-directory. The x64 platform is used for building 64-bit AMD64
(aka x86_64 or EM64T) binaries, output into the amd64 sub-directory.
The Itanium (IA-64) platform is no longer supported.
Four configuration options are supported by the solution:
Used to build Python with extra debugging capabilities, equivalent
to using ./configure --with-pydebug on UNIX. All binaries built
using this configuration have "_d" added to their name:
python37_d.dll, python_d.exe, parser_d.pyd, and so on. Both the
build and rt (run test) batch files in this directory accept a -d
option for debug builds. If you are building Python to help with
development of CPython, you will most likely use this configuration.
PGInstrument, PGUpdate
Used to build Python in Release configuration using PGO, which
requires Premium Edition of Visual Studio. See the "Profile
Guided Optimization" section below for more information. Build
output from each of these configurations lands in its own
sub-directory of this directory. The official Python releases may
be built using these configurations.
Used to build Python as it is meant to be used in production
settings, though without PGO.
Building Python using the build.bat script
In this directory you can find build.bat, a script designed to make
building Python on Windows simpler. This script will use the env.bat
script to detect one of Visual Studio 2015, 2013, 2012, or 2010, any of
which may be used to build Python, though only Visual Studio 2015 is
officially supported.
By default, build.bat will build Python in Release configuration for
the 32-bit Win32 platform. It accepts several arguments to change
this behavior, try `build.bat -h` to learn more.
C Runtime
Visual Studio 2015 uses version 14 of the C runtime (MSVCRT14). The
executables no longer use the "Side by Side" assemblies used in previous
versions of the compiler. This simplifies distribution of applications.
The run time libraries are available under the VC/Redist folder of your
Visual Studio distribution. For more info, see the Readme in the
VC/Redist folder.
The CPython project is split up into several smaller sub-projects which
are managed by the pcbuild.sln solution file. Each sub-project is
represented by a .vcxproj and a .vcxproj.filters file starting with the
name of the sub-project. These sub-projects fall into a few general
The following sub-projects represent the bare minimum required to build
a functioning CPython interpreter. If nothing else builds but these,
you'll have a very limited but usable python.exe:
.dll and .lib
These sub-projects provide extra executables that are useful for running
CPython in different ways:
pythonw.exe, a variant of python.exe that doesn't open a Command
Prompt window
py.exe, the Python Launcher for Windows, see
pyw.exe, a variant of py.exe that doesn't open a Command Prompt
_testembed.exe, a small program that embeds Python for testing
purposes, used by test_capi.py
These are miscellaneous sub-projects that don't really fit the other
_freeze_importlib.exe, used to regenerate Python\importlib.h after
changes have been made to Lib\importlib\_bootstrap.py
python3.dll, the PEP 384 Stable ABI dll
builds an example module that makes use of the PEP 384 Stable ABI,
see Modules\xxlimited.c
The following sub-projects are for individual modules of the standard
library which are implemented in C; each one builds a DLL (renamed to
.pyd) of the same name as the project:
The following Python-controlled sub-projects wrap external projects.
Note that these external libraries are not necessary for a working
interpreter, but they do implement several major features. See the
"Getting External Sources" section below for additional information
about getting the source for building these libraries. The sub-projects
Python wrapper for version 1.0.6 of the libbzip2 compression library
Python wrapper for the liblzma compression library, using pre-built
binaries of XZ Utils version 5.0.5
Python wrapper for version 1.0.2k of the OpenSSL secure sockets
library, which is built by ssl.vcxproj
Building OpenSSL requires nasm.exe (the Netwide Assembler), version
2.10 or newer from
to be somewhere on your PATH. More recent versions of OpenSSL may
need a later version of NASM. If OpenSSL's self tests don't pass,
you should first try to update NASM and do a full rebuild of
OpenSSL. If you use the PCbuild\get_externals.bat method
for getting sources, it also downloads a version of NASM which the
libeay/ssleay sub-projects use.
The libeay/ssleay sub-projects expect your OpenSSL sources to have
already been configured and be ready to build. If you get your sources
from svn.python.org as suggested in the "Getting External Sources"
section below, the OpenSSL source will already be ready to go. If
you want to build a different version, you will need to run
PCbuild\prepare_ssl.py path\to\openssl-source-dir
That script will prepare your OpenSSL sources in the same way that
those available on svn.python.org have been prepared. Note that
Perl must be installed and available on your PATH to configure
OpenSSL. ActivePerl is recommended and is available from
The libeay and ssleay sub-projects will build the modules of OpenSSL
required by _ssl and _hashlib and may need to be manually updated when
upgrading to a newer version of OpenSSL or when adding new
functionality to _ssl or _hashlib. They will not clean up their output
with the normal Clean target; CleanAll should be used instead.
Wraps SQLite, which is itself built by sqlite3.vcxproj
Wraps version 8.6.6 of the Tk windowing system.
Tkinter's dependencies are built by the tcl.vcxproj and tk.vcxproj
projects. The tix.vcxproj project also builds the Tix extended
widget set for use with Tkinter.
Those three projects install their respective components in a
directory alongside the source directories called "tcltk" on
Win32 and "tcltk64" on x64. They also copy the Tcl and Tk DLLs
into the current output directory, which should ensure that Tkinter
is able to load Tcl/Tk without having to change your PATH.
The tcl, tk, and tix sub-projects do not clean their builds with
the normal Clean target; if you need to rebuild, you should use the
CleanAll target or manually delete their builds.
Getting External Sources
The last category of sub-projects listed above wrap external projects
Python doesn't control, and as such a little more work is required in
order to download the relevant source files for each project before they
can be built. However, a simple script is provided to make this as
painless as possible, called "get_externals.bat" and located in this
directory. This script extracts all the external sub-projects from
via Subversion (so you'll need svn.exe on your PATH) and places them
in ..\externals (relative to this directory).
It is also possible to download sources from each project's homepage,
though you may have to change folder names or pass the names to MSBuild
as the values of certain properties in order for the build solution to
find them. This is an advanced topic and not necessarily fully
The get_externals.bat script is called automatically by build.bat when
you pass the '-e' option to it.
Profile Guided Optimization
The solution has two configurations for PGO. The PGInstrument
configuration must be built first. The PGInstrument binaries are linked
against a profiling library and contain extra debug information. The
PGUpdate configuration takes the profiling data and generates optimized
The build_pgo.bat script automates the creation of optimized binaries.
It creates the PGI files, runs the unit test suite or PyBench with the
PGI python, and finally creates the optimized files.
for more on this topic.
Static library
The solution has no configuration for static libraries. However it is
easy to build a static library instead of a DLL. You simply have to set
the "Configuration Type" to "Static Library (.lib)" and alter the
preprocessor macro "Py_ENABLE_SHARED" to "Py_NO_ENABLE_SHARED". You may
also have to change the "Runtime Library" from "Multi-threaded DLL
(/MD)" to "Multi-threaded (/MT)".
Visual Studio properties
The PCbuild solution makes use of Visual Studio property files (*.props)
to simplify each project. The properties can be viewed in the Property
Manager (View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager) but should be
carefully modified by hand.
The property files used are:
* python (versions, directories and build names)
* pyproject (base settings for all projects)
* openssl (used by libeay and ssleay projects)
* tcltk (used by _tkinter, tcl, tk and tix projects)
The pyproject property file defines all of the build settings for each
project, with some projects overriding certain specific values. The GUI
doesn't always reflect the correct settings and may confuse the user
with false information, especially for settings that automatically adapt
for diffirent configurations.
@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
@echo off
rem Run Tests. Run the regression test suite.
rem Usage: rt [-d] [-O] [-q] [-x64] regrtest_args
rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.
rem -O Run python.exe or python_d.exe (see -d) with -O.
rem -q "quick" -- normally the tests are run twice, the first time
rem after deleting all the .pyc files reachable from Lib/.
rem -q runs the tests just once, and without deleting .pyc files.
rem -x64 Run the 64-bit build of python (or python_d if -d was specified)
rem from the 'amd64' dir instead of the 32-bit build in this dir.
rem All leading instances of these switches are shifted off, and
rem whatever remains (up to 9 arguments) is passed to regrtest.py.
rem For example,
rem rt -O -d -x test_thread
rem runs
rem python_d -O ../lib/test/regrtest.py -x test_thread
rem twice, and
rem rt -q -g test_binascii
rem runs
rem python_d ../lib/test/regrtest.py -g test_binascii
rem to generate the expected-output file for binascii quickly.
rem Confusing: if you want to pass a comma-separated list, like
rem -u network,largefile
rem then you have to quote it on the rt line, like
rem rt -u "network,largefile"
set pcbuild=%~dp0
set prefix=%pcbuild%win32\
set suffix=
set qmode=
set dashO=
set regrtestargs=
if "%1"=="-O" (set dashO=-O) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-q" (set qmode=yes) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-d" (set suffix=_d) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-x64" (set prefix=%pcbuild%amd64\) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtestargs=%regrtestargs% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
set exe=%prefix%python%suffix%.exe
set cmd="%exe%" %dashO% -u -Wd -E -bb -m test %regrtestargs%
if defined qmode goto Qmode
echo Deleting .pyc files ...
"%exe%" "%pcbuild%rmpyc.py"
echo Cleaning _pth files ...
if exist %prefix%*._pth del %prefix%*._pth
echo on
@echo off
echo About to run again without deleting .pyc first:
echo on
@echo off
rem Run Tests. Run the regression test suite.
rem Usage: rt [-d] [-O] [-q] [-x64] regrtest_args
rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.
rem -O Run python.exe or python_d.exe (see -d) with -O.
rem -q "quick" -- normally the tests are run twice, the first time
rem after deleting all the .pyc files reachable from Lib/.
rem -q runs the tests just once, and without deleting .pyc files.
rem -x64 Run the 64-bit build of python (or python_d if -d was specified)
rem from the 'amd64' dir instead of the 32-bit build in this dir.
rem All leading instances of these switches are shifted off, and
rem whatever remains (up to 9 arguments) is passed to regrtest.py.
rem For example,
rem rt -O -d -x test_thread
rem runs
rem python_d -O ../lib/test/regrtest.py -x test_thread
rem twice, and
rem rt -q -g test_binascii
rem runs
rem python_d ../lib/test/regrtest.py -g test_binascii
rem to generate the expected-output file for binascii quickly.
rem Confusing: if you want to pass a comma-separated list, like
rem -u network,largefile
rem then you have to quote it on the rt line, like
rem rt -u "network,largefile"
set pcbuild=%~dp0
set prefix=%pcbuild%win32\
set suffix=
set qmode=
set dashO=
set regrtestargs=
if "%1"=="-O" (set dashO=-O) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-q" (set qmode=yes) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-d" (set suffix=_d) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-x64" (set prefix=%pcbuild%amd64\) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtestargs=%regrtestargs% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
set exe=%prefix%python%suffix%.exe
set cmd="%exe%" %dashO% -u -Wd -E -bb -m test %regrtestargs%
if defined qmode goto Qmode
echo Deleting .pyc files ...
"%exe%" "%pcbuild%rmpyc.py"
echo Cleaning _pth files ...
if exist %prefix%*._pth del %prefix%*._pth
echo on
@echo off
echo About to run again without deleting .pyc first:
echo on
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
@rem Used by the buildbot "compile" step.
@rem Clean up
call "%~dp0clean.bat" %*
@rem If you need the buildbots to start fresh (such as when upgrading to
@rem a new version of an external library, especially Tcl/Tk):
@rem 1) uncomment the following line:
@rem call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only
@rem 2) commit and push
@rem 3) wait for all Windows bots to start a build with that changeset
@rem 4) re-comment, commit and push again
@rem Do the build
call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\build.bat" -e -d -k -v %*
@rem Used by the buildbot "compile" step.
@rem Clean up
call "%~dp0clean.bat" %*
@rem If you need the buildbots to start fresh (such as when upgrading to
@rem a new version of an external library, especially Tcl/Tk):
@rem 1) uncomment the following line:
@rem call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only
@rem 2) commit and push
@rem 3) wait for all Windows bots to start a build with that changeset
@rem 4) re-comment, commit and push again
@rem Do the build
call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\build.bat" -e -d -k -v %*
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
@rem Used by the buildbot "buildmsi" step.
@rem build both snapshot MSIs
call "%~dp0..\msi\build.bat" -x86 -x64
@rem Used by the buildbot "buildmsi" step.
@rem build both snapshot MSIs
call "%~dp0..\msi\build.bat" -x86 -x64
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
@echo off
rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.
set root=%~dp0..\..
set pcbuild=%root%\PCbuild
echo Deleting build
call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k %*
call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k -d %*
echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
del /s "%root%\Lib\*.pyc" "%root%\Lib\*.pyo"
echo Deleting test leftovers ...
rmdir /s /q "%root%\build"
del /s "%pcbuild%\python*.zip"
@echo off
rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.
set root=%~dp0..\..
set pcbuild=%root%\PCbuild
echo Deleting build
call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k %*
call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k -d %*
echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
del /s "%root%\Lib\*.pyc" "%root%\Lib\*.pyo"
echo Deleting test leftovers ...
rmdir /s /q "%root%\build"
del /s "%pcbuild%\python*.zip"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
@echo off
rem Used by the buildbot "test" step.
set here=%~dp0
set rt_opts=-q -d
set regrtest_args=-j1
if "%1"=="-x64" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-O" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="+d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-d=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="+q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-q=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtest_args=%regrtest_args% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
echo on
call "%here%..\..\PCbuild\rt.bat" %rt_opts% -uall -rwW --slowest --timeout=1200 %regrtest_args%
@echo off
rem Used by the buildbot "test" step.
set here=%~dp0
set rt_opts=-q -d
set regrtest_args=-j1
if "%1"=="-x64" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-O" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="+d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-d=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="+q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-q=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtest_args=%regrtest_args% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
echo on
call "%here%..\..\PCbuild\rt.bat" %rt_opts% -uall -rwW --slowest --timeout=1200 %regrtest_args%
@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set BUILDX86=
set BUILDX64=
set BUILDTEST=--test-marker
if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--doc" (set BUILDDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--no-test-marker" (set BUILDTEST=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--pack" (set BUILDPACK=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
call "%D%get_externals.bat"
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if defined BUILDX86 (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDDOC (
call "%PCBUILD%..\Doc\make.bat" htmlhelp
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
rem Build the launcher MSI separately
msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86
set BUILD_CMD="%D%bundle\snapshot.wixproj"
if defined BUILDTEST (
set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:UseTestMarker=true
if defined BUILDPACK (
set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:Pack=true
if defined REBUILD (
set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /t:Rebuild
if defined BUILDX86 (
msbuild %BUILD_CMD%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
msbuild /p:Platform=x64 %BUILD_CMD%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
exit /B 0
echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--doc] [-h] [--no-test-marker] [--pack] [-r]
echo -x86 Build x86 installers
echo -x64 Build x64 installers
echo --doc Build CHM documentation
echo --no-test-marker Build without test markers
echo --pack Embed core MSIs into installer
echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set BUILDX86=
set BUILDX64=
set BUILDTEST=--test-marker
if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--doc" (set BUILDDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--no-test-marker" (set BUILDTEST=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--pack" (set BUILDPACK=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
call "%D%get_externals.bat"
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if defined BUILDX86 (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDDOC (
call "%PCBUILD%..\Doc\make.bat" htmlhelp
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
rem Build the launcher MSI separately
msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86
set BUILD_CMD="%D%bundle\snapshot.wixproj"
if defined BUILDTEST (
set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:UseTestMarker=true
if defined BUILDPACK (
set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:Pack=true
if defined REBUILD (
set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /t:Rebuild
if defined BUILDX86 (
msbuild %BUILD_CMD%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
msbuild /p:Platform=x64 %BUILD_CMD%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
exit /B 0
echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--doc] [-h] [--no-test-marker] [--pack] [-r]
echo -x86 Build x86 installers
echo -x64 Build x64 installers
echo --doc Build CHM documentation
echo --no-test-marker Build without test markers
echo --pack Embed core MSIs into installer
echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build
@ -1,235 +1,235 @@
@echo off
rem This script is intended for building official releases of Python.
rem To use it to build alternative releases, you should clone this file
rem and modify the following three URIs.
rem These two will ensure that your release can be installed
rem alongside an official Python release, by modifying the GUIDs used
rem for all components.
rem The following substitutions will be applied to the release URI:
rem Variable Description Example
rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32
set RELEASE_URI=http://www.python.org/{arch}
rem This is the URL that will be used to download installation files.
rem The files available from the default URL *will* conflict with your
rem installer. Trust me, you don't want them, even if it seems like a
rem good idea.
rem The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:
rem Variable Description Example
rem {version} version number 3.5.0
rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32
rem {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)
rem {msi} MSI filename core.msi
set DOWNLOAD_URL=https://www.python.org/ftp/python/{version}/{arch}{releasename}/{msi}
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set EXTERNALS=%D%..\..\externals\windows-installer\
set BUILDX86=
set BUILDX64=
set TARGET=Rebuild
set PGO=-m test -q --pgo
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-c" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--certificate" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-o" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--out" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-D" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-doc" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-B" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-build" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--download" (set DOWNLOAD_URL=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--test" (set TESTTARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-b" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--build" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--pgo" (set PGO=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-pgo" (set PGO=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-nuget" (set BUILDNUGET=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-zip" (set BUILDZIP=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" NEQ "" echo Invalid option: "%1" && exit /B 1
if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH && exit /B 1
call "%D%get_externals.bat"
if "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc
if "%SKIPDOC%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc
if not defined PYTHON where py -q || echo Cannot find py on path and PYTHON is not set. && exit /B 1
if not defined SPHINXBUILD where sphinx-build -q || echo Cannot find sphinx-build on path and SPHINXBUILD is not set. && exit /B 1
call "%D%..\..\doc\make.bat" htmlhelp
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
where dlltool /q && goto skipdlltoolsearch
where /R "%EXTERNALS%\" dlltool > "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" 2> nul && set /P _DLLTOOL_PATH= < "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" & del "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc"
if not exist "%_DLLTOOL_PATH%" echo Cannot find binutils on PATH or in external && exit /B 1
for %%f in (%_DLLTOOL_PATH%) do set PATH=%PATH%;%%~dpf
if defined BUILDX86 (
call :build x86
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined BUILDX64 (
call :build x64 "%PGO%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTTARGETDIR (
call "%D%testrelease.bat" -t "%TESTTARGETDIR%"
exit /B 0
@echo off
if "%1" EQU "x86" (
set PGO=
set BUILD=%PCBUILD%win32\
set BUILD_PLAT=Win32
set OUTDIR_PLAT=win32
) else (
set BUILD=%PCBUILD%amd64\
set PGO=%~2
set BUILD_PLAT=x64
set OUTDIR_PLAT=amd64
if exist "%BUILD%en-us" (
echo Deleting %BUILD%en-us
rmdir /q/s "%BUILD%en-us"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if exist "%D%obj\Debug_%OBJDIR_PLAT%" (
echo Deleting "%D%obj\Debug_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
rmdir /q/s "%D%obj\Debug_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if exist "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%" (
echo Deleting "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
rmdir /q/s "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if not "%CERTNAME%" EQU "" (
set CERTOPTS="/p:SigningCertificate=%CERTNAME%"
) else (
if not "%PGO%" EQU "" (
set PGOOPTS=--pgo-job "%PGO%"
) else (
if not "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" (
@echo call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %PGOOPTS% %CERTOPTS%
@call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %PGOOPTS% %CERTOPTS%
@if errorlevel 1 exit /B
@rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again
@echo off
@echo call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET%
@call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET%
@if errorlevel 1 exit /B
@rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again
@echo off
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat"
if "%OUTDIR_PLAT%" EQU "win32" (
msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86 %CERTOPTS% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\launcher.msi" (
msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86 %CERTOPTS% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
set BUILDOPTS=/p:Platform=%1 /p:BuildForRelease=true /p:DownloadUrl=%DOWNLOAD_URL% /p:DownloadUrlBase=%DOWNLOAD_URL_BASE% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
msbuild "%D%bundle\releaselocal.wixproj" /t:Rebuild %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=true
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
msbuild "%D%bundle\releaseweb.wixproj" /t:Rebuild %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=false
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined BUILDZIP (
msbuild "%D%make_zip.proj" /t:Build %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined BUILDNUGET (
msbuild "%D%..\nuget\make_pkg.proj" /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%1 /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if not "%OUTDIR%" EQU "" (
mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries"
mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols"
robocopy "%BUILD%en-us" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%" /XF "*.wixpdb"
robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries" *.exe *.dll *.pyd /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"
robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols" *.pdb /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"
exit /B 0
echo buildrelease.bat [--out DIR] [-x86] [-x64] [--certificate CERTNAME] [--build] [--pgo COMMAND]
echo [--skip-build] [--skip-doc] [--skip-nuget] [--skip-zip] [--skip-pgo]
echo [--download DOWNLOAD URL] [--test TARGETDIR]
echo [-h]
echo --out (-o) Specify an additional output directory for installers
echo -x86 Build x86 installers
echo -x64 Build x64 installers
echo --build (-b) Incrementally build Python rather than rebuilding
echo --skip-build (-B) Do not build Python (just do the installers)
echo --skip-doc (-D) Do not build documentation
echo --pgo Specify PGO command for x64 installers
echo --skip-pgo Build x64 installers without using PGO
echo --skip-nuget Do not build Nuget packages
echo --skip-zip Do not build embeddable package
echo --download Specify the full download URL for MSIs
echo --test Specify the test directory to run the installer tests
echo -h Display this help information
echo If no architecture is specified, all architectures will be built.
echo If --test is not specified, the installer tests are not run.
echo For the --pgo option, any Python command line can be used, or 'default' to
echo use the default task (-m test --pgo).
echo The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:
echo Variable Description Example
echo {version} version number 3.5.0
echo {arch} architecture amd64, win32
echo {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)
echo {msi} MSI filename core.msi
@echo off
rem This script is intended for building official releases of Python.
rem To use it to build alternative releases, you should clone this file
rem and modify the following three URIs.
rem These two will ensure that your release can be installed
rem alongside an official Python release, by modifying the GUIDs used
rem for all components.
rem The following substitutions will be applied to the release URI:
rem Variable Description Example
rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32
set RELEASE_URI=http://www.python.org/{arch}
rem This is the URL that will be used to download installation files.
rem The files available from the default URL *will* conflict with your
rem installer. Trust me, you don't want them, even if it seems like a
rem good idea.
rem The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:
rem Variable Description Example
rem {version} version number 3.5.0
rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32
rem {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)
rem {msi} MSI filename core.msi
set DOWNLOAD_URL=https://www.python.org/ftp/python/{version}/{arch}{releasename}/{msi}
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set EXTERNALS=%D%..\..\externals\windows-installer\
set BUILDX86=
set BUILDX64=
set TARGET=Rebuild
set PGO=-m test -q --pgo
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-c" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--certificate" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-o" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--out" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-D" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-doc" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-B" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-build" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--download" (set DOWNLOAD_URL=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--test" (set TESTTARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-b" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--build" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--pgo" (set PGO=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-pgo" (set PGO=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-nuget" (set BUILDNUGET=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-zip" (set BUILDZIP=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" NEQ "" echo Invalid option: "%1" && exit /B 1
if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH && exit /B 1
call "%D%get_externals.bat"
if "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc
if "%SKIPDOC%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc
if not defined PYTHON where py -q || echo Cannot find py on path and PYTHON is not set. && exit /B 1
if not defined SPHINXBUILD where sphinx-build -q || echo Cannot find sphinx-build on path and SPHINXBUILD is not set. && exit /B 1
call "%D%..\..\doc\make.bat" htmlhelp
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
where dlltool /q && goto skipdlltoolsearch
where /R "%EXTERNALS%\" dlltool > "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" 2> nul && set /P _DLLTOOL_PATH= < "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" & del "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc"
if not exist "%_DLLTOOL_PATH%" echo Cannot find binutils on PATH or in external && exit /B 1
for %%f in (%_DLLTOOL_PATH%) do set PATH=%PATH%;%%~dpf
if defined BUILDX86 (
call :build x86
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined BUILDX64 (
call :build x64 "%PGO%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTTARGETDIR (
call "%D%testrelease.bat" -t "%TESTTARGETDIR%"
exit /B 0
@echo off
if "%1" EQU "x86" (
set PGO=
set BUILD=%PCBUILD%win32\
set BUILD_PLAT=Win32
set OUTDIR_PLAT=win32
) else (
set BUILD=%PCBUILD%amd64\
set PGO=%~2
set BUILD_PLAT=x64
set OUTDIR_PLAT=amd64
if exist "%BUILD%en-us" (
echo Deleting %BUILD%en-us
rmdir /q/s "%BUILD%en-us"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if exist "%D%obj\Debug_%OBJDIR_PLAT%" (
echo Deleting "%D%obj\Debug_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
rmdir /q/s "%D%obj\Debug_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if exist "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%" (
echo Deleting "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
rmdir /q/s "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if not "%CERTNAME%" EQU "" (
set CERTOPTS="/p:SigningCertificate=%CERTNAME%"
) else (
if not "%PGO%" EQU "" (
set PGOOPTS=--pgo-job "%PGO%"
) else (
if not "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" (
@echo call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %PGOOPTS% %CERTOPTS%
@call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %PGOOPTS% %CERTOPTS%
@if errorlevel 1 exit /B
@rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again
@echo off
@echo call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET%
@call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET%
@if errorlevel 1 exit /B
@rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again
@echo off
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat"
if "%OUTDIR_PLAT%" EQU "win32" (
msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86 %CERTOPTS% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\launcher.msi" (
msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86 %CERTOPTS% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
set BUILDOPTS=/p:Platform=%1 /p:BuildForRelease=true /p:DownloadUrl=%DOWNLOAD_URL% /p:DownloadUrlBase=%DOWNLOAD_URL_BASE% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
msbuild "%D%bundle\releaselocal.wixproj" /t:Rebuild %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=true
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
msbuild "%D%bundle\releaseweb.wixproj" /t:Rebuild %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=false
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined BUILDZIP (
msbuild "%D%make_zip.proj" /t:Build %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined BUILDNUGET (
msbuild "%D%..\nuget\make_pkg.proj" /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%1 /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if not "%OUTDIR%" EQU "" (
mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries"
mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols"
robocopy "%BUILD%en-us" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%" /XF "*.wixpdb"
robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries" *.exe *.dll *.pyd /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"
robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols" *.pdb /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"
exit /B 0
echo buildrelease.bat [--out DIR] [-x86] [-x64] [--certificate CERTNAME] [--build] [--pgo COMMAND]
echo [--skip-build] [--skip-doc] [--skip-nuget] [--skip-zip] [--skip-pgo]
echo [--download DOWNLOAD URL] [--test TARGETDIR]
echo [-h]
echo --out (-o) Specify an additional output directory for installers
echo -x86 Build x86 installers
echo -x64 Build x64 installers
echo --build (-b) Incrementally build Python rather than rebuilding
echo --skip-build (-B) Do not build Python (just do the installers)
echo --skip-doc (-D) Do not build documentation
echo --pgo Specify PGO command for x64 installers
echo --skip-pgo Build x64 installers without using PGO
echo --skip-nuget Do not build Nuget packages
echo --skip-zip Do not build embeddable package
echo --download Specify the full download URL for MSIs
echo --test Specify the test directory to run the installer tests
echo -h Display this help information
echo If no architecture is specified, all architectures will be built.
echo If --test is not specified, the installer tests are not run.
echo For the --pgo option, any Python command line can be used, or 'default' to
echo use the default task (-m test --pgo).
echo The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:
echo Variable Description Example
echo {version} version number 3.5.0
echo {arch} architecture amd64, win32
echo {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)
echo {msi} MSI filename core.msi
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
@echo off
rem Simple script to fetch source for external tools
where /Q svn
echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH to get external tools.
echo.Try TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/^) and be sure to check the
echo.command line tools option.
exit /b 1
if not exist "%~dp0..\..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\..\externals"
pushd "%~dp0..\..\externals"
if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/
if not exist "windows-installer\.svn" (
echo.Checking out installer dependencies to %CD%\windows-installer
svn co %SVNROOT%windows-installer
) else (
echo.Updating installer dependencies in %CD%\windows-installer
svn up windows-installer
@echo off
rem Simple script to fetch source for external tools
where /Q svn
echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH to get external tools.
echo.Try TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/^) and be sure to check the
echo.command line tools option.
exit /b 1
if not exist "%~dp0..\..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\..\externals"
pushd "%~dp0..\..\externals"
if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/
if not exist "windows-installer\.svn" (
echo.Checking out installer dependencies to %CD%\windows-installer
svn co %SVNROOT%windows-installer
) else (
echo.Updating installer dependencies in %CD%\windows-installer
svn up windows-installer
@ -1,117 +1,117 @@
@setlocal enableextensions
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set TESTX86=
set TESTX64=
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set TESTX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set TESTX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-a" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--alluser" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-p" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--peruser" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined TESTX86 if not defined TESTX64 (set TESTX86=1) && (set TESTX64=1)
if not defined TESTALLUSER if not defined TESTPERUSER (set TESTALLUSER=1) && (set TESTPERUSER=1)
if defined TESTX86 (
for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\*.exe") do (
if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTX64 (
for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%amd64\en-us\*.exe") do (
if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
exit /B 0
@echo on
@if not exist "%~1" exit /B 1
@set EXE=%~1
@if not "%EXE:embed=%"=="%EXE%" exit /B 0
@echo Installing %1 into %2
"%~1" /passive /log "%~2\install\log.txt" TargetDir="%~2\Python" Include_debug=1 Include_symbols=1 %~3
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Printing version
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" > "%~2\version.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Capturing Start Menu
@dir /s/b "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" > "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
@dir /s/b "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" >> "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
@echo Capturing registry
@for /F "usebackq" %%f in (`reg query HKCR /s /f python /k`) do @(
echo %%f >> "%~2\hkcr.txt"
reg query "%%f" /s >> "%~2\hkcr.txt" 2>&1
@reg query HKCU\Software\Python /s > "%~2\hkcu.txt" 2>&1
@reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:32 /s > "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
@reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:64 /s >> "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
cmd /k exit 0
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Installing package
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip install "azure<0.10" > "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip uninstall -y azure python-dateutil six >> "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Testing Tcl/tk
@set TCL_LIBRARY=%~2\Python\tcl\tcl8.6
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -m test -uall -v test_ttk_guionly test_tk test_idle > "%~2\tcltk.txt" 2>&1
@echo Result was %EXITCODE%
@echo Removing %1
"%~1" /passive /uninstall /log "%~2\uninstall\log.txt"
@echo off
exit /B %EXITCODE%
echo testrelease.bat [--target TARGET] [-x86] [-x64] [--alluser] [--peruser] [-h]
echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory for installs and logs
echo -x86 Run tests for x86 installers
echo -x64 Run tests for x64 installers
echo --alluser (-a) Run tests for all-user installs (requires Administrator)
echo --peruser (-p) Run tests for per-user installs
echo -h Display this help information
echo If no test architecture is specified, all architectures will be tested.
echo If no install type is selected, all install types will be tested.
@setlocal enableextensions
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set TESTX86=
set TESTX64=
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set TESTX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set TESTX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-a" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--alluser" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-p" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--peruser" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined TESTX86 if not defined TESTX64 (set TESTX86=1) && (set TESTX64=1)
if not defined TESTALLUSER if not defined TESTPERUSER (set TESTALLUSER=1) && (set TESTPERUSER=1)
if defined TESTX86 (
for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\*.exe") do (
if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTX64 (
for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%amd64\en-us\*.exe") do (
if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
exit /B 0
@echo on
@if not exist "%~1" exit /B 1
@set EXE=%~1
@if not "%EXE:embed=%"=="%EXE%" exit /B 0
@echo Installing %1 into %2
"%~1" /passive /log "%~2\install\log.txt" TargetDir="%~2\Python" Include_debug=1 Include_symbols=1 %~3
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Printing version
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" > "%~2\version.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Capturing Start Menu
@dir /s/b "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" > "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
@dir /s/b "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" >> "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
@echo Capturing registry
@for /F "usebackq" %%f in (`reg query HKCR /s /f python /k`) do @(
echo %%f >> "%~2\hkcr.txt"
reg query "%%f" /s >> "%~2\hkcr.txt" 2>&1
@reg query HKCU\Software\Python /s > "%~2\hkcu.txt" 2>&1
@reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:32 /s > "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
@reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:64 /s >> "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
cmd /k exit 0
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Installing package
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip install "azure<0.10" > "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip uninstall -y azure python-dateutil six >> "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
@echo Testing Tcl/tk
@set TCL_LIBRARY=%~2\Python\tcl\tcl8.6
"%~2\Python\python.exe" -m test -uall -v test_ttk_guionly test_tk test_idle > "%~2\tcltk.txt" 2>&1
@echo Result was %EXITCODE%
@echo Removing %1
"%~1" /passive /uninstall /log "%~2\uninstall\log.txt"
@echo off
exit /B %EXITCODE%
echo testrelease.bat [--target TARGET] [-x86] [-x64] [--alluser] [--peruser] [-h]
echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory for installs and logs
echo -x86 Run tests for x86 installers
echo -x64 Run tests for x64 installers
echo --alluser (-a) Run tests for all-user installs (requires Administrator)
echo --peruser (-p) Run tests for per-user installs
echo -h Display this help information
echo If no test architecture is specified, all architectures will be tested.
echo If no install type is selected, all install types will be tested.
@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set HOST=
set USER=
set DRYRUN=false
set NOGPG=
set PURGE_OPTION=/p:Purge=true
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-o" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--host" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-u" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--user" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--dry-run" (set DRYRUN=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-gpg" (set NOGPG=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-purge" (set PURGE_OPTION=) && shift && godo CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-test" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-T" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
if "%1" NEQ "" echo Unexpected argument "%1" & exit /B 1
if not defined PLINK where plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK echo Cannot locate plink.exe & exit /B 1
echo Found plink.exe at %PLINK%
if not defined PSCP where pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP echo Cannot locate pscp.exe & exit /B 1
echo Found pscp.exe at %PSCP%
if defined NOGPG (
set GPG=
echo Skipping GPG signature generation because of --skip-gpg
) else (
if not defined GPG where gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
if not defined GPG where /R "%PCBUILD%..\externals\windows-installer" gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
if not defined GPG echo Cannot locate gpg2.exe. Signatures will not be uploaded & pause
echo Found gpg2.exe at %GPG%
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" > nul 2> nul
pushd "%D%"
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86 %PURGE_OPTION%
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false %PURGE_OPTION%
if not defined NOTEST (
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x86
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x64
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x86
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false
exit /B 0
echo uploadrelease.bat --host HOST --user USERNAME [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [-h]
echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)
echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)
echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host
echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them
echo --skip-gpg Does not generate GPG signatures before uploading
echo --skip-purge Does not perform CDN purge after uploading
echo --skip-test (-T) Does not perform post-upload tests
echo -h Display this help information
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set HOST=
set USER=
set DRYRUN=false
set NOGPG=
set PURGE_OPTION=/p:Purge=true
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-o" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--host" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-u" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--user" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--dry-run" (set DRYRUN=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-gpg" (set NOGPG=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-purge" (set PURGE_OPTION=) && shift && godo CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--skip-test" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-T" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
if "%1" NEQ "" echo Unexpected argument "%1" & exit /B 1
if not defined PLINK where plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK echo Cannot locate plink.exe & exit /B 1
echo Found plink.exe at %PLINK%
if not defined PSCP where pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP echo Cannot locate pscp.exe & exit /B 1
echo Found pscp.exe at %PSCP%
if defined NOGPG (
set GPG=
echo Skipping GPG signature generation because of --skip-gpg
) else (
if not defined GPG where gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
if not defined GPG where /R "%PCBUILD%..\externals\windows-installer" gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
if not defined GPG echo Cannot locate gpg2.exe. Signatures will not be uploaded & pause
echo Found gpg2.exe at %GPG%
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" > nul 2> nul
pushd "%D%"
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86 %PURGE_OPTION%
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false %PURGE_OPTION%
if not defined NOTEST (
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x86
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x64
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x86
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false
exit /B 0
echo uploadrelease.bat --host HOST --user USERNAME [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [-h]
echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)
echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)
echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host
echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them
echo --skip-gpg Does not generate GPG signatures before uploading
echo --skip-purge Does not perform CDN purge after uploading
echo --skip-test (-T) Does not perform post-upload tests
echo -h Display this help information
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set BUILDX86=
set BUILDX64=
if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-o" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--out" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-p" (set PACKAGES=%PACKAGES% %~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
call "%D%..\msi\get_externals.bat"
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if defined PACKAGES set PACKAGES="/p:Packages=%PACKAGES%"
if defined BUILDX86 (
if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -r
) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%win32\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e -r
) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%amd64\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
exit /B 0
echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--out DIR] [-r] [-h]
echo -x86 Build x86 installers
echo -x64 Build x64 installers
echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build
echo --out [DIR] Override output directory
echo -h Show usage
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set BUILDX86=
set BUILDX64=
if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-o" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "--out" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%~1" EQU "-p" (set PACKAGES=%PACKAGES% %~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
call "%D%..\msi\get_externals.bat"
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if defined PACKAGES set PACKAGES="/p:Packages=%PACKAGES%"
if defined BUILDX86 (
if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -r
) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%win32\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e -r
) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%amd64\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
exit /B 0
echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--out DIR] [-r] [-h]
echo -x86 Build x86 installers
echo -x64 Build x64 installers
echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build
echo --out [DIR] Override output directory
echo -h Show usage
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@rem Recreate some python charmap codecs from the Windows function
@rem MultiByteToWideChar.
@cd /d %~dp0
@mkdir build
@rem Arabic DOS code page
c:\python30\python genwincodec.py 720 > build/cp720.py
@rem Recreate some python charmap codecs from the Windows function
@rem MultiByteToWideChar.
@cd /d %~dp0
@mkdir build
@rem Arabic DOS code page
c:\python30\python genwincodec.py 720 > build/cp720.py
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