2021-03-04 17:33:03 +01:00

613 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
values = ['E', 'e', 'v', 'c', 'w', 'i', 'I', 'C', 'W', 'u', 'U', 'f', 'd', 'D', 'K', 'l', 'L', 'p', 'V', 'O', 'S', '2', 'P', 'G', 'N', 'M']
def splitchar(s):
ret = [len(s), values.index(s[0])]
for c in s[2:]:
return ret
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("Value is " + s) from e
def value(define):
return define[9:-1] if define.startswith("!") else define[8:-1]
def splitdef(dnf, defines):
cunjs = dnf.split(" || ")
clauses = [c.split(" && ") for c in cunjs]
ret = [len(cunjs)]
for cunj in clauses:
for c in cunj:
for cunj in clauses:
for c in cunj:
ret.append(defines.index(value(c)) * 2 + (1 if c.startswith("!") else 0))
return ret
def invert(define):
return define[1:] if define.startswith("!") else ("!" + define)
def main(root, defines, files, ver):
global values
# Initialize variables: gbl for all values, redirects for redirections
gbl = {}
redirects = {}
# First read the files inside the headers
for filepath in files:
filename = filepath.split("/")[-1]
dependants = []
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
ln = line.strip()
# If the line is a `#' line (#ifdef LD80BITS/#ifndef LD80BITS/header)
if ln.startswith("#"):
preproc_cmd = ln[1:].strip()
if preproc_cmd.startswith("if defined(GO)"):
continue #if defined(GO) && defined(GOM)...
elif preproc_cmd.startswith("if !(defined(GO)"):
continue #if !(defined(GO) && defined(GOM)...)
elif preproc_cmd.startswith("error"):
continue #error meh!
elif preproc_cmd.startswith("endif"):
if dependants != []:
elif preproc_cmd.startswith("ifdef"):
if preproc_cmd[5:].strip() not in defines:
raise KeyError(preproc_cmd[5:].strip())
dependants.append("defined(" + preproc_cmd[5:].strip() + ")")
elif preproc_cmd.startswith("ifndef"):
if preproc_cmd[6:].strip() not in defines:
raise KeyError(preproc_cmd[6:].strip())
dependants.append("!defined(" + preproc_cmd[6:].strip() + ")")
elif preproc_cmd.startswith("else"):
dependants[-1] = invert(dependants[-1])
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown preprocessor directive: {0} ({1}:{2})".format(
preproc_cmd.split(" ")[0], filename, line[:-1]
except KeyError as k:
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown key: {0} ({1}:{2})".format(
k.args[0], filename, line[:-1]
), k)
# If the line is a `GO...' line (GO/GOM/GO2/...)...
elif ln.startswith("GO"):
# ... then look at the second parameter of the line
ln = ln.split(",")[1].split(")")[0].strip()
if ln[1] not in ["F"]:
raise NotImplementedError("Bad middle letter {0} ({1}:{2})".format(ln[1], filename, line[:-1]))
if any(c not in values for c in ln[2:]) or (('v' in ln[2:]) and (len(ln) > 3)):
old = ln
# This needs more work
acceptables = ['v', '0', '1'] + values
if any(c not in acceptables for c in ln[2:]):
raise NotImplementedError("{0} ({1}:{2})".format(ln[2:], filename, line[:-1]))
# Ok, this is acceptable: there is 0, 1 and/or void
ln = (ln
.replace("v", "") # void -> nothing
.replace("0", "p") # 0 -> pointer
.replace("1", "i")) # 1 -> integer
redirects.setdefault(" && ".join(dependants), {})
redirects[" && ".join(dependants)][old] = ln
# Simply append the function name if it's not yet existing
gbl.setdefault(" && ".join(dependants), [])
if ln not in gbl[" && ".join(dependants)]:
gbl[" && ".join(dependants)].append(ln)
gbl_vals = {}
for k in gbl:
ks = k.split(" && ")
for v in gbl[k]:
if k == "":
gbl_vals[v] = []
if v in gbl_vals:
if gbl_vals[v] == []:
for other_key in gbl_vals[v]:
other_key_vals = other_key.split(" && ")
for other_key_val in other_key_vals:
if other_key_val not in ks:
gbl_vals[v] = [k]
for v in gbl_vals:
for k in gbl_vals[v]:
if " && ".join([invert(v2) for v2 in k.split(" && ")]) in gbl_vals[v]:
gbl_vals[v] = []
gbl = {}
gbl_idxs = []
for k in gbl_vals:
if len(gbl_vals[k]) == 1:
key = gbl_vals[k][0]
key = "(" + (") || (".join(gbl_vals[k])) + ")"
gbl[key] = gbl.get(key, []) + [k]
if (key not in gbl_idxs) and (key != "()"):
gbl_idxs.sort(key=lambda v: splitdef(v, defines))
redirects_vals = {}
for k in redirects:
ks = k.split(" && ")
for v in redirects[k]:
if k == "":
redirects_vals[(v, redirects[k][v])] = []
if (v, redirects[k][v]) in redirects_vals:
if redirects_vals[(v, redirects[k][v])] == []:
for other_key in redirects_vals[(v, redirects[k][v])]:
if other_key == "()":
other_key_vals = other_key.split(" && ")
for other_key_val in other_key_vals:
if other_key_val not in ks:
redirects_vals[(v, redirects[k][v])].append(k)
redirects_vals[(v, redirects[k][v])] = [k]
redirects = {}
redirects_idxs = []
for k, v in redirects_vals:
key = "(" + (") || (".join(redirects_vals[(k, v)])) + ")"
if key in redirects:
redirects[key].append([k, v])
redirects[key] = [[k, v]]
if (key not in redirects_idxs) and (key != "()"):
redirects_idxs.sort(key=lambda v: splitdef(v, defines))
# Sort the tables
for k in gbl:
gbl[k].sort(key=lambda v: splitchar(v))
values = values + ['0', '1']
for k in redirects:
redirects[k].sort(key=lambda v: splitchar(v[0]) + [0] + splitchar(v[1]))
values = values[:-2]
# Check if there was any new functions
functions_list = ""
for k in ["()"] + gbl_idxs:
for v in gbl[k]:
functions_list = functions_list + "#" + k + " " + v + "\n"
for k in ["()"] + redirects_idxs:
for v in redirects[k]:
functions_list = functions_list + "#" + k + " " + v[0] + " -> " + v[1] + "\n"
# functions_list is a unique string, compare it with the last run
last_run = ""
with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "wrapped", "generated", "functions_list.txt"), 'r') as file:
last_run =
if last_run == functions_list:
# Mark as OK for CMake
with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "wrapped", "generated", "functions_list.txt"), 'w') as file:
#return 0
except IOError:
# The file does not exist yet, first run
# Now the files rebuilding part
# File headers and guards
files_headers = {
"wrapper.c": """/*****************************************************************
* File automatically generated by (v%s)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "wrapper.h"
#include "emu/x64emu_private.h"
#include "emu/x87emu_private.h"
#include "regs.h"
#include "x64emu.h"
typedef union ui64_s {
int64_t i;
uint64_t u;
uint32_t d[2];
} ui64_t;
typedef struct _2uint_struct_s {
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
} _2uint_struct_t;
extern void* my__IO_2_1_stderr_;
extern void* my__IO_2_1_stdin_ ;
extern void* my__IO_2_1_stdout_;
static void* io_convert(void* v)
return v;
return stderr;
return stdin;
return stdout;
return v;
typedef struct my_GValue_s
int g_type;
union {
int v_int;
int64_t v_int64;
uint64_t v_uint64;
float v_float;
double v_double;
void* v_pointer;
} data[2];
} my_GValue_t;
static void alignGValue(my_GValue_t* v, void* value)
v->g_type = *(int*)value;
memcpy(v->data, value+4, 2*sizeof(double));
static void unalignGValue(void* value, my_GValue_t* v)
*(int*)value = v->g_type;
memcpy(value+4, v->data, 2*sizeof(double));
void* VulkanFromx86(void* src, void** save);
void VulkanTox86(void* src, void* save);
#define ST0val ST0.d
int of_convert(int);
"wrapper.h": """/*****************************************************************
* File automatically generated by (v%s)
#ifndef __WRAPPER_H_
#define __WRAPPER_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct x64emu_s x64emu_t;
// the generic wrapper pointer functions
typedef void (*wrapper_t)(x64emu_t* emu, uintptr_t fnc);
// list of defined wrapper
// v = void, i = int32, u = uint32, U/I= (u)int64
// l = signed long, L = unsigned long (long is an int with the size of a pointer)
// p = pointer, P = callback
// f = float, d = double, D = long double, K = fake long double
// V = vaargs, E = current x86emu struct, e = ref to current x86emu struct
// 0 = constant 0, 1 = constant 1
// o = stdout
// C = unsigned byte c = char
// W = unsigned short w = short
// O = libc O_ flags bitfield
// S = _IO_2_1_stdXXX_ pointer (or FILE*)
// Q = ...
// 2 = struct of 2 uint
// P = Vulkan struture pointer
// G = a single GValue pointer
// N = ... automatically sending 1 arg
// M = ... automatically sending 2 args
files_guards = {"wrapper.c": """""",
"wrapper.h": """
#endif //__WRAPPER_H_
# Rewrite the wrapper.h file:
with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "wrapped", "generated", "wrapper.h"), 'w') as file:
file.write(files_headers["wrapper.h"] % ver)
for v in gbl["()"]:
file.write("void " + v + "(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);\n")
for k in gbl_idxs:
file.write("\n#if " + k + "\n")
for v in gbl[k]:
file.write("void " + v + "(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);\n")
for v in redirects["()"]:
file.write("void " + v[0] + "(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);\n")
for k in redirects_idxs:
file.write("\n#if " + k + "\n")
for v in redirects[k]:
file.write("void " + v[0] + "(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);\n")
# Rewrite the wrapper.c file:
with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "wrapped", "generated", "wrapper.c"), 'w') as file:
file.write(files_headers["wrapper.c"] % ver)
# First part: typedefs
for v in gbl["()"]:
# E e v c w i I C W u U f d D K l L p V O S 2 P G N M
types = ["x64emu_t*", "x64emu_t**", "void", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t", "float", "double", "long double", "double", "intptr_t", "uintptr_t", "void*", "void*", "int32_t", "void*", "_2uint_struct_t", "void*", "void*", "...", "..."]
if len(values) != len(types):
raise NotImplementedError("len(values) = {lenval} != len(types) = {lentypes}".format(lenval=len(values), lentypes=len(types)))
file.write("typedef " + types[values.index(v[0])] + " (*" + v + "_t)"
+ "(" + ', '.join(types[values.index(t)] for t in v[2:]) + ");\n")
for k in gbl_idxs:
file.write("\n#if " + k + "\n")
for v in gbl[k]:
# E e v c w i I C W u U f d D K l L p V O S 2 P G N M
types = ["x64emu_t*", "x64emu_t**", "void", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t", "float", "double", "long double", "double", "intptr_t", "uintptr_t", "void*", "void*", "int32_t", "void*", "_2uint_struct_t", "void*", "void*", "...", "..."]
if len(values) != len(types):
raise NotImplementedError("len(values) = {lenval} != len(types) = {lentypes}".format(lenval=len(values), lentypes=len(types)))
file.write("typedef " + types[values.index(v[0])] + " (*" + v + "_t)"
+ "(" + ', '.join(types[values.index(t)] for t in v[2:]) + ");\n")
# Next part: function definitions
# Helper variables
reg_arg = ["R_RDI", "R_RSI", "R_RDX", "R_RCX", "R_R8", "R_R9"]
# vreg: value is in a general register
# E e v c w i I C W u U f d D K l L p V O S 2 P G N, M
vreg = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# vxmm: value is in a XMM register
# E e v c w i I C W u U f d D K l L p V O S 2 P G N, M
vxmm = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# vother: value is elsewere
# E e v c w i I C W u U f d D K l L p V O S 2 P G N, M
vother = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
# vstack: value is on the stack (or out of register)
# E e v c w i I C W u U f d D K l L p V O S 2 P G N, M
vstack = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
arg_s = [
"", # E
"", # e
"", # v
"*(int8_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # c
"*(int16_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # w
"*(int32_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # i
"*(int64_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # I
"*(uint8_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # C
"*(uint16_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # W
"*(uint32_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # u
"*(uint64_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # U
"*(float*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # f
"*(double*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # d
"*(long double*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # D
"FromLD((void*)(R_RSP + {p})), ", # K
"*(intptr_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # l
"*(uintptr_t*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # L
"*(void**)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # p
"(void*)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # V
"of_convert(*(int32_t*)(R_RSP + {p})), ", # O
"io_convert(*(void**)(R_RSP + {p})), ", # S
"(_2uint_struct_t){{*(uintptr_t*)(R_RSP + {p}),*(uintptr_t*)(R_RSP + {p} + 4)}}, ", # 2
"", # P
"", # G
"*(void**)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # N
"*(void**)(R_RSP + {p}),*(void**)(R_RSP + {p} + 4), ", # M
arg_r = [
"", # E
"", # e
"", # v
"(int8_t){p}, ", # c
"(int16_t){p}, ", # w
"(int32_t){p}, ", # i
"(int64_t){p}, ", # I
"(uint8_t){p}, ", # C
"(uint16_t){p}, ", # W
"(uint32_t){p}, ", # u
"(uint64_t){p}, ", # U
"", # f
"", # d
"", # D
"", # K
"(intptr_t){p} ", # l
"(uintptr_t){p}, ", # L
"(void*){p}, ", # p
"", # V
"of_convert((int32_t){p}), ", # O
"io_convert((void*){p}), ", # S
"", # 2
"", # P
"", # G
"", # N
"", # M
arg_x = [
"", # E
"", # e
"", # v
"", # c
"", # w
"", # i
"", # I
"", # C
"", # W
"", # u
"", # U
"emu->xmm[{p}].f[0]), ", # f
"emu->xmm[{p}].d[0]), ", # d
"", # D
"", # K
"", # l
"", # L
"", # p
"", # V
"", # O
"", # S
"", # 2
"", # P
"", # G
"", # N
"", # M
arg_o = [
"emu, ", # E
"&emu, ", # e
"", # v
"", # c
"", # w
"", # i
"", # I
"", # C
"", # W
"", # u
"", # U
"", # f
"", # d
"", # D
"", # K
"", # l
"", # L
"", # p
"", # V
"", # O
"", # S
"", # 2
"arg{p}, ", # P
"&arg{p}, ", # G
"*(void**)(R_RSP + {p}), ", # N
"*(void**)(R_RSP + {p}),*(void**)(R_RSP + {p} + 4), ", # M
vals = [
"\n#error Invalid return type: emulator\n", # E
"\n#error Invalid return type: &emulator\n", # e
"fn({0});", # v
"R_RAX=fn({0});", # c
"R_RAX=fn({0});", # w
"R_RAX=fn({0});", # i
"R_RAX=(uint64_t)fn({0});", # I
"R_RAX=(unsigned char)fn({0});", # C
"R_RAX=(unsigned short)fn({0});", # W
"R_RAX=(uint32_t)fn({0});", # u
"R_RAX=fn({0});", # U
"emu->xmm[0].f[0]=fn({0});", # f
"emu->xmm[0].d[0]=fn({0});", # d
"long double ld=fn({0}); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = ld;", # D
"double db=fn({0}); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = db;", # K
"R_RAX=(intptr_t)fn({0});", # l
"R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn({0});", # L
"R_RAX=(uintptr_t)fn({0});", # p
"\n#error Invalid return type: va_list\n", # V
"\n#error Invalid return type: at_flags\n", # O
"\n#error Invalid return type: _io_file*\n", # S
"\n#error Invalid return type: _2uint_struct\n", # 2
"\n#error Invalid return type: Vulkan Struct\n", # P
"\n#error Invalid return type: GValue Pointer\n", # G
"\n#error Invalid return type: ... with 1 arg\n", # N
"\n#error Invalid return type: ... with 2 args\n", # M
# Asserts
if len(values) != len(arg_s):
raise NotImplementedError("len(values) = {lenval} != len(arg_s) = {lenargs}".format(lenval=len(values), lenargr=len(arg_s)))
if len(values) != len(arg_r):
raise NotImplementedError("len(values) = {lenval} != len(arg_r) = {lenargr}".format(lenval=len(values), lenargr=len(arg_r)))
if len(values) != len(vals):
raise NotImplementedError("len(values) = {lenval} != len(vals) = {lenvals}".format(lenval=len(values), lenvals=len(vals)))
# Helper functions to write the function definitions
def function_args(args, d=8, r=0, x=0):
if len(args) == 0:
return ""
if args[0] == "0":
return "0, " + function_args(args[1:], d, r, x)
elif args[0] == "1":
return "1, " + function_args(args[1:], d, r, x)
idx = values.index(args[0])
if r<5 and vreg[idx]>0:
return arg_r[idx].format(p=reg_arg[r]) + function_args(args[1:], d, r+1, x)
if x<7 and vxmm[idx]>0:
return arg_x[idx].format(p=x) + function_args(args[1:], d, r, x+1)
if vstack[idx]>0:
return arg_s[idx].format(p=d) + function_args(args[1:], d+8*vstack[idx], r, x)
return arg_o[idx].format(p=d) + function_args(args[1:], d + vother[idx]*8, r, x)
def function_writer(f, N, W, rettype, args):
f.write("void {0}(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) {2} {1} fn = ({1})fcn; ".format(N, W, "{"))
if any(cc in 'PG' for cc in args):
# Vulkan struct or GValue pointer, need to unwrap functions at the end
delta = 4
for c in args:
if c == 'P':
f.write("void* save{d}=NULL; void *arg{d} = VulkanFromx86(*(void**)(R_RSP + {d}), &save{d}); ".format(d=delta))
if c == 'G':
f.write("my_GValue_t arg{d}; alignGValue(&arg{d}, *(void**)(R_RSP + {d})); ".format(d=delta))
delta = delta + deltas[values.index(c)]
f.write(vals[values.index(rettype)].format(function_args(args)[:-2]) + " ")
delta = 4
for c in args:
if c == 'P':
f.write("VulkanTox86(arg{d}, save{d}); ".format(d=delta))
if c == 'G':
f.write("unalignGValue(*(void**)(R_RSP + {d}), &arg{d}); ".format(d=delta))
delta = delta + deltas[values.index(c)]
# Generic function
f.write(vals[values.index(rettype)].format(function_args(args)[:-2]) + " }\n")
for v in gbl["()"]:
function_writer(file, v, v + "_t", v[0], v[2:])
for k in gbl_idxs:
file.write("\n#if " + k + "\n")
for v in gbl[k]:
function_writer(file, v, v + "_t", v[0], v[2:])
for v in redirects["()"]:
function_writer(file, v[0], v[1] + "_t", v[0][0], v[0][2:])
for k in redirects_idxs:
file.write("\n#if " + k + "\n")
for v in redirects[k]:
function_writer(file, v[0], v[1] + "_t", v[0][0], v[0][2:])
# Save the string for the next iteration, writing was successful
with open(os.path.join(root, "src", "wrapped", "generated", "functions_list.txt"), 'w') as file:
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
limit = []
for i, v in enumerate(sys.argv):
if v == "--":
if main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:limit[0]], sys.argv[limit[0]+1:], "") != 0: