mirror of
synced 2024-12-05 00:04:22 +08:00
This commit is the result of the following actions: - Running gdb/copyright.py to update all of the copyright headers to include 2024, - Manually updating a few files the copyright.py script told me to update, these files had copyright headers embedded within the file, - Regenerating gdbsupport/Makefile.in to refresh it's copyright date, - Using grep to find other files that still mentioned 2023. If these files were updated last year from 2022 to 2023 then I've updated them this year to 2024. I'm sure I've probably missed some dates. Feel free to fix them up as you spot them.
244 lines
7.0 KiB
244 lines
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! Copyright 2019-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> .
! Source code for function-calls.exp.
subroutine no_arg_subroutine()
end subroutine
logical function no_arg()
no_arg = .TRUE.
end function
subroutine run(a)
external :: a
call a()
end subroutine
logical function one_arg(x)
logical, intent(in) :: x
one_arg = x
end function
integer(kind=4) function one_arg_value(x)
integer(kind=4), value :: x
one_arg_value = x
end function
integer(kind=4) function several_arguments(a, b, c)
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: a
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: b
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: c
several_arguments = a + b + c
end function
integer(kind=4) function mix_of_scalar_arguments(a, b, c)
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: a
logical(kind=4), intent(in) :: b
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: c
mix_of_scalar_arguments = a + floor(c)
if (b) then
end if
end function
real(kind=4) function real4_argument(a)
real(kind=4), intent(in) :: a
real4_argument = a
end function
integer(kind=4) function return_constant()
return_constant = 17
end function
character(40) function return_string()
return_string='returned in hidden first argument'
end function
recursive function fibonacci(n) result(item)
integer(kind=4) :: item
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: n
select case (n)
case (0:1)
item = n
case default
item = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
end select
end function
complex function complex_argument(a)
complex, intent(in) :: a
complex_argument = a
end function
integer(kind=4) function array_function(a)
integer(kind=4), dimension(11) :: a
array_function = a(ubound(a, 1, 4))
end function
integer(kind=4) function pointer_function(int_pointer)
integer, pointer :: int_pointer
pointer_function = int_pointer
end function
integer(kind=4) function hidden_string_length(string)
character*(*) :: string
hidden_string_length = len(string)
end function
integer(kind=4) function sum_some(a, b, c)
integer :: a, b
integer, optional :: c
sum_some = a + b
if (present(c)) then
sum_some = sum_some + c
end if
end function
module derived_types_and_module_calls
type cart
integer :: x
integer :: y
end type
type cart_nd
integer :: x
integer, allocatable :: d(:)
end type
type nested_cart_3d
type(cart) :: d
integer :: z
end type
type(cart) function pass_cart(c)
type(cart) :: c
pass_cart = c
end function
integer(kind=4) function pass_cart_nd(c)
type(cart_nd) :: c
pass_cart_nd = ubound(c%d,1,4)
end function
type(nested_cart_3d) function pass_nested_cart(c)
type(nested_cart_3d) :: c
pass_nested_cart = c
end function
type(cart) function build_cart(x,y)
integer :: x, y
build_cart%x = x
build_cart%y = y
end function
end module
program function_calls
use derived_types_and_module_calls
implicit none
logical function no_arg()
end function
logical function one_arg(x)
logical, intent(in) :: x
end function
integer(kind=4) function pointer_function(int_pointer)
integer, pointer :: int_pointer
end function
integer(kind=4) function several_arguments(a, b, c)
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: a
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: b
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: c
end function
complex function complex_argument(a)
complex, intent(in) :: a
end function
real(kind=4) function real4_argument(a)
real(kind=4), intent(in) :: a
end function
integer(kind=4) function return_constant()
end function
character(40) function return_string()
end function
integer(kind=4) function one_arg_value(x)
integer(kind=4), value :: x
end function
integer(kind=4) function sum_some(a, b, c)
integer :: a, b
integer, optional :: c
end function
integer(kind=4) function mix_of_scalar_arguments(a, b, c)
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: a
logical(kind=4), intent(in) :: b
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: c
end function
integer(kind=4) function array_function(a)
integer(kind=4), dimension(11) :: a
end function
integer(kind=4) function hidden_string_length(string)
character*(*) :: string
end function
end interface
logical :: untrue, no_arg_return
complex :: fft, fft_result
integer(kind=4), dimension (11) :: integer_array
real(kind=8) :: real8
real(kind=4) :: real4
integer, pointer :: int_pointer
integer, target :: pointee, several_arguments_return
integer(kind=4) :: integer_return
type(cart) :: c, cout
type(cart_nd) :: c_nd
type(nested_cart_3d) :: nested_c
character(40) :: returned_string, returned_string_debugger
external no_arg_subroutine
real8 = 3.00
real4 = 9.3
integer_array = 17
fft = cmplx(2.1, 3.3)
print *, fft
untrue = .FALSE.
int_pointer => pointee
pointee = 87
c%x = 2
c%y = 4
c_nd%x = 4
c_nd%d = 6
nested_c%z = 3
nested_c%d%x = 1
nested_c%d%y = 2
! Use everything so it is not elided by the compiler.
call no_arg_subroutine()
no_arg_return = no_arg() .AND. one_arg(.FALSE.)
several_arguments_return = several_arguments(1,2,3) + return_constant()
integer_return = array_function(integer_array)
integer_return = mix_of_scalar_arguments(2, untrue, real8)
real4 = real4_argument(3.4)
integer_return = pointer_function(int_pointer)
c = pass_cart(c)
integer_return = pass_cart_nd(c_nd)
nested_c = pass_nested_cart(nested_c)
integer_return = hidden_string_length('string of implicit length')
call run(no_arg_subroutine)
integer_return = one_arg_value(10)
integer_return = sum_some(1,2,3)
returned_string = return_string()
cout = build_cart(4,5)
fft_result = complex_argument(fft)
print *, cout
print *, several_arguments_return
print *, fft_result
print *, real4
print *, integer_return
print *, returned_string_debugger
deallocate(c_nd%d) ! post_init
end program