# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. param( # Skips a check that prevents building PowerShell on unsupported Linux distributions [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$SkipLinuxDistroCheck = $false ) . "$PSScriptRoot\tools\buildCommon\startNativeExecution.ps1" # CI runs with PowerShell 5.0, so don't use features like ?: && || Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 # On Unix paths is separated by colon # On Windows paths is separated by semicolon $script:TestModulePathSeparator = [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator $script:Options = $null $dotnetMetadata = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot/DotnetRuntimeMetadata.json | ConvertFrom-Json $dotnetCLIChannel = $dotnetMetadata.Sdk.Channel $dotnetCLIQuality = $dotnetMetadata.Sdk.Quality # __DOTNET_RUNTIME_FEED and __DOTNET_RUNTIME_FEED_KEY are private variables used in release builds $dotnetAzureFeed = if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:__DOTNET_RUNTIME_FEED)) { $dotnetMetadata.Sdk.azureFeed } else { $env:__DOTNET_RUNTIME_FEED } $dotnetAzureFeedSecret = $env:__DOTNET_RUNTIME_FEED_KEY $dotnetSDKVersionOveride = $dotnetMetadata.Sdk.sdkImageOverride $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion = $(Get-Content $PSScriptRoot/global.json | ConvertFrom-Json).Sdk.Version # Track if tags have been sync'ed $tagsUpToDate = $false # Sync Tags # When not using a branch in PowerShell/PowerShell, tags will not be fetched automatically # Since code that uses Get-PSCommitID and Get-PSLatestTag assume that tags are fetched, # This function can ensure that tags have been fetched. # This function is used during the setup phase in tools/ci.psm1 function Sync-PSTags { param( [Switch] $AddRemoteIfMissing ) $powerShellRemoteUrls = @( 'https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell' 'git@github.com:PowerShell/PowerShell' ) $defaultRemoteUrl = "$($powerShellRemoteUrls[0]).git" $upstreamRemoteDefaultName = 'upstream' $remotes = Start-NativeExecution {git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" remote} $upstreamRemote = $null foreach($remote in $remotes) { $url = Start-NativeExecution {git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" remote get-url $remote} if ($url.EndsWith('.git')) { $url = $url.Substring(0, $url.Length - 4) } if($url -in $powerShellRemoteUrls) { $upstreamRemote = $remote break } } if(!$upstreamRemote -and $AddRemoteIfMissing.IsPresent -and $remotes -notcontains $upstreamRemoteDefaultName) { $null = Start-NativeExecution {git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" remote add $upstreamRemoteDefaultName $defaultRemoteUrl} $upstreamRemote = $upstreamRemoteDefaultName } elseif(!$upstreamRemote) { Write-Error "Please add a remote to PowerShell\PowerShell. Example: git remote add $upstreamRemoteDefaultName $defaultRemoteUrl" -ErrorAction Stop } $null = Start-NativeExecution {git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" fetch --tags --quiet $upstreamRemote} $script:tagsUpToDate=$true } # Gets the latest tag for the current branch function Get-PSLatestTag { [CmdletBinding()] param() # This function won't always return the correct value unless tags have been sync'ed # So, Write a warning to run Sync-PSTags if(!$tagsUpToDate) { Write-Warning "Run Sync-PSTags to update tags" } return (Start-NativeExecution {git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" describe --abbrev=0}) } function Get-PSVersion { [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch] $OmitCommitId ) if($OmitCommitId.IsPresent) { return (Get-PSLatestTag) -replace '^v' } else { return (Get-PSCommitId) -replace '^v' } } function Get-PSCommitId { [CmdletBinding()] param() # This function won't always return the correct value unless tags have been sync'ed # So, Write a warning to run Sync-PSTags if(!$tagsUpToDate) { Write-Warning "Run Sync-PSTags to update tags" } return (Start-NativeExecution {git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" describe --dirty --abbrev=60}) } function Get-EnvironmentInformation { $environment = @{'IsWindows' = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq [System.PlatformID]::Win32NT} # PowerShell will likely not be built on pre-1709 nanoserver if ('System.Management.Automation.Platform' -as [type]) { $environment += @{'IsCoreCLR' = [System.Management.Automation.Platform]::IsCoreCLR} $environment += @{'IsLinux' = [System.Management.Automation.Platform]::IsLinux} $environment += @{'IsMacOS' = [System.Management.Automation.Platform]::IsMacOS} } else { $environment += @{'IsCoreCLR' = $false} $environment += @{'IsLinux' = $false} $environment += @{'IsMacOS' = $false} } if ($environment.IsWindows) { $environment += @{'IsAdmin' = (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal ([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)} $environment += @{'nugetPackagesRoot' = "${env:USERPROFILE}\.nuget\packages", "${env:NUGET_PACKAGES}"} $environment += @{ 'OSArchitecture' = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::ProcessArchitecture } } else { $environment += @{'nugetPackagesRoot' = "${env:HOME}/.nuget/packages"} } if ($environment.IsMacOS) { $environment += @{'UsingHomebrew' = [bool](Get-Command brew -ErrorAction ignore)} $environment += @{'UsingMacports' = [bool](Get-Command port -ErrorAction ignore)} $environment += @{ 'OSArchitecture' = if ((uname -v) -match 'ARM64') { 'arm64' } else { 'x64' } } if (-not($environment.UsingHomebrew -or $environment.UsingMacports)) { throw "Neither Homebrew nor MacPorts is installed on this system, visit https://brew.sh/ or https://www.macports.org/ to continue" } } if ($environment.IsLinux) { $environment += @{ 'OSArchitecture' = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::ProcessArchitecture } $LinuxInfo = Get-Content /etc/os-release -Raw | ConvertFrom-StringData $lsb_release = Get-Command lsb_release -Type Application -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1 if ($lsb_release) { $LinuxID = & $lsb_release -is } else { $LinuxID = "" } $environment += @{'LinuxInfo' = $LinuxInfo} $environment += @{'IsDebian' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'debian' -or $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'kali'} $environment += @{'IsDebian9' = $environment.IsDebian -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '9'} $environment += @{'IsDebian10' = $environment.IsDebian -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '10'} $environment += @{'IsDebian11' = $environment.IsDebian -and $LinuxInfo.PRETTY_NAME -match 'bullseye'} $environment += @{'IsUbuntu' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'ubuntu' -or $LinuxID -match 'Ubuntu'} $environment += @{'IsUbuntu16' = $environment.IsUbuntu -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '16.04'} $environment += @{'IsUbuntu18' = $environment.IsUbuntu -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '18.04'} $environment += @{'IsUbuntu20' = $environment.IsUbuntu -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '20.04'} $environment += @{'IsCentOS' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'centos' -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '7'} $environment += @{'IsFedora' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'fedora' -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -ge 24} $environment += @{'IsOpenSUSE' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'opensuse'} $environment += @{'IsSLES' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'sles'} $environment += @{'IsRedHat' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'rhel'} $environment += @{'IsRedHat7' = $environment.IsRedHat -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '7' } $environment += @{'IsOpenSUSE13' = $environment.IsOpenSUSE -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '13'} $environment += @{'IsOpenSUSE42.1' = $environment.IsOpenSUSE -and $LinuxInfo.VERSION_ID -match '42.1'} $environment += @{'IsDebianFamily' = $environment.IsDebian -or $environment.IsUbuntu} $environment += @{'IsRedHatFamily' = $environment.IsCentOS -or $environment.IsFedora -or $environment.IsRedHat} $environment += @{'IsSUSEFamily' = $environment.IsSLES -or $environment.IsOpenSUSE} $environment += @{'IsAlpine' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'alpine'} $environment += @{'IsMariner' = $LinuxInfo.ID -match 'mariner'} # Workaround for temporary LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack for Fedora 24 # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/2511 if ($environment.IsFedora -and (Test-Path ENV:\LD_LIBRARY_PATH)) { Remove-Item -Force ENV:\LD_LIBRARY_PATH Get-ChildItem ENV: } if( -not( $environment.IsDebian -or $environment.IsUbuntu -or $environment.IsRedHatFamily -or $environment.IsSUSEFamily -or $environment.IsAlpine -or $environment.IsMariner) ) { if ($SkipLinuxDistroCheck) { Write-Warning "The current OS : $($LinuxInfo.ID) is not supported for building PowerShell." } else { throw "The current OS : $($LinuxInfo.ID) is not supported for building PowerShell. Import this module with '-ArgumentList `$true' to bypass this check." } } } return [PSCustomObject] $environment } $environment = Get-EnvironmentInformation # Autoload (in current session) temporary modules used in our tests $TestModulePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "test/tools/Modules" if ( -not $env:PSModulePath.Contains($TestModulePath) ) { $env:PSModulePath = $TestModulePath+$TestModulePathSeparator+$($env:PSModulePath) } <# .Synopsis Tests if a version is preview .EXAMPLE Test-IsPreview -version '6.1.0-sometthing' # returns true Test-IsPreview -version '6.1.0' # returns false #> function Test-IsPreview { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Version, [switch]$IsLTS ) if ($IsLTS.IsPresent) { ## If we are building a LTS package, then never consider it preview. return $false } return $Version -like '*-*' } <# .Synopsis Tests if a version is a Release Candidate .EXAMPLE Test-IsReleaseCandidate -version '6.1.0-sometthing' # returns false Test-IsReleaseCandidate -version '6.1.0-rc.1' # returns true Test-IsReleaseCandidate -version '6.1.0' # returns false #> function Test-IsReleaseCandidate { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Version ) if ($Version -like '*-rc.*') { return $true } return $false } $optimizedFddRegex = 'fxdependent-(linux|win|win7|osx)-(x64|x86|arm64|arm)' function Start-PSBuild { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] param( # When specified this switch will stops running dev powershell # to help avoid compilation error, because file are in use. [switch]$StopDevPowerShell, [switch]$Restore, # Accept a path to the output directory # When specified, --output will be passed to dotnet [string]$Output, [switch]$ResGen, [switch]$TypeGen, [switch]$Clean, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Legacy")] [switch]$PSModuleRestore, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default")] [switch]$NoPSModuleRestore, [switch]$CI, [switch]$ForMinimalSize, # Skips the step where the pwsh that's been built is used to create a configuration # Useful when changing parsing/compilation, since bugs there can mean we can't get past this step [switch]$SkipExperimentalFeatureGeneration, # this switch will re-build only System.Management.Automation.dll # it's useful for development, to do a quick changes in the engine [switch]$SMAOnly, # Use nuget.org instead of the PowerShell specific feed [switch]$UseNuGetOrg, # These runtimes must match those in project.json # We do not use ValidateScript since we want tab completion # If this parameter is not provided it will get determined automatically. [ValidateSet("linux-musl-x64", "fxdependent", "fxdependent-noopt-linux-musl-x64", "fxdependent-linux-x64", "fxdependent-linux-arm64", "fxdependent-win-desktop", "linux-arm", "linux-arm64", "linux-x64", "osx-arm64", "osx-x64", "win-arm", "win-arm64", "win7-x64", "win7-x86")] [string]$Runtime, [ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release', 'CodeCoverage', 'StaticAnalysis', '')] # We might need "Checked" as well [string]$Configuration, [ValidatePattern("^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-\w+(\.\d{1,2})?)?$")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ReleaseTag, [switch]$Detailed, [switch]$InteractiveAuth, [switch]$SkipRoslynAnalyzers, [string]$PSOptionsPath ) if ($ReleaseTag -and $ReleaseTag -notmatch "^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-(preview|rc)(\.\d{1,2})?)?$") { Write-Warning "Only preview or rc are supported for releasing pre-release version of PowerShell" } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Default" -and !$NoPSModuleRestore) { $PSModuleRestore = $true } if ($Runtime -eq "linux-arm" -and $environment.IsLinux -and -not $environment.IsUbuntu) { throw "Cross compiling for linux-arm is only supported on Ubuntu environment" } if ("win-arm","win-arm64" -contains $Runtime -and -not $environment.IsWindows) { throw "Cross compiling for win-arm or win-arm64 is only supported on Windows environment" } if ($ForMinimalSize) { if ($Runtime -and "linux-x64", "win7-x64", "osx-x64" -notcontains $Runtime) { throw "Build for the minimal size is enabled only for following runtimes: 'linux-x64', 'win7-x64', 'osx-x64'" } } if ($UseNuGetOrg) { Switch-PSNugetConfig -Source Public } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Using default feeds which are Microsoft, use `-UseNuGetOrg` to switch to Public feeds" -Verbose } function Stop-DevPowerShell { Get-Process pwsh* | Where-Object { $_.Modules | Where-Object { $_.FileName -eq (Resolve-Path $script:Options.Output).Path } } | Stop-Process -Verbose } if ($Clean) { Write-Log -message "Cleaning your working directory. You can also do it with 'git clean -fdX --exclude .vs/PowerShell/v16/Server/sqlite3'" Push-Location $PSScriptRoot try { # Excluded sqlite3 folder is due to this Roslyn issue: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/23060 # Excluded src/Modules/nuget.config as this is required for release build. # Excluded nuget.config as this is required for release build. git clean -fdX --exclude .vs/PowerShell/v16/Server/sqlite3 --exclude src/Modules/nuget.config --exclude nuget.config } finally { Pop-Location } } # Add .NET CLI tools to PATH Find-Dotnet # Verify we have git in place to do the build, and abort if the precheck failed $precheck = precheck 'git' "Build dependency 'git' not found in PATH. See " if (-not $precheck) { return } # Verify we have .NET SDK in place to do the build, and abort if the precheck failed $precheck = precheck 'dotnet' "Build dependency 'dotnet' not found in PATH. Run Start-PSBootstrap. Also see " if (-not $precheck) { return } # Verify if the dotnet in-use is the required version $dotnetCLIInstalledVersion = Find-RequiredSDK $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion If ($dotnetCLIInstalledVersion -ne $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion) { Write-Warning @" The currently installed .NET Command Line Tools is not the required version. Installed version: $dotnetCLIInstalledVersion Required version: $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion Fix steps: 1. Remove the installed version from: - on windows '`$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\dotnet' - on macOS and linux '`$env:HOME/.dotnet' 2. Run Start-PSBootstrap or Install-Dotnet 3. Start-PSBuild -Clean `n "@ return } # set output options $OptionsArguments = @{ Output=$Output Runtime=$Runtime Configuration=$Configuration Verbose=$true SMAOnly=[bool]$SMAOnly PSModuleRestore=$PSModuleRestore ForMinimalSize=$ForMinimalSize } $script:Options = New-PSOptions @OptionsArguments if ($StopDevPowerShell) { Stop-DevPowerShell } # setup arguments # adding ErrorOnDuplicatePublishOutputFiles=false due to .NET SDk issue: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/15748 # removing --no-restore due to .NET SDK issue: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/18999 # $Arguments = @("publish","--no-restore","/property:GenerateFullPaths=true", "/property:ErrorOnDuplicatePublishOutputFiles=false") $Arguments = @("publish","/property:GenerateFullPaths=true", "/property:ErrorOnDuplicatePublishOutputFiles=false") if ($Output -or $SMAOnly) { $Arguments += "--output", (Split-Path $Options.Output) } # Add --self-contained due to "warning NETSDK1179: One of '--self-contained' or '--no-self-contained' options are required when '--runtime' is used." if ($Options.Runtime -like 'fxdependent*') { $Arguments += "--no-self-contained" # The UseAppHost = true property creates ".exe" for the fxdependent packages. # We need this in the package as Start-Job needs it. $Arguments += "/property:UseAppHost=true" } else { $Arguments += "--self-contained" } if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win*') { # Starting in .NET 8, the .NET SDK won't recognize version-specific RIDs by default, such as win7-x64, # see https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/compatibility/sdk/8.0/rid-graph for details. # It will cause huge amount of changes in our build infrastructure because our building and packaging # scripts have the 'win7-xx' assumption regarding the target runtime. # # As a workaround, we use the old full RID graph during the build so that we can continue to use the # 'win7-x64' and 'win7-x86' RIDs. $Arguments += "/property:UseRidGraph=true" } if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win*' -or ($Options.Runtime -like 'fxdependent*' -and $environment.IsWindows)) { $Arguments += "/property:IsWindows=true" if(!$environment.IsWindows) { $Arguments += "/property:EnableWindowsTargeting=true" } } else { $Arguments += "/property:IsWindows=false" } # Framework Dependent builds do not support ReadyToRun as it needs a specific runtime to optimize for. # The property is set in Powershell.Common.props file. # We override the property through the build command line. if(($Options.Runtime -like 'fxdependent*' -or $ForMinimalSize) -and $Options.Runtime -notmatch $optimizedFddRegex) { $Arguments += "/property:PublishReadyToRun=false" } $Arguments += "--configuration", $Options.Configuration $Arguments += "--framework", $Options.Framework if ($Detailed.IsPresent) { $Arguments += '--verbosity', 'd' } if (-not $SMAOnly -and $Options.Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*') { # libraries should not have runtime $Arguments += "--runtime", $Options.Runtime } elseif ($Options.Runtime -match $optimizedFddRegex) { $runtime = $Options.Runtime -replace 'fxdependent-', '' $Arguments += "--runtime", $runtime } if ($ReleaseTag) { $ReleaseTagToUse = $ReleaseTag -Replace '^v' $Arguments += "/property:ReleaseTag=$ReleaseTagToUse" } if ($SkipRoslynAnalyzers) { $Arguments += "/property:RunAnalyzersDuringBuild=false" } # handle Restore Restore-PSPackage -Options $Options -Force:$Restore -InteractiveAuth:$InteractiveAuth # handle ResGen # Heuristic to run ResGen on the fresh machine if ($ResGen -or -not (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost/gen")) { Write-Log -message "Run ResGen (generating C# bindings for resx files)" Start-ResGen } # Handle TypeGen # .inc file name must be different for Windows and Linux to allow build on Windows and WSL. $runtime = $Options.Runtime if ($Options.Runtime -match $optimizedFddRegex) { $runtime = $Options.Runtime -replace 'fxdependent-', '' } $incFileName = "powershell_$runtime.inc" if ($TypeGen -or -not (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/src/TypeCatalogGen/$incFileName")) { Write-Log -message "Run TypeGen (generating CorePsTypeCatalog.cs)" Start-TypeGen -IncFileName $incFileName } # Get the folder path where pwsh.exe is located. if ((Split-Path $Options.Output -Leaf) -like "pwsh*") { $publishPath = Split-Path $Options.Output -Parent } else { $publishPath = $Options.Output } try { # Relative paths do not work well if cwd is not changed to project Push-Location $Options.Top if ($Options.Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*' -or $Options.Runtime -match $optimizedFddRegex) { Write-Verbose "Building without shim" -Verbose $sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk' if (($Options.Runtime -like 'win7-*' -or $Options.Runtime -eq 'win-arm64') -and !$ForMinimalSize) { ## WPF/WinForm and the PowerShell GraphicalHost assemblies are included ## when 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop' is used. $sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop' } $Arguments += "/property:SDKToUse=$sdkToUse" Write-Log -message "Run dotnet $Arguments from $PWD" Start-NativeExecution { dotnet $Arguments } Write-Log -message "PowerShell output: $($Options.Output)" } else { Write-Verbose "Building with shim" -Verbose $globalToolSrcFolder = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $Options.Top "../Microsoft.PowerShell.GlobalTool.Shim") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path if ($Options.Runtime -eq 'fxdependent' -or $Options.Runtime -eq 'fxdependent-noopt-linux-musl-x64') { $Arguments += "/property:SDKToUse=Microsoft.NET.Sdk" } elseif ($Options.Runtime -eq 'fxdependent-win-desktop') { $Arguments += "/property:SDKToUse=Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop" } Write-Log -message "Run dotnet $Arguments from $PWD" Start-NativeExecution { dotnet $Arguments } Write-Log -message "PowerShell output: $($Options.Output)" try { Push-Location $globalToolSrcFolder if ($Arguments -notcontains '--output') { $Arguments += "--output", $publishPath } Write-Log -message "Run dotnet $Arguments from $PWD to build global tool entry point" Start-NativeExecution { dotnet $Arguments } } finally { Pop-Location } } } finally { Pop-Location } # No extra post-building task will run if '-SMAOnly' is specified, because its purpose is for a quick update of S.M.A.dll after full build. if ($SMAOnly) { return } # publish reference assemblies try { Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot/src/TypeCatalogGen" $refAssemblies = Get-Content -Path $incFileName | Where-Object { $_ -like "*microsoft.netcore.app*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.TrimEnd(';') } $refDestFolder = Join-Path -Path $publishPath -ChildPath "ref" if (Test-Path $refDestFolder -PathType Container) { Remove-Item $refDestFolder -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } New-Item -Path $refDestFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop > $null Copy-Item -Path $refAssemblies -Destination $refDestFolder -Force -ErrorAction Stop } finally { Pop-Location } if ($ReleaseTag) { $psVersion = $ReleaseTag } else { $psVersion = git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/.git" describe } if ($environment.IsLinux) { if ($environment.IsRedHatFamily -or $environment.IsDebian) { # Symbolic links added here do NOT affect packaging as we do not build on Debian. # add two symbolic links to system shared libraries that libmi.so is dependent on to handle # platform specific changes. This is the only set of platforms needed for this currently # as Ubuntu has these specific library files in the platform and macOS builds for itself # against the correct versions. if ($environment.IsDebian10 -or $environment.IsDebian11){ $sslTarget = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1" $cryptoTarget = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1" } elseif ($environment.IsDebian9){ # NOTE: Debian 8 doesn't need these symlinks $sslTarget = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.2" $cryptoTarget = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.2" } else { #IsRedHatFamily $sslTarget = "/lib64/libssl.so.10" $cryptoTarget = "/lib64/libcrypto.so.10" } if ( ! (Test-Path "$publishPath/libssl.so.1.0.0")) { $null = New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $sslTarget -Path "$publishPath/libssl.so.1.0.0" -ErrorAction Stop } if ( ! (Test-Path "$publishPath/libcrypto.so.1.0.0")) { $null = New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $cryptoTarget -Path "$publishPath/libcrypto.so.1.0.0" -ErrorAction Stop } } } # download modules from powershell gallery. # - PowerShellGet, PackageManagement, Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive if ($PSModuleRestore) { Restore-PSModuleToBuild -PublishPath $publishPath } # publish powershell.config.json $config = [ordered]@{} if ($Options.Runtime -like "*win*") { # Execution Policy and WinCompat feature are only supported on Windows. $config.Add("Microsoft.PowerShell:ExecutionPolicy", "RemoteSigned") $config.Add("WindowsPowerShellCompatibilityModuleDenyList", @("PSScheduledJob", "BestPractices", "UpdateServices")) } if (-not $SkipExperimentalFeatureGeneration -and (Test-IsPreview $psVersion) -and -not (Test-IsReleaseCandidate $psVersion) ) { if ((Test-ShouldGenerateExperimentalFeatures -Runtime $Options.Runtime)) { Write-Verbose "Build experimental feature list by running 'Get-ExperimentalFeature'" -Verbose $json = & $publishPath\pwsh -noprofile -command { $expFeatures = Get-ExperimentalFeature | ForEach-Object -MemberName Name ConvertTo-Json $expFeatures } } else { Write-Verbose "Build experimental feature list by using the pre-generated JSON files" -Verbose $ExperimentalFeatureJsonFilePath = if ($Options.Runtime -like "*win*") { "$PSScriptRoot/experimental-feature-windows.json" } else { "$PSScriptRoot/experimental-feature-linux.json" } if (-not (Test-Path $ExperimentalFeatureJsonFilePath)) { throw "ExperimentalFeatureJsonFilePath: $ExperimentalFeatureJsonFilePath does not exist" } $json = Get-Content -Raw $ExperimentalFeatureJsonFilePath } $config.Add('ExperimentalFeatures', [string[]]($json | ConvertFrom-Json)); } else { Write-Warning -Message "Experimental features are not enabled in powershell.config.json file" } if ($config.Count -gt 0) { $configPublishPath = Join-Path -Path $publishPath -ChildPath "powershell.config.json" Set-Content -Path $configPublishPath -Value ($config | ConvertTo-Json) -Force -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Warning "No powershell.config.json generated for $publishPath" } # Restore the Pester module if ($CI) { Restore-PSPester -Destination (Join-Path $publishPath "Modules") } Clear-NativeDependencies -PublishFolder $publishPath if ($PSOptionsPath) { $resolvedPSOptionsPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($PSOptionsPath) $parent = Split-Path -Path $resolvedPSOptionsPath if (!(Test-Path $parent)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $parent } Save-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath $PSOptionsPath -Options $Options } } function Switch-PSNugetConfig { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'user')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'nouser')] [ValidateSet('Public', 'Private')] [string] $Source, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'user')] [string] $UserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'user')] [string] $ClearTextPAT ) Clear-PipelineNugetAuthentication $extraParams = @() if ($UserName) { $extraParams = @{ UserName = $UserName ClearTextPAT = $ClearTextPAT } } if ( $Source -eq 'Public') { $dotnetSdk = [NugetPackageSource] @{Url = 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet9/nuget/v2'; Name = 'dotnet' } $gallery = [NugetPackageSource] @{Url = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/'; Name = 'psgallery' } $nugetorg = [NugetPackageSource] @{Url = 'https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json'; Name = 'nuget.org' } New-NugetConfigFile -NugetPackageSource $nugetorg, $dotnetSdk -Destination "$PSScriptRoot/" @extraParams New-NugetConfigFile -NugetPackageSource $gallery -Destination "$PSScriptRoot/src/Modules/" @extraParams } elseif ( $Source -eq 'Private') { $powerShellPackages = [NugetPackageSource] @{Url = 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/powershell/PowerShell/_packaging/PowerShell-7-5-preview-test-2/nuget/v3/index.json'; Name = 'powershell' } New-NugetConfigFile -NugetPackageSource $powerShellPackages -Destination "$PSScriptRoot/" @extraParams New-NugetConfigFile -NugetPackageSource $powerShellPackages -Destination "$PSScriptRoot/src/Modules/" @extraParams } else { throw "Unknown source: $Source" } if ($UserName -or $ClearTextPAT) { Set-PipelineNugetAuthentication } } function Test-ShouldGenerateExperimentalFeatures { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Runtime ) if ($env:PS_RELEASE_BUILD) { return $false } if ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*') { return $false } $runtimePattern = 'unknown-' if ($environment.IsWindows) { $runtimePattern = '^win.*-' } if ($environment.IsMacOS) { $runtimePattern = '^osx.*-' } if ($environment.IsLinux) { $runtimePattern = '^linux.*-' } $runtimePattern += $environment.OSArchitecture.ToString() Write-Verbose "runtime pattern check: $Runtime -match $runtimePattern" -Verbose if ($Runtime -match $runtimePattern) { Write-Verbose "Generating experimental feature list" -Verbose return $true } Write-Verbose "Skipping generating experimental feature list" -Verbose return $false } function Restore-PSPackage { [CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Parameter()] [string[]] $ProjectDirs, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Parameter()] $Options = (Get-PSOptions -DefaultToNew), [switch] $Force, [switch] $InteractiveAuth, [switch] $PSModule ) if (-not $ProjectDirs) { $ProjectDirs = @($Options.Top, "$PSScriptRoot/src/TypeCatalogGen", "$PSScriptRoot/src/ResGen", "$PSScriptRoot/src/Modules", "$PSScriptRoot/tools/wix") if ($Options.Runtime -like 'fxdependent*') { $ProjectDirs += "$PSScriptRoot/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.GlobalTool.Shim" } } if ($Force -or (-not (Test-Path "$($Options.Top)/obj/project.assets.json"))) { if ($Options.Runtime -eq 'fxdependent-win-desktop') { $sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop' } else { $sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk' if (($Options.Runtime -like 'win7-*' -or $Options.Runtime -eq 'win-arm64') -and !$Options.ForMinimalSize) { $sdkToUse = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop' } } if ($PSModule.IsPresent) { $RestoreArguments = @("--verbosity") } elseif ($Options.Runtime -notlike 'fxdependent*') { $RestoreArguments = @("--runtime", $Options.Runtime, "/property:SDKToUse=$sdkToUse", "--verbosity") } else { $RestoreArguments = @("/property:SDKToUse=$sdkToUse", "--verbosity") } if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { $RestoreArguments += "detailed" } else { $RestoreArguments += "quiet" } if ($Options.Runtime -like 'win*') { $RestoreArguments += "/property:EnableWindowsTargeting=True" $RestoreArguments += "/property:UseRidGraph=True" } if ($InteractiveAuth) { $RestoreArguments += "--interactive" } if ($env:ENABLE_MSBUILD_BINLOGS -eq 'true') { $RestoreArguments += '-bl' } $ProjectDirs | ForEach-Object { $project = $_ Write-Log -message "Run dotnet restore $project $RestoreArguments" $retryCount = 0 $maxTries = 5 while($retryCount -lt $maxTries) { try { Start-NativeExecution { dotnet restore $project $RestoreArguments } } catch { Write-Log -message "Failed to restore $project, retrying..." $retryCount++ if($retryCount -ge $maxTries) { if ($env:ENABLE_MSBUILD_BINLOGS -eq 'true') { if ( Test-Path ./msbuild.binlog ) { if (!(Test-Path $env:OB_OUTPUTDIRECTORY -PathType Container)) { $null = New-Item -path $env:OB_OUTPUTDIRECTORY -ItemType Directory -Force -Verbose } $projectName = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $project $binlogFileName = "${projectName}.msbuild.binlog" if ($IsMacOS) { $resolvedPath = (Resolve-Path -Path ./msbuild.binlog).ProviderPath Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=$binLogFileName;artifactname=$binLogFileName]$resolvedPath" } else { Copy-Item -Path ./msbuild.binlog -Destination "$env:OB_OUTPUTDIRECTORY/${projectName}.msbuild.binlog" -Verbose } } } throw } continue } Write-Log -message "Done restoring $project" break } } } } function Restore-PSModuleToBuild { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $PublishPath ) Write-Log -message "Restore PowerShell modules to $publishPath" $modulesDir = Join-Path -Path $publishPath -ChildPath "Modules" Copy-PSGalleryModules -Destination $modulesDir -CsProjPath "$PSScriptRoot\src\Modules\PSGalleryModules.csproj" # Remove .nupkg.metadata files Get-ChildItem $PublishPath -Filter '.nupkg.metadata' -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } } function Restore-PSPester { param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Destination = ([IO.Path]::Combine((Split-Path (Get-PSOptions -DefaultToNew).Output), "Modules")) ) Save-Module -Name Pester -Path $Destination -Repository PSGallery -MaximumVersion 4.99 } function Compress-TestContent { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Destination ) $null = Publish-PSTestTools $powerShellTestRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'test' Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem $resolvedPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Destination) [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($powerShellTestRoot, $resolvedPath) } function New-PSOptions { [CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release', 'CodeCoverage', 'StaticAnalysis', '')] [string]$Configuration, [ValidateSet("net9.0")] [string]$Framework = "net9.0", # These are duplicated from Start-PSBuild # We do not use ValidateScript since we want tab completion [ValidateSet("", "linux-musl-x64", "fxdependent", "fxdependent-noopt-linux-musl-x64", "fxdependent-linux-x64", "fxdependent-linux-arm64", "fxdependent-win-desktop", "linux-arm", "linux-arm64", "linux-x64", "osx-arm64", "osx-x64", "win-arm", "win-arm64", "win7-x64", "win7-x86")] [string]$Runtime, # Accept a path to the output directory # If not null or empty, name of the executable will be appended to # this path, otherwise, to the default path, and then the full path # of the output executable will be assigned to the Output property [string]$Output, [switch]$SMAOnly, [switch]$PSModuleRestore, [switch]$ForMinimalSize ) # Add .NET CLI tools to PATH Find-Dotnet if (-not $Configuration) { $Configuration = 'Debug' } Write-Verbose "Using configuration '$Configuration'" Write-Verbose "Using framework '$Framework'" if (-not $Runtime) { $Platform, $Architecture = dotnet --info | Select-String '^\s*OS Platform:\s+(\w+)$', '^\s*Architecture:\s+(\w+)$' | Select-Object -First 2 | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } switch ($Platform) { 'Windows' { # For x86 and x64 architectures, we use win7-x64 and win7-x86 RIDs. # For arm and arm64 architectures, we use win-arm and win-arm64 RIDs. $Platform = if ($Architecture[0] -eq 'x') { 'win7' } else { 'win' } $Runtime = "${Platform}-${Architecture}" } 'Linux' { $Runtime = "linux-${Architecture}" } 'Darwin' { $Runtime = "osx-${Architecture}" } } if (-not $Runtime) { Throw "Could not determine Runtime Identifier, please update dotnet" } else { Write-Verbose "Using runtime '$Runtime'" } } $PowerShellDir = if ($Runtime -like 'win*' -or ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*' -and $environment.IsWindows)) { "powershell-win-core" } else { "powershell-unix" } $Top = [IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "src", $PowerShellDir) Write-Verbose "Top project directory is $Top" $Executable = if ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*') { "pwsh.dll" } elseif ($environment.IsLinux -or $environment.IsMacOS) { "pwsh" } elseif ($environment.IsWindows) { "pwsh.exe" } # Build the Output path if (!$Output) { if ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*' -and ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*linux*' -or $Runtime -like 'fxdependent*alpine*')) { $outputRuntime = $Runtime -replace 'fxdependent-', '' $Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Top, "bin", $Configuration, $Framework, $outputRuntime, "publish", $Executable) } elseif ($Runtime -like 'fxdependent*') { $Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Top, "bin", $Configuration, $Framework, "publish", $Executable) } else { $Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Top, "bin", $Configuration, $Framework, $Runtime, "publish", $Executable) } } else { $Output = [IO.Path]::Combine($Output, $Executable) } if ($SMAOnly) { $Top = [IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "src", "System.Management.Automation") } $RootInfo = @{RepoPath = $PSScriptRoot} # the valid root is the root of the filesystem and the folder PowerShell $RootInfo['ValidPath'] = Join-Path -Path ([system.io.path]::GetPathRoot($RootInfo.RepoPath)) -ChildPath 'PowerShell' if($RootInfo.RepoPath -ne $RootInfo.ValidPath) { $RootInfo['Warning'] = "Please ensure your repo is at the root of the file system and named 'PowerShell' (example: '$($RootInfo.ValidPath)'), when building and packaging for release!" $RootInfo['IsValid'] = $false } else { $RootInfo['IsValid'] = $true } return New-PSOptionsObject ` -RootInfo ([PSCustomObject]$RootInfo) ` -Top $Top ` -Runtime $Runtime ` -Configuration $Configuration ` -PSModuleRestore $PSModuleRestore.IsPresent ` -Framework $Framework ` -Output $Output ` -ForMinimalSize $ForMinimalSize } # Get the Options of the last build function Get-PSOptions { param( [Parameter(HelpMessage='Defaults to New-PSOption if a build has not occurred.')] [switch] $DefaultToNew ) if (!$script:Options -and $DefaultToNew.IsPresent) { return New-PSOptions } return $script:Options } function Set-PSOptions { param( [PSObject] $Options ) $script:Options = $Options } function Get-PSOutput { [CmdletBinding()]param( [hashtable]$Options ) if ($Options) { return $Options.Output } elseif ($script:Options) { return $script:Options.Output } else { return (New-PSOptions).Output } } function Get-PesterTag { param ( [Parameter(Position=0)][string]$testbase = "$PSScriptRoot/test/powershell" ) $alltags = @{} $warnings = @() Get-ChildItem -Recurse $testbase -File | Where-Object {$_.name -match "tests.ps1"}| ForEach-Object { $fullname = $_.fullname $tok = $err = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($FullName, [ref]$tok,[ref]$err) $des = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] ` -and $args[0].CommandElements.GetType() -in @( [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst], [System.Management.Automation.Language.ExpandableStringExpressionAst] ) ` -and $args[0].CommandElements[0].Value -eq "Describe" }, $true) foreach( $describe in $des) { $elements = $describe.CommandElements $lineno = $elements[0].Extent.StartLineNumber $foundPriorityTags = @() for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $elements.Count; $i++) { if ( $elements[$i].extent.text -match "^-t" ) { $vAst = $elements[$i+1] if ( $vAst.FindAll({$args[0] -is "System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst"},$true) ) { $warnings += "TAGS must be static strings, error in ${fullname}, line $lineno" } $values = $vAst.FindAll({$args[0] -is "System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst"},$true).Value $values | ForEach-Object { if (@('REQUIREADMINONWINDOWS', 'REQUIRESUDOONUNIX', 'SLOW') -contains $_) { # These are valid tags also, but they are not the priority tags } elseif (@('CI', 'FEATURE', 'SCENARIO') -contains $_) { $foundPriorityTags += $_ } else { $warnings += "${fullname} includes improper tag '$_', line '$lineno'" } $alltags[$_]++ } } } if ( $foundPriorityTags.Count -eq 0 ) { $warnings += "${fullname}:$lineno does not include -Tag in Describe" } elseif ( $foundPriorityTags.Count -gt 1 ) { $warnings += "${fullname}:$lineno includes more then one scope -Tag: $foundPriorityTags" } } } if ( $Warnings.Count -gt 0 ) { $alltags['Result'] = "Fail" } else { $alltags['Result'] = "Pass" } $alltags['Warnings'] = $warnings $o = [pscustomobject]$alltags $o.psobject.TypeNames.Add("DescribeTagsInUse") $o } # Function to build and publish the Microsoft.PowerShell.NamedPipeConnection module for # testing PowerShell remote custom connections. function Publish-CustomConnectionTestModule { $sourcePath = "${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/NamedPipeConnection" $outPath = "${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/NamedPipeConnection/out/Microsoft.PowerShell.NamedPipeConnection" $publishPath = "${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/Modules" Find-DotNet Push-Location -Path $sourcePath try { # Build the Microsoft.PowerShell.NamedPipeConnect module ./build.ps1 -Clean -Build if (! (Test-Path -Path $outPath)) { throw "Publish-CustomConnectionTestModule: Build failed. Output path does not exist: $outPath" } # Publish the Microsoft.PowerShell.NamedPipeConnection module Copy-Item -Path $outPath -Destination $publishPath -Recurse -Force # Clean up build artifacts ./build.ps1 -Clean } finally { Pop-Location } } function Publish-PSTestTools { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $runtime ) Find-Dotnet $tools = @( @{ Path="${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/TestAlc"; Output="library" } @{ Path="${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/TestExe"; Output="exe" } @{ Path="${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/UnixSocket"; Output="exe" } @{ Path="${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/WebListener"; Output="exe" } ) # This is a windows service, so it only works on windows if ($environment.IsWindows) { $tools += @{ Path = "${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/TestService"; Output = "exe" } } $Options = Get-PSOptions -DefaultToNew # Publish tools so it can be run by tests foreach ($tool in $tools) { Push-Location $tool.Path try { $toolPath = Join-Path -Path $tool.Path -ChildPath "bin" $objPath = Join-Path -Path $tool.Path -ChildPath "obj" if (Test-Path $toolPath) { Remove-Item -Path $toolPath -Recurse -Force } if (Test-Path $objPath) { Remove-Item -Path $objPath -Recurse -Force } if ($tool.Output -eq 'library') { ## Handle building and publishing assemblies. dotnet publish --configuration $Options.Configuration --framework $Options.Framework continue } ## Handle building and publishing executables. if (-not $runtime) { $runtime = $Options.Runtime } # We are using non-version/distro specific RIDs for test tools, so we need to fix the runtime # value here if it starts with 'win7'. $runtime = $runtime -replace '^win7-', 'win-' Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Starting dotnet publish for $toolPath with runtime $runtime" dotnet publish --output bin --configuration $Options.Configuration --framework $Options.Framework --runtime $runtime --self-contained | Out-String | Write-Verbose -Verbose $dll = $null $dll = Get-ChildItem -Path bin -Recurse -Filter "*.dll" if (-not $dll) { throw "Failed to find exe in $toolPath" } if ( -not $env:PATH.Contains($toolPath) ) { $env:PATH = $toolPath+$TestModulePathSeparator+$($env:PATH) } } finally { Pop-Location } } # `dotnet restore` on test project is not called if product projects have been restored unless -Force is specified. Copy-PSGalleryModules -Destination "${PSScriptRoot}/test/tools/Modules" -CsProjPath "$PSScriptRoot/test/tools/Modules/PSGalleryTestModules.csproj" -Force # Publish the Microsoft.PowerShell.NamedPipeConnection module Publish-CustomConnectionTestModule } function Get-ExperimentalFeatureTests { $testMetadataFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "test/tools/TestMetadata.json" $metadata = Get-Content -Path $testMetadataFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object -MemberName ExperimentalFeatures $features = $metadata | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object -MemberName Name $featureTests = @{} foreach ($featureName in $features) { $featureTests[$featureName] = $metadata.$featureName } $featureTests } function Start-PSPester { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='default')] param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [ArgumentCompleter({param($c,$p,$word) Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -LiteralPath $PSScriptRoot/Test/PowerShell -filter *.tests.ps1 | Where-Object FullName -like "*$word*" })] [string[]]$Path = @("$PSScriptRoot/test/powershell"), [string]$OutputFormat = "NUnitXml", [string]$OutputFile = "pester-tests.xml", [string[]]$ExcludeTag = 'Slow', [string[]]$Tag = @("CI","Feature"), [switch]$ThrowOnFailure, [string]$BinDir = (Split-Path (Get-PSOptions -DefaultToNew).Output), [string]$powershell = (Join-Path $BinDir 'pwsh'), [string]$Pester = ([IO.Path]::Combine($BinDir, "Modules", "Pester")), [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Unelevate',Mandatory=$true)] [switch]$Unelevate, [switch]$Quiet, [switch]$Terse, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PassThru',Mandatory=$true)] [switch]$PassThru, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PassThru',HelpMessage='Run commands on Linux with sudo.')] [switch]$Sudo, [switch]$IncludeFailingTest, [switch]$IncludeCommonTests, [string]$ExperimentalFeatureName, [Parameter(HelpMessage='Title to publish the results as.')] [string]$Title = 'PowerShell 7 Tests', [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Wait', Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Wait for the debugger to attach to PowerShell before Pester starts. Debug builds only!')] [switch]$Wait, [switch]$SkipTestToolBuild, [switch]$UseNuGetOrg ) if ($UseNuGetOrg) { Switch-PSNugetConfig -Source Public } if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $Pester -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Version -ge "4.2" } )) { Restore-PSPester } if ($IncludeFailingTest.IsPresent) { $Path += "$PSScriptRoot/tools/failingTests" } if($IncludeCommonTests.IsPresent) { $path = += "$PSScriptRoot/test/common" } # we need to do few checks and if user didn't provide $ExcludeTag explicitly, we should alternate the default if ($Unelevate) { if (-not $environment.IsWindows) { throw '-Unelevate is currently not supported on non-Windows platforms' } if (-not $environment.IsAdmin) { throw '-Unelevate cannot be applied because the current user is not Administrator' } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExcludeTag')) { $ExcludeTag += 'RequireAdminOnWindows' } } elseif ($environment.IsWindows -and (-not $environment.IsAdmin)) { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExcludeTag')) { $ExcludeTag += 'RequireAdminOnWindows' } } elseif (-not $environment.IsWindows -and (-not $Sudo.IsPresent)) { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExcludeTag')) { $ExcludeTag += 'RequireSudoOnUnix' } } elseif (-not $environment.IsWindows -and $Sudo.IsPresent) { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tag')) { $Tag = 'RequireSudoOnUnix' } } Write-Verbose "Running pester tests at '$path' with tag '$($Tag -join ''', ''')' and ExcludeTag '$($ExcludeTag -join ''', ''')'" -Verbose if(!$SkipTestToolBuild.IsPresent) { $publishArgs = @{ } # if we are building for Alpine, we must include the runtime as linux-x64 # will not build runnable test tools if ( $environment.IsLinux -and $environment.IsAlpine ) { $publishArgs['runtime'] = 'linux-musl-x64' } Publish-PSTestTools @publishArgs | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_} # Publish the Microsoft.PowerShell.NamedPipeConnection module for testing custom remote connections. Publish-CustomConnectionTestModule | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ } } # All concatenated commands/arguments are suffixed with the delimiter (space) # Disable telemetry for all startups of pwsh in tests $command = "`$env:POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT = 'yes';" if ($Terse) { $command += "`$ProgressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'; " } # Autoload (in subprocess) temporary modules used in our tests $newPathFragment = $TestModulePath + $TestModulePathSeparator $command += '$env:PSModulePath = '+"'$newPathFragment'" + '+$env:PSModulePath;' # Windows needs the execution policy adjusted if ($environment.IsWindows) { $command += "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Unrestricted; " } $command += "Import-Module '$Pester'; " if ($Unelevate) { if ($environment.IsWindows) { $outputBufferFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } else { # Azure DevOps agents do not have Temp folder setup on Ubuntu 20.04, hence using HOME directory $outputBufferFilePath = (Join-Path $env:HOME $([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())) } } $command += "Invoke-Pester " $command += "-OutputFormat ${OutputFormat} -OutputFile ${OutputFile} " if ($ExcludeTag -and ($ExcludeTag -ne "")) { $command += "-ExcludeTag @('" + (${ExcludeTag} -join "','") + "') " } if ($Tag) { $command += "-Tag @('" + (${Tag} -join "','") + "') " } # sometimes we need to eliminate Pester output, especially when we're # doing a daily build as the log file is too large if ( $Quiet ) { $command += "-Quiet " } if ( $PassThru ) { $command += "-PassThru " } $command += "'" + ($Path -join "','") + "'" if ($Unelevate) { $command += " *> $outputBufferFilePath; '__UNELEVATED_TESTS_THE_END__' >> $outputBufferFilePath" } Write-Verbose $command -Verbose $script:nonewline = $true $script:inerror = $false function Write-Terse([string] $line) { $trimmedline = $line.Trim() if ($trimmedline.StartsWith("[+]")) { Write-Host "+" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green $script:nonewline = $true $script:inerror = $false } elseif ($trimmedline.StartsWith("[?]")) { Write-Host "?" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan $script:nonewline = $true $script:inerror = $false } elseif ($trimmedline.StartsWith("[!]")) { Write-Host "!" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray $script:nonewline = $true $script:inerror = $false } elseif ($trimmedline.StartsWith("Executing script ")) { # Skip lines where Pester reports that is executing a test script return } elseif ($trimmedline -match "^\d+(\.\d+)?m?s$") { # Skip the time elapse like '12ms', '1ms', '1.2s' and '12.53s' return } else { if ($script:nonewline) { Write-Host "`n" -NoNewline } if ($trimmedline.StartsWith("[-]") -or $script:inerror) { Write-Host $line -ForegroundColor Red $script:inerror = $true } elseif ($trimmedline.StartsWith("VERBOSE:")) { Write-Host $line -ForegroundColor Yellow $script:inerror = $false } elseif ($trimmedline.StartsWith("Describing") -or $trimmedline.StartsWith("Context")) { Write-Host $line -ForegroundColor Magenta $script:inerror = $false } else { Write-Host $line -ForegroundColor Gray } $script:nonewline = $false } } $PSFlags = @("-noprofile") if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExperimentalFeatureName)) { if ($environment.IsWindows) { $configFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } else { $configFile = (Join-Path $env:HOME $([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())) } $configFile = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($configFile, ".json") ## Create the config.json file to enable the given experimental feature. ## On Windows, we need to have 'RemoteSigned' declared for ExecutionPolicy because the ExecutionPolicy is 'Restricted' by default. ## On Unix, ExecutionPolicy is not supported, so we don't need to declare it. if ($environment.IsWindows) { $content = @" { "Microsoft.PowerShell:ExecutionPolicy":"RemoteSigned", "ExperimentalFeatures": [ "$ExperimentalFeatureName" ] } "@ } else { $content = @" { "ExperimentalFeatures": [ "$ExperimentalFeatureName" ] } "@ } Set-Content -Path $configFile -Value $content -Encoding Ascii -Force $PSFlags = @("-settings", $configFile, "-noprofile") } # -Wait is only available on Debug builds # It is used to allow the debugger to attach before PowerShell # runs pester in this case if($Wait.IsPresent){ $PSFlags += '-wait' } # To ensure proper testing, the module path must not be inherited by the spawned process try { $originalModulePath = $env:PSModulePath $originalTelemetry = $env:POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT $env:POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT = 'yes' if ($Unelevate) { Start-UnelevatedProcess -process $powershell -arguments ($PSFlags + "-c $Command") $currentLines = 0 while ($true) { $lines = Get-Content $outputBufferFilePath | Select-Object -Skip $currentLines if ($Terse) { foreach ($line in $lines) { Write-Terse -line $line } } else { $lines | Write-Host } if ($lines | Where-Object { $_ -eq '__UNELEVATED_TESTS_THE_END__'}) { break } $count = ($lines | Measure-Object).Count if ($count -eq 0) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } else { $currentLines += $count } } } else { if ($PassThru.IsPresent) { if ($environment.IsWindows) { $passThruFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } else { $passThruFile = Join-Path $env:HOME $([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) } try { $command += "| Export-Clixml -Path '$passThruFile' -Force" $passThruCommand = { & $powershell $PSFlags -c $command } if ($Sudo.IsPresent) { # -E says to preserve the environment $passThruCommand = { & sudo -E $powershell $PSFlags -c $command } } $writeCommand = { Write-Host $_ } if ($Terse) { $writeCommand = { Write-Terse $_ } } Start-NativeExecution -sb $passThruCommand | ForEach-Object $writeCommand Import-Clixml -Path $passThruFile | Where-Object {$_.TotalCount -is [Int32]} } finally { Remove-Item $passThruFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } } else { if ($Terse) { Start-NativeExecution -sb {& $powershell $PSFlags -c $command} | ForEach-Object { Write-Terse -line $_ } } else { Start-NativeExecution -sb {& $powershell $PSFlags -c $command} } } } } finally { $env:PSModulePath = $originalModulePath $env:POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT = $originalTelemetry if ($Unelevate) { Remove-Item $outputBufferFilePath } } Publish-TestResults -Path $OutputFile -Title $Title if($ThrowOnFailure) { Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $OutputFile } } function Publish-TestResults { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})] [string] $Path, [ValidateSet('NUnit','XUnit')] [string] $Type='NUnit' ) # In VSTS publish Test Results if($env:TF_BUILD) { $fileName = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $Path $tempPath = $env:BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY if (! $tempPath) { $tempPath = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath() } $tempFilePath = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $fileName # NUnit allowed values are: Passed, Failed, Inconclusive or Ignored (the spec says Skipped but it doesn' work with Azure DevOps) # https://github.com/nunit/docs/wiki/Test-Result-XML-Format # Azure DevOps Reporting is so messed up for NUnit V2 and doesn't follow their own spec # https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/test/publish-test-results?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml # So, we will map skipped to the actual value in the NUnit spec and they will ignore all results for tests which were not executed Get-Content $Path | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'result="Ignored"', 'result="Skipped"' } | Out-File -FilePath $tempFilePath -Encoding ascii -Force # If we attempt to upload a result file which has no test cases in it, then vsts will produce a warning # so check to be sure we actually have a result file that contains test cases to upload. # If the "test-case" count is greater than 0, then we have results. # Regardless, we want to upload this as an artifact, so this logic doesn't pertain to that. if ( @(([xml](Get-Content $Path)).SelectNodes(".//test-case")).Count -gt 0 -or $Type -eq 'XUnit' ) { Write-Host "##vso[results.publish type=$Type;mergeResults=true;runTitle=$Title;publishRunAttachments=true;resultFiles=$tempFilePath;failTaskOnFailedTests=true]" } $resolvedPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).ProviderPath Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=testResults;artifactname=testResults]$resolvedPath" } } function script:Start-UnelevatedProcess { param( [string]$process, [string[]]$arguments ) if (-not $environment.IsWindows) { throw "Start-UnelevatedProcess is currently not supported on non-Windows platforms" } if (-not $environment.OSArchitecture -eq 'arm64') { throw "Start-UnelevatedProcess is currently not supported on arm64 platforms" } runas.exe /trustlevel:0x20000 "$process $arguments" } function Show-PSPesterError { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='xml')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='xml',Mandatory)] [Xml.XmlElement]$testFailure, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='object',Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject]$testFailureObject ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'xml') { $description = $testFailure.description $name = $testFailure.name $message = $testFailure.failure.message $stack_trace = $testFailure.failure."stack-trace" } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'object') { $description = $testFailureObject.Describe + '/' + $testFailureObject.Context $name = $testFailureObject.Name $message = $testFailureObject.FailureMessage $stack_trace = $testFailureObject.StackTrace } else { throw 'Unknown Show-PSPester parameter set' } Write-Log -isError -message ("Description: " + $description) Write-Log -isError -message ("Name: " + $name) Write-Log -isError -message "message:" Write-Log -isError -message $message Write-Log -isError -message "stack-trace:" Write-Log -isError -message $stack_trace } function Test-XUnitTestResults { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TestResultsFile ) if(-not (Test-Path $TestResultsFile)) { throw "File not found $TestResultsFile" } try { $results = [xml] (Get-Content $TestResultsFile) } catch { throw "Cannot convert $TestResultsFile to xml : $($_.message)" } $failedTests = $results.assemblies.assembly.collection.test | Where-Object result -eq "fail" if(-not $failedTests) { return $true } foreach($failure in $failedTests) { $description = $failure.type $name = $failure.method $message = $failure.failure.message $stack_trace = $failure.failure.'stack-trace' Write-Log -isError -message ("Description: " + $description) Write-Log -isError -message ("Name: " + $name) Write-Log -isError -message "message:" Write-Log -isError -message $message Write-Log -isError -message "stack-trace:" Write-Log -isError -message $stack_trace Write-Log -isError -message " " } throw "$($results.assemblies.assembly.failed) tests failed" } # # Read the test result file and # Throw if a test failed function Test-PSPesterResults { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='file')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='file')] [string] $TestResultsFile = "pester-tests.xml", [Parameter(ParameterSetName='file')] [string] $TestArea = 'test/powershell', [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PesterPassThruObject', Mandatory)] [pscustomobject] $ResultObject, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PesterPassThruObject')] [switch] $CanHaveNoResult ) if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'file') { if(!(Test-Path $TestResultsFile)) { throw "Test result file '$testResultsFile' not found for $TestArea." } $x = [xml](Get-Content -Raw $testResultsFile) if ([int]$x.'test-results'.failures -gt 0) { Write-Log -isError -message "TEST FAILURES" # switch between methods, SelectNode is not available on dotnet core if ( "System.Xml.XmlDocumentXPathExtensions" -as [Type] ) { $failures = [System.Xml.XmlDocumentXPathExtensions]::SelectNodes($x."test-results",'.//test-case[@result = "Failure"]') } else { $failures = $x.SelectNodes('.//test-case[@result = "Failure"]') } foreach ( $testfail in $failures ) { Show-PSPesterError -testFailure $testfail } throw "$($x.'test-results'.failures) tests in $TestArea failed" } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PesterPassThruObject') { if (-not $CanHaveNoResult) { $noTotalCountMember = if ($null -eq (Get-Member -InputObject $ResultObject -Name 'TotalCount')) { $true } else { $false } if ($noTotalCountMember) { Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "`$ResultObject has no 'TotalCount' property" Write-Verbose -Verbose "$($ResultObject | Out-String)" } if ($noTotalCountMember -or $ResultObject.TotalCount -le 0) { throw 'NO TESTS RUN' } } elseif ($ResultObject.FailedCount -gt 0) { Write-Log -isError -message 'TEST FAILURES' $ResultObject.TestResult | Where-Object {$_.Passed -eq $false} | ForEach-Object { Show-PSPesterError -testFailureObject $_ } throw "$($ResultObject.FailedCount) tests in $TestArea failed" } } } function Start-PSxUnit { [CmdletBinding()]param( [string] $xUnitTestResultsFile = "xUnitResults.xml" ) # Add .NET CLI tools to PATH Find-Dotnet $Content = Split-Path -Parent (Get-PSOutput) if (-not (Test-Path $Content)) { throw "PowerShell must be built before running tests!" } $originalDOTNET_ROOT = $env:DOTNET_ROOT try { Push-Location $PSScriptRoot/test/xUnit # Add workaround to unblock xUnit testing see issue: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/26462 $dotnetPath = if ($environment.IsWindows) { "$env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\dotnet" } else { "$env:HOME/.dotnet" } $env:DOTNET_ROOT = $dotnetPath # Path manipulation to obtain test project output directory if(-not $environment.IsWindows) { if($environment.IsMacOS) { $nativeLib = "$Content/libpsl-native.dylib" } else { $nativeLib = "$Content/libpsl-native.so" } $requiredDependencies = @( $nativeLib, "$Content/Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll", "$Content/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll" ) if((Test-Path $requiredDependencies) -notcontains $false) { $options = Get-PSOptions -DefaultToNew $Destination = "bin/$($options.configuration)/$($options.framework)" New-Item $Destination -ItemType Directory -Force > $null Copy-Item -Path $requiredDependencies -Destination $Destination -Force } else { throw "Dependencies $requiredDependencies not met." } } if (Test-Path $xUnitTestResultsFile) { Remove-Item $xUnitTestResultsFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # We run the xUnit tests sequentially to avoid race conditions caused by manipulating the config.json file. # xUnit tests run in parallel by default. To make them run sequentially, we need to define the 'xunit.runner.json' file. dotnet test --configuration $Options.configuration --test-adapter-path:. "--logger:xunit;LogFilePath=$xUnitTestResultsFile" Publish-TestResults -Path $xUnitTestResultsFile -Type 'XUnit' -Title 'Xunit Sequential' } finally { $env:DOTNET_ROOT = $originalDOTNET_ROOT Pop-Location } } function Install-Dotnet { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Channel = $dotnetCLIChannel, [string]$Version = $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion, [string]$Quality = $dotnetCLIQuality, [switch]$RemovePreviousVersion, [switch]$NoSudo, [string]$InstallDir, [string]$AzureFeed, [string]$FeedCredential ) Write-Verbose -Verbose "In install-dotnet" # This allows sudo install to be optional; needed when running in containers / as root # Note that when it is null, Invoke-Expression (but not &) must be used to interpolate properly $sudo = if (!$NoSudo) { "sudo" } # $installObtainUrl = "https://dot.net/v1" $installObtainUrl = "https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/scripts/v1" $uninstallObtainUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/cli/master/scripts/obtain" # Install for Linux and OS X if ($environment.IsLinux -or $environment.IsMacOS) { $wget = Get-Command -Name wget -CommandType Application -TotalCount 1 -ErrorAction Stop # Attempt to uninstall previous dotnet packages if requested if ($RemovePreviousVersion) { $uninstallScript = if ($environment.IsLinux -and $environment.IsUbuntu) { "dotnet-uninstall-debian-packages.sh" } elseif ($environment.IsMacOS) { "dotnet-uninstall-pkgs.sh" } if ($uninstallScript) { Start-NativeExecution { & $wget $uninstallObtainUrl/uninstall/$uninstallScript Invoke-Expression "$sudo bash ./$uninstallScript" } } else { Write-Warning "This script only removes prior versions of dotnet for Ubuntu and OS X" } } Write-Verbose -Verbose "Invoking install script" # Install new dotnet 1.1.0 preview packages $installScript = "dotnet-install.sh" Write-Verbose -Message "downloading install script from $installObtainUrl/$installScript ..." -Verbose & $wget $installObtainUrl/$installScript if ((Get-ChildItem "./$installScript").Length -eq 0) { throw "./$installScript was 0 length" } if ($Version) { $bashArgs = @("./$installScript", '-v', $Version) } elseif ($Channel) { $bashArgs = @("./$installScript", '-c', $Channel, '-q', $Quality) } if ($InstallDir) { $bashArgs += @('-i', $InstallDir) } if ($AzureFeed) { $bashArgs += @('-AzureFeed', $AzureFeed) } if ($FeedCredential) { $bashArgs += @('-FeedCredential', $FeedCredential) } $bashArgs += @('-skipnonversionedfiles') $bashArgs -join ' ' | Write-Verbose -Verbose Start-NativeExecution { bash @bashArgs } } elseif ($environment.IsWindows) { Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse -Force ~\AppData\Local\Microsoft\dotnet $installScript = "dotnet-install.ps1" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $installObtainUrl/$installScript -OutFile $installScript if (-not $environment.IsCoreCLR) { $installArgs = @{} if ($Version) { $installArgs += @{ Version = $Version } } elseif ($Channel) { $installArgs += @{ Quality = $Quality } $installArgs += @{ Channel = $Channel } } if ($InstallDir) { $installArgs += @{ InstallDir = $InstallDir } } if ($AzureFeed) { $installArgs += @{AzureFeed = $AzureFeed} } if ($FeedCredential) { $installArgs += @{FeedCredential = $FeedCredential} } $installArgs += @{ SkipNonVersionedFiles = $true } $installArgs | Out-String | Write-Verbose -Verbose & ./$installScript @installArgs } else { # dotnet-install.ps1 uses APIs that are not supported in .NET Core, so we run it with Windows PowerShell $fullPSPath = Join-Path -Path $env:windir -ChildPath "System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" $fullDotnetInstallPath = Join-Path -Path (Convert-Path -Path $PWD.Path) -ChildPath $installScript if ($Version) { $psArgs = @('-NoLogo', '-NoProfile', '-File', $fullDotnetInstallPath, '-Version', $Version) } elseif ($Channel) { $psArgs = @('-NoLogo', '-NoProfile', '-File', $fullDotnetInstallPath, '-Channel', $Channel, '-Quality', $Quality) } if ($InstallDir) { $psArgs += @('-InstallDir', $InstallDir) } if ($AzureFeed) { $psArgs += @('-AzureFeed', $AzureFeed) } if ($FeedCredential) { $psArgs += @('-FeedCredential', $FeedCredential) } $psArgs += @('-SkipNonVersionedFiles') # Removing the verbose message to not expose the secret # $psArgs -join ' ' | Write-Verbose -Verbose Start-NativeExecution { & $fullPSPath @psArgs } } } } function Get-RedHatPackageManager { if ($environment.IsCentOS -or (Get-Command -Name yum -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { "yum install -y -q" } elseif ($environment.IsFedora -or (Get-Command -Name dnf -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { "dnf install -y -q" } else { throw "Error determining package manager for this distribution." } } function Install-GlobalGem { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Sudo = "", [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GemName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GemVersion ) try { # We cannot guess if the user wants to run gem install as root on linux and windows, # but macOs usually requires sudo $gemsudo = '' if($environment.IsMacOS -or $env:TF_BUILD) { $gemsudo = $sudo } Start-NativeExecution ([ScriptBlock]::Create("$gemsudo gem install $GemName -v $GemVersion --no-document")) } catch { Write-Warning "Installation of gem $GemName $GemVersion failed! Must resolve manually." $logs = Get-ChildItem "/var/lib/gems/*/extensions/x86_64-linux/*/$GemName-*/gem_make.out" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName foreach ($log in $logs) { Write-Verbose "Contents of: $log" -Verbose Get-Content -Raw -Path $log -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose $_ -Verbose } Write-Verbose "END Contents of: $log" -Verbose } throw } } function Start-PSBootstrap { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Channel = $dotnetCLIChannel, # we currently pin dotnet-cli version, and will # update it when more stable version comes out. [string]$Version = $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion, [switch]$Package, [switch]$NoSudo, [switch]$BuildLinuxArm, [switch]$Force ) Write-Log -message "Installing PowerShell build dependencies" Push-Location $PSScriptRoot/tools if ($dotnetSDKVersionOveride) { $Version = $dotnetSDKVersionOveride } try { if ($environment.IsLinux -or $environment.IsMacOS) { # This allows sudo install to be optional; needed when running in containers / as root # Note that when it is null, Invoke-Expression (but not &) must be used to interpolate properly $sudo = if (!$NoSudo) { "sudo" } if ($BuildLinuxArm -and $environment.IsLinux -and -not $environment.IsUbuntu) { Write-Error "Cross compiling for linux-arm is only supported on Ubuntu environment" return } # Install ours and .NET's dependencies $Deps = @() if ($environment.IsLinux -and $environment.IsUbuntu) { # Build tools $Deps += "curl", "wget" # .NET Core required runtime libraries if ($environment.IsUbuntu16) { $Deps += "libicu55" } elseif ($environment.IsUbuntu18) { $Deps += "libicu60"} # Packaging tools if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-dev", "groff", "libffi-dev", "rpm", "g++", "make" } # Install dependencies # change the fontend from apt-get to noninteractive $originalDebianFrontEnd=$env:DEBIAN_FRONTEND $env:DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' try { Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression "$sudo apt-get update -qq" Invoke-Expression "$sudo apt-get install -y -qq $Deps" } } finally { # change the apt frontend back to the original $env:DEBIAN_FRONTEND=$originalDebianFrontEnd } } elseif ($environment.IsLinux -and ($environment.IsRedHatFamily -or $environment.IsMariner)) { # Build tools $Deps += "which", "curl", "wget" # .NET Core required runtime libraries $Deps += "libicu", "openssl-libs" # Packaging tools if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-devel", "rpm-build", "groff", 'libffi-devel', "gcc-c++" } $PackageManager = Get-RedHatPackageManager $baseCommand = "$sudo $PackageManager" # On OpenSUSE 13.2 container, sudo does not exist, so don't use it if not needed if($NoSudo) { $baseCommand = $PackageManager } # Install dependencies Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression "$baseCommand $Deps" } } elseif ($environment.IsLinux -and $environment.IsSUSEFamily) { # Build tools $Deps += "wget" # Packaging tools if ($Package) { $Deps += "ruby-devel", "rpmbuild", "groff", 'libffi-devel', "gcc" } $PackageManager = "zypper --non-interactive install" $baseCommand = "$sudo $PackageManager" # On OpenSUSE 13.2 container, sudo does not exist, so don't use it if not needed if($NoSudo) { $baseCommand = $PackageManager } # Install dependencies Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression "$baseCommand $Deps" } } elseif ($environment.IsMacOS) { if ($environment.UsingHomebrew) { $baseCommand = "brew install --quiet" } elseif ($environment.UsingMacports) { $baseCommand = "$sudo port -q install" } # wget for downloading dotnet $Deps += "wget" # .NET Core required runtime libraries $Deps += "openssl" # Install dependencies # ignore exitcode, because they may be already installed Start-NativeExecution ([ScriptBlock]::Create("$baseCommand $Deps")) -IgnoreExitcode } elseif ($environment.IsLinux -and $environment.IsAlpine) { $Deps += 'libunwind', 'libcurl', 'bash', 'build-base', 'git', 'curl', 'wget' Start-NativeExecution { Invoke-Expression "apk add $Deps" } } # Install [fpm](https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm) and [ronn](https://github.com/rtomayko/ronn) if ($Package) { Install-GlobalGem -Sudo $sudo -GemName "dotenv" -GemVersion "2.8.1" Install-GlobalGem -Sudo $sudo -GemName "ffi" -GemVersion "1.16.3" Install-GlobalGem -Sudo $sudo -GemName "fpm" -GemVersion "1.15.1" Install-GlobalGem -Sudo $sudo -GemName "ronn" -GemVersion "0.7.3" Install-GlobalGem -Sudo $sudo -GemName "rexml" -GemVersion "3.2.5" } } Write-Verbose -Verbose "Calling Find-Dotnet from Start-PSBootstrap" # Try to locate dotnet-SDK before installing it Find-Dotnet Write-Verbose -Verbose "Back from calling Find-Dotnet from Start-PSBootstrap" # Install dotnet-SDK $dotNetExists = precheck 'dotnet' $null $dotNetVersion = [string]::Empty if($dotNetExists) { $dotNetVersion = Find-RequiredSDK $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion } if(!$dotNetExists -or $dotNetVersion -ne $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion -or $Force.IsPresent) { if($Force.IsPresent) { Write-Log -message "Installing dotnet due to -Force." } elseif(!$dotNetExists) { Write-Log -message "dotnet not present. Installing dotnet." } else { Write-Log -message "dotnet out of date ($dotNetVersion). Updating dotnet." } $DotnetArguments = @{ Channel=$Channel; Version=$Version; NoSudo=$NoSudo } if ($dotnetAzureFeed) { $null = $DotnetArguments.Add("AzureFeed", $dotnetAzureFeed) $null = $DotnetArguments.Add("FeedCredential", $dotnetAzureFeedSecret) } Install-Dotnet @DotnetArguments } else { Write-Log -message "dotnet is already installed. Skipping installation." } # Install Windows dependencies if `-Package` or `-BuildWindowsNative` is specified if ($environment.IsWindows) { ## The VSCode build task requires 'pwsh.exe' to be found in Path if (-not (Get-Command -Name pwsh.exe -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Ignore)) { Write-Log -message "pwsh.exe not found. Install latest PowerShell release and add it to Path" $psInstallFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "tools", "install-powershell.ps1") & $psInstallFile -AddToPath } if ($Package) { Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\tools\wix\wix.psm1" $isArm64 = "$env:RUNTIME" -eq 'arm64' Install-Wix -arm64:$isArm64 } } if ($env:TF_BUILD) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "--- Start - Capturing nuget sources" dotnet nuget list source --format detailed Write-Verbose -Verbose "--- End - Capturing nuget sources" } } finally { Pop-Location } } ## If the required SDK version is found, return it. ## Otherwise, return the latest installed SDK version that can be found. function Find-RequiredSDK { param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $requiredSdkVersion ) $output = Start-NativeExecution -sb { dotnet --list-sdks } -IgnoreExitcode 2> $null $installedSdkVersions = $output | ForEach-Object { # this splits strings like # '6.0.202 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]' # '7.0.100-preview.2.22153.17 [C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\dotnet\sdk]' # into version and path parts. ($_ -split '\s',2)[0] } if ($installedSdkVersions -contains $requiredSdkVersion) { $requiredSdkVersion } else { $installedSdkVersions | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } } function Start-DevPowerShell { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ConfigurationParamSet')] param( [string[]]$ArgumentList = @(), [switch]$LoadProfile, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConfigurationParamSet')] [ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release', 'CodeCoverage', 'StaticAnalysis', '')] # should match New-PSOptions -Configuration values [string]$Configuration, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='BinDirParamSet')] [string]$BinDir, [switch]$NoNewWindow, [string]$Command, [switch]$KeepPSModulePath ) try { if (-not $BinDir) { $BinDir = Split-Path (New-PSOptions -Configuration $Configuration).Output } if ((-not $NoNewWindow) -and ($environment.IsCoreCLR)) { Write-Warning "Start-DevPowerShell -NoNewWindow is currently implied in PowerShellCore edition https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/1543" $NoNewWindow = $true } if (-not $LoadProfile) { $ArgumentList = @('-noprofile') + $ArgumentList } if (-not $KeepPSModulePath) { if (-not $Command) { $ArgumentList = @('-NoExit') + $ArgumentList } $Command = '$env:PSModulePath = Join-Path $env:DEVPATH Modules; ' + $Command } if ($Command) { $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-command $Command") } $env:DEVPATH = $BinDir # splatting for the win $startProcessArgs = @{ FilePath = Join-Path $BinDir 'pwsh' } if ($ArgumentList) { $startProcessArgs.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList } if ($NoNewWindow) { $startProcessArgs.NoNewWindow = $true $startProcessArgs.Wait = $true } Start-Process @startProcessArgs } finally { if($env:DevPath) { Remove-Item env:DEVPATH } } } function Start-TypeGen { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $IncFileName = 'powershell.inc' ) # Add .NET CLI tools to PATH Find-Dotnet # This custom target depends on 'ResolveAssemblyReferencesDesignTime', whose definition can be found in the sdk folder. # To find the available properties of '_ReferencesFromRAR' when switching to a new dotnet sdk, follow the steps below: # 1. create a dummy project using the new dotnet sdk. # 2. build the dummy project with this command: # dotnet msbuild .\dummy.csproj /t:ResolveAssemblyReferencesDesignTime /fileLogger /noconsolelogger /v:diag # 3. search '_ReferencesFromRAR' in the produced 'msbuild.log' file. You will find the properties there. $GetDependenciesTargetPath = "$PSScriptRoot/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK/obj/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK.csproj.TypeCatalog.targets" $GetDependenciesTargetValue = @' <_RefAssemblyPath Include="%(_ReferencesFromRAR.OriginalItemSpec)%3B" Condition=" '%(_ReferencesFromRAR.NuGetPackageId)' != 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure' "/> '@ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Split-Path -Path $GetDependenciesTargetPath -Parent) -Force > $null Set-Content -Path $GetDependenciesTargetPath -Value $GetDependenciesTargetValue -Force -Encoding Ascii Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK" try { $ps_inc_file = "$PSScriptRoot/src/TypeCatalogGen/$IncFileName" dotnet msbuild .\Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK.csproj /t:_GetDependencies "/property:DesignTimeBuild=true;_DependencyFile=$ps_inc_file" /nologo } finally { Pop-Location } Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot/src/TypeCatalogGen" try { dotnet run ../System.Management.Automation/CoreCLR/CorePsTypeCatalog.cs $IncFileName } finally { Pop-Location } } function Start-ResGen { [CmdletBinding()] param() # Add .NET CLI tools to PATH Find-Dotnet Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot/src/ResGen" try { Start-NativeExecution { dotnet run } | Write-Verbose } finally { Pop-Location } } function Find-Dotnet { param ( [switch] $SetDotnetRoot ) Write-Verbose "In Find-DotNet" $originalPath = $env:PATH $dotnetPath = if ($environment.IsWindows) { "$env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\dotnet" } else { "$env:HOME/.dotnet" } $chosenDotNetVersion = if($dotnetSDKVersionOveride) { $dotnetSDKVersionOveride } else { $dotnetCLIRequiredVersion } # If there dotnet is already in the PATH, check to see if that version of dotnet can find the required SDK # This is "typically" the globally installed dotnet if (precheck dotnet) { # Must run from within repo to ensure global.json can specify the required SDK version Push-Location $PSScriptRoot $dotnetCLIInstalledVersion = Find-RequiredSDK $chosenDotNetVersion Pop-Location Write-Verbose -Message "Find-DotNet: dotnetCLIInstalledVersion = $dotnetCLIInstalledVersion; chosenDotNetVersion = $chosenDotNetVersion" if ($dotnetCLIInstalledVersion -ne $chosenDotNetVersion) { Write-Warning "The 'dotnet' in the current path can't find SDK version ${dotnetCLIRequiredVersion}, prepending $dotnetPath to PATH." # Globally installed dotnet doesn't have the required SDK version, prepend the user local dotnet location $env:PATH = $dotnetPath + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $env:PATH if ($SetDotnetRoot) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Setting DOTNET_ROOT to $dotnetPath" $env:DOTNET_ROOT = $dotnetPath } } elseif ($SetDotnetRoot) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Expected dotnet version found, setting DOTNET_ROOT to $dotnetPath" $env:DOTNET_ROOT = $dotnetPath } } else { Write-Warning "Could not find 'dotnet', appending $dotnetPath to PATH." $env:PATH += [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $dotnetPath } if (-not (precheck 'dotnet' "Still could not find 'dotnet', restoring PATH.")) { $env:PATH = $originalPath } } <# This is one-time conversion. We use it for to turn GetEventResources.txt into GetEventResources.resx .EXAMPLE Convert-TxtResourceToXml -Path Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics\resources #> function Convert-TxtResourceToXml { param( [string[]]$Path ) process { $Path | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter "*.txt" | ForEach-Object { $txtFile = $_.FullName $resxFile = Join-Path (Split-Path $txtFile) "$($_.BaseName).resx" $resourceHashtable = ConvertFrom-StringData (Get-Content -Raw $txtFile) $resxContent = $resourceHashtable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { @' {1} '@ -f $_.Key, $_.Value } | Out-String Set-Content -Path $resxFile -Value ($script:RESX_TEMPLATE -f $resxContent) } } } } function script:Use-MSBuild { # TODO: we probably should require a particular version of msbuild, if we are taking this dependency # msbuild v14 and msbuild v4 behaviors are different for XAML generation $frameworkMsBuildLocation = "${env:SystemRoot}\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild" $msbuild = Get-Command msbuild -ErrorAction Ignore if ($msbuild) { # all good, nothing to do return } if (-not (Test-Path $frameworkMsBuildLocation)) { throw "msbuild not found in '$frameworkMsBuildLocation'. Install Visual Studio 2015." } Set-Alias msbuild $frameworkMsBuildLocation -Scope Script } function script:Write-Log { param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $message, [switch] $isError ) if ($isError) { Write-Host -Foreground Red $message } else { Write-Host -Foreground Green $message } #reset colors for older package to at return to default after error message on a compilation error [console]::ResetColor() } function script:precheck([string]$command, [string]$missedMessage) { $c = Get-Command $command -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $c) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($missedMessage)) { Write-Warning $missedMessage } return $false } else { return $true } } # Cleans the PowerShell repo - everything but the root folder function Clear-PSRepo { [CmdletBinding()] param() Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\* -Directory | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Cleaning $_ ..." git clean -fdX $_ } } # Install PowerShell modules such as PackageManagement, PowerShellGet function Copy-PSGalleryModules { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CsProjPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Destination, [Parameter()] [switch]$Force ) if (!$Destination.EndsWith("Modules")) { throw "Installing to an unexpected location" } Find-DotNet Restore-PSPackage -ProjectDirs (Split-Path $CsProjPath) -Force:$Force.IsPresent -PSModule $cache = dotnet nuget locals global-packages -l if ($cache -match "global-packages: (.*)") { $nugetCache = $Matches[1] } else { throw "Can't find nuget global cache" } $psGalleryProj = [xml](Get-Content -Raw $CsProjPath) foreach ($m in $psGalleryProj.Project.ItemGroup.PackageReference) { $name = $m.Include $version = $m.Version Write-Log -message "Name='$Name', Version='$version', Destination='$Destination'" # Remove the build revision from the src (nuget drops it). $srcVer = if ($version -match "(\d+.\d+.\d+).0") { $Matches[1] } elseif ($version -match "^\d+.\d+$") { # Two digit versions are stored as three digit versions "$version.0" } else { $version } # Nuget seems to always use lowercase in the cache $src = "$nugetCache/$($name.ToLower())/$srcVer" $dest = "$Destination/$name" Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Recurse "$Destination/$name" New-Item -Path $dest -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop > $null # Exclude files/folders that are not needed. The fullclr folder is coming from the PackageManagement module $dontCopy = '*.nupkg', '*.nupkg.metadata', '*.nupkg.sha512', '*.nuspec', 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll', 'fullclr' Copy-Item -Exclude $dontCopy -Recurse $src/* $dest -ErrorAction Stop } } function Merge-TestLogs { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [string]$XUnitLogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [string[]]$NUnitLogPath, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [string[]]$AdditionalXUnitLogPath, [Parameter()] [string]$OutputLogPath ) # Convert all the NUnit logs into single object $convertedNUnit = ConvertFrom-PesterLog -logFile $NUnitLogPath $xunit = [xml] (Get-Content $XUnitLogPath -ReadCount 0 -Raw) $strBld = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new($xunit.assemblies.InnerXml) foreach($assembly in $convertedNUnit.assembly) { $strBld.Append($assembly.ToString()) | Out-Null } foreach($path in $AdditionalXUnitLogPath) { $addXunit = [xml] (Get-Content $path -ReadCount 0 -Raw) $strBld.Append($addXunit.assemblies.InnerXml) | Out-Null } $xunit.assemblies.InnerXml = $strBld.ToString() $xunit.Save($OutputLogPath) } function ConvertFrom-PesterLog { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string[]]$Logfile, [Parameter()][switch]$IncludeEmpty, [Parameter()][switch]$MultipleLog ) <# Convert our test logs to xunit schema - top level assemblies Pester conversion foreach $r in "test-results"."test-suite".results."test-suite" assembly name = $r.Description config-file = log file (this is the only way we can determine between admin/nonadmin log) test-framework = Pester environment = top-level "test-results.environment.platform run-date = date (doesn't exist in pester except for beginning) run-time = time time = #> BEGIN { # CLASSES class assemblies { # attributes [datetime]$timestamp # child elements [System.Collections.Generic.List[testAssembly]]$assembly assemblies() { $this.timestamp = [datetime]::now $this.assembly = [System.Collections.Generic.List[testAssembly]]::new() } static [assemblies] op_Addition([assemblies]$ls, [assemblies]$rs) { $newAssembly = [assemblies]::new() $newAssembly.assembly.AddRange($ls.assembly) $newAssembly.assembly.AddRange($rs.assembly) return $newAssembly } [string]ToString() { $sb = [text.stringbuilder]::new() $sb.AppendLine('' -f $this.timestamp) foreach ( $a in $this.assembly ) { $sb.Append("$a") } $sb.AppendLine(""); return $sb.ToString() } # use Write-Output to emit these into the pipeline [array]GetTests() { return $this.Assembly.collection.test } } class testAssembly { # attributes [string]$name # path to pester file [string]${config-file} [string]${test-framework} # Pester [string]$environment [string]${run-date} [string]${run-time} [decimal]$time [int]$total [int]$passed [int]$failed [int]$skipped [int]$errors testAssembly ( ) { $this."config-file" = "no config" $this."test-framework" = "Pester" $this.environment = $script:environment $this."run-date" = $script:rundate $this."run-time" = $script:runtime $this.collection = [System.Collections.Generic.List[collection]]::new() } # child elements [error[]]$error [System.Collections.Generic.List[collection]]$collection [string]ToString() { $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $sb.AppendFormat(' ") if ( $this.error ) { $sb.AppendLine(" ") foreach ( $e in $this.error ) { $sb.AppendLine($e.ToString()) } $sb.AppendLine(" ") } else { $sb.AppendLine(" ") } foreach ( $col in $this.collection ) { $sb.AppendLine($col.ToString()) } $sb.AppendLine(" ") return $sb.ToString() } } class collection { # attributes [string]$name [decimal]$time [int]$total [int]$passed [int]$failed [int]$skipped # child element [System.Collections.Generic.List[test]]$test # constructor collection () { $this.test = [System.Collections.Generic.List[test]]::new() } [string]ToString() { $sb = [Text.StringBuilder]::new() if ( $this.test.count -eq 0 ) { $sb.AppendLine(" ") } else { $sb.AppendFormat(' ' + "`n", $this.total, $this.passed, $this.failed, $this.skipped, [security.securityelement]::escape($this.name), $this.time) foreach ( $t in $this.test ) { $sb.AppendLine(" " + $t.ToString()); } $sb.Append(" ") } return $sb.ToString() } } class errors { [error[]]$error } class error { # attributes [string]$type [string]$name # child elements [failure]$failure [string]ToString() { $sb = [system.text.stringbuilder]::new() $sb.AppendLine('' -f $this.type, [security.securityelement]::escape($this.Name)) $sb.AppendLine($this.failure -as [string]) $sb.AppendLine("") return $sb.ToString() } } class cdata { [string]$text cdata ( [string]$s ) { $this.text = $s } [string]ToString() { return '' } } class failure { [string]${exception-type} [cdata]$message [cdata]${stack-trace} failure ( [string]$message, [string]$stack ) { $this."exception-type" = "Pester" $this.Message = [cdata]::new($message) $this."stack-trace" = [cdata]::new($stack) } [string]ToString() { $sb = [text.stringbuilder]::new() $sb.AppendLine(" ") $sb.AppendLine(" " + ($this.message -as [string]) + "") $sb.AppendLine(" " + ($this."stack-trace" -as [string]) + "") $sb.Append(" ") return $sb.ToString() } } enum resultenum { Pass Fail Skip } class trait { # attributes [string]$name [string]$value } class traits { [trait[]]$trait } class test { # attributes [string]$name [string]$type [string]$method [decimal]$time [resultenum]$result # child elements [trait[]]$traits [failure]$failure [cdata]$reason # skip reason [string]ToString() { $sb = [text.stringbuilder]::new() $sb.appendformat(' ") $sb.AppendLine($this.failure -as [string]) $sb.append(' ') } else { $sb.Append("/>") } return $sb.ToString() } } function convert-pesterlog ( [xml]$x, $logpath, [switch]$includeEmpty ) { <#$resultMap = @{ Success = "Pass" Ignored = "Skip" Failure = "Fail" }#> $resultMap = @{ Success = "Pass" Ignored = "Skip" Failure = "Fail" Inconclusive = "Skip" } $configfile = $logpath $runtime = $x."test-results".time $environment = $x."test-results".environment.platform + "-" + $x."test-results".environment."os-version" $rundate = $x."test-results".date $suites = $x."test-results"."test-suite".results."test-suite" $assemblies = [assemblies]::new() foreach ( $suite in $suites ) { $tCases = $suite.SelectNodes(".//test-case") # only create an assembly group if we have tests if ( $tCases.count -eq 0 -and ! $includeEmpty ) { continue } $tGroup = $tCases | Group-Object result $asm = [testassembly]::new() $asm.environment = $environment $asm."run-date" = $rundate $asm."run-time" = $runtime $asm.Name = $suite.name $asm."config-file" = $configfile $asm.time = $suite.time $asm.total = $suite.SelectNodes(".//test-case").Count $asm.Passed = $tGroup| Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Success"} | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.Count} $asm.Failed = $tGroup| Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Failure"} | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.Count} $asm.Skipped = $tGroup| Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq "Ignored" } | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.Count} $asm.Skipped += $tGroup| Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq "Inconclusive" } | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.Count} $c = [collection]::new() $c.passed = $asm.Passed $c.failed = $asm.failed $c.skipped = $asm.skipped $c.total = $asm.total $c.time = $asm.time $c.name = $asm.name foreach ( $tc in $suite.SelectNodes(".//test-case")) { if ( $tc.result -match "Success|Ignored|Failure" ) { $t = [test]::new() $t.name = $tc.Name $t.time = $tc.time $t.method = $tc.description # the pester actually puts the name of the "it" as description $t.type = $suite.results."test-suite".description | Select-Object -First 1 $t.result = $resultMap[$tc.result] if ( $tc.failure ) { $t.failure = [failure]::new($tc.failure.message, $tc.failure."stack-trace") } $null = $c.test.Add($t) } } $null = $asm.collection.add($c) $assemblies.assembly.Add($asm) } $assemblies } # convert it to our object model # a simple conversion function convert-xunitlog { param ( $x, $logpath ) $asms = [assemblies]::new() $asms.timestamp = $x.assemblies.timestamp foreach ( $assembly in $x.assemblies.assembly ) { $asm = [testAssembly]::new() $asm.environment = $assembly.environment $asm."test-framework" = $assembly."test-framework" $asm."run-date" = $assembly."run-date" $asm."run-time" = $assembly."run-time" $asm.total = $assembly.total $asm.passed = $assembly.passed $asm.failed = $assembly.failed $asm.skipped = $assembly.skipped $asm.time = $assembly.time $asm.name = $assembly.name foreach ( $coll in $assembly.collection ) { $c = [collection]::new() $c.name = $coll.name $c.total = $coll.total $c.passed = $coll.passed $c.failed = $coll.failed $c.skipped = $coll.skipped $c.time = $coll.time foreach ( $t in $coll.test ) { $test = [test]::new() $test.name = $t.name $test.type = $t.type $test.method = $t.method $test.time = $t.time $test.result = $t.result $c.test.Add($test) } $null = $asm.collection.add($c) } $null = $asms.assembly.add($asm) } $asms } $Logs = @() } PROCESS { #### MAIN #### foreach ( $log in $Logfile ) { foreach ( $logpath in (Resolve-Path $log).path ) { Write-Progress "converting file $logpath" if ( ! $logpath) { throw "Cannot resolve $Logfile" } $x = [xml](Get-Content -Raw -ReadCount 0 $logpath) if ( $x.psobject.properties['test-results'] ) { $Logs += convert-pesterlog $x $logpath -includeempty:$includeempty } elseif ( $x.psobject.properties['assemblies'] ) { $Logs += convert-xunitlog $x $logpath -includeEmpty:$includeEmpty } else { Write-Error "Cannot determine log type" } } } } END { if ( $MultipleLog ) { $Logs } else { $combinedLog = $Logs[0] for ( $i = 1; $i -lt $logs.count; $i++ ) { $combinedLog += $Logs[$i] } $combinedLog } } } # Save PSOptions to be restored by Restore-PSOptions function Save-PSOptions { param( [ValidateScript({$parent = Split-Path $_;if($parent){Test-Path $parent}else{return $true}})] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $PSOptionsPath = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'psoptions.json'), [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object] $Options = (Get-PSOptions -DefaultToNew) ) $Options | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath $PSOptionsPath } # Restore PSOptions # Optionally remove the PSOptions file function Restore-PSOptions { param( [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [string] $PSOptionsPath = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'psoptions.json'), [switch] $Remove ) $options = Get-Content -Path $PSOptionsPath | ConvertFrom-Json if($Remove) { # Remove PSOptions. # The file is only used to set the PSOptions. Remove-Item -Path $psOptionsPath -Force } $newOptions = New-PSOptionsObject ` -RootInfo $options.RootInfo ` -Top $options.Top ` -Runtime $options.Runtime ` -Configuration $options.Configuration ` -PSModuleRestore $options.PSModuleRestore ` -Framework $options.Framework ` -Output $options.Output ` -ForMinimalSize $options.ForMinimalSize Set-PSOptions -Options $newOptions } function New-PSOptionsObject { param( [PSCustomObject] $RootInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Top, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Runtime, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Configuration, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Bool] $PSModuleRestore, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Framework, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Output, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Bool] $ForMinimalSize ) return @{ RootInfo = $RootInfo Top = $Top Configuration = $Configuration Framework = $Framework Runtime = $Runtime Output = $Output PSModuleRestore = $PSModuleRestore ForMinimalSize = $ForMinimalSize } } $script:RESX_TEMPLATE = @' text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 {0} '@ function Get-UniquePackageFolderName { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Root ) $packagePath = Join-Path $Root 'TestPackage' $triesLeft = 10 while(Test-Path $packagePath) { $suffix = Get-Random # Not using Guid to avoid maxpath problems as in example below. # Example: 'TestPackage-ba0ae1db-8512-46c5-8b6c-1862d33a2d63\test\powershell\Modules\Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\TestData\CatalogTestData\UserConfigProv\DSCResources\UserConfigProviderModVersion1\UserConfigProviderModVersion1.schema.mof' $packagePath = Join-Path $Root "TestPackage_$suffix" $triesLeft-- if ($triesLeft -le 0) { throw "Could find unique folder name for package path" } } $packagePath } function New-TestPackage { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Destination, [string] $Runtime ) if (Test-Path $Destination -PathType Leaf) { throw "Destination: '$Destination' is not a directory or does not exist." } else { $null = New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Creating destination folder: $Destination" } $rootFolder = $env:TEMP # In some build agents, typically macOS on AzDevOps, $env:TEMP might not be set. if (-not $rootFolder -and $env:TF_BUILD) { $rootFolder = $env:AGENT_WORKFOLDER } Write-Verbose -Message "RootFolder: $rootFolder" -Verbose $packageRoot = Get-UniquePackageFolderName -Root $rootFolder $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $packageRoot -Force $packagePath = Join-Path $Destination "TestPackage.zip" Write-Verbose -Message "PackagePath: $packagePath" -Verbose # Build test tools so they are placed in appropriate folders under 'test' then copy to package root. $null = Publish-PSTestTools -runtime $Runtime $powerShellTestRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'test' Copy-Item $powerShellTestRoot -Recurse -Destination $packageRoot -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Copied test directory" # Copy assests folder to package root for wix related tests. $assetsPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'assets' Copy-Item $assetsPath -Recurse -Destination $packageRoot -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Copied assests directory" # Create expected folder structure for resx files in package root. $srcRootForResx = New-Item -Path "$packageRoot/src" -Force -ItemType Directory $resourceDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Recurse "$PSScriptRoot/src" -Directory -Filter 'resources' $resourceDirectories | ForEach-Object { $directoryFullName = $_.FullName $partToRemove = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "src" $assemblyPart = $directoryFullName.Replace($partToRemove, '') $assemblyPart = $assemblyPart.TrimStart([io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) $resxDestPath = Join-Path $srcRootForResx $assemblyPart $null = New-Item -Path $resxDestPath -Force -ItemType Directory Write-Verbose -Message "Created resx directory : $resxDestPath" Copy-Item -Path "$directoryFullName\*" -Recurse $resxDestPath -Force } Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem if(Test-Path $packagePath) { Remove-Item -Path $packagePath -Force } [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($packageRoot, $packagePath) } class NugetPackageSource { [string] $Url [string] $Name } function New-NugetPackageSource { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Url, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) return [NugetPackageSource] @{Url = $Url; Name = $Name } } $script:NuGetEndpointCredentials = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,System.Object]]::new() function New-NugetConfigFile { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName ='user')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName ='nouser')] [NugetPackageSource[]] $NugetPackageSource, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Destination, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'user')] [string] $UserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'user')] [string] $ClearTextPAT ) $nugetConfigHeaderTemplate = @' '@ $nugetPackageSourceTemplate = @' '@ $nugetPackageSourceFooterTemplate = @' '@ $nugetCredentialsTemplate = @' <[FEEDNAME]> '@ $nugetConfigFooterTemplate = @' '@ $content = $nugetConfigHeaderTemplate $feedNamePostfix = '' if ($UserName) { $feedNamePostfix += '-' + $UserName.Replace('@', '-').Replace('.', '-') } [NugetPackageSource]$source = $null $newLine = [Environment]::NewLine foreach ($source in $NugetPackageSource) { $content += $newLine + $nugetPackageSourceTemplate.Replace('[FEED]', $source.Url).Replace('[FEEDNAME]', $source.Name + $feedNamePostfix) } $content += $newLine + $nugetPackageSourceFooterTemplate if ($UserName -or $ClearTextPAT) { foreach ($source in $NugetPackageSource) { if (!$script:NuGetEndpointCredentials.ContainsKey($source.Url)) { $script:NuGetEndpointCredentials.Add($source.Url, @{ endpoint = $source.Url username = $UserName password = $ClearTextPAT }) } } } $content += $newLine + $nugetConfigFooterTemplate Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $Destination 'nuget.config') -Value $content -Force } function Clear-PipelineNugetAuthentication { $script:NuGetEndpointCredentials.Clear() } function Set-PipelineNugetAuthentication { $endpointcredentials = @() foreach ($key in $script:NuGetEndpointCredentials.Keys) { $endpointcredentials += $script:NuGetEndpointCredentials[$key] } $json = @{ endpointCredentials = $endpointcredentials } | convertto-json -Compress Set-PipelineVariable -Name 'VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS' -Value $json } function Set-CorrectLocale { if (-not $IsLinux) { return } $environment = Get-EnvironmentInformation if ($environment.IsUbuntu -and $environment.IsUbuntu20) { $env:LC_ALL = 'en_US.UTF-8' $env:LANG = 'en_US.UTF-8' sudo locale-gen $env:LANG sudo update-locale } # Output the locale to log it locale } function Install-AzCopy { $testPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\AzCopy.exe" if (Test-Path $testPath) { Write-Verbose "AzCopy already installed" -Verbose return } $destination = "$env:TEMP\azcopy10.zip" $downloadLocation = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://aka.ms/downloadazcopy-v10-windows -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -SkipHttpErrorCheck).headers.location | Select-Object -First 1 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadLocation -OutFile $destination -Verbose Expand-archive -Path $destination -Destinationpath '$(Agent.ToolsDirectory)\azcopy10' } function Find-AzCopy { $searchPaths = @('$(Agent.ToolsDirectory)\azcopy10\AzCopy.exe', "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\AzCopy.exe", "C:\azcopy10\AzCopy.exe") foreach ($filter in $searchPaths) { $azCopy = Get-ChildItem -Path $filter -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1 if ($azCopy) { return $azCopy } } $azCopy = Get-Command -Name azCopy -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -First 1 return $azCopy.Path } function Clear-NativeDependencies { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $PublishFolder ) $diasymFileNamePattern = 'microsoft.diasymreader.native.{0}.dll' switch -regex ($($script:Options.Runtime)) { '.*-x64' { $diasymFileName = $diasymFileNamePattern -f 'amd64' } '.*-x86' { $diasymFileName = $diasymFileNamePattern -f 'x86' } '.*-arm' { $diasymFileName = $diasymFileNamePattern -f 'arm' } '.*-arm64' { $diasymFileName = $diasymFileNamePattern -f 'arm64' } 'fxdependent.*' { Write-Verbose -Message "$($script:Options.Runtime) is a fxdependent runtime, no cleanup needed in pwsh.deps.json" -Verbose return } Default { throw "Unknown runtime $($script:Options.Runtime)" } } $filesToDeleteCore = @($diasymFileName) ## Currently we do not need to remove any files from WinDesktop runtime. $filesToDeleteWinDesktop = @() $deps = Get-Content "$PublishFolder/pwsh.deps.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20 $targetRuntime = ".NETCoreApp,Version=v9.0/$($script:Options.Runtime)" $runtimePackNetCore = $deps.targets.${targetRuntime}.PSObject.Properties.Name -like 'runtimepack.Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime*' $runtimePackWinDesktop = $deps.targets.${targetRuntime}.PSObject.Properties.Name -like 'runtimepack.Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App.Runtime*' if ($runtimePackNetCore) { $filesToDeleteCore | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Removing $_ from pwsh.deps.json" -Verbose $deps.targets.${targetRuntime}.${runtimePackNetCore}.native.PSObject.Properties.Remove($_) if (Test-Path $PublishFolder/$_) { Remove-Item -Path $PublishFolder/$_ -Force -Verbose } } } if ($runtimePackWinDesktop) { $filesToDeleteWinDesktop | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Removing $_ from pwsh.deps.json" -Verbose $deps.targets.${targetRuntime}.${runtimePackWinDesktop}.native.PSObject.Properties.Remove($_) if (Test-Path $PublishFolder/$_) { Remove-Item -Path $PublishFolder/$_ -Force -Verbose } } } $deps | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Set-Content "$PublishFolder/pwsh.deps.json" -Force } function Update-DotNetSdkVersion { $globalJsonPath = "$PSScriptRoot/global.json" $globalJson = get-content $globalJsonPath | convertfrom-json $oldVersion = $globalJson.sdk.version $versionParts = $oldVersion -split '\.' $channel = $versionParts[0], $versionParts[1] -join '.' Write-Verbose "channel: $channel" -Verbose $azure_feed = 'https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet' $version_file_url = "$azure_feed/Sdk/$channel/latest.version" $version = Invoke-RestMethod $version_file_url Write-Verbose "updating from: $oldVersion to: $version" -Verbose $globalJson.sdk.version = $version $globalJson | convertto-json | out-file $globalJsonPath $dotnetRuntimeMetaPath = "$psscriptroot\DotnetRuntimeMetadata.json" $dotnetRuntimeMeta = get-content $dotnetRuntimeMetaPath | convertfrom-json $dotnetRuntimeMeta.sdk.sdkImageVersion = $version $dotnetRuntimeMeta | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $dotnetRuntimeMetaPath } function Set-PipelineVariable { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Value ) $vstsCommandString = "vso[task.setvariable variable=$Name]$Value" Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message ("sending " + $vstsCommandString) Write-Host "##$vstsCommandString" # also set in the current session Set-Item -Path "env:$Name" -Value $Value }