- Add VSTS CI for Windows
- Disable `Access-denied test for Get-Item C:\windows\appcompat\Programs\Install -ErrorAction Stop`, because the path does not always exist
- https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/7553
- Disable `Should give .sys file if the fullpath is specified with hidden and force parameter`, because pagefile.sys doesn't always exist and other files don't meet test's requirement.
- https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/7554
- Disable some `Test-Connection` tests for same reasons they failed on VSTS Linux
- https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/7555
- Disable `Test-FileCatalog should pass when catalog is in the same folder as files being tested`, because the CmdLet does not work in that scenario
- Also, give details needed to investigate when the test fails
- https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/7556
- Update `appveyor.psm1` to work with VSTS
- Update `HelpersRemoting.psm1` `New-RemoteSession` to work for CimSession (discovered an issue during the investigation)
- Update `Test wildcard with drive relative directory path` to work when there are multiple drives
- Disable on non-windows machines since the test is assuming drive letters
- Update `New-CimSession` Tests to requireAdmin
- Also, make sure session name is a string
- Add functions to save and restore psoptions
- update `.gitatttributes` so files clone like they do on appveyor
- add ending newline to files missing it using:
`awk -F: '$2 ~ / no line terminators/ {print $1}' ~/text-files.txt | xargs -I{} sh -c 'printf "\n" >> "$1"' - {}`
- update .gitattributes to enforce autocrlf on all text files
- added <copyright> opening element where it was missing
removed file attribute pointing to wrong filename
- fix mis-encoded character to apostrophe
- replace incorrect encoding of copyright symbol with (c)
- updated file hashes in the test