Christian Brauner 0c5fd887d2
acl: move idmapped mount fixup into vfs_{g,s}etxattr()
This cycle we added support for mounting overlayfs on top of idmapped mounts.
Recently I've started looking into potential corner cases when trying to add
additional tests and I noticed that reporting for POSIX ACLs is currently wrong
when using idmapped layers with overlayfs mounted on top of it.

I'm going to give a rather detailed explanation to both the origin of the
problem and the solution.

Let's assume the user creates the following directory layout and they have a
rootfs /var/lib/lxc/c1/rootfs. The files in this rootfs are owned as you would
expect files on your host system to be owned. For example, ~/.bashrc for your
regular user would be owned by 1000:1000 and /root/.bashrc would be owned by
0:0. IOW, this is just regular boring filesystem tree on an ext4 or xfs

The user chooses to set POSIX ACLs using the setfacl binary granting the user
with uid 4 read, write, and execute permissions for their .bashrc file:

        setfacl -m u:4:rwx /var/lib/lxc/c2/rootfs/home/ubuntu/.bashrc

Now they to expose the whole rootfs to a container using an idmapped mount. So
they first create:

        mkdir -pv /vol/contpool/{ctrover,merge,lowermap,overmap}
        mkdir -pv /vol/contpool/ctrover/{over,work}
        chown 10000000:10000000 /vol/contpool/ctrover/{over,work}

The user now creates an idmapped mount for the rootfs:

        mount-idmapped/mount-idmapped --map-mount=b:0:10000000:65536 \
                                      /var/lib/lxc/c2/rootfs \

This for example makes it so that /var/lib/lxc/c2/rootfs/home/ubuntu/.bashrc
which is owned by uid and gid 1000 as being owned by uid and gid 10001000 at

Assume the user wants to expose these idmapped mounts through an overlayfs
mount to a container.

       mount -t overlay overlay                      \
             -o lowerdir=/vol/contpool/lowermap,     \
                upperdir=/vol/contpool/overmap/over, \
                workdir=/vol/contpool/overmap/work   \

The user can do this in two ways:

(1) Mount overlayfs in the initial user namespace and expose it to the
(2) Mount overlayfs on top of the idmapped mounts inside of the container's
    user namespace.

Let's assume the user chooses the (1) option and mounts overlayfs on the host
and then changes into a container which uses the idmapping 0:10000000:65536
which is the same used for the two idmapped mounts.

Now the user tries to retrieve the POSIX ACLs using the getfacl command

        getfacl -n /vol/contpool/lowermap/home/ubuntu/.bashrc

and to their surprise they see:

        # file: vol/contpool/merge/home/ubuntu/.bashrc
        # owner: 1000
        # group: 1000

indicating the the uid wasn't correctly translated according to the idmapped
mount. The problem is how we currently translate POSIX ACLs. Let's inspect the
callchain in this example:

        idmapped mount /vol/contpool/merge:      0:10000000:65536
        caller's idmapping:                      0:10000000:65536
        overlayfs idmapping (ofs->creator_cred): 0:0:4k /* initial idmapping */

        -> path_getxattr()
           -> getxattr()
              -> do_getxattr()
                  |> vfs_getxattr()
                  |  -> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |     -> handler->get == ovl_posix_acl_xattr_get()
                  |        -> ovl_xattr_get()
                  |           -> vfs_getxattr()
                  |              -> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |                 -> handler->get() /* lower filesystem callback */
                  |> posix_acl_fix_xattr_to_user()
                              4 = make_kuid(&init_user_ns, 4);
                              4 = mapped_kuid_fs(&init_user_ns /* no idmapped mount */, 4);
                              /* FAILURE */
                             -1 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* caller's idmapping */, 4);

If the user chooses to use option (2) and mounts overlayfs on top of idmapped
mounts inside the container things don't look that much better:

        idmapped mount /vol/contpool/merge:      0:10000000:65536
        caller's idmapping:                      0:10000000:65536
        overlayfs idmapping (ofs->creator_cred): 0:10000000:65536

        -> path_getxattr()
           -> getxattr()
              -> do_getxattr()
                  |> vfs_getxattr()
                  |  -> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |     -> handler->get == ovl_posix_acl_xattr_get()
                  |        -> ovl_xattr_get()
                  |           -> vfs_getxattr()
                  |              -> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |                 -> handler->get() /* lower filesystem callback */
                  |> posix_acl_fix_xattr_to_user()
                              4 = make_kuid(&init_user_ns, 4);
                              4 = mapped_kuid_fs(&init_user_ns, 4);
                              /* FAILURE */
                             -1 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* caller's idmapping */, 4);

As is easily seen the problem arises because the idmapping of the lower mount
isn't taken into account as all of this happens in do_gexattr(). But
do_getxattr() is always called on an overlayfs mount and inode and thus cannot
possible take the idmapping of the lower layers into account.

This problem is similar for fscaps but there the translation happens as part of
vfs_getxattr() already. Let's walk through an fscaps overlayfs callchain:

        setcap 'cap_net_raw+ep' /var/lib/lxc/c2/rootfs/home/ubuntu/.bashrc

The expected outcome here is that we'll receive the cap_net_raw capability as
we are able to map the uid associated with the fscap to 0 within our container.
IOW, we want to see 0 as the result of the idmapping translations.

If the user chooses option (1) we get the following callchain for fscaps:

        idmapped mount /vol/contpool/merge:      0:10000000:65536
        caller's idmapping:                      0:10000000:65536
        overlayfs idmapping (ofs->creator_cred): 0:0:4k /* initial idmapping */

        -> path_getxattr()
           -> getxattr()
              -> do_getxattr()
                   -> vfs_getxattr()
                      -> xattr_getsecurity()
                         -> security_inode_getsecurity()                                       ________________________________
                            -> cap_inode_getsecurity()                                         |                              |
                               {                                                               V                              |
                                        10000000 = make_kuid(0:0:4k /* overlayfs idmapping */, 10000000);                     |
                                        10000000 = mapped_kuid_fs(0:0:4k /* no idmapped mount */, 10000000);                  |
                                               /* Expected result is 0 and thus that we own the fscap. */                     |
                                               0 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* caller's idmapping */, 10000000);            |
                               }                                                                                              |
                               -> vfs_getxattr_alloc()                                                                        |
                                  -> handler->get == ovl_other_xattr_get()                                                    |
                                     -> vfs_getxattr()                                                                        |
                                        -> xattr_getsecurity()                                                                |
                                           -> security_inode_getsecurity()                                                    |
                                              -> cap_inode_getsecurity()                                                      |
                                                 {                                                                            |
                                                                0 = make_kuid(0:0:4k /* lower s_user_ns */, 0);               |
                                                         10000000 = mapped_kuid_fs(0:10000000:65536 /* idmapped mount */, 0); |
                                                         10000000 = from_kuid(0:0:4k /* overlayfs idmapping */, 10000000);    |
                                                 -> vfs_getxattr_alloc()
                                                    -> handler->get == /* lower filesystem callback */

And if the user chooses option (2) we get:

        idmapped mount /vol/contpool/merge:      0:10000000:65536
        caller's idmapping:                      0:10000000:65536
        overlayfs idmapping (ofs->creator_cred): 0:10000000:65536

        -> path_getxattr()
           -> getxattr()
              -> do_getxattr()
                   -> vfs_getxattr()
                      -> xattr_getsecurity()
                         -> security_inode_getsecurity()                                                _______________________________
                            -> cap_inode_getsecurity()                                                  |                             |
                               {                                                                        V                             |
                                       10000000 = make_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* overlayfs idmapping */, 0);                           |
                                       10000000 = mapped_kuid_fs(0:0:4k /* no idmapped mount */, 10000000);                           |
                                               /* Expected result is 0 and thus that we own the fscap. */                             |
                                              0 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* caller's idmapping */, 10000000);                     |
                               }                                                                                                      |
                               -> vfs_getxattr_alloc()                                                                                |
                                  -> handler->get == ovl_other_xattr_get()                                                            |
                                    |-> vfs_getxattr()                                                                                |
                                        -> xattr_getsecurity()                                                                        |
                                           -> security_inode_getsecurity()                                                            |
                                              -> cap_inode_getsecurity()                                                              |
                                                 {                                                                                    |
                                                                 0 = make_kuid(0:0:4k /* lower s_user_ns */, 0);                      |
                                                          10000000 = mapped_kuid_fs(0:10000000:65536 /* idmapped mount */, 0);        |
                                                                 0 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* overlayfs idmapping */, 10000000); |
                                                 -> vfs_getxattr_alloc()
                                                    -> handler->get == /* lower filesystem callback */

We can see how the translation happens correctly in those cases as the
conversion happens within the vfs_getxattr() helper.

For POSIX ACLs we need to do something similar. However, in contrast to fscaps
we cannot apply the fix directly to the kernel internal posix acl data
structure as this would alter the cached values and would also require a rework
of how we currently deal with POSIX ACLs in general which almost never take the
filesystem idmapping into account (the noteable exception being FUSE but even
there the implementation is special) and instead retrieve the raw values based
on the initial idmapping.

The correct values are then generated right before returning to userspace. The
fix for this is to move taking the mount's idmapping into account directly in
vfs_getxattr() instead of having it be part of posix_acl_fix_xattr_to_user().

To this end we split out two small and unexported helpers
posix_acl_getxattr_idmapped_mnt() and posix_acl_setxattr_idmapped_mnt(). The
former to be called in vfs_getxattr() and the latter to be called in

Let's go back to the original example. Assume the user chose option (1) and
mounted overlayfs on top of idmapped mounts on the host:

        idmapped mount /vol/contpool/merge:      0:10000000:65536
        caller's idmapping:                      0:10000000:65536
        overlayfs idmapping (ofs->creator_cred): 0:0:4k /* initial idmapping */

        -> path_getxattr()
           -> getxattr()
              -> do_getxattr()
                  |> vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |  -> handler->get == ovl_posix_acl_xattr_get()
                  |  |     -> ovl_xattr_get()
                  |  |        -> vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |           |> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |           |  -> handler->get() /* lower filesystem callback */
                  |  |           |> posix_acl_getxattr_idmapped_mnt()
                  |  |              {
                  |  |                              4 = make_kuid(&init_user_ns, 4);
                  |  |                       10000004 = mapped_kuid_fs(0:10000000:65536 /* lower idmapped mount */, 4);
                  |  |                       10000004 = from_kuid(&init_user_ns, 10000004);
                  |  |                       |_______________________
                  |  |              }                               |
                  |  |                                              |
                  |  |> posix_acl_getxattr_idmapped_mnt()           |
                  |     {                                           |
                  |                                                 V
                  |             10000004 = make_kuid(&init_user_ns, 10000004);
                  |             10000004 = mapped_kuid_fs(&init_user_ns /* no idmapped mount */, 10000004);
                  |             10000004 = from_kuid(&init_user_ns, 10000004);
                  |     }       |_________________________________________________
                  |                                                              |
                  |                                                              |
                  |> posix_acl_fix_xattr_to_user()                               |
                     {                                                           V
                                 10000004 = make_kuid(0:0:4k /* init_user_ns */, 10000004);
                                        /* SUCCESS */
                                        4 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* caller's idmapping */, 10000004);

And similarly if the user chooses option (1) and mounted overayfs on top of
idmapped mounts inside the container:

        idmapped mount /vol/contpool/merge:      0:10000000:65536
        caller's idmapping:                      0:10000000:65536
        overlayfs idmapping (ofs->creator_cred): 0:10000000:65536

        -> path_getxattr()
           -> getxattr()
              -> do_getxattr()
                  |> vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |  -> handler->get == ovl_posix_acl_xattr_get()
                  |  |     -> ovl_xattr_get()
                  |  |        -> vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |           |> __vfs_getxattr()
                  |  |           |  -> handler->get() /* lower filesystem callback */
                  |  |           |> posix_acl_getxattr_idmapped_mnt()
                  |  |              {
                  |  |                              4 = make_kuid(&init_user_ns, 4);
                  |  |                       10000004 = mapped_kuid_fs(0:10000000:65536 /* lower idmapped mount */, 4);
                  |  |                       10000004 = from_kuid(&init_user_ns, 10000004);
                  |  |                       |_______________________
                  |  |              }                               |
                  |  |                                              |
                  |  |> posix_acl_getxattr_idmapped_mnt()           |
                  |     {                                           V
                  |             10000004 = make_kuid(&init_user_ns, 10000004);
                  |             10000004 = mapped_kuid_fs(&init_user_ns /* no idmapped mount */, 10000004);
                  |             10000004 = from_kuid(0(&init_user_ns, 10000004);
                  |             |_________________________________________________
                  |     }                                                        |
                  |                                                              |
                  |> posix_acl_fix_xattr_to_user()                               |
                     {                                                           V
                                 10000004 = make_kuid(0:0:4k /* init_user_ns */, 10000004);
                                        /* SUCCESS */
                                        4 = from_kuid(0:10000000:65536 /* caller's idmappings */, 10000004);

The last remaining problem we need to fix here is ovl_get_acl(). During
ovl_permission() overlayfs will call:

        -> generic_permission()
           -> acl_permission_check()
              -> check_acl()
                 -> get_acl()
                    -> inode->i_op->get_acl() == ovl_get_acl()
                        > get_acl() /* on the underlying filesystem)
                          ->inode->i_op->get_acl() == /*lower filesystem callback */
                 -> posix_acl_permission()

passing through the get_acl request to the underlying filesystem. This will
retrieve the acls stored in the lower filesystem without taking the idmapping
of the underlying mount into account as this would mean altering the cached
values for the lower filesystem. So we block using ACLs for now until we
decided on a nice way to fix this. Note this limitation both in the
documentation and in the code.

The most straightforward solution would be to have ovl_get_acl() simply
duplicate the ACLs, update the values according to the idmapped mount and
return it to acl_permission_check() so it can be used in posix_acl_permission()
forgetting them afterwards. This is a bit heavy handed but fairly
straightforward otherwise.

Cc: Seth Forshee <>
Cc: Amir Goldstein <>
Cc: Vivek Goyal <>
Cc: Christoph Hellwig <>
Cc: Aleksa Sarai <>
Cc: Miklos Szeredi <>
Reviewed-by: Seth Forshee <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brauner (Microsoft) <>
2022-07-15 22:08:59 +02:00
9p 9p: fix EBADF errors in cached mode 2022-06-17 06:03:30 +09:00
adfs fs: Convert block_read_full_page() to block_read_full_folio() 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
affs affs: Convert affs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
afs afs: Fix dynamic root getattr 2022-06-21 11:47:30 -05:00
befs befs: Convert befs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
bfs fs: Convert block_read_full_page() to block_read_full_folio() 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
btrfs for-5.19-rc3-tag 2022-06-26 10:11:36 -07:00
cachefiles cachefiles: add tracepoints for on-demand read mode 2022-05-18 00:11:18 +08:00
ceph ceph: wait on async create before checking caps for syncfs 2022-06-29 18:02:57 +02:00
cifs cifs: update cifs_ses::ip_addr after failover 2022-06-24 13:34:28 -05:00
coda coda: Convert coda to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
configfs configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem() 2022-02-22 18:30:28 +01:00
cramfs cramfs: Convert cramfs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
crypto fscrypt: add new helper functions for test_dummy_encryption 2022-05-09 16:18:54 -07:00
debugfs debugfs: Document that debugfs_create functions need not be error checked 2022-02-25 11:56:13 +01:00
devpts fsnotify: fix fsnotify hooks in pseudo filesystems 2022-01-24 14:17:02 +01:00
dlm dlm: use kref_put_lock in __put_lkb 2022-05-02 11:23:49 -05:00
ecryptfs ecryptfs: Convert ecryptfs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
efs efs: Convert efs symlinks to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
erofs Changes since last update: 2022-06-01 11:54:29 -07:00
exfat exfat: use updated exfat_chain directly during renaming 2022-06-09 21:26:32 +09:00
exportfs exportfs: support idmapped mounts 2022-04-28 16:31:10 +02:00
ext2 attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
ext4 attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
f2fs overlayfs fixes for 5.19-rc7 2022-07-15 22:06:10 +02:00
fat attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
freevxfs SPDX changes for 5.19-rc1 2022-06-03 10:34:34 -07:00
fscache fscache: remove FSCACHE_OLD_API Kconfig option 2022-04-08 23:54:37 +01:00
fuse libnvdimm for 5.19 2022-05-27 15:49:30 -07:00
gfs2 Page cache changes for 5.19 2022-05-24 19:55:07 -07:00
hfs fs: Change try_to_free_buffers() to take a folio 2022-05-09 23:12:34 -04:00
hfsplus fs: Change try_to_free_buffers() to take a folio 2022-05-09 23:12:34 -04:00
hostfs hostfs: Convert hostfs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
hpfs hpfs: Convert symlinks to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
hugetlbfs hugetlbfs: zero partial pages during fallocate hole punch 2022-06-16 19:11:32 -07:00
iomap Page cache changes for 5.19 2022-05-24 19:55:07 -07:00
isofs isofs: Convert symlinks and zisofs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:45 -04:00
jbd2 fs: fix jbd2_journal_try_to_free_buffers() kernel-doc comment 2022-06-16 10:36:09 -04:00
jffs2 This pull request contains fixes for JFFS2, UBI and UBIFS 2022-06-03 14:42:24 -07:00
jfs attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
kernfs kernfs: Separate kernfs_pr_cont_buf and rename_lock. 2022-05-19 19:37:06 +02:00
ksmbd acl: move idmapped mount fixup into vfs_{g,s}etxattr() 2022-07-15 22:08:59 +02:00
lockd NFSD: Move svc_serv_ops::svo_function into struct svc_serv 2022-02-28 10:26:40 -05:00
minix fs: Convert block_read_full_page() to block_read_full_folio() 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
netfs netfs: Rename the netfs_io_request cleanup op and give it an op pointer 2022-06-10 20:55:21 +01:00
nfs NFSv4: Add an fattr allocation to _nfs4_discover_trunking() 2022-06-30 16:13:00 -04:00
nfsd Notable regression fixes: 2022-07-02 11:20:56 -07:00
nilfs2 Page cache changes for 5.19 2022-05-24 19:55:07 -07:00
notify fanotify: refine the validation checks on non-dir inode mask 2022-06-28 11:18:13 +02:00
ntfs Not a lot of material this cycle. Many singleton patches against various 2022-05-27 11:22:03 -07:00
ntfs3 Ntfs3 for 5.19 2022-06-03 16:57:16 -07:00
ocfs2 attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
omfs fs: Convert block_read_full_page() to block_read_full_folio() 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
openpromfs fs: allocate inode by using alloc_inode_sb() 2022-03-22 15:57:03 -07:00
orangefs orangefs: Convert to free_folio 2022-05-09 23:12:53 -04:00
overlayfs acl: move idmapped mount fixup into vfs_{g,s}etxattr() 2022-07-15 22:08:59 +02:00
proc Not a lot of material this cycle. Many singleton patches against various 2022-05-27 11:22:03 -07:00
pstore pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code 2022-03-15 11:08:23 -07:00
qnx4 fs: Convert block_read_full_page() to block_read_full_folio() 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
qnx6 fs: Convert mpage_readpage to mpage_read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
quota attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
ramfs Merge branch 'akpm' (patches from Andrew) 2021-11-09 10:11:53 -08:00
reiserfs attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
romfs romfs: Convert romfs to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:46 -04:00
smbfs_common Add various fsctl structs 2022-05-23 20:24:12 -05:00
squashfs Page cache changes for 5.19 2022-05-24 19:55:07 -07:00
sysfs kobject: kobj_type: remove default_attrs 2022-04-05 15:39:19 +02:00
sysv Not a lot of material this cycle. Many singleton patches against various 2022-05-27 11:22:03 -07:00
tracefs tracefs: Fix syntax errors in comments 2022-06-17 19:01:28 -04:00
ubifs This pull request contains fixes for JFFS2, UBI and UBIFS 2022-06-03 14:42:24 -07:00
udf Page cache changes for 5.19 2022-05-24 19:55:07 -07:00
ufs fs: Convert block_read_full_page() to block_read_full_folio() 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
unicode kbuild: unify cmd_copy and cmd_shipped 2022-02-14 10:37:32 +09:00
vboxsf vboxsf: Convert vboxsf to read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:46 -04:00
verity Page cache changes for 5.19 2022-05-24 19:55:07 -07:00
xfs overlayfs fixes for 5.19-rc7 2022-07-15 22:06:10 +02:00
zonefs attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
aio.c Merge branch 'work.misc' of git:// 2022-04-01 19:57:03 -07:00
attr.c attr: fix kernel doc 2022-06-27 16:08:31 +02:00
binfmt_elf_fdpic.c coredump: Snapshot the vmas in do_coredump 2022-03-08 12:55:29 -06:00
binfmt_elf_test.c binfmt_elf: Introduce KUnit test 2022-03-03 20:38:56 -08:00
binfmt_elf.c revert "fs/binfmt_elf: use PT_LOAD p_align values for static PIE" 2022-04-15 14:49:56 -07:00
binfmt_flat.c binfmt_flat: Remove shared library support 2022-04-22 10:57:18 -07:00
binfmt_misc.c Fix regression due to "fs: move binfmt_misc sysctl to its own file" 2022-02-09 09:50:02 -08:00
buffer.c fs: Convert drop_buffers() to use a folio 2022-05-09 23:12:34 -04:00
compat_binfmt_elf.c binfmt_elf: Introduce KUnit test 2022-03-03 20:38:56 -08:00
coredump.c ptrace: Cleanups for v5.18 2022-03-28 17:29:53 -07:00
d_path.c d_path: fix Kernel doc validator complaining 2021-11-06 13:30:32 -07:00
dax.c libnvdimm for 5.19 2022-05-27 15:49:30 -07:00
dcache.c mm: dcache: use kmem_cache_alloc_lru() to allocate dentry 2022-03-22 15:57:03 -07:00
direct-io.c direct-io: remove random prefetches 2022-04-17 19:50:02 -06:00
eventpoll.c eventpoll: simplify sysctl declaration with register_sysctl() 2022-01-22 08:33:35 +02:00
exec.c This set of changes updates init and user mode helper tasks to be 2022-06-03 16:03:05 -07:00
fcntl.c VFS: add FMODE_CAN_ODIRECT file flag 2022-05-09 18:20:49 -07:00
file_table.c Descriptor handling cleanups 2022-06-04 18:52:00 -07:00
file.c fix the breakage in close_fd_get_file() calling conventions change 2022-06-05 15:03:03 -04:00
fs_context.c vfs: fs_context: fix up param length parsing in legacy_parse_param 2022-01-18 09:23:19 +02:00
fs_parser.c fs_parse: allow parameter value to be empty 2021-12-09 14:09:36 -05:00
fs-writeback.c writeback: Fix inode->i_io_list not be protected by inode->i_lock error 2022-06-06 09:54:30 +02:00
fsopen.c uninline may_mount() and don't opencode it in fspick(2)/fsopen(2) 2022-05-19 23:25:10 -04:00
inode.c writeback: Fix inode->i_io_list not be protected by inode->i_lock error 2022-06-06 09:54:30 +02:00
internal.h Cleanups (and one fix) around struct mount handling. 2022-06-04 19:00:05 -07:00
io_uring.c io_uring: fix provided buffer import 2022-06-30 11:34:41 -06:00
io-wq.c io-wq: use __set_notify_signal() to wake workers 2022-04-30 08:39:54 -06:00
io-wq.h io_uring: add support for IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL 2022-04-24 18:18:18 -06:00
ioctl.c Fixes for 5.18-rc1: 2022-04-01 19:35:56 -07:00
Kconfig mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: cleanup CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE_FREE_VMEMMAP* 2022-04-28 23:16:15 -07:00
Kconfig.binfmt m68knommu: changes for linux 5.19 2022-05-30 10:56:18 -07:00
libfs.c fs: Convert simple_readpage to simple_read_folio 2022-05-09 16:21:44 -04:00
locks.c fs/lock: add 2 callbacks to lock_manager_operations to resolve conflict 2022-05-19 12:25:39 -04:00
Makefile Fix from Christoph Hellwig merging the CONFIG_UNICODE_UTF8_DATA into the 2022-02-01 11:13:24 -08:00
mpage.c fs: Change try_to_free_buffers() to take a folio 2022-05-09 23:12:34 -04:00
namei.c Several cleanups in fs/namei.c. 2022-06-04 19:07:15 -07:00
namespace.c Cleanups (and one fix) around struct mount handling. 2022-06-04 19:00:05 -07:00
open.c attr: port attribute changes to new types 2022-06-26 18:18:56 +02:00
pipe.c Not a lot of material this cycle. Many singleton patches against various 2022-05-27 11:22:03 -07:00
posix_acl.c acl: move idmapped mount fixup into vfs_{g,s}etxattr() 2022-07-15 22:08:59 +02:00
proc_namespace.c fs: add is_idmapped_mnt() helper 2021-12-03 18:44:06 +01:00
read_write.c vfs: fix copy_file_range() regression in cross-fs copies 2022-06-30 15:16:38 -07:00
remap_range.c Filesystem folio changes for 5.18 2022-03-22 18:26:56 -07:00
select.c select: Fix indefinitely sleeping task in poll_schedule_timeout() 2022-01-11 09:03:05 -08:00
seq_file.c rxrpc: Fix locking issue 2022-05-22 21:03:01 +01:00
signalfd.c Merge branch 'signal-for-v5.17' of git:// 2022-01-17 05:49:30 +02:00
splice.c mm: Convert remove_mapping() to take a folio 2022-03-21 12:59:01 -04:00
stat.c RISC-V Patches for the 5.19 Merge Window, Part 1 2022-05-31 14:10:54 -07:00
super.c block: add a bdev_stable_writes helper 2022-04-17 19:49:59 -06:00
sync.c riscv: compat: syscall: Add compat_sys_call_table implementation 2022-04-26 13:36:25 -07:00
sysctls.c fs: move namespace sysctls and declare fs base directory 2022-01-22 08:33:36 +02:00
userfaultfd.c mm/uffd: enable write protection for shmem & hugetlbfs 2022-05-13 07:20:11 -07:00
xattr.c acl: move idmapped mount fixup into vfs_{g,s}etxattr() 2022-07-15 22:08:59 +02:00