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BlueZ D-Bus Media API description
Media hierarchy
Service org.bluez
Interface org.bluez.Media1
Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}
Methods void RegisterEndpoint(object endpoint, dict properties)
Register a local end point to sender, the sender can
register as many end points as it likes.
Note: If the sender disconnects the end points are
automatically unregistered.
possible properties:
string UUID:
UUID of the profile which the endpoint
is for.
byte Codec:
Assigned number of codec that the
endpoint implements. The values should
match the profile specification which
is indicated by the UUID.
array{byte} Capabilities:
Capabilities blob, it is used as it is
so the size and byte order must match.
Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
org.bluez.Error.NotSupported - emitted
when interface for the end-point is
void UnregisterEndpoint(object endpoint)
Unregister sender end point.
void RegisterPlayer(object player, dict properties,
dict metadata)
Register a media player object to sender, the sender
can register as many objects as it likes.
Note: If the sender disconnects its objects are
automatically unregistered.
string Equalizer:
Possible values: "off" or "on"
string Repeat:
Possible values: "off", "singletrack",
"alltracks" or "group"
string Shuffle:
Possible values: "off", "alltracks" or
string Scan:
Possible values: "off", "alltracks" or
string Status:
Possible values: "playing", "stopped",
"reverse-seek" or
uint32 Position
Playback position in milliseconds
string Title:
Track title name
string Artist:
Track artist name
string Album:
Track album name
string Genre:
Track genre name
uint32 NumberOfTracks:
Number of tracks in total
uint32 Number:
Track number
uint32 Duration:
Track duration in milliseconds
Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
void UnregisterPlayer(object player)
Unregister sender media player.
MediaPlayer1 hierarchy
Service unique name (Target role)
org.bluez (Controller role)
Interface org.bluez.MediaPlayer1
Object path freely definable (Target role)
[variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/playerX
(Controller role)
Methods dict GetTrack()
Returns known metadata of the current track.
See TrackChanged for possible values.
void Release()
This method gets called when the service daemon
unregisters the player which can then perform
cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the
player, because when this method gets called it has
already been unregistered.
Signals TrackChanged(dict metadata)
This signal indicates that current track has changed.
All available metadata for the new track shall be set
at once in the metadata argument. Metadata cannot be
updated in parts, otherwise it will be interpreted as
multiple track changes.
Possible values:
string Title:
Track title name
string Artist:
Track artist name
string Album:
Track album name
string Genre:
Track genre name
uint32 NumberOfTracks:
Number of tracks in total
uint32 Number:
Track number
uint32 Duration:
Track duration in milliseconds
Properties string Equalizer [readwrite]
Possible values: "off" or "on"
string Repeat [readwrite]
Possible values: "off", "singletrack", "alltracks" or
string Shuffle [readwrite]
Possible values: "off", "alltracks" or "group"
string Scan [readwrite]
Possible values: "off", "alltracks" or "group"
string Status [readonly]
Possible status: "playing", "stopped", "paused",
"forward-seek", "reverse-seek" or
uint32 Position [readonly]
Playback position in milliseconds. Changing the
position may generate additional events that will be
sent to the remote device. When position is 0 it means
the track is starting and when it's greater than or
equal to track's duration the track has ended. Note
that even if duration is not available in metadata it's
possible to signal its end by setting position to the
maximum uint32 value.
MediaEndpoint1 hierarchy
Service unique name
Interface org.bluez.MediaEndpoint1
Object path freely definable
Methods void SetConfiguration(object transport, dict properties)
Set configuration for the transport.
array{byte} SelectConfiguration(array{byte} capabilities)
Select preferable configuration from the supported
Returns a configuration which can be used to setup
a transport.
Note: There is no need to cache the selected
configuration since on success the configuration is
send back as parameter of SetConfiguration.
void ClearConfiguration(object transport)
Clear transport configuration.
void Release()
This method gets called when the service daemon
unregisters the endpoint. An endpoint can use it to do
cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the
endpoint, because when this method gets called it has
already been unregistered.
MediaTransport1 hierarchy
Service org.bluez
Interface org.bluez.MediaTransport1
Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/fdX
Methods fd, uint16, uint16 Acquire()
Acquire transport file descriptor and the MTU for read
and write respectively.
fd, uint16, uint16 TryAcquire()
Acquire transport file descriptor only if the transport
is in "pending" state at the time the message is
received by BlueZ. Otherwise no request will be sent
to the remote device and the function will just fail.
void Release()
Releases file descriptor.
Properties object Device [readonly]
Device object which the transport is connected to.
string UUID [readonly]
UUID of the profile which the transport is for.
byte Codec [readonly]
Assigned number of codec that the transport support.
The values should match the profile specification which
is indicated by the UUID.
array{byte} Configuration [readonly]
Configuration blob, it is used as it is so the size and
byte order must match.
string State [readonly]
Indicates the state of the transport. Possible
values are:
"idle": not streaming
"pending": streaming but not acquired
"active": streaming and acquired
uint16 Delay [readwrite]
Optional. Transport delay in 1/10 of millisecond, this
property is only writeable when the transport was
acquired by the sender.
boolean NREC [readwrite]
Optional. Indicates if echo cancelling and noise
reduction functions are active in the transport, this
property is only writeable when the transport was
acquired by the sender.
boolean InbandRingtone [readwrite]
Optional. Indicates if the transport support sending
ringtones, this property is only writeable when the
transport was acquired by the sender.
string Routing [readonly]
Optional. Indicates where is the transport being routed
Possible Values: "HCI" or "PCM"
uint16 Volume [readwrite]
Optional. Indicates volume level of the transport,
this property is only writeable when the transport was
acquired by the sender.
Possible Values: 0-127