# Maintainer: Lone_Wolf # Maintainer: Reza Jahanbakhshi # Contributor: Kristian Klausen # Contributor: Egon Ashrafinia # Contributor: Tavian Barnes # Contributor: Jan de Groot # Contributor: Andreas Radke # Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail > # Contributor: Antti "Tera" Oja # Contributor: Diego Jose pkgname=mesa-git pkgdesc="an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification, git version" pkgver=22.0.0_devel.146467.8ec68243357 pkgrel=1 arch=('x86_64') makedepends=('git' 'python-mako' 'xorgproto' 'libxml2' 'libx11' 'libvdpau' 'libva' 'elfutils' 'libxrandr' 'ocl-icd' 'wayland-protocols' 'meson' 'ninja' 'glslang') depends=('libdrm' 'libxxf86vm' 'libxdamage' 'libxshmfence' 'libelf' 'libomxil-bellagio' 'libunwind' 'libglvnd' 'wayland' 'lm_sensors' 'libclc' 'vulkan-icd-loader' 'zstd' 'expat') optdepends=('opengl-man-pages: for the OpenGL API man pages') provides=('mesa' 'opencl-mesa' 'vulkan-intel' 'vulkan-radeon' 'vulkan-mesa-layer' 'libva-mesa-driver' 'mesa-vdpau' 'vulkan-swrast' 'vulkan-driver' 'mesa-libgl' 'opengl-driver' 'opencl-driver') conflicts=('mesa' 'opencl-mesa' 'vulkan-intel' 'vulkan-radeon' 'vulkan-mesa-layer' 'libva-mesa-driver' 'mesa-vdpau' 'vulkan-swrast' 'mesa-libgl') url="https://www.mesa3d.org" license=('custom') source=('mesa::git+https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa.git#branch=main' 'LICENSE' ) md5sums=('SKIP' '5c65a0fe315dd347e09b1f2826a1df5a') sha512sums=('SKIP' '25da77914dded10c1f432ebcbf29941124138824ceecaf1367b3deedafaecabc082d463abcfa3d15abff59f177491472b505bcb5ba0c4a51bb6b93b4721a23c2') # NINJAFLAGS is an env var used to pass commandline options to ninja # NOTE: It's your responbility to validate the value of $NINJAFLAGS. If unsure, don't set it. # MESA_WHICH_LLVM is an environment variable that determines which llvm package tree is used to built mesa-git against. # Adding a line to ~/.bashrc that sets this value is the simplest way to ensure a specific choice. # # NOTE: Aur helpers don't handle this method well, check the sticky comments on mesa-git aur page . # # 1: llvm-minimal-git (aur) preferred value # 2: AUR llvm-git # 3: llvm-git from LordHeavy unofficial repo # 4 llvm (stable from extra) Default value # if [[ ! $MESA_WHICH_LLVM ]] ; then MESA_WHICH_LLVM=4 fi case $MESA_WHICH_LLVM in 1) # aur llvm-minimal-git makedepends+=('llvm-minimal-git') depends+=('llvm-libs-minimal-git') optdepends+=('llvm-minimal-git: opencl') ;; 2) # aur llvm-git # depending on aur-llvm-* to avoid mixup with LH llvm-git makedepends+=('aur-llvm-git') depends+=('aur-llvm-libs-git') optdepends+=('aur-llvm-git: opencl') ;; 3) # mesa-git/llvm-git (lordheavy unofficial repo) makedepends+=('llvm-git' 'clang-git') depends+=('llvm-libs-git') optdepends+=('clang-git: opencl' 'compiler-rt: opencl') ;; 4) # extra/llvm makedepends+=(llvm=12.0.1 clang=12.0.1) depends+=(llvm-libs=12.0.1) optdepends+=('clang: opencl' 'compiler-rt: opencl') ;; *) esac pkgver() { cd mesa read -r _ver