2024-07-21 17:32:19 +08:00

170 lines
5.2 KiB

import os
import shutil
from logging import getLogger
from builder.lib import utils
from builder.component import user
from builder.lib.config import ArchBuilderConfigError
from builder.lib.context import ArchBuilderContext
from builder.lib.cgroup import CGroup
log = getLogger(__name__)
def chroot_run(
ctx: ArchBuilderContext,
cmd: str | list[str],
cwd: str = None,
env: dict = None,
stdin: str | bytes = None,
cgroup: CGroup = None,
) -> int:
Chroot into rootfs and run programs
If you are running a cross build, you need install qemu-user-static-binfmt
if not ctx.chroot:
raise RuntimeError("rootfs is not ready for chroot")
path = ctx.get_rootfs()
args = ["chroot", path]
return ctx.run_external(args, cwd, env, stdin, cgroup)
def proc_mkdir(ctx: ArchBuilderContext, file: dict, path: str):
root = ctx.get_rootfs()
dir_uid, dir_gid, dir_mode = 0, 0, 0o0755
if "mkdir" in file:
if type(file["mkdir"]) is bool:
# mkdir = False: skip mkdir
if not file["mkdir"]: return
elif type(file["mkdir"]) is dict:
if "mode" in file: dir_mode = int(file["mode"])
dir_uid, dir_gid = user.parse_user_from(ctx, file)
# mkdir recursive
def mkdir_loop(folder: str):
# strip end slash
if folder.endswith("/"): folder = folder[0:-1]
if len(folder) == 0: return
# resolve to rootfs
real = os.path.join(root, folder)
if os.path.exists(real): return
# create parent folder first
log.debug(f"create folder {real} with {dir_mode:04o}")
os.mkdir(real, mode=dir_mode)
log.debug(f"chown folder {real} to {dir_uid}:{dir_gid}")
os.chown(real, uid=dir_uid, gid=dir_gid)
def check_allowed(path: str, action: str):
Check add / remove files is in allowed files
Why we cannot write into others folder?
1. Write to pacman managed folders (/usr, /opt, ...) WILL BREAK SYSTEM UPGRADE
2. Never add files to homes (/home/xxx, /root, ...),
when someone create new users, these configs will broken.
What if I want to write to other folders?
1. /usr/bin/ /usr/lib/ /opt/ ...: you should not add files here,
please make a package and install via pacman.
2. /home/xxx: add files into /etc/skel, they will copy when user create
3. /usr/lib/systemd/system: do not add service or override into here,
please use /etc/systemd/system (see Unit File Load Path in man:systemd.unit(5))
4. /run /tmp /dev: there are mount as virtual filesystem when booting,
you can use systemd-tmpfiles to create in these folders (/etc/tmpfiles.d)
Why these folder is writable
1. /etc/ is used for administrator configs
2. /boot/ is used for system boot up, you can put bootloaders configs into this folder
3. /var/ is used for daemons runtime states
3. /usr/lib/modules/ is used for kernel modules (custom kernel)
3. /usr/lib/firmware/ is used for system firmware (custom firmware)
allow_list = (
if not path.startswith(allow_list):
raise ArchBuilderConfigError(f"{action} {path} is not allowed")
def add_file(ctx: ArchBuilderContext, file: dict):
# at least path content
if "path" not in file:
raise ArchBuilderConfigError("no path set in file")
if "content" not in file and "source" not in file:
raise ArchBuilderConfigError("no content or source set in file")
root = ctx.get_rootfs()
path: str = file["path"]
if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:]
uid, gid = user.parse_user_from(ctx, file)
# file encoding. default to UTF-8
encode = file["encode"] if "encode" in file else "utf-8"
# follow symbolic links
follow = file["follow"] if "follow" in file else True
# source is a folder
folder = file["folder"] if "folder" in file else False
# files mode
mode = int(file["mode"]) if "mode" in file else 0o0644
check_allowed(file["path"], "add files into")
# create parent folders
proc_mkdir(ctx, file, path)
# resolve to rootfs
real = os.path.join(root, path)
if "content" in file:
if not follow and os.path.exists(real): os.remove(real)
log.debug(f"create file {real}")
with open(real, "wb") as f:
content: str = file["content"]
"write to %s with %s",
real, content.strip()
elif "source" in file:
src: str = file["source"]
if not src.startswith("/"):
src = os.path.join(ctx.dir, src)
log.debug(f"copy {src} to {real}")
if folder:
shutil.copytree(src, real, symlinks=follow)
shutil.copyfile(src, real, follow_symlinks=follow)
assert False
log.debug(f"chmod file {real} to {mode:04o}")
os.chmod(real, mode=mode)
log.debug(f"chown file {real} to {uid}:{gid}")
os.chown(real, uid=uid, gid=gid)"adding file %s successful", file["path"])
def add_files_all(ctx: ArchBuilderContext, stage: str = None):
for file in ctx.get("filesystem.files", []):
cs = file["stage"] if "stage" in file else None
if cs != stage: continue
add_file(ctx, file)
def remove_all(ctx: ArchBuilderContext):
for file in ctx.get("filesystem.remove", []):
check_allowed(file, "remove files from")
def proc_filesystem(ctx: ArchBuilderContext):