import os import yaml from logging import getLogger from builder.lib import json from builder.lib.cpu import cpu_arch_compatible from builder.lib.context import ArchBuilderContext log = getLogger(__name__) class ArchBuilderConfigError(Exception): pass def _dict_merge(dst: dict, src: dict): """ Merge two dict with override """ for key in src.keys(): st = type(src[key]) if key in dst and st is type(dst[key]): if st == list: dst[key].extend(src[key]) continue if st == dict: _dict_merge(dst[key], src[key]) continue dst[key] = src[key] def load_config_file(ctx: ArchBuilderContext, path: str): """ Load one config (yaml/json) to context """ log.debug(f"try to open config {path}") try: with open(path, "r") as f: if path.endswith((".yml", ".yaml")): log.debug(f"load {path} as yaml") loaded = yaml.safe_load(f) elif path.endswith((".jsn", ".json")): log.debug(f"load {path} as json") loaded = json.load(f)"loaded config {path}") except BaseException: log.error(f"failed to load config {path}") raise def _proc_include(inc: str | list[str]): pt = type(inc) if pt is str: inc = [inc] elif pt is list: pass else: raise ArchBuilderConfigError("bad type for also") load_configs(ctx, inc) if loaded is None: return if "+also" in loaded: _proc_include(loaded["+also"]) loaded.pop("+also") if ctx.config is None: log.debug(f"use {path} as current config") ctx.config = loaded else: log.debug(f"merge {path} into current config") _dict_merge(ctx.config, loaded) if "+then" in loaded: _proc_include(loaded["+then"]) loaded.pop("+then") def populate_config(ctx: ArchBuilderContext): ctx.finish_config() ctx.resolve_subscript() if "target" not in ctx.config: raise ArchBuilderConfigError("no target set") if "arch" not in ctx.config: raise ArchBuilderConfigError("no cpu arch set") = ctx.config["target"] ctx.tgt_arch = ctx.config["arch"] if ctx.tgt_arch == "any" or ctx.cur_arch == "any": raise ArchBuilderConfigError("bad cpu arch value") if not cpu_arch_compatible(ctx.tgt_arch, ctx.cur_arch): log.warning( f"current cpu arch {ctx.cur_arch} is not compatible to {ctx.tgt_arch}, " "you may need qemu-user-static-binfmt to run incompatible executables", ) jstr = json.dumps(ctx.config, indent=2) log.debug(f"populated config:\n {jstr}") def load_configs(ctx: ArchBuilderContext, configs: list[str]): """ Load multiple config to context """ loaded = 0 for config in configs: success = False for suffix in ["yml", "yaml", "jsn", "json"]: fn = f"{config}.{suffix}" path = os.path.join(ctx.dir, "configs", fn) if os.path.exists(path): load_config_file(ctx, path) loaded += 1 success = True if not success: raise FileNotFoundError(f"config {config} not found") if loaded > 0: if ctx.config is None: raise ArchBuilderConfigError("no any config loaded") log.debug(f"loaded {loaded} configs") def load_preset(ctx: ArchBuilderContext, preset: str): file = preset if not preset.startswith("/"): file = "presets/" + preset ctx.preset = True load_configs(ctx, [file]) if "package" not in ctx.config: raise ArchBuilderConfigError("bad preset config")"loaded preset {preset}")