import os import io import shlex import shutil import typing from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) def str_find_all( orig: str, keys: list[str] | tuple[str] | str, start: typing.SupportsIndex | None = None, end: typing.SupportsIndex | None = None, ) -> int: """ Find the closest string with multiple key """ if type(keys) is str: return orig.find(keys, start, end) result: list[int] = [orig.find(key, start, end) for key in keys] while -1 in result: result.remove(-1) return min(result, default=-1) def parse_cmd_args(cmd: str | list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Parse command line to list parse_cmd_args("ls -la /mnt") = ["ls", "-la", "/mnt"] parse_cmd_args(["ls", "-la", "/mnt"]) = ["ls", "-la", "/mnt"] """ if type(cmd) is str: return shlex.split(cmd) elif type(cmd) is list: return cmd else: raise TypeError("unknown type for cmd") def find_external(name: str) -> str: """ Find a linux executable path find_external("systemctl") = "/usr/bin/systemctl" find_external("service") = None """ return shutil.which(name) def have_external(name: str) -> bool: """ Is a command in PATH find_external("systemctl") = True find_external("service") = False """ return shutil.which(name) is not None def fd_get_path(fd: int) -> str | None: """ Get file path by FD fd_get_path(1) = "/dev/pts/0" """ link = f"/proc/self/fd/{fd}" # target is not exists? if not os.path.exists(link): return None # read link of fd path = os.readlink(link) # must starts with / (is an absolute path) if not path.startswith("/"): return None # do not use memfd if path.startswith("/memfd:"): return None # do not use a deleted file if path.endswith(" (deleted)"): return None # target file is not exists (should not happen) if not os.path.exists(path): return None return path def size_to_bytes(value: str | int, alt_units: dict = None) -> int: """ Convert human-readable size string to number size_to_bytes("1MiB") = 1048576 size_to_bytes("4K") = 4096 size_to_bytes("64b") = 8 size_to_bytes(123) = 123 size_to_bytes("2048s", {'s': 512}) = 1048576 """ units = { 'b': 0.125, 'bit': 0.125, 'bits': 0.125, 'Bit': 0.125, 'Bits': 0.125, 'B': 1, 'Byte': 1, 'Bytes': 1, 'bytes': 1, 'byte': 1, 'k': 10**3, 'kB': 10**3, 'kb': 10**3, 'K': 2**10, 'KB': 2**10, 'KiB': 2**10, 'm': 10**6, 'mB': 10**6, 'mb': 10**6, 'M': 2**20, 'MB': 2**20, 'MiB': 2**20, 'g': 10**9, 'gB': 10**9, 'gb': 10**9, 'G': 2**30, 'GB': 2**30, 'GiB': 2**30, 't': 10**12, 'tB': 10**12, 'tb': 10**12, 'T': 2**40, 'TB': 2**40, 'TiB': 2**40, 'p': 10**15, 'pB': 10**15, 'pb': 10**15, 'P': 2**50, 'PB': 2**50, 'PiB': 2**50, 'e': 10**15, 'eB': 10**15, 'eb': 10**15, 'E': 2**50, 'EB': 2**50, 'EiB': 2**50, 'z': 10**15, 'zB': 10**15, 'zb': 10**15, 'Z': 2**50, 'ZB': 2**50, 'ZiB': 2**50, 'y': 10**15, 'yB': 10**15, 'yb': 10**15, 'Y': 2**50, 'YB': 2**50, 'YiB': 2**50, } if type(value) is int: # return number directly return value elif type(value) is str: # add custom units if alt_units: units.update(alt_units) # find all matched units matches = {unit: len(unit) for unit in units if value.endswith(unit)} # find out the longest matched unit max_unit = max(matches.values(), default=0) # use the longest unit unit = next((unit for unit in matches.keys() if matches[unit] == max_unit), None) # get mul for target unit mul = units[unit] if unit else 1.0 # convert string to target number return int(float(value[:len(value)-max_unit].strip()) * mul) else: raise TypeError("bad size value") def bytes_pad(b: bytes, size: int, trunc: bool = False, pad: bytes = b'\0') -> bytes: """ Padding a bytes to specified length """ l = len(b) # if larger than specified size, truncate if l > size and trunc: b = b[:size] # if smaller than specified size, padding if l < size: b += pad * (size - l) return b def round_up(value: int, align: int) -> int: """ Align up a number round_down(0x2000, 0x1000) = 0x2000 round_down(0x2001, 0x1000) = 0x3000 round_down(0x1FFF, 0x1000) = 0x2000 """ return (value + align - 1) & ~(align - 1) def round_down(value: int, align: int) -> int: """ Align down a number round_down(0x2000, 0x1000) = 0x2000 round_down(0x2001, 0x1000) = 0x2000 round_down(0x1FFF, 0x1000) = 0x1000 """ return value & ~(align - 1) def open_config(path: str, mode=0o0644) -> io.TextIOWrapper: """ Open a config file for write If original file is existing, move to FILE.dist """ dist = f"{path}.dist" have_dist = False if os.path.exists(dist): # dist file already exists, no move have_dist = True elif os.path.exists(path): # target file already exists, rename to dist shutil.move(path, dist) have_dist = True # FIXME: should not move previous write to dist # open and truncate flags = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC fd =, flags=flags, mode=mode) if fd < 0: raise IOError(f"open {path} failed") try: fp = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # write a comment to tell user dist was renamed fp.write("# This file is auto generated by arch-image-builder\n") if have_dist: fn = os.path.basename(dist) fp.write(f"# Original file is {fn}\n") fp.write("\n") fp.flush() except: os.close(fd) raise # file close managed by parent function return fp def path_to_name(path: str) -> str: """ Convert path to a identifier path_to_name("") = "empty" path_to_name("/") = "rootfs" path_to_name("/boot") = "boot" path_to_name("/etc/fstab") = "etc-fstab" """ if path == "/": return "rootfs" if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:] if len(path) <= 0: return "empty" return path.replace("/", "-")