
134 lines
3.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import io
import stat
import fcntl
import ctypes
from logging import getLogger
from builder.disk.layout import ioctl
from builder.lib.utils import bytes_pad
log = getLogger(__name__)
class DiskIO:
_min_sector: int
_fp: io.RawIOBase
_opened: bool
_sector: int
_cached: dict
align: int
def load_block_info(self):
if self._fp is None: return
fd = self._fp.fileno()
st = os.fstat(fd)
if not stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): return
val = ctypes.c_uint()
fcntl.ioctl(fd, ioctl.BLKSSZGET, val)
log.debug(f"Block sector size: {val.value}")
self._sector = val.value
except: pass
val = ctypes.c_uint64()
fcntl.ioctl(fd, ioctl.BLKGETSIZE64, val)
log.debug(f"Block total size: {val.value}")
self._cached["total_size"] = val.value
self._cached["total_lba"] = val.value // self._sector
except: pass
val = ioctl.HDGeometry()
fcntl.ioctl(fd, ioctl.HDIO_GETGEO, val)
log.debug(f"Block heads: {val.heads.value}")
log.debug(f"Block sectors: {val.sectors.value}")
log.debug(f"Block cylinders: {val.cylinders.value}")
log.debug(f"Block start: {val.start.value}")
self._cached["heads"] = val.heads.value
self._cached["sectors"] = val.sectors.value
self._cached["cylinders"] = val.cylinders.value
self._cached["start"] = val.start.value
except: pass
def sector(self) -> int:
return self._sector
def align_lba(self) -> int:
return self.align // self.sector
def align_lba(self, v: int):
self.align = v * self.sector
def total_size(self) -> int:
if "total_size" in self._cached:
return self._cached["total_size"]
off = self._fp.tell()
try:, os.SEEK_END)
ret = int(self._fp.tell())
finally:, os.SEEK_SET)
return ret
def total_lba(self) -> int:
if "total_lba" in self._cached:
return self._cached["total_lba"]
size = self.total_size
if size % self.sector != 0:
raise ValueError("size misaligned with sector size")
return size // self.sector
def seek_lba(self, lba: int) -> int:
if lba >= self.total_lba:
raise ValueError("lba out of file")
return * lba, os.SEEK_SET)
def read_lba(self, lba: int) -> bytes:
off = self._fp.tell()
ret =
finally:, os.SEEK_SET)
return ret
def read_lbas(self, lba: int, count: int = 0) -> bytes:
return bytes().join(self.read_lba(lba + i) for i in range(count))
def write_lba(self, lba: int, b: bytes) -> int:
if not self._fp.writable():
raise IOError("write is not allow")
off = self._fp.tell()
data = bytes_pad(b, self.sector, trunc=True)
ret = self._fp.write(data)
finally:, os.SEEK_SET)
return ret
def write_lbas(self, lba: int, b: bytes, count: int = 0) -> bytes:
s = self.sector
if count == 0:
if len(b) % s != 0: raise ValueError(
"buffer misaligned with sector size"
count = len(b) // s
if count * s > len(b):
raise ValueError("buffer too small")
for i in range(count):
t = b[i * s:(i + 1) * s]
self.write_lba(lba + i, t)
return b
def __init__(self):
self._min_sector = 512
self._fp = None
self._opened = False
self._sector = 0
self._cached = {}
self.align = 0x100000